Book Read Free

East Side Academy

Page 8

by K. E. Woodward

  Lincoln just sits in his seat like the calm guy he always is. “Better luck next time, Eleanor,” is all he says as he starts putting the game away.

  “Okay, okay!” Diana says as it is clear that both games are done and playing anymore might cause damage to a friendship. “I'm making nachos, there are more drinks in the fridge if anyone wants.”

  “Time for margaritas!” Teddy yells as he heads over to the fridge, grabbing everything he needs and then getting the blender. He stands at the back of the bar as if he is a bartender. I walk over to one of the stools and sit down.

  “One margarita, please!” I call to him.

  “Coming up!” Teddy says and throws a tea towel over his shoulder. He always loves getting into the bartender roll.

  Eleanor comes up and sits beside me. “One margarita, double shot!” she calls over the bar to Teddy.

  “I’m going to have to charge you extra!” Teddy says just before he starts the blender.

  “Oh, bugger off,” Eleanor says, but I don't think Teddy hears her over the noise of the blender.

  “Anyone else for a margarita?” Teddy calls out as he starts grabbing glasses.

  “I’ll have one!” both Diana and Sarah say in unison.

  “Lincoln?” Teddy asks while he pours the drinks.

  “I'm good, mate,” Lincoln says and holds up the beer bottle in his hand.

  “You’re not going to ask me?” George says.

  “You don’t deserve it,” Teddy says. “A tiny glass like this in your giant hands just doesn’t match.”

  “Hey!” George says. “I like the girly drinks too, in the comfort of you people is the only time I get to enjoy them.”

  “Fine,” Teddy says. “One more margarita coming up!”

  “No, I'm fine Teddy, I just wanted to make a point,” George says and holds up his beer bottle.

  “More for us then,” Teddy says as he tops off all the glasses and then lines three up on the bar for Eleanor, Sarah, and me, and passes one to Diana behind at the stove, and helps himself to his own glass.

  “Ahhh,” Eleanor says. “Just how I like it, strong, sweet and sour.”

  “I thought that’s how you liked your men?” Lincoln says.

  “No,” Eleanor starts, “I like my men how I like my pizza; hot and steamy.” And then she turns back to her drink.

  “I guess that explains why George is the only hockey player in our grade you haven't dated,” Lincoln says, winking at Eleanor and then smiling at George.

  “Hey!” George says.

  “We're too good of friends,” Eleanor says. “And George doesn't get my Friends references because he hasn't watched the show, so that's pretty much a deal-breaker right there.”

  “I don't get your obsession with it,” George says in his defense.

  “Could you BE anymore clueless?” Eleanor says to him and we all laugh except him.

  “Nachos are ready!” Diana calls out as she places them on the bar with an oven mitt hand. Everyone crowds around to start grabbing at them.

  “Mmmmmm…So good!” Sarah says. “Now I like my men how I like my nachos; hot and super cheesy.” Everyone laughs.

  “Well, I like my men how I like my whiskey; twice my age and from Scotland,” Diana says as she takes another sip of her drink.

  “You've been watching way too much of that Outlander show,” Sarah says.

  “Jamie is sexy and beautiful and just everything,” Diana says. “I can’t not watch it!”

  “What about you, Arya?” Teddy asks me. “How do you like your men?”

  “Why don’t you tell me how you like your women?” I ask, deflecting the question.

  “I can tell you how she likes her men!” Diana calls out. “She likes her men to have the first name James and the last name Fox!”

  “Thanks, Diana,” I say, not actually angry because I know James and I can't be a secret.

  “You know there are no secrets between us,” she says and then grabs another nacho chip.

  “So, it’s true then?” Lincoln says. “Wasn’t sure if it was just a rumour or not.”

  “He asked her out yesterday after soccer tryouts,” Eleanor says. “I'm jealous, he's such a cutie. If he was a hockey player, I would hate you,” she says to me, smiling. I know she is kidding, but I do think she might cause me harm if he was a hockey player, thank goodness he is not. I look over at George and he seems bothered by the news.

  “So, what are you guys doing?” Sarah asks and takes a sip of her drink.

  “He just told me that he's picking me up at 4:30 pm tomorrow and to dress casual, whatever that means for a first date,” I say.

  “Boy better not be shortchanging on this date!” Diana says. “I get that he hasn't taken a girl out in a while, but he has no excuse to treat you as anything but a queen.”

  “Aww...” I say, holding my hand over my heart. “Such a sweetheart, but I’m sure it will be fine. I’ll let you know how it goes.”

  “You better!” Diana says. “That boy has become a mystery the last two years. I feel like he avoids people as much as possible.”

  “Didn’t avoid Arya,” Eleanor says. “Ran up to her like a lovestruck boy the other day.”

  “You must have had quite the effect on him, Arya,” Lincoln says. “That guy hasn't gone out with a girl in two years.” I look at Lincoln. If Diana has become my closest girlfriend in this group, Lincoln has become my closest guy friend. So many people think that guys and girls can't be just close friends, that at least one of them will eventually develop feelings for the other, but I don't think that will ever be the case with Lincoln and me. We have a close friendship that I can tell neither of us wants to develop into anything more. We care about each other, and guys and girls can care a lot about each other without any romantic feelings.

  I look back over at George again and he seems fine now. But what happened before? Why did he seem bothered about me going on a date with James?

  Chapter 13 – Lucky

  “Early morning, she wakes up / Knock, knock, knock on the door / It's time for make-up, perfect smile / It's you they're all waiting for / They go / Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl? / And they say / She's so lucky, she's a star” – Lucky, Britney Spears


  The whole morning at work I was thinking about my date with James. Now that I am at home, trying to do homework, I look at the time periodically, thinking, ‘Should I get ready now?’ or ‘What do I need to do before he gets here?’. And then I remind myself that he's not coming until 4:30 pm, so there's not even a point in thinking about getting ready until 3:30 pm, but the afternoon drags on. I work on my history project because at least it's interesting and will keep me distracted and not constantly checking the time. Once I finish all the proofreading of my paper, I check the time. 3:12 pm. Close enough to 3:30 pm, let's round-up! I close my laptop on my desk, twirl around on my computer chair, and head to my closest. He said casual, but what does that even mean on a first date? Is that a hike? Is that a picnic? I have no idea. I pick out a long sleeve blue flowy shirt and pair it with black shorts, placing them on the bed along with undergarments. Happy with the selection, I go have a shower, shaving off any hair that might be visible in the outfit I've chosen, because heaven forbid should he finds out that hair grows there! I blow dry my hair out, perfecting it with the straightener, and then head back to my room and throw on my chosen outfit.

  “Arya!” I hear Mia’s voice call from outside my door. “Dad says James has to come into the house to meet him before you guys leave!” And then she tests my door and upon finding out it’s unlocked comes into my room. “Wow, you look hot!” she says.

  I look at myself in the mirror. “I hate it,” I say, not happy with how flowy the shirt is, it makes me look huge. I pull off the shirt and throw it on my bed and put on a loose burgundy V-neck and look in the mirror. “I need to change the shorts,” I say and then proceed to toss the shorts on my bed too and put on a pair of jean capris. I look in the mirror
again. “Perfect.”

  “Wow,” Mia says. “Only one shirt and pair of shorts on the bed, it’s usually a pile.”

  “Shut up.” I smile.

  “Just kidding,” Mia says. “You look great. Where is James taking you anyway?”

  “I have no idea, he just told me to dress casual,” I say.

  “Are you nervous?” Mia asks.

  “A little,” I say. “I really like him, I just can’t believe that he likes me.”

  “Why wouldn't he like you?” Mia says. “You're beautiful, athletic, and smart. Men should be on their knees in front of you. I should know, we look alike!”

  “Do you have men falling to their knees in front of you?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at my little sister.

  “Not yet,” Mia says. “But it’s only a matter of time.” She winks at me and I roll my eyes at her.

  The doorbell rings. “Shoot! What time is it?” I say as I look for my phone.

  “4:27 pm,” Mia says, looking at her phone.

  “Why is he early? Who arrives early anymore?” I say, running around my room to throw on my white Toms.

  “Don’t worry,” Mia starts. “I’m sure Dad will be happy to answer the door for you.”

  “Thanks for your help!” I say to her as I stand at my dresser, putting on my gold cross necklace as well as some mascara. “Okay, what else do I need.”

  “Phone,” Mia says automatically, and I point at her confirming this.

  “Where is it?” I say looking around my room. Why is it that I always have my phone on me, but right before I need to leave it suddenly disappears? I look everywhere around the room. Okay, think Arya, when were you using it last? Listening to music when I was doing my hair. I rush out of my room and find the phone on the sink counter, grab it, and put it in my back pocket.

  “Lip balm?” Mia says, holding up my lip balm for me as we stand at the top of the stairs.

  “Thanks,” I say, grabbing it and putting it on before adding it to my back pocket.

  “And maybe some cash,” Mia says, holding up a twenty-dollar bill. “You know, in case you get left on the side of the road, your phone dies and someone is driving by that will only take you home for money.”

  “Thank you for the mental image, Mia,” I say, grabbing the money from her hand and putting it in my other back pocket.

  “Not that I think it will happen obviously,” Mia assures me. “But on the off chance, you can thank me that you were able to make it home safely.” She smiles at me.

  “Okay, I should head down there and save James now,” I say and turn to go down the stairs.

  “Good luck!” Mia calls after me as I barrel down the stairs, turning left into the living room only to find my dad in his chair, talking to James, who is sitting on the couch.

  “And your parents know where you are going?” Dad asks James.

  “My mom knows where are going, Dr. Secord,” James says and then his eyes look to me as I walk in and a smile spreads across his face. My dad looks over to see what has captured James' attention.

  “Arya, nice of you to join us,” Dad says.

  “Thank you for answering the door,” I say to him. “Are you ready to go, James?” I ask, hoping we can make a clean getaway.

  “Yes,” James says, slapping his thighs and getting up from the coach. He extends his hand out to my dad. “It was great to meet you, Dr. Secord.”

  “Likewise,” Dad says as he stands up from his chair and accepts James' handshake. “Make sure to be home no later than 11:00 pm.” Dad gives a warning glance to James and then to me.

  “No problem,” James says before I have a chance to reply and then we finally make our escape from the house.

  “Have a good night!” Dad says as we walk out the door and I wave goodbye at him. I grab my dark brown leather jacket from the closet next to the front door before we leave. Approaching his car, James takes the driver's seat while I go into the passenger's.

  “I hope my dad wasn't too hard on you,” I say as James puts on his sunglasses, starts up his car, and pulls out of the driveway.

  “Nothing I can't handle,” James says. “He's just looking out for you. You look beautiful by the way.”

  “Even though you told me to dress casual?” I joke with him.

  “Trust me, you'll thank me when you see where we are going,” James says.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  James smiles to himself. “You’ll see when we get there, it’s not too far.”

  “If I guess where we are going, will you tell me if I’m right?” I ask.

  “Nope,” he says, without even considering it.

  “Bowling Alley?” I ask.

  “I already told you I'm not telling you,” James says.

  “I know, I’m just trying to read your facial expressions,” I say. “Maple Sugar Shack?”

  “No, but that’s a good idea,” James says. “Maybe next time.”

  “Oh, I’m already excited!” I say. “They have the best pancakes and sausages there.”

  “I'd prefer you to be excited about this night,” James says jokingly.

  “Oh, I am,” I say. “Drive-In Movie?”

  “Would you please stop?” James says and places a hand on my thigh as he’s smiling. “We’re almost there.” His hand is only on my thigh for a moment, but his touch sends a jolt through me and I can feel where his hand was long after it’s gone.

  “Fine,” I say. “I’ll stop, but I’m giving you some great date ideas for the future.”

  “Maybe you should be planning our future dates then,” James says and looks at me from the corner of his eye.

  “We'll see how you do on this one and go from there,” I say and smile at him.

  James slows down the car, putting his right indicator on, and pulls up into a parking lot. I look up through the windshield to see where he has taken me because I didn't pay attention at all during the ride, and immediately I recognize where we are. He has taken me to St. Paul's United Church.

  Chapter 14 – Hymn for the Weekend

  “Oh, angel sent from up above / You know you make my world light up / When I was down, when I was hurt / You came to lift me up / Life is a drink and love's a drug / Oh, now I think I must be miles up / When / I was a river dried up / You came to rain a flood” – Hymn for the Weekend, Coldplay ft. Beyonce


  He parks the car and shuts off the engine. “Are you coming?” James says to me.

  “You thought bringing me to church was a good idea for our first date?” I ask him.

  “It’s not what you think,” James assures me. “Just come with me.”

  “So, you’re not trying to convert me to this Protestant church?” I ask.

  James laughs. “I promise I am not trying to convert you. Just trust me.”

  And with those last three words, I feel safe. “Okay,” I say, and unbuckle my seatbelt. We step out of the car and head into the back of the church. I follow James, and he leads me downstairs and we walk into an open hallway. There is a kitchen to the right where people are beginning to put together food, and I can see ahead there is a large open hall where people are starting to set up tables and chairs.

  “So good to see you James!” an older woman with a clipboard says as she sees us walk in. “And this must be your friend,” she says to me kindly.

  “It’s great to see you as well, Margery,” James says. “This Arya, she’s going to help out with the dinner tonight.”

  “Well, the girls need some extra hands in the kitchen,” Margery says. “And the men would appreciate a young man to help with moving everything in the hall for setting up.”

  “Sounds good,” James says. “Can you please help Arya with getting started?”

  “Of course,” Margery says as if it's no trouble at all.

  James turns to me. “Once a month, our church hosts a dinner that is open to the entire community. I thought you would like to be a part of it. Everyone here is great, and I wouldn�
�t leave you in that kitchen if I didn’t trust that you would be fine.”

  “It's perfect, James,” I say, placing a hand on this arm to assure him.

  “Stop scaring her and go help the men out, James,” Margery says.

  “I will see you soon,” James says to me and heads out.

  “Let me introduce you to all the girls in the kitchen,” Margery says. “Here’s an apron so you don’t get your clothes messed up.”

  I take the apron and put it on, tying up my hair in a ponytail. I move slowly because I'm a bit nervous. James has taken me to a place I've never been and has left me alone, but he told me to trust him, so I will.

  “Ladies, please meet Arya,” Margery says. “She’s going to help us out with the dinner this evening.”

  They all smile at me, there are about six women, all in the range of forty to sixty years of age approximately. There is a kindness in this room, a warmth, and I can feel it radiating off them.

  “She can help me with the potatoes!” A woman calls out at the end of the center island.

  I look to the raised hand and follow towards the woman. “Hi, my name is Christine,” she says.

  “Arya,” I say.

  “So, we're making scalloped potatoes today, and you know how much people love potatoes, so we've got to make a lot to feed everyone,” Christine says.

  “I'll be honest that I have never made scalloped potatoes, but I'm a pretty quick learner,” I say and Christine just smiles at me.

  “I was about to start slicing the potatoes, but now that you are here, I'll show you how to how to cut them, and then I can make the sauce,” Christine says.

  And that's how it all began, Christine and the other ladies were all lovely to me the entire time we are preparing and cooking together. It was a lot of fun; the camaraderie makes the work fun and easier. These women are hilarious as well, telling all their stories and making fun of one another. Of course, they do ask me about James though.

  “We go to the same high school,” I say. “He thought that bringing me here was a nice idea for a date.”


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