The Squad Novelettes 1-5

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The Squad Novelettes 1-5 Page 15

by Stephen Arseneault

  Tanner was seated at a console on the bridge. "How you liking the wormhole drive we added?"

  "How am I supposed to answer that? Without it we would not be out here."

  "You know, Sarge practically had a fistfight with the government puke who gave the approval for that being added. He claimed he was trying to protect technology. Those drives have been in use for a thousand years. The Maxans already had their own version when we first encountered them. Who exactly is the technology being protected from? You? A species of two?"

  Xurpok looked away with a depressed expression.

  Tanner frowned. "Hey, sorry. Didn't mean anything by it. I tend to run my mouth sometimes without thinking."

  Collins chuckled. "Sometimes?"

  Xurpok gave a single nod. "No offense taken."

  Chapter 5

  * * *

  We arrived in the Mintaka region right on schedule. A final jump was made to the outskirts of the system where we hoped observations could be secretly made. Our intrusion remained undetected for almost a day before four warships were dispatched in our direction. We turned and left the system only seconds before wormhole jumps were made to our location.

  Tanner said, "Sorry we didn't find evidence of your people, Xurpok. We were pretty far out for our sensors. And just because they didn't show in the data doesn't mean they aren't there."

  I agreed. "The information we have says there is a major outpost there, might even be considered a colony. But Mr. Tanner is right. Other than ship traffic we really have no idea of how many people are there or of what species they might be. Those were Maxan ships. If we come back with the Fracker we'll be able to go within full scan range."

  Xurpok sighed. "I had hoped for more from this journey."

  "At least we now know what to expect when we come back. And we will be coming back."

  The ride back to the rally point was quiet. The normal toxic banter between Collins and Tanner was subdued. It left me with time to think about where we were and what we were doing. The war with the Maxans was very much still on. And now we had a new species to contend with, the Herzek. The Confederation was strong, but we had just seen major losses in the last fight with the Maxans.

  It had me wondering if the Confederation would soon be fighting on two fronts. We had been slowly winning against the Maxans, having taken six outposts and two colonies over the previous decade. The war was far from won, but real progress was being made.

  But now we had a new enemy. Would the Herzek be back? Would they bring a larger force? And how would our fleets fare in combat against them? Our own encounter had been workable. I hoped any future attacks would be the same.

  I was seated in the small dining area on Xurpok's ship when Mendez strode into the room.

  "You look like you're in a funk, Sarge. In fact, this whole crew seems like they are depressed. What gives?"

  "Was just thinking about the war with the Maxans. Just recently we've been seeing advances. Now we have this other species, the Herzek, to contend with. All at the same time I chose to retire."

  Mendez chuckled. "Retire. Right. You're probably the least retired veteran ever. Think of it this way, Sarge. Now you get to make the command decision. Before, all you could do was follow orders. Didn't matter how fouled up those orders were or how poor an officer you had directing them. Now those decisions all fall squarely in your hands, and with a capable team to back you up."

  "I wish there was something more we could do for Xurpok."

  "He's in a tough spot, but we're doing all we reasonably can. And this thing with his brother, that has to be driving him nuts. He kept him in stasis to protect him and now his brother hates him for it. Not sure how I would handle that situation if it was me. Given the fact he has been listening to you tells me he respects you. Just keep doing what you're doing."

  Tanner walked in. "One more day and we're back at the rally point. Will be happy to be using a regular toilet again. That squatting back against a hole in the wall is just wrong."

  Mendez scowled. "If this gig is too tough for you, you can always go back to Alday and fully retire."

  Tanner stared. "You'd like that, wouldn't you."

  Mendez chuckled. "I have to admit, I would."

  The following day the Fracker had slipped into the bay of the captured Warstalker. I walked down the ramp only to see an empty bay. The three ships belonging to Faulk and Waldorp were also nowhere to be seen.

  Collins said, "Now this doesn't quite look right. Everyone is gone... along with our ship."

  I replied, "Not certain what to think at the moment."

  Tanner said, "I'll tell you what I think. I think there are two engineering firm owners who are gonna get a mad beat-down when we get back."

  A chime indicated an incoming comm. I answered the hail on my bracelet. "Balls here."

  Jeremiah Faulk replied, "We should be landing in a minute or two. Just to let you know, we finished early. And I think you'll be pleased."

  "You gave us a little scare not having anyone here."

  "Oh, we have team members there. Perhaps not in the bay. They are going through that ship and cataloging every item of interest."

  "So the cannons are integrated?"

  "And nicely so. You will have three-hundred-sixty-degree coverage in both planes. And with the power conversion we managed to get an extra 10 to 15 percent boost in effectiveness. We'll be taking this design and attempting to sell it to the CDF. I see no reason this might not qualify as a fleet-wide upgrade."

  "Given their last fight didn't go all that well you might be bringing that in at just the right time."

  I glanced around the bay. "So where are your other ships?"

  "One has returned to Alday and the other two were shadowing us for this evaluation. Again, I think you will be pleased."

  The Fracker slid into the bay and the ramp lowered. Faulk and Waldorp walked down, each with a grin showing on their face.

  Tanner said, "She looks different."

  Faulk nodded. "We repositioned a fair amount of the outer armor. Some was done to accommodate the additions we were making and some was done because we believed it will offer better protection."

  Tanner nodded. "Actually looks kind of bad-ass now. It's intimidating, like Xurpok here."

  "The prior installation was quality work, but not well designed. We re-balanced the weight distribution, so she should be equally as agile whether in atmosphere or not. And there were certain sections that were four and even five layers deep while others only offered two. You now have solid coverage with three layers or greater."

  "Top and bottom turrets. Please tell me they are independent."

  "They are. We added an extra console beside your current one where a separate operator will be able to control each weapon without interference from the other. And since you were so generous with leaving the remains of this Warstalker, we took the liberty of upgrading your system computers. You will now have an optional combat computer that can be used to control both weapons. And we are asking to have access to any mission logs so we can evaluate the system performance. We don't currently have a ship of our own to test this system, so we would be grateful for your cooperation."

  I said, "You've gone above our expectations, Mr. Faulk. If what you told us here is true, we'll be coming to you for all our work."


  Further thanks were exchanged, and the Fracker was taken out for a test run. Half a dozen strafing runs on the moon we occupied was all it took to convince us of the new cannons' lethality. Supplies were transitioned back to the Fracker and a course laid in for Mintaka. This time we would have our answer, were there Corbo being held in the Mintaka system?

  Chapter 6

  * * *

  It again took two weeks of wormhole hops to reach the Mintaka system. This time however, we jumped directly to the outpost itself. As seen with a full scan, the settlement was closer in size to a full colony than an outpost. Three Warmongers were dispatched to defend aga
inst the single invader. With our armor and weapons, I wasn't worried.

  The first warship within range was shredded down one side as we exchanged blows. Not only were our cannons more powerful, they were able to fire at nearly twice the speed of normal. Our outer hull plating rocked with each hit from the Warmonger but held steady. That changed when the second ship came within range.

  Tanner and Collins were manning our cannons.

  Mendez yelled over their shoulders as the second ship was targeted, alerting the two gunners to the fact that two more Maxan ships had just left the planet's surface. Again the hull rumbled and shook as a half dozen plasma rounds impacted our hull, the result was a single plate on our outermost armor breaking free and shattering.

  Sammy flew the Fracker with precision, making bold moves to avoid incoming rounds at just the right times. As we passed the second Warmonger, Collins and Tanner cut loose with another barrage. The starboard side of the Maxan warship exploded, as if the plating down that side was being ripped off by a giant claw. A second barrage as we pulled away saw her internals almost disintegrated.

  As we approached the third ship, a series of rounds were fired directly into the bridge that stuck out on the forward deck. As our guns continued to fire, the guns of the third Warmonger went silent. That silence was broken seconds later, but the newly released cannon rounds were sporadic, many not coming close to their target.

  The fight with the fourth and fifth ship saw similar results, although the fifth managed to knock three additional plates from our outer hull.

  Mendez looked over her shoulder. "They hit those same spots and we may lose our cannons!"

  Sammy nodded. "Circling back on ship one. I'll bring us in on the port side where most of their weapons are down."

  With a hard turn to starboard the Fracker swung in for the kill. The Maxan ship's armor had already been defeated. All that was needed was to rip out her insides, which was accomplished only seconds later. When her fuel store ignited, the Maxan warship separated into thousands of parts, all being propelled outward from a huge fireball.

  The second Warmonger had turned and was attempting to get away. Four well-placed rounds to her stern saw her drives drop offline. We would circle back for her later.

  The fight against the remaining three ships went on for another twenty minutes. That's when a string of unlucky hits broke chunks from our armor. A fierce firefight with the fourth ship resulted in a short-lived victory when it exploded. The third and fifth ships quickly closed on our position... and then it happened.

  Another series of untimely strikes crashed into our hull at a vulnerable point. The newly installed generators that powered our cannons were damaged beyond repair, making our ultrapowerful weapons useless. Sammy maneuvered the Fracker in against the hull of the third Warmonger and a breach tube was extended.

  My team raced through the pipe with Xurpok leading the way. Our newest members, Diggs and Grimes, remained at the hatch, but were soon called back inside. Sammy separated from the Warmonger we now occupied and was soon swirling around the hull of that ship as the fifth warship tried in vain to get a series of clean kill-shots. We raced forward, following Xurpok as closely as we could.

  Tanner hustled up behind me. "He's gonna wear himself out if he doesn't slow down."

  I shook my head as I ran. "If we don't take that bridge it won't matter. We should have pulled out of this fight half an hour ago. We could be safely on our way back home."

  We rounded a corner only to come face to face with a retreating Xurpok. Tanner and Mendez were knocked to the floor as I was driven backward. Collins dove outward, firing his plasma rifle as he went, taking out two Maxans at the other end of the hall before he slammed down on the deck, breaking his collar bone in the process.

  Tanner shoved Mendez out of the way before opening up on the hall, keeping it clear for the precious seconds Collins needed to collect himself and move back around the corner. I reached out, grabbing Tanner by an ankle and pulled him to safety. Seconds later, the far wall was spattered with mag-tags and seconds after a dozen plasma bolts followed.

  Collins sat on the floor in pain as Mendez pulled a pain shot and injected it into his shoulder.

  Collins looked up with a grimace. "Didn't think you cared."

  Mendez smirked. "I don't. But I may need you as a shield if we have to retreat."

  Collins let out a chuckle that was followed by a wince. Seconds later, the painkiller kicked in, giving relief. Xurpok then bolted around the corner, firing off five plasma bolts before springing off the far wall and propelling himself back to safety. Several tags hit the wall but were not followed up with repeater rounds as the firers of those tags were now splattered up and down the corridor.

  A second leap out and push back saw the immediate threat in the hall cleared. I reached down and gently helped Collins to his feet as Tanner worked to remove his helmet and collar.

  "Not through the skin," Tanner said.

  Mendez looked it over. "We should set it. It's separated."

  Tanner wrapped a hand around Collins neck as Mendez grabbed his shoulder and placed a boot on his hip for leverage.

  "You ready?"

  Tanner nodded. "Pull easy. I'll tell you if it pops in."

  The maneuver was performed with another nod from Tanner. "Looks good. Let's get this collar back on. It will give you support. And I'm taping that arm to your side. You'll have to go lefty for the rest of this picnic."

  Collins replied, "I can do that. And thanks to the both of you."

  I said, "Let's get that helmet on and get moving. Xurpok has already rounded that far corner."

  Again the race was on. Two halls and three decks were transitioned before we caught up to the Corbo Tornado as he finished of the last Maxan on the bridge.

  I pointed. "Tanner, take that weapons console. Start putting some rounds into that other Warmonger. And Mendez jump on the nav. See if you can keep us alive long enough for Mr. Tanner to give us a chance."

  A comm came in from Sammy. "Just to let you know. The full scan is complete. We have about seventeen thousand Maxans down on the planet. No sign of anyone else. Sorry Xurpok, if your people were here they aren't anymore."

  The fight in the heavens continued for another fifteen minutes before a critical hit by Tanner knocked out the main drive of the opposing Warmonger. A relentless volley of plasma rounds followed as the slowed ship became an easy target. Three minutes later the armor surrounding its bridge gave out and round after round dug deeply into her hull.

  After the tenth such round, the cannons on the fifth Maxan warship ceased to fire. Another volley followed for good measure and victory was declared. What followed for the Maxans on the ground was anything but pleasant.

  Chapter 7

  * * *

  Tanner smirked to himself as the fledgling colony below was set ablaze from above. An hour was spent raining down plasma before a scan concluded there were no survivors. The Fracker docked, and Mendez and Tanner helped an injured Collins through the pipe.

  I opened a comm. "Sammy, take the Fracker home and get her started on any repairs. We'll meet you there."

  Mendez asked, "You aren't planning anything foolish are you?"

  "We're heading down to the surface for a short while. I'd like to search any data archives that survived for references to Xurpok's people. The rest of you head back. We'll be taking this Warmonger back to the rally point when we're done."

  "What of the other one still floating out there?"

  "We'll take care of it on our way out. And no arguments here. The rest of you staying when you have no weapons and crapped-out armor is not worth the risk. Go home and get started on repairs. And that includes the repair of Collins."

  Mendez glanced to her side. "We can probably fix the collarbone, but I'm doubtful about the rest."

  Collins could be heard from the background. "I heard that."

  The comm was closed, and the Fracker was quickly away.

  The Warmonger
dropped through the atmosphere and was soon parked in a space between two buildings which had largely survived Tanner's rain of terror from above. The ramp deployed, and I followed Xurpok into the nearest building. As luck would have it, power remained on and a Maxan computer system was located.

  I watched in amazement as Xurpok browsed through display after display of information, having only begun a study of the Maxan language a few weeks before. I remarked that I would have been thrilled to absorb a quarter of what he had in the short time he had spent on it. Half an hour into our stop he let out a sigh.

  "What is it?" I asked.

  "Rigel. They were taken from here to a colony on Rigel."

  "You were able to find that?"

  "It seems the Maxans are obsessive record keepers. And those records are well organized."

  "Is that a database we can copy?"

  "Give me a moment to link this console to our ship."

  Several minutes of grunts and sighs followed. "I'm afraid not. The transfer link would require days to move that amount of data and I would suspect we do not have days. Possibly not even hours."

  I nodded. "Copy what you need and let's get headed back then. I don't like us being out here and so exposed."

  Several seconds of typing followed before Xurpok stood. "Thank you for this, Sergeant. I am extremely grateful for the risks you have taken."

  "I'd do the same for anyone in my squad. You're all ass-kickers and I'd like to keep you that way. Let's get moving before our easy-time here expires."

  The Warmonger lifted through the atmosphere and was soon charging toward the remaining warship as it floated freely in space. Several minutes of plasma rounds saw to its end. Our ship was turned and moments later we were hopping through wormholes on our way back to the rally point. Two weeks later, we slowed to a stop. Other than the hull of the Warstalker that was slowly being stripped by Faulk and Waldorp, there were no other ships present. An additional week's run was made back to Alday Port.


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