The Squad Novelettes 1-5

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The Squad Novelettes 1-5 Page 14

by Stephen Arseneault

  Tanner shook his head. "That's all we need is another Collins."

  We hurried down the hall after our killing machine. A trail of dead bodies led the way. We chased down corridor after corridor, only catching the occasional glimpse of Xurpok before he was again away. Our own killing duties were light, only catching sight of four crewmen who had somehow been missed along the way. In all, the ship was cleared of Maxans in a little over three hours.

  We came to a stop on the bridge. Xurpok was laid out on the deck, sucking in oxygen through the vents of his helmet. Blood and guts covered his lower torso while dried spatters covered the rest. After rolling him over, I removed three mag-tags that had planted on his back only minutes before. The Maxans who had managed the tags never had a chance to pull the trigger.

  Tanner looked over the nav console. "Ha! Guess what?"

  Collins walked over. "What'd you find?"

  "There are about fifteen hundred Maxans on the planet below. Sarge, can I use their own weapons on them? Looks like they were in the beginnings of setting up a new outpost."

  "Have at it," I replied. "But keep an eye on that nav screen. If another ship jumps in, we might have to run."

  Sammy opened a comm. "Ship is clean of bios except for you five on the bridge. And I'm moving the pipe up to your deck. If we need to run I won't have to wait five minutes for you to get here."

  "Good call," I replied.

  Tanner sat at the defense console. "OK, what do we want to hit them with first?"

  Collins shook his head. "Pick a target before picking a weapon."

  "Excellent suggestion, Mr. Collins."

  A camera view was zoomed in to find a shuttle that was in the process of being boarded.

  "I think this is suitable."

  A heavy plasma cannon was selected and coordinates entered. A target lock glowed orange on the console display and a fire-button was pressed. Seconds later, Tanner and Collins were chuckling and high-fiving each other as the shuttle exploded. A second shuttle was then targeted with a similar result.

  Collins pushed at Tanner's shoulder. "Here, let me do a few."

  Tanner looked up with a scowl. "Go find your own console."

  A shoving match ensued as the two grown men tried to take control of the chair in front of the console. Mendez walked around them, selected the circumference of the base and set the ship's cannons to auto-fire. Two volleys later the outpost was nothing more than dirt, dust, and flames.

  Tanner looked up with an expression of disbelief. "What'd you do that for?"

  "So we can get out of here."

  Collins huffed. "What a buzz-kill. Can you believe that?"

  Tanner stood and headed toward the pipe Sammy had just cut into the hallway outside. "Come on, Col. Let's go have a beer."

  As they rounded the corner, bickering about their lost fun, I gave Mendez a nod. "Thanks for getting that settled."

  "Have they always been like that?"

  I chuckled. "Since I've known them. But I've yet to come across better fighters. You'll want them by your side when things get tough."

  Mendez glanced back at the door. "Too bad we can't put them in a cage or something until we have that need. If they make it to eighty-years-of-age they'll probably be beating each other with their canes."

  I stretched out a hand to Xurpok, lifting him up to his feet. "Let's get rally point coordinates in that nav system and get out of here."

  It was a nine-day run back to CDF space. Along the way, Maxan bodies and parts were collected and stowed for possible future bounties. There would be no bounty for the ship as we were preparing to strip off two of her cannons. An uninhabited star system was selected and the ship parked in a crater on a modest-size moon.

  I looked over Xurpok's shoulder at ship schematics. "We're gonna have to cut those cannons out."

  Xurpok frowned. "That could take weeks all on its own."

  Mendez came up behind us. "Why not pay the engineering outfit to come out here to do the work?"

  "That would probably cost more credits than we have."

  "OK. What if you traded out that ship for the labor? They remove those cannons and install them on here and then they keep what's left. Salvage would have to be way more than they would charge for the labor."

  "Not certain they would go for something like that. What if they got caught in possession of that ship, or parts of it, after the fact?"

  "I would think that's for them to put at risk. Look, they're already willing to install cannons for us. How would the penalty for having a disarmed Warstalker be much different?"

  I stepped back and thought for a minute. "I suppose you're right. We'll need to go back and see if they're amenable to such. Round up the boys. We'll want to collect bounties for as many of the dead bodies as we can carry on the Fracker. The three of you can start dragging them over while I finish my discussion with Xurpok."

  "Consider it done." Mendez left the room.

  "You wish to talk?" Xurpok asked.

  "Just to say this. When we have these weapons aboard and functioning, we will make that run out to Mintaka. That remains our priority."

  Xurpok stared off at a far wall. "Do you think any are alive? My people?"

  I returned an unenthusiastic expression of concern. "To be honest, no. But we're willing to go look. You're a part of this crew now and that makes you family. And if we do manage to find some alive, we'll do everything in our power to free them. And that might be an opportunity to get back with your brother. I would think he would want the same."

  "He would. But not necessarily through working with us. He and I have very different personalities. He would be your Tanner where I would be your Mendez."

  I crossed my arms as I thought about it. "Well, the good thing I can say about that is both Tanner and Mendez are on my side. Let's hope we can one day convince your brother to be the same."

  Chapter 3

  * * *

  A load of two hundred fifty Maxan bodies were returned to Alday Port and the bounties collected. After seeing to a supply run for the Fracker, I made my way to the engineering offices of Waldorp and Faulk. The two namesakes invited me in to their shared office. Paper drawings were piled high on desks and chairs. The corners of the office were filled with boxes. Two wooden desks sat in the center of the room, each angled to face the door.

  Faulk opened the door to greet me. "Mr. Balls, please come in. First time at our offices?"

  I looked around. "I have to ask, why all the paper?"

  Waldorp waved a hand. "My partner is obsessed with it. Personally I don't understand. I can carry the schematics for an entire fleet of ships on a single tablet, but he insists on this antiquated method."

  Faulk replied, "I prefer to spread things out where I can see the image as a whole."

  Waldorp huffed. "We have that, it's called zoom. So, Mr. Balls, what can we do for you today?"

  "We have come into possession of a Maxan Warstalker and I'd like what armaments we can remove to be added to the Fracker."

  "Ah. So you acquired your cannons. Excellent. When can we expect delivery?"

  I sat back in my chair. "I have a new proposal to run past you. As I said, we would like the maximum armaments added to the Fracker, only we would like your outfight to also do the work of removing those weapons from the warship as well."

  Faulk leaned forward. "I believe we can negotiate a reasonable price for that."

  "Would you be interested in a trade?"

  "A trade? For what?"

  "For the remains of that ship. You remove and reinstall the weapons and the remainder of that hull is yours to do with as you wish."

  Waldorp rubbed his chin. "An interesting proposal."

  Faulk said, "Without weapons it would be legal to operate within our space."

  Waldorp chuckled. "Except for the fact we'd be getting shot at wherever we went."

  "Appearances can be changed."

  "I suppose. We would have to rework the entire power system though."

  "Which we are capable of doing. Imagine having a ship that size at our disposal. We could use the docking bay as a sort of mobile shipyard for vessels the size of what Mr. Balls has or smaller. In fact, we could transfer our entire engineering operation onto her. Think about being able to bid on contracts Confederation-wide and not just here on Alday."

  Waldorp slowly nodded. "An interesting proposal indeed. Mr. Balls, if you wouldn't mind giving us a few minutes I would like to discuss this with my partner. And I apologize for the lack of courtesy, but I'd like you to please wait in our lounge for a few minutes. You'll find it just down the hall to the left."

  I stood. "Saw it on my way in. And I'd be happy to wait there for a decision. Keep this in mind gentlemen, should we do this deal, there is always the possibility of future deals as well. We will likely be acquiring more such vessels in the future and we'll be wanting more updates to the Fracker."

  I showed myself to the lounge and selected a carbonated beverage before taking a seat at a table. The discussion by Faulk and Waldorp ran fewer than ten minutes. They came back in full agreement with my proposal. I provided the rally point location and was assured a full crew would be on its way out there to begin work within a few days. I left the facility with a smile on my face.

  Mendez, Xurpok, and Sammy were at the warehouse when I returned. "We have a deal. Where are Tanner and Collins?"

  Mendez replied, "They went bar hopping with Danielle."


  "Johnson. Our new co-pilot."

  "Oh. What happened to Maxwell?"

  "He opted for a more legal and slower-paced job. I thought you knew he was leaving?"

  I shook my head. "Hadn't heard. But it does bring up something I've been wanting to address. I believe we could make use of another two or three crewmen. Their primary responsibility would be to guard the pipe while we're out traipsing around."

  "That mean I would get to go out for the fights?"

  "It would. You're a common-sense fighter, Mendez. You'd make a good counter to those other two. And something tells me you would rather be out in the action than on guard duty."

  "The thought had crossed my mind. So we're looking for recruits?"

  "At least two, yes. You have anyone in mind?"

  "I do. One was a former sergeant and the other an officer. And before you roll your eyes, he, Mitchell Diggs, was actually a good officer. Never made it past lieutenant though, mostly due to having a fat mouth."

  "And the other?"

  "Sergeant Jennifer Grimes. A bit of a hard nose like me, and also a medical discharge. She's got as much metal in her shoulder as I have in my leg. Doesn't slow her down, but the review board said it was too much. She would jump at the chance, even if it was only pipe duty."

  "We'll be here another day or two. Bring them in for an interview sometime today if possible."

  "It's possible. Both are sitting at home in their tiny apartments rotting away. If you decide to bring them aboard, I promise both will be grateful. Besides, it will give me someone to talk to who has a mind that has moved beyond the seventh-grade level. Oh. Not you, Sarge. The other two."

  "Bring them in."

  A comm came in from the local authorities. The image of a station officer filled a display. "Xavier Balls?"

  "That would be me."

  "I'm told these three retreads belong to you."

  The camera was turned to face three passed-out drunks.

  Mendez shook her head. "Already corrupting our new pilot."

  I stood. "Sammy, come with me. We'll go collect our garbage. And Mendez, contact your friends. Might be good to get them in for an interview while these other two clods are sleeping it off."

  Mendez grinned as she stood. "Will have them here shortly, Sarge."

  The drunks were collected and the interviews conducted. Mitchell Diggs was a gargantuan, like me. We almost had trouble shaking hands as each of us had fingers that were twice the diameter of everyone else’s. For a moment there was the thought of a strength competition as we shook, but I reasoned Diggs thought it better to submit to his interviewer. Either way, I had respect for the man's power.

  Jennifer Grimes was different. She was petite but offered a firm handshake of her own. I could tell that she too was a competitor. As Mendez suggested, she played hard and played to win. I liked the attitudes of both recruits and before each left I offered them a job. Both eagerly accepted.

  Chapter 4

  * * *

  Tanner and Collins walked into the main warehouse with squinted eyes and disheveled looks. Both had been dropped on bunks in a back room to sleep off their apparent hangovers. Danielle Johnson walked out moments later with a smile and a refreshed look on her face.

  Tanner scowled. "What are you so happy about?"

  Johnson replied, "For one I'm happy that I don't get hangovers. Call it family genetics or whatever you want. I come from a long line of drinkers who get up the next day with little to no aftereffect. When I was younger I was despised for that trait."

  Collins rubbed the back of his neck. "Now you’re just despised."

  Johnson shrugged. "Despised or feeling good. Think I'll take the latter."

  Tanner looked at our two new recruits. "Who are these two? One's oversized and the other looks underfed."

  "These are our newest team members," I said. "This is Lieutenant Mitchell Diggs and Sergeant Jennifer Grimes. They both agreed to join us today."

  "Join us for what?" Tanner plopped down in a chair.

  "For the duration. They will be guarding the pipe during our raids."

  Collins chuckled. "Got us a couple tube riders?"

  "Mendez will be joining us off the ship. That allows us to pair up. You two knuckleheads and me and her. Xurpok will still be off doing his thing. And now we no longer have to worry about the security of the Fracker."

  Tanner said, "Speaking of the Fracker. When can we expect to get her back?"

  "The engineering team left this morning. They won't arrive for a week. After that we should have an evaluation ready in a day or so."

  "And after that eval we have to wait another week?"

  "Not at all. We'll be heading out in the Fracker tomorrow. They should be ready with an initial plan by the time we arrive."

  "And just how long will it take after they start work?"

  "They estimate anywhere from three weeks to three months."

  Xurpok frowned. "Three months? That is the first I've heard such."

  "Three months is worst case. And look, it's gonna take what it's gonna take. When finished we should have an actual fighting ship on our hands. It will be worth the wait."

  Tanner scowled. "Are we planning on waiting out there while the conversion is going on?"

  "At the moment."

  "Xurpok?" Tanner asked. "How confident are you in your ship's ability to fly around in Maxan space without getting killed or captured?"

  "Highly confident."

  I said, "Forget it. His ship doesn't have the shielding."

  "What if we just use it for long-range recon?" Collins asked.

  "Yeah." Tanner chuckled. "I'd rather not just be sitting out there on a rock while our updates are being installed. Either leave us here or let us go on our own recon mission."

  I smirked. "The three of you? Not happening. And I want you out there with us to offer feedback. The perspectives the three of you bring to this upgrade situation are good counters to what the rest of us might approve. And don't worry, we'll take an adequate supply of beer with us."

  "Yeah. Beer's about my last worry at the moment."

  "I'm certain you'll feel different tomorrow."


  The following day the journey was begun to what we had designated as the rally point. We arrived a week later to find three vessels from the engineering firm were there, and their crews were hard at work cutting out two plasma cannons. The remaining twelve cannons would be removed afterward and left on that moon until a future use could be
determined. We had just come from a planning session where the engineers had given their evaluation of the required effort.

  I walked up the ramp of the Fracker as it sat in the large docking bay of the Warstalker. "Five weeks. Not as long as I thought."

  Mendez nodded as we took seats in our lounge. "Smart work on their part having frameworks for those guns already fabricated. And other than the nozzles, they'll have the two outer layers of armor protecting them. I really think the Fracker is gonna be one hard-ass little warship, Sarge."

  Mitchell Diggs said, "I especially like the turrets. We could use those on some of our own ships. CDF ships I mean, and the smaller ones."

  Sammy agreed. "Will be nice not to have to aim the whole ship when we want to take a shot. And we'll be able to protect ourselves when we have a pipe extended."

  Collins popped the top on a beer. "Bad thing is we now have to sit here on our duffs for five weeks."

  I sat back and crossed my arms. "Not necessarily. I've been thinking about your earlier proposal of taking out Xurpok's ship. After seeing the plans laid out by Faulk and Waldorp, I no longer believe they are in need of our feedback. Everything I saw looked very professional, which says they know what they're doing. We're just over two weeks from the Mintaka system. I say we run out, take a peek, and come back. No fighting, no chasing, and hopefully no running."

  Xurpok said, "I am very much in favor of this proposal."

  "I thought you would be. How are your supplies over on your ship?"

  "Adequate, but Mr. Tanner and Mr. Collins may want to bring beer."

  Collins chortled. "Beer and food. I don't want to be stuck eating that paste for a month. I know Tan likes it, but not me."

  Tanner scowled. "Tasted like something scraped out of a gutter. Thanks, but I'll eat Human food if it's all the same."

  I gestured toward our hold. "Let's move over enough supplies for the lot of us and head out. I'll let Faulk and Waldorp know of our plans."

  The supply transfer took most of an hour. We lifted off in Xurpok's ship and were soon hopping our way toward Mintaka.


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