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Treat Me: A Naughty Tale

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by Donn, KL

  Treat Me

  A Naughty Tale

  KL Donn

  Treat Me

  Naughty Tales

  Copyright 2019 KL Donn

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under the copyright reserved above, no part of this publication or any part of this series may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material. Your respect of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names of characters, places, brands and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and owners of various products and locations referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication or use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. This book is intended for readers 18 years or older due to bad language, violence, and explicit sex scenes.

  Cover Design & Formatting by Sensual Graphic Designs

  Created with Vellum




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8



  Trick or Treat Collaboration

  About KL Donn

  Also by KL Donn


  Trick or treat! We have something sweet for you to devour this Halloween! These sexy heroes are about to put you under their spell...

  But watch out for twists and turns, these new books will have you lusting for more!

  TEN brand new stories full of...eye-candy! This holiday collection is just the right treat to get you in the mood for a sinful Hollow’s Eve.


  Her eyes Tempt Me.

  She looks like sin.

  She dances like an angel.

  His hands Tease Me.

  He watches with a dark stare.

  He touches as if he owns me.

  She was my student.

  He was my principal.

  She won’t let me go.

  He can’t walk away.

  Trick or Treat

  It’s time to



  For everyone who likes it a little bit naughty ;)

  “Come on man, just one dance. A little fun. You gotta let loose!” I stare at Ethan Underwood—the history teacher at my high school and a good friend—as he begs me to accept his offer. He’s getting married in three weeks and I’m his best man. Friends since grad school, I only came out of obligation and duty.

  “This isn’t my scene Eth.” I mutter as I down another glass of Single Malt and he glares at me. He knows I’m going to do it, but I’m going to be a pain in his ass about it. “Fine.” I mutter and stand up, following him and one of the waitresses working in The Secret Garden—a fancy gentleman’s club downtown—as I wonder how quickly I can get this over with.

  Even though I’m the best man, Ethan’s brother Max is the one who set up the bachelor party for him when I expressed no interest in doing it. I don’t even know why he wants me to be his best man and not his brother.

  “You’re lucky, tonight you get our very own Eden.” The waitress grins like the name should do something for me. Other than being a great play on words, I couldn’t care less.

  “Thanks.” I mutter as she leaves with Ethan following behind like a lost puppy as I sit in the lone chair in the room.

  I’m shocked at its comfort and size. At over six feet tall and still fit for my thirty-nine years old, it’s not easy to find furniture this nice to sit in.

  “Welcome to the Secret Garden and enjoy your time with Eden.” A sexy voice whispers over a speaker hidden somewhere in the room.

  As music begins to play a slow beat, a woman comes through a curtain from the side. She’s in black thigh high stalking’s, white heels, and has a silk wrap covering her body. My cock jumps as I eye fuck her body.

  I’m old, not dead.

  That doesn’t mean I’m not shocked by my response to the woman. Hell, I haven’t had any interest since my last breakup—four years ago. There’s only been one woman since then I’ve been interested in and she’s off limits.

  Not that I’ll ever see her again. She had big dreams.

  Eden sways closer, spinning in slow sensual circles around my seat in the middle of the room. She has a masquerade mask covering the upper half of her face and her dark locks fall in curled ribbons down her back. The woman knows how to move and entice a man.

  I’m lost in the sexy fog of her presence and I don’t realize the slow song has switched to a faster one until she’s straddling my lap.

  “No touching.” Her husky voice breaths in my ear.

  “No promises.” I growl as I dig my fingers into the chair arms.

  I can feel the heat of her cunt just centimeters above my throbbing dick as she sways back and forth. Teasing the beast, I’m desperately trying to rein in.

  “You sound like a monster.” Her purred words only intensify the growling in the back of my throat. “I bet your wife loves it.”

  “No wife.” I bite out through a clenched jaw. I’d like to rip the black negligee she’s wearing off with my teeth.

  “Girlfriend then. A big bad boy like you can’t possibly be single.” She stands and turns, sits right in my fucking lap and grinds her voluptuous ass into my cock while leaning against my chest and staring up at me through the fucking mask.

  “Single.” I bite out the single word, trying to concentrate on not picking her up, slamming her back against the wall and driving my dick into her tight little pussy.

  “Really?” There’s genuine shock in her tone. “There’s a Halloween party next week, you should come. First dance is on the house.” Breaking eye contact, I allow my gaze to roam down her body, missing her chocolate coloured eyes already.

  My mouth waters as I see her perky nipples poking through the lace material of her gown. “Fuck that’s a beautiful sight.” I groan.

  “Thank you.” Her breath catches and it’s not until then that I realize I’ve reached over with one hand to grip her hip, holding her in place.

  “Shit. Sorry.” I mutter, not wanting her to call out for the bouncer and end this dance. I need more from her. So much fucking more.

  She tenses when I let her go and when she begins to stand up, I open my mouth to protest until she turns to straddle my lap again. Only this time she sits all the way down. Nestling my rigid cock between her thighs and rubbing up and down slowly.

  “Here,” she grips my wrists and pries them off the chair arms. I remain silent and still as she places one hand on her ass and allows the other to cup her breast. “Nice and easy.” Her breathing quickens as I sit up straighter and lean forward, breathing in her scent at the crook of her neck.

  It’s unique, something I barely remember smelling before. A mix of baby’s breath and raspberries. “Eden.” I moan as her actions pickup speed and I can feel my balls drawing up to my body, ready to release at such little contact.

  Fuck, maybe I a
m getting old.

  Eden leans down and I can feel her breath on my lips, just before we make contact a loud banging pounds on the door I came through followed by, “Five minutes!”

  She jumps in my arms, but I don’t let her go. I act on pure instinct as I pull her closer and control the motions of her body against me while stealing her lips for a deep plundering kiss.

  I suck her tongue into my mouth and grip her hips with both hands now, pushing her up and down on my length. Her body shivers and a low moan escapes her throat.

  Just as I feel her tense the music stops, and someone yells, “Eden! Times up.”

  We both freeze and she jumps back like I’ve shocked her. Our eyes meet and I swear I know them. I feel a soul deep connection I’ve only ever felt with one other person but it’s impossible.

  My Eden Glass left for the coast four months ago, after she graduated high school in June. She can’t be here at a club aptly named for her.

  “Thanks for the dance.” I call as she vanishes as quickly as she appeared.

  I walk out into the club, hard cock, pounding heart, confused about how similar she was to my Eden. My own forbidden fruit.

  “Hey, Eady. Got a problem.” My little brother Oliver says as I walk out of the bathroom after a hot shower. Last night there was a bachelor party at the club and after that third dance I was shaken. I wasn’t sure it was Mr. Daily until I got closer to him and then my body went crazy.

  “What is it?” I wait for him to speak as I pull the brush through my hair to untangle my damn curls. Everyone is so envious of my natural curl, but they don’t understand what a pain in the ass the upkeep is.

  “I need you to come to school today.” I stop all movement. Oli is in his first year of high school and for some reason he thinks he has to prove himself to the kids at John T. Maple High School. The same school I went to for my final year.

  The one where I fell in love with my principal and made a fool of myself at every turn. I thought his interest piqued after there was a big bust with a student and teacher about drugs, but I was wrong. He seemed to ignore me even more after that.

  It was a relief to leave.

  It was also heartbreaking saying goodbye to a man who barely knew I was alive.

  “What did you do?” I stare at him, trying to be the parent our parents should be. They’re off on another vacation. An Alaskan cruise, I think. They’re good parents, they’re just wandering souls. Staying still for long periods of time has never been easy for them. My older brother, Carson and I, were able to convince them to put down roots in Edmonton, Alberta, allow Oli to complete high school in one place and we’d take care of him while they were gone. Carson however was granted a huge military contract over the summer and now he’s flying back and forth from Ottawa and Vancouver as often as I need, which I try not to. He needs to focus on his career. I’m still figuring my life out so Oli can come on that ride with me.

  “Nothing too bad.” He looks away, which tells me, it was pretty bad.

  “Spill Oli.” I drop a hand on my hip in the hopes he confesses.

  He rolls his eyes at my use of his nickname. “There were these kids, they’re real jerks.” Oli is small for his age. Probably thirty pounds less than his peers and a few inches shorter so he always feels like he has to make up for it.

  “I’m waiting.” My foot taps on the floor.

  “I filled their lockers with inflatable boats so that when they opened them, it would explode open and they’d be knocked back.” I’ve got the picture in my head and I know I should be giving him trouble but all I see is Grown Ups 2, when Kevin James nails his buddies with one and I want to laugh.

  I turn and walk down the stairs needing to get myself together before I burst out laughing. “Was anybody hurt?”


  “Property damage?” Wouldn’t be the first time.

  “No.” This is good.

  “But…?” I know there’s something. There is always something with Oli.

  “I also put shaving cream in their mouth guards last week.” I can hear the defeat in his tone.

  Christ. “You really pulled out all the stops huh?” I never really thought I’d be walking back into JTM after leaving. I should have known better. “Get your crap together, we’ll leave in five.”

  I suppose this will be the test of whether or not Mr. Daily knew it was me last night or not. In some ways, I hope he does. I wanted his excitement to be for me, Eden Glass, and not for Eden of The Secret Garden.

  I enjoy working at the club. The owners are great and care about their dancers, and the bouncers don’t try and grope us. We get paid amazingly and stage fees don’t cost a fortune. Until last night I’d never been tempted to play with a customer. I couldn’t seem to help myself with Mr. Daily though, I even invited him to the Halloween party next week. I’m such a fool. A glutton for punishment it seems.

  “You’re the best Eady!” He calls as he runs back up to his room to grab his stuff.

  “We’ll see about that after I decide whether I tell mom and dad or not.” I mutter to myself.

  Oli is a good kid, he doesn’t typically do anything to intentionally hurt others. But he’s at that age now where size matters and kids are assholes. With our parents and Carson not around much, a lot of things fall to me, and I truly don’t mind, but teenage boys are a species I am not prepared for.

  Once we’re in the car and a block away from my old high school, I can feel my brother staring at me. “What?” I finally ask, turning my head to look at him as I park across the street.

  Instead of answering me, he jumps out of the car and stands on the sidewalk until I exit and slam my door shut. “Oli, what is the look for?”

  “You probably should have changed first.” He tries to hold in a laugh as I look down at myself and what I forgot I was wearing.

  Short cotton shorts—like, short, short. As in my ass cheeks are now feeling the slight morning breeze short—and a navy-blue tank top. Without a bra.

  “Why didn’t you say anything at home?” I snap at him as we begin to cross the street. I should have noticed but I was so shocked by his need for me to come, that I forgot. It’s not that the clothes can’t be worn in public, more that I don’t usually like to. They’re my comfy stay at home because I’ve been dancing all night long clothes.

  “I didn’t know you cared?” He smirks. The shit.

  “Well,” I draw the word out as I look around and see all the horny high school boys staring, some might even recognize me from my senior year, “Maybe you’ll get street cred for having a hot sister?” I try to play it off, but really, I just want a damn sweater.

  Even though it’s October, the weather is unseasonably warm, or I would have noticed before I left the house. Now I’m stuck.


  I shake my head as I hear whistling behind us as we walk through the front door of the school, heading straight to the office where of course the secretary from last year recognizes me. “Eady!” She calls, she was always a nice woman. “How nice to see you again!” I’m so glad there’s no judgment from her about what I’m wearing. I might have left if there was.

  “Mrs. Archer, you look wonderful.” She has a beautiful tan making her glow.

  “Why thank you, we had a wonderful late summer vacation in Hawaii and the tan seems to have stuck.” Grasping my arm, she draws me further into the office and it’s then I see him.

  Mr. Daily.

  Tall, dark, handsome.

  The man of my dreams.

  The one I fell in love with and now sends butterflies through my whole body.

  “Mr. Glass, I’m glad you brought someone in today. Mr. Daily has been waiting for you.” As if he knows his name was mentioned he looks up, his dark eyes capturing mine in an intense hold I can’t handle, and I’m forced to look away.

  I can’t tell from the stare if he recognized me from last night or not and I’m not sure I want to know. I can only pray I come out of this in one piece and wi
thout looking like a fool in love.

  “If he’s busy, I can come back.” I try to work my way out of it.

  “Mr. Glass!” Jack’s deep voice booms throughout the room, making my little brother stand up straighter.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Get to class.” Oli scurries out of the office faster than I can try and say have a good day.

  “Miss Glass, in my office.” My body lights up at his command and my feet move without thought. Strolling past his bulking frame, he slams the door shut behind him and the closed blinds clatter against the windows of his office.

  I’m turning around when I feel the warmth of his large hand gripping my bicep and spinning me to face him. Without a second he thought, his full lips slam over mine and I’m pushed into the door with his bulk holding me in place.

  Too confused and stunned to do anything other than allow him to plunder my mouth, I place my hands on his chest and hope I survive.

  I watched her walk in the school. I saw her pause as she stared down at her clothes. I growled as I heard the pissant boys under my command cat calling her.

  I damn near came in my slacks when our gazes collided, and I realized that she was my girl from last night.

  She is Eden.

  Not just Eden Glass, my former student.

  But The Secret Garden’s sensual dancer Eden.

  Both are the same to me and I don’t care how she came to be in my office, I’m just fucking glad she is. She’s mine now. I’ve watched this girl for over a year as she struggled to hide the crush she had on me from the world.


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