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Sutcliffe Cove

Page 12

by Ariel Tachna

  Urged on by Gerald’s wordless encouragement, Brett fucked his eager lover with his tongue, working the hole until it was slick and loose and desperation was clear on Gerald’s face. Pushing to his feet, Brett shuffled close and slammed home, driving into his lover’s ass until his balls slapped what he’d just been licking.

  Gerald’s shout echoed in his own ears, followed by a near sob as the tension inside him kept twisting tighter and tighter until it was so much he could barely stand it. He was so far gone in it that his hands clenched white-knuckled in the sheets. He couldn’t even form the thought to jerk himself off and end the torture ripping through him.

  Brett tried to hold on to his control, but all he could manage was to pound Gerald into the mattress, bending him almost double as he leaned forward to nip at peaked nipples and then up toward Gerald’s mouth, hoping his lover would kiss him.

  His body being manipulated got enough of Gerald’s attention that he opened his eyes to stare at his lover. Licking his own swollen lips, Gerald released the sheets with one hand as he gasped with each thrust and slid his fingers along Brett’s cheek.

  “Come on, baby,” Brett urged, his hips thumping rhythmically against Gerald. “Come for me, just from my cock fucking you long and hard.”

  Gerald grasped at Brett’s shoulder as he shuddered, and he bit at his lip as he remained on edge. He’d not tried to come twice so closely together in a long time; even with Brett’s attentions, Gerald was usually pretty much done after one round. But tonight, the sheer impact and intensity of being rimmed roused him to a fever pitch. Shifting his hips to try to gain some little bit more that would be enough, Gerald moaned.

  “What do you need, baby?” Brett asked hoarsely as Gerald thrashed beneath him. “Come for me so I can fill you up so full you overflow. I want to lick you clean.”

  Brett using his tongue on him turned Gerald on like crazy; Brett promising it again after coming inside him did Gerald in. He gasped and cried aloud, finally finding the presence of mind to clutch at his erection and squeeze just as the cock driving into him rubbed against the sweet spot inside him. The shockwaves catapulted him into orgasm; his cock contracted, and Gerald wailed.

  Brett came hard as Gerald’s body spasmed around him a second time. Giving up his struggle for control, he spent himself deep in Gerald’s ass, thrusting through his climax until he was completely spent. Sinking back to his knees, Brett nuzzled Gerald’s now-limp cock, then proceeded to make good on his promise, licking gently at Gerald’s well-stretched hole.

  Gerald gasped and shuddered; he moved his hands to hold onto his shaking legs. “Bre… Brett… too much!” He moaned and another shudder rippled through him, extending the orgasm.

  “Do you really want me to stop?” Brett asked against Gerald’s inner thigh. “I will, if that’s what you want.”

  The whimpers that formed Gerald’s response were soft, but he kept his legs spread and even lifted his hips. He’d never felt this much at once before, and he was drunk on it. He didn’t want it to end. Smiling, Brett returned to what he was doing, slowly, tenderly licking Gerald clean, drawing out their lovemaking that much longer.

  Gerald slowly started relaxing as the energy seeped out of him and the sensations calmed, the gentle lapping a reminder of the explosive pleasure he’d just received. “Brett,” he whispered, propping himself up on one elbow.

  “Yes, baby?” Brett asked softly, lifting his head to meet Gerald’s eyes.

  Unable to put anything into words, Gerald simply lifted his arms to wordlessly ask Brett to come close. The endearment echoed in his head, and he felt like he’d come home to stay.

  Brett crawled up on the bed next to Gerald, rolling him so they lay properly before cuddling his lover against him, arms and legs entwined. Gerald sighed shakily and curled into him, basking in the warmth of their bodies as they held each other.

  GERALD was back at the ledgers later in the evening, wearing running shorts from his gym bag, the unbuttoned dress shirt, smudged glasses, and mussed hair. He read along, checking items against a list he’d made, tapping at the keyboard periodically, humming quietly.

  Brett sat across from him studiously refusing to look at his lover. The sight of Gerald there, so obviously recently well-fucked, was more of a temptation than any man should be expected to resist. A part of him wanted to take Gerald back to bed and fuck him again. Another part simply marveled at the ease he felt sitting there. Sure, the glasses were still an incredible turn-on, but Brett pretty much stayed turned on around Gerald even without them. More than that, he was amazed at how incredibly right it felt to have Gerald there with him, doing ordinary things.

  “Stay tonight?” The request was out even before Brett realized the desire had formed.

  The typing stopped. “Okay,” Gerald said amiably, pleased to be asked. It felt good to be with Brett, and it was no more difficult to drive into work from here than from home. Except tonight, he didn’t have clothes for tomorrow. “I’ll have to leave pretty early, but you’ll be up anyway.”

  “Yeah,” Brett agreed, more than a little bemused by the simplicity of Gerald’s reply. Did nothing faze the man? Other than rimming, anyway? “Work starts here far earlier than it does anywhere else.”

  “Yeah, I remember,” Gerald said, smiling at him across the table. “I get up early, but not usually at the crack of dawn,” he teased.

  Brett shrugged. “The horses get hungry. That’s the way a farm works.”

  “I understand,” Gerald said, accepting the statement like any other irrefutable truth. “I’d help out in the stables, but I’ll need to go home and get clothes for work.”

  The sudden desire to have Gerald there every morning left Brett nearly speechless. He nodded dumbly in reply to Gerald’s comment, his mind whirling as he tried to figure out how to suggest his lover bring clothes so he wouldn’t have to leave so early the next time he stayed.

  Gerald frowned as an odd look crossed Brett’s face. “Brett?”

  “Huh?” Brett said, returning to the moment and pushing aside the desire as far too sudden to mention just yet.

  “You just got the weirdest look on your face. If there’s something you forgot, I can go ahead home,” Gerald offered, his own brow creased in concern.

  “No, not at all,” Brett replied hastily. “Just a stray thought, that’s all. I’d really like it if you stayed.”

  Gerald’s charmed smile returned. “Me too. Maybe half an hour, and I’ll be at a stopping point with this,” he said as he tapped the pencil against his cheek.

  “Take your time,” Brett answered automatically. “I’ve always got paperwork to do.”

  Gerald nodded, happy that Brett seemed okay, and he went back to the ledgers and laptop, ready to be done so they could spend some more time together before bed.

  Brett’s mind raced as he completed the standard supply orders, filling in the columns without conscious thought. He hadn’t gone looking for it, but it seemed fate had dropped everything he’d never dreamed he’d have right in his lap. He just had to figure out if Gerald felt the same way.

  The only problem was that Gerald always seemed fine with whatever Brett suggested. He just didn’t know what to make of it, and it made him leery of suggesting things outright for fear Gerald would simply go along, regardless of what he really wanted.

  Gerald was relieved when he finished what he had to; it was getting more and more difficult to block out the memories of earlier that evening. What Brett had done…. He shivered a little and set his pencil down.

  “All finished?” Brett asked, the click of the pencil hitting the table drawing his attention. He closed the book and pushed it aside, stretching his back carefully.

  “Yeah,” Gerald said as he closed the laptop and the ledgers and slid the computer back into its bag. Then he picked up the glasses case, glancing up at Brett with a small smile.

  “Go ahead and put them away,” Brett said with a grin. “I’m not sure even your sexy glasses are enough t
o get me up again tonight.”

  Gerald chuckled and took the glasses off, tucked them away, and zipped up his briefcase. He stood up and walked around the table to stand next to Brett, his mind refocusing on what he’d promised himself in exchange for actually laying the groundwork for a good study of the farm’s books. “Well, I would have said the same thing after the first time you got me off earlier. The second was unbelievable.” He leaned over Brett’s shoulder to let his warm breath gust over his lover’s ear. “And you’ve had time to recover.”

  The tickle of air sent a shiver down Brett’s back, goose bumps raising on his skin as he looked up at Gerald in surprise. “Are you suggesting…?”

  “I’m not suggesting anything,” Gerald drawled as he drew Brett up out of the chair to stand chest to chest with him. “But I’m certainly going to do something. Come on.” He took Brett by the hand and led him toward the stairs, turning off the kitchen light as he went.

  Brett followed obediently, wondering what in the world Gerald had in store for him. Despite his earlier assertion, his cock twitched with interest beneath his sweats. Gerald went up the stairs and into the master suite, but he didn’t stop at the bed. He kept going until they were in the bathroom, where he leaned over the large, old-fashioned claw-foot tub and turned on the hot water.

  Brett watched, amused, as Gerald bustled around his bathroom, opening cabinets until he found a bottle of bath oil left over from when his parents still lived here and poured some in the steaming water. “Going to pamper me?” Brett teased.

  “Yes,” Gerald said blithely. “You certainly took care of me earlier this evening.” He sent Brett a significant look. “So strip,” he ordered.

  Surprised—an emotion that was becoming rather frequent with Gerald around—Brett did as he was told, pulling off the sweats he’d donned after they got up earlier and dropping the thin T-shirt to the floor.

  “Into the bath.” Gerald pointed as he waited, admiring the view of Brett’s ass. It was, in Gerald’s opinion, one of his best assets. He snickered quietly. Asset.

  “What’s so funny?” Brett asked as he climbed into the tub and sank into the hot water. It felt wonderful on muscles taxed by their extracurricular activities on top of his usual day’s work.

  “I was admiring your best asset,” Gerald admitted as he snagged a washcloth from the shelf and pulled the straight-backed chair from the corner over next to the tub.

  Brett’s eyebrows flew up. “And what’s that?” he asked, sputtering slightly.

  Gerald leaned over to drag the cloth through the water. “Your ass,” he said, as if it were something commonplace to think about.

  Now Brett sputtered for real. “My ass?” he repeated with a shake of his head. “Baby, you have too much going on in that head of yours.”

  “Mmm,” Gerald commented as he lifted the dripping cloth and dragged it over Brett’s shoulders. “It’s a seriously fine ass.”

  Brett told himself the color staining his cheeks was a reaction to the steam rising from the rapidly filling tub. “Aren’t you joining me?” he asked, trying to change the subject.

  “So I can feel that fine ass up close?” Gerald asked innocently, sliding the cloth around Brett’s throat.

  “If you want,” Brett replied in a strangled voice, his face flushing even darker.

  Gerald chuckled. “What’s the matter? Water too hot?” he teased. “Wouldn’t want that ass to be uncomfortable.” The cloth strayed down Brett’s chest.

  Brett just shook his head, too embarrassed to admit how uncomfortable Gerald’s frank perusal made him. It wasn’t false modesty; just a man’s discomfort with being so openly appraised.

  Gerald’s fingers wrapped in the cloth coasted over Brett’s belly. “You know the first time I noticed that ass? Noticed you?”

  “When?” Brett asked softly, his body thrilling to Gerald’s touch even as his mind still squirmed.

  “The first time I saw you riding Shah,” Gerald purred, moving to kiss Brett’s jaw just below his earlobe. “Puts that ass on fine display. I got hard standing right there watching.”

  Brett’s head tipped sideways. “That was months ago!” he protested, remembering.

  “Yeah,” Gerald admitted as he drew the cloth over Brett’s groin as his other hand moved to cup his shoulder.

  Brett wanted to ask what had taken Gerald so long then, but the hand on his cock distracted him, and his hips lifted off the bottom of the tub.

  Gerald slid the cloth between his thighs and moved it back and forth behind Brett’s balls as he watched the relaxed cock straighten. “That was the day you pretty much told me you liked men,” Gerald said. “The day you told me you had someone. So I contented myself with watching,” he murmured, sliding the cloth over one thigh and under it to rub the body part in question.

  “If I’d known I could have this, I’d have dropped him in an instant,” Brett admitted. “But I thought you were straight.”

  Gerald hummed a little. “Hadn’t come up before then. No reason to mention it.”

  “I suppose not.”

  Gerald leaned to place a simple kiss on Brett’s shoulder. “Does it matter now?” He moved the soaked cloth back up to Brett’s chest.

  “I suppose not,” Brett repeated. “We’re here, and the months in between weren’t wasted. We became friends, and that makes this so much more comfortable now.”

  “Comfortable,” Gerald echoed. “Yeah.” He fell silent then as he used the washcloth to rub Brett all over, including every finger and toe, then lingering between his thighs. He released the cloth and smoothed his fingers over Brett’s cock as he leaned over the edge of the tub to seek a kiss.

  Deciding the conversation was finished, Brett returned the kiss, his body reacting to the touch without his conscious choice. Gerald shifted to the edge of the chair to cup Brett’s cheek with his other hand, deepening the kiss and dipping his tongue farther into his lover’s mouth.

  The kiss was wonderful, and the touch of Gerald’s hand arousing, but Brett wanted more. He pulled back and focused on Gerald’s sparking eyes. “Either you need to join me in here, or we need to move to the bed, because I want to feel you against me.”

  “There’s not enough room in this tub for both of us,” Gerald murmured, pulling his hand out of the water.

  Brett rose to his feet, deciding right then that he needed to get a bigger tub. He wasn’t about to forgo the pleasure of sharing a bath with Gerald forever. “I guess it’s the bed then,” he said, reaching for a towel.

  Gerald beat him to it and started drying Brett’s body himself, taking advantage of the opportunity to grope and squeeze as he went—paying special attention to Brett’s ass, of course. Brett was on a long, slow simmer by the time Gerald finished with the towel. Brett shivered—from desire, not cold—and stepped from the tub, pressing close to his lover’s partially clad form. “You’re wearing too much clothing.”

  “Compared to you, maybe.” Gerald chuckled, looking down at his boxers and half-buttoned shirt. But he pulled the shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor before pushing his shorts over his hips and letting them fall.

  “Much better,” Brett declared, rubbing against all that bare skin. “Much, much better.”

  Gerald grinned and rubbed back, even hitching his relaxed cock against Brett’s thigh. “I think I’ll take this opportunity to drive you out of your mind. You’ll sleep very, very well.”

  “I’m all yours, baby,” Brett promised, cock twitching in happy anticipation. “Take me to bed and drive me wild.”

  Taking Brett by the hand, Gerald led him back out into the bedroom and to the bed, gently pushing him down onto the mattress. He settled on his side next to Brett and slid one hand from throat to belly. “So, we’ve been together a couple weeks now, and we established tonight that you’ve got more experience than I do. Now I want to know: What drives you out of your mind? Besides my glasses, of course.”

  “Having somebody play with my ass,” Brett re
plied, face flushing again. “Not much turns me on like a prostate massage. Except your glasses, of course.”

  “See, I knew you’d get off on my ogling your ass,” Gerald said with a grin. He rolled and grabbed the bottle of lubricant off the nightstand. “Want to watch?”

  “Hell, yes,” Brett replied, spreading his legs. “Unless you’d really rather I turn over.”

  “No,” Gerald said as he scooted closer. “If you’re watching I can also kiss you.” He popped open the tube and drizzled a generous amount on his fingers.

  “I won’t say no to that,” Brett husked.

  Gerald shifted to brush his lips lightly over Brett’s as he slid his fingers under Brett’s balls to rub at the sensitive skin hidden there before sweeping the slick digits over the twisting flesh, over and over, deliberately teasing just as he did with tiny flicks of his tongue.

  Brett tried to catch Gerald’s mouth with his, but each time he lifted his head in the attempt, Gerald pulled away with a shake of his head. Finally Brett subsided, accepting he’d simply have to wait for Gerald to give him what he wanted.

  “Good boy,” Gerald breathed as he rubbed his thumb against the giving opening, slowly caressing in circles just around the edges.

  Brett pulled his knees back, opening himself completely to Gerald’s touch, the bit of praise giving him an unexpected thrill. Gerald purred against his ear, nipping at the lobe as he pushed his thumb inside, just to pull right back out, only to repeat it over and over.

  Brett trembled, his body aching to be filled. He knew he wasn’t going to get Gerald’s cock again tonight, but he could get more than just that fleeting touch. “Please,” he begged.


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