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Saved by the SEALs: A Military Reverse Harem Romance

Page 2

by Cassie Cole

  “I saw him do it. I’m okay.”

  Phillip swung a punch from behind, which smacked into Cairo’s left arm ineffectively. Cairo turned around in time to duck under Phillip’s next swing, then struck out with his own one-two into the Spaniard’s ribs.

  “You like drugging girls?” Cairo grunted in between blows. “You piece of shit…”

  “Phillip!” someone yelled. The crowd parted and two of Phillip’s friends entered the fight, not wasting any time to throw haymakers of their own at the big American. He ducked and rolled away, but they were quicker—and angrier—than Phillip.

  Suddenly the entire tempo of the fight changed; now it was Cairo against three smaller, but still able, men. They surrounded him and the crowd’s excited cheer rose above the sound of the techno music.

  “He tried to drug me!” I shouted, but my voice was lost in the collective roar of the crowd.

  Cairo moved like the final boss in a videogame—with devastating speed. He ducked under one punch, threw an elbow into the attacker’s nose, then twisted to knock aside another guy’s blow. He used his momentum to kick out Phillip’s knee and roll away from another swing, coming up with his fists flying again. He ducked and leaned and kicked, seamlessly moving from one defensive stance to another. Cairo wasn’t just some gym-bro who lifted weights out of vanity. His entire body was a powerful weapon.

  The crowd chanted with bloodlust. Drinks flew through the air, reflecting the flashing lights from the D.J. booth. A beer bottle hit Cairo on the side of the head without smashing, causing him to stagger. His three foes pounced quickly, one jumping on his back and wrapping an arm around his neck. Another punched Cairo repeatedly in the gut. The big American ducked down to throw the man off his back, then swung his hand in a backhand blow that caught Phillip across the jaw.

  Cairo was still winning, but I could tell it wouldn’t last long.

  Suddenly a man who looked like Cairo’s blond-haired twin pushed through the crowd. He wore almost identical designer jeans and an expensive tank top over his own muscular frame.

  “Cairo, what the fuck, bro?” he demanded.

  Cairo pointed in my general direction. “This guy spiked her drink.”

  The newcomer’s blue eyes swung toward me. “Oh, fuck no.”

  And just like that, without any other reason needed, he joined the fight on Cairo’s side.

  The two of them made easy work of their opponents now. The new guy had a sleeve of tattoos on his hand and arm, which flashed with shocking speed as he punched the largest of the men in the jaw. Cairo’s muscular arms were just as impressive as he pummeled Phillip in the gut and ribs. The three Spaniards quickly backed up and held out their hands like they suddenly wanted to talk things over.

  For a few seconds, everything was still.

  Phillip glanced at me, then darted over. I yelped as if he was going to attack me but he did something worse: he grabbed my beer and threw it at the ground, shattering the glass and destroying the evidence of his act. Club patrons shouted as beer sloshed across their shoes.

  Cairo took a step toward him. “If you fucking touch her…”

  The bouncers finally arrived, shouting and shoving through the crowd. At a glance it didn’t look good: Cairo and his ripped buddy were towering over the three Spanish men, who had their hands out protectively. The American men showed almost no signs of the fight, whereas one of the Spaniards had a broken nose and a face covered in blood. Phillip’s eye was already swollen shut, and he held his stomach protectively.

  I ran up to the bouncers. “El intentó…” I hesitated. I didn’t know how to say roofies in Spanish. “El trató de hacerme daño…” He tried to harm me.

  But the bouncers weren’t listening to me. Phillip’s friend was speaking rapid-fire Spanish, and then the bouncers moved toward Cairo and his buddy threateningly.

  “Okay, okay,” Cairo said. “We’re going.”

  Phillip said something to the third bouncer who arrived, then pointed at me. The bouncer rounded on me and grabbed my arm.

  “Oh, come on! I’m the victim here!”

  Phillip muttered, “Puta,” and spat on the ground as I was escorted out of the building.

  The outside air was cool compared to the warm club. The bouncer shoved us away from the door and then stood as if expecting us to try to fight our way back inside. Cairo’s blond friend gave the bouncer double middle fingers, a gesture which made the veins on his arms bulge.

  “Asshole,” he said.

  I sighed. “There goes my fun night. Thanks a lot.”

  Cairo’s amber eyes widened. The color was more pronounced out here. “Are you mad at me?”

  “I knew he spiked my drink!” I said. “I saw him do it. I was toying with him, then I was going to report him to the bouncers. I could have shown them the pill still dissolving in my beer.”

  “Oh fuck.” The friend ran his fingers through his yellow hair. “Sorry about that. Had to have my bro’s back.”

  Cairo jerked his thumb. “This is Hunter.”

  I took a good look at Hunter while we started walking down the street. He looked like every boy next door I’d ever had a crush on: totally gorgeous, with straight blond hair, blue eyes, and an easy smile. I found myself smiling at him without thinking about it.

  “You’re the one who dressed Cairo.”

  Hunter grinned. “He looks dope, right?”

  “He sure does.”

  Cairo rolled his eyes while his friend elbowed him, totally unaware that I was being sarcastic.

  “At least I got some good dancing in before we got kicked out,” I said. “Thanks for defending my honor, I guess.”

  “Any time.”

  “What are you two doing here?” I asked.

  “We were in the club to…” Hunter trailed off. “We, ahh…”

  “We were looking for some girls to hook up with,” Cairo said.

  My stomach clenched and unclenched. I was there for the same reason. “No, I meant what are you two doing in Spain? You guys on vacation?”

  “Something like that.” Hunter clamped his mouth shut like he couldn’t say more.

  “Well?” I asked. “Care to elaborate?”

  Cairo grimaced. “We can’t tell you.”

  “Is that a joke?”

  “Nope,” Hunter said.

  I examined the impossibly-muscular bodies, and the tattoos. “Do you guys work over at the Barcelona Naval Command? Like, in the Navy?” They definitely looked like military guys.

  Suddenly they were both very serious. They shared a look like maybe they should leave before I figured something out.

  “Uh.” Cairo ran a hand through his jet-black hair. “So…”

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to pry,” I quickly said. “I’m a microbiology student in Spain for a semester. I’m not used to seeing other Americans.”

  “Damn dude, microbiology.” Hunter looked at me approvingly. “That’s intense. How long are you in Spain?”

  I shook my head. “I just finished my spring semester. I’m heading home next week. I came out tonight to have some fun before I left…”

  I came to the club to hook up with a Spanish guy.

  Cairo turned to me and stopped. “Listen, Karen. I’m really sorry. Guys like that piss me off. They give all of us a bad name, you know? And I was scared that you already drank some of the spiked beer…”

  I waved him off. He was standing so close that I could smell his cologne again. His body was a presence in front of me. Wide and muscular and powerful.

  I’d had plenty of options in the club. Phillip aside, I could’ve taken any one of a dozen Spanish guys home. I’d been building it up in my head and body, the dancing and flirting and grinding becoming one long session of foreplay.

  I may have gotten kicked out, but my desire hadn’t gone away. The last thing I wanted to do was go home unsatisfied. I had needs.

  And there was something tremendously hot about a guy fighting to protect me at the drop of a hat, n
o questions asked.

  “Your heart was in the right place.” I pulled out my phone and opened the contact list. “Ugh. He gave me his number.” I showed them the screen.

  “That’s the ugliest fucking selfie I’ve ever seen,” Hunter declared. “Delete that shit before I get the urge to fight some more.”

  With a flourish of my finger I pressed the delete button. “Bye, Phillip. It wasn’t nice knowing you. Asshole.”

  “I didn’t mean to get you kicked out,” Cairo went on, hand touching me lightly on the back. “You want to go to another club? I’ll pay for you to get in, then we’ll leave you alone.”

  “Yeah dude,” Hunter said with a boyish smile. “The last thing we want is to ruin your last hurrah before leaving Spain. How can we make it up to you?”

  I’d come out tonight to have some fun. To try something new. But if I couldn’t sleep with a Spaniard…

  “You want to make it up to me?” I asked. “Take me back to your place.”

  Cairo cocked his head. “For a drink?”

  I grinned.




  I was not an impulsive guy.

  That was Hunter’s problem. He was the kind of dude who would remove his shirt and jump off a cliff into a lake without knowing how deep the water was. Or, more specifically to our job, he’d rush into a room without clearing it of enemy combatants, guns blazing. Logan and I were the ones who were more careful, giving a situation a good long think before acting.

  But something had come over me tonight. When I saw that asshole drop a roofie into Karen’s drink, I just…

  I don’t know. I just lost it.

  And even though it left me with an aching cheek and a few bruised ribs, it had also resulted in the three of us walking up the stairs to the Barcelona apartment that doubled as our safe house.

  Karen let her hand rest on my arm as I fished out my keys and unlocked the door. “Apartment 68, huh?” she said. “Guess I’d better go next door for some real fun.”

  Hunter barked a laugh. He loved dirty jokes.

  We went inside, and I breathed a sigh of relief. “Logan’s not here.”

  “Who’s Logan?”

  “Our… roommate,” I said after a moment of hesitation.

  “Good. Wouldn’t want anyone to get in the way.”

  “He would definitely get in the way,” Hunter mumbled.

  We went inside and the door closed behind us. Karen stood in the middle of the room, a dirty-blonde bombshell packed into a tight little cocktail dress, breasts pressed firmly together. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at us expectantly.

  I shared a glance with Hunter. Are we really going to do this?

  “Listen,” Hunter said. “You don’t owe us anything. You know that, right?”

  “We don’t fight drink-spikers in the hopes of getting some reciprocal action,” I added.

  Karen kept her wide eyes locked on mine as she drew near. She reached out and touched my chest with her fingers, letting them slide across the fabric of my tank top. And then she tilted her head up, plump lips out and waiting, and there was no way that I couldn’t kiss her. Her lips fit perfectly with mine, sliding and sucking and begging for tongue. Before I could, she pulled away and looked up at me.

  “I know,” she said. Whispered, practically. “I went to the club to have some fun with a Spaniard. But since the only ones I met were assholes, you two are going to make up for it.”

  She rounded on Hunter.

  “Both of you.”

  She kissed him harder than she’d kissed me, which ignited a tiny flame of jealousy in my chest. But there was a deeper fire roaring within me as I watched this beautiful woman kiss my best friend.


  Watching her make out with Hunter turned me on more than I had ever expected. My cock was rock-hard within seconds, more from watching her kiss him than from kissing her myself. She opened her mouth for him, and their tongues danced together while she pressed her body against his. One of his massive hands swung around and cupped her round ass through her dress, then the fingers crawled up and underneath to touch the skin.

  Karen pulled back then, and regarded both of us with a serious expression. “Can you two make it up to me? What happened at the club?”

  “Yeah we can,” I managed to say. I could barely breathe. Hunter only bobbed his head in a nod.

  And then Karen dropped to her knees in front of me, fingers working quickly on the zipper of my jeans. “Word of advice?” she said to Hunter while reaching inside my pants. “Guys as hot as you two don’t need expensive designer jeans.”

  I gasped as her fingers tightened around my cock expertly, sliding it out through the hole in my jeans. She paused to get a good look at it, admiring it even, or maybe that was just wishful thinking as she batted her eyelashes and looked up at me.

  “I’ve spent this entire semester in Spain focused on my degree,” she said, her breath hot on the tip of my manhood. “I’ve been dying to have some fun.”

  Her mouth devoured me, lips wrapping tight around my shaft as she took half of it in her mouth in one swift motion. I groaned with surprise and ecstasy, totally unprepared to have my junk in this beautiful woman’s mouth tonight. She held her head there, as if trying to squeeze as much of it inside as she could in one go. Then she gasped and pulled back, her ample chest heaving as she caught her breath.

  “You know what I love?” she asked, a grin flashing on her pretty mouth. “When a guy takes what he wants. Can you take what you want, Cairo?”

  And then she was taking my cock in her mouth again, lips widening as she tried to accept as much as possible.

  Take what you want.

  I ran my fingers through her dirty-blonde hair, smooth like silk lace. I ran my thumb along the part in the middle and then gripped her head firmly, pushing her head farther down on my shaft. An extra inch. She wrapped her lips obediently, vibrating with a moan as she took as much as she could. When she could handle no more I released the pressure and she pulled back, gasping again and panting as she gazed up at me with hunger in her eyes. A spiderweb of saliva connected the tip of my cock to her gorgeous lips.

  “Well?” she asked, turning to Hunter. “What are you waiting for?”

  Hunter was like a cadet rushing to obey a direct order. His expensive jeans dropped to the floor, revealing his own privates. Surprisingly, it wasn’t weird seeing another dude—my best friend—naked. I’d seen that plenty of times before, in other contexts. And it wasn’t weird as Karen grabbed his hips with both of her hands and pulled him into her mouth, quickly moving up and down his shaft like time was of the essence.

  “Holy fucking shit,” he said, mouth hanging open. His blue eyes glanced in my direction. “Bro…”

  “I know,” I said.

  Karen grinned around his shaft, then pulled back slowly, making a soft popping sound as she left his tip. “I know too.”

  She reached over and grabbed me by the balls, pulling me toward her so she could take me in her mouth again. One long stroke, as far as she could go and back again, then shifting her attention back to Hunter. She went like that for several strokes, sucking me off and then Hunter, alternating cocks in her mouth while kneeling on the floor.

  It was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced. It took all of my willpower not to pick her up and pin her against the wall, hike up that little cocktail dress, and pound her like there was no tomorrow.

  I resisted the urge to close my eyes, and instead watched her work, this incredible woman who had come home with us.

  “I don’t mean to interrupt,” Hunter said after several minutes of Karen on her knees, “But this isn’t what you asked for.”

  She made eye contact with him while her lips were sucking on the tip of my cock. She pulled back and said, “Oh?”

  “Well, it’s just that you wanted us to make it up to you for ruining your night at the club.” He glanced at me. “Right, bro?”

  She gr
inned white teeth up at us. “Who says I’m not enjoying this as much as you are?”

  Karen bent back over Hunter, grabbing his ass with both hands and giving him the deepest blowjob she could. Finally she gasped and pulled back and said, “You know what I really want?”

  “What?” Hunter and I said at the same time.

  “I want to fuck both of you at the same time.” She rose and looked me in the eyes. “If you can make it worth my while.”

  I grinned an animalistic smile at her. “I can try.”

  “Don’t try,” she said. “Do.”

  I picked her up by the thighs. Instantly she wrapped her firm legs around my body in a vice grip. I pushed her against the wall for leverage, holding her in the air while she hiked her cocktail dress up past her waist. Her panties were pink with black lace, sexy as hell. What was even sexier was the way she quickly pulled them aside, revealing her glistening pussy.

  “You like this?” I whispered while our faces were close. That simple question pulled a moan from her full lips.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, yes, yes.”

  I thrust my hips forward, the tip of my cock wedging apart her lips and sliding in like it belonged there. I don’t know how I didn’t blow my load then and there; she was tight and warm and felt like home. Like I’d been waiting to be there for all these years.

  “Cairo,” she gasped with wide eyes. My name on her lips drove me to a higher level of ecstasy, and again I had to tell myself to hold back. To last longer, that it would be a tragedy to come so early in the night.

  “Karen,” I breathed, eager to say her name. Every nerve in my cock was aflame with pleasure inside of her. Voluptuous, thick in all the right ways, this was the kind of woman I dreamed about.

  To be actually doing it, here, tonight? It was unreal. I gripped her ass more tightly as I fucked her against the wall.

  She tilted her head back and shoved her hips against me, urging me on. I held her upright with ease, both hands gripping her ass, and pounded her in long, steady strokes, driven more by animal lust than by conscious thought.

  “You,” she said, nodding at Hunter. “Take off your clothes.”


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