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Alpha Shifter Standalone Collection

Page 2

by Amelia Wilson

  “Get back, ladies!” Adeline’s boss, Frankie, said as he held back her and Janine. They could only watch in horror as the fight continued. Tables were kicked to the side as Frankie tried to intervene. He was knocked down in a matter of moments. There was a roar of shouting as fists were flying from both sides. “Take it outside!” Some nearby bar patrons hollered as they dragged the fight towards the back door.

  Bottles were broken, clinking to the ground in millions of pieces. Adeline could only see flashes of fists and ball caps flying, along with glimmers of ruby-red blood seeping from foreheads and noses. The cluster of men disappeared outside, where the fight continued. Adeline raced after Frankie, who had grabbed his shotgun from the back room. The back door opened and a warning shot was fired into the night, startling the outdoor brawlers. “Ya’ll better get the hell off of my property!” Frankie screamed over them. “We don’t tolerate that kind of shit here!” The groups disbanded into the nearby woods as Frankie stepped back into the bar. “Let’s clean this place up,” he said, defeated.

  Adeline stayed behind, watching the men disappear through the trees. She noticed at the edge of the woods was the sandy-haired man she had just been talking to. Panicked, she rushed over to his side, turning him over. He was hurt, blood soaked through the front of his t-shirt. His breathing was shallow, ragged, like a wounded animal. But he was still beautifully peaceful in her arms.

  “Oh my God!” Janine said from the back steps of the bar. “Is he okay?” Adeline gently brushed the sweaty hair from the man’s closed eyes. “I need to get him some help,” Adeline said. “Get Frankie. I can’t carry him to my car alone.”

  As Janine helped her with the man, Adeline could suddenly hear a chorus of barking and yowling not too far way. Somewhere, dogs were fighting, their growls filling the air, echoing through the trees. There was something about it that frightened her, maybe because the sound reminded her of the horrifying dream she had the night before.


  Luke could feel the heaviness of his body as he regained consciousness. The last thing he could remember was landing a satisfying blow to one of those logger’s faces before he was knocked down himself. Their scent was familiar, with musky and earthy undertones that only the Bloodmoon pack was known for having. He was shocked to even find them this far out from their territory. They typically strayed around the creek to the East, so what were they doing here on Sentinel territory?

  Starving… was all he could think, as he tasted the remnants of blood in his mouth. It was the wolf talking to him, as it often did, reminding him that there was always this shadow looming over his conscience. Luke swirled the taste over his tongue, wishing desperately that it could have been from the flesh of the rival pack. His eyes fluttered open as his vision finally came to, and he realized he was sitting on the soft cushions of a couch. Where was the rest of his pack? They had scattered after hearing that gunshot go off, and could already be waiting back at the camp.

  He tried to sit up, but shooting pains in his ribs made him shrink back down, groaning. He reached for his wound, discovering that it had been bandaged up with a layer of gauze, already soaked with blood. “Hey, you be careful,” he heard a voice say. Suddenly, he was overwhelmed with a delicious scent. It was sweet, fresh, and fragrant like the flowers near his favorite waterfall. He instantly recognized the face of the girl from the bar, the one called Addie, as she crouched next to him.

  “Long time, no see,” he said, his voice rough. She smiled at him as she inspected his wounds. “May I?” She asked, reaching for his face. He nodded. The tender touch of her hand resting on his cheek caused a spread of warmth that covered him and calmed him. Starving… the voice said, harsher now. Quiet, he told the wolf, not here, and definitely not her. He could feel the wolf inside shudder, annoyed.

  “What happened?” Luke asked, now feeling a pulsing headache. “Did you see the rest of my friends?” Adeline shook her head, grimacing. “You got in that fight. Did one of them have a knife? You have a huge gash across your chest. Luckily it wasn’t deep, or I would have taken you to the hospital.”

  “Thank you,” he said softly. “You didn’t have to do all of this for me.” Addie shrugged as she packed up a first aid kit on the coffee table next to her. “I actually tried to be a nurse for a bit,” she said. “I know the basics, but never really sought it through.”

  “Hey, you patched me up pretty well, that’s all I can say,” Luke said, feeling a sudden urge to touch her. He held himself back, though it was difficult. He was reeling with want, to just breathe her in until there was nothing left. There was almost something familiar about her scent, it was calming, and pure, not like other women he had been around. He could also smell the faint hint of sweetness of her blood, and knew it was ripe as it pulsed through her veins. He was lucky he was so incapacitated; otherwise it would be even more difficult for him to control himself.

  “I got something for you,” Addie said, reaching beside her and producing a bottle of whiskey, half empty. “It’s not the good stuff, but it’ll help with the pain.”

  “What kind of nurse are you?” Luke asked coyly as she poured them both a shot. “The kind that believes in more traditional medicine,” she replied, handing him a glass. She held hers out for him to clink it. “I never got your name,” she said. “I’m Luke,” Luke said, clinking his glass against hers. “To rescues and new friendships.”

  They drank, and Luke felt an awkwardness hovering between them, as if they couldn’t think of anything else to say. He didn’t want to stop talking, though, as he suddenly felt a sense of regret if they did. He stared at her loose, long hair as it fell across her buttoned-up shirt. He could barely see the sliver of her soft, warm skin peeking through the buttons. Soon, he could hear the wolf inside begging for something else.

  “Sorry, but I just have to ask,” Adeline said, cutting the silence. “What were those guys fighting with you about?” Luke jogged his memory. All he could remember was rage, and the insatiable urge to fight, a common issue his pack would face. It was hard to encounter rivals without starting a rumble, especially for a young wolf like him. He chose his words carefully. After all, he had just met Adeline, and she would think him crazy if he spilled out the truth to her right away. “They’ve been giving us trouble lately,” he said. “We hunt and fish near the logging grounds. They say we get in their way, but we’ve been here for years, long before they even had contracts to work there.”

  “Seems a little unfair,” Adeline said. Luke tried to sit up again, but the pain kept holding him back. “Maybe you should just chill out here for a moment,” she told him. “I can take you back to your place in the morning if you’d like. Do you have a cabin out here too?” Luke shook his head. “We’re currently out in the woods, a little ways out from the campgrounds,” he told her carefully. “I live with my brother in his RV.”

  Before he could say anymore, he noticed Adeline pouring another shot. Damn, this girl can drink, he thought to himself. She offered the bottle, and he figured what’s the harm in having just one more? He could already feel the first one sinking in, easing the pain in his wounds.

  “What about you?” He felt compelled to ask. He had to know more about this mysterious girl that trusted him enough into her home. He realized he hadn’t been inside a woman’s house since he first shifted. That felt so long ago, and he tried his best to suppress the whole other wall of pain that came with those memories. He raised the shot glass to his lips, downing the burning liquid in one gulp. “I’m just starting out in this town,” Adeline said, looking down at her skirt. Luke could see her skin through her dark tights, only a small barrier in between him and indulging the wolf’s appetite still lingering inside of him.

  Easy, easy, he told himself. “I thought I’d try to get out of the bubble I grew up in,” Adeline continued. “I’d like to do some nature photography while I’m out here.” She shrugged, a cute gesture as she gave him a sad smile. “I got a lot of drama back ho
me,” she explained. “But it’s getting better, at least for now.” Luke reached out, tenderly touching her hand. At least he could allow himself to indulge this much.

  “Well, I’m glad you showed up here,” he said. “Otherwise I’d probably be lying dead out in the woods.”

  “Ha! Yeah, right. Someone would have found you. My coworker probably,” Adeline said. “Does she look as good as you?” Luke dared to ask. Adeline appeared frazzled at his question. “I’m not sure how to answer that, honestly,” she laughed. “I can answer it for you,” Luke countered, looking into her eyes. He could hear her heart beating faster in her chest. If only he had the power to read her mind. Was she fantasizing the same things that he was? The wolf had other thoughts, ones too dirty for Luke to linger on, though they still filled him with excitement.

  “Sorry,” Adeline said, breaking her gaze from his. “I feel like I’m being a creep just sitting here. You probably want to rest.”

  “Please,” he almost begged. “Creep away.” He mustered a shrug, wincing at the tension built up in his shoulders. “What’s wrong?” Adeline asked, reaching for the source of the pain.

  Before Luke could even say something, she was already laying a hand on his shoulder, tenderly rubbing the aching muscle. “Damn, you’ve got some bad knots in there,” she said, pressing her thumb deep into the tissue. Luke let out a groan of pleasure and pain as she worked out the muscle. Adeline’s hand flew back, worried. “Hope I didn’t hurt you,” she said. “I never really studied massage. I mean I’ve done it before to like, other people, like guys and stuff…” Luke couldn’t help but laugh at her fumbling. It was pretty cute.

  “I’m feeling much better, actually,” Luke said. “Oh, that’s a relief,” Adeline said, bending down to check his bandages. Luke shuddered at her touch again, thrilled that her face was now inches from his chest. The wolf inside was practically screaming now, begging for him to just take her just to satisfy himself enough for the night.

  “Hey,” he told her softly. “Thanks, you know, for saving me.” Adeline looked over at him, tucking her hair behind her ear and smiling shyly. She was still so close to him. “No problem,” she said. “I couldn’t let you die out there without knowing your name first.”

  This was getting to be too much for Luke, who could feel his tension rising to a boil. He just had to get his hands on her. “How can I repay you?” He asked. Adeline thought, as if she would give a serious answer. Luke didn’t hesitate to reach for her soft face, pulling her closer to give her just one kiss. Her lips were soft, and tasted so sweet that he leaned more into her, until their innocent kiss was more passionate, a fiery exchange of lips interlocking. He could feel her breathing.

  Her shirt was still open, exposing her perfectly soft breasts pressed against him. He was raging to please the wolf, to taste the rest of her flesh and indulge himself on her body. He felt his hand searching, just barely brushing against the skin peeking from her waist.

  Before he could go any further, though, Adeline pulled away. Luke was worried she was upset, but to his relief she was smiling. “Sorry,” he said, feeling flustered. She stifled a laugh, gently resting her hand on his chest.

  “Wow, whiskey was a little too strong,” she said.

  “Yeah,” Luke said. “Maybe…”

  Late in the night, Luke managed to stand with whatever strength he had, his mind still buzzing from the alcohol and his kiss with Adeline. She was sleeping peacefully on the other couch nearby. He hovered over her, her scent almost driving him wild. Carefully, he bent down, kissing her lightly on her forehead. There was something about her, a strange urge to keep her close. To be sure, he reached into his pocket, pulling out a necklace with a neatly carved wooden pendant. He placed it gently on her chest and disappeared silently into the night.


  Adeline awoke feeling something was missing from her. She stood up, feeling the effects of a slight hangover. Her foot touched something cold and smooth. Looking down, she noticed a pendant lying on the carpet. She picked it up, rolling it over in her hands. It was an intricately carved design of a wolf’s head, done in a traditional Native American art form. She held it tightly in her fist, remembering that Luke had just been on her couch the night before. Now, there was only an empty space, the cushions and pillows still holding the shape of where his body once had been.

  Adeline sighed as she put the pendant around her neck. Surely it was Luke leaving a sign that he’d see her again. Adeline silently hoped that was the case. When he kissed her, so softly, his lips warm and caring, she felt as if she had been awakened somehow. It were as if a burnt out furnace inside of her somehow carried a new spark, and it was longing for an even larger flame to feed from.

  It was late in the day, and she got a call from Frankie to help clean up the remnants of the fight. Adeline sat in her car, weary from being stuck behind a long trail of cars on the mountain road. What was the hold up? She shrunk back in her seat, her mind drifting to thoughts of Luke. She could still feel the traces of his body, the outlines of his firm chest, and the tightness of his abs as she wrapped it with gauze. Adeline was familiar with men

  , having boyfriends in her old hometown. However, this one felt different, with his icy stare and his hands clutching around her waist with such impatience. It was dizzying to even think about, and Adeline could feel herself growing excited for their next encounter.

  A truck honked at her, and Adeline trailed her car forward with the rest of the line. After finally moving several feet, she discovered the cause of the traffic. Several men in safety vests were huddled around a truck, its lights flashing yellow. Working together they hoisted something into the truck. It was heavy, and wrapped in a tarp. As Adeline passed by, she was shocked to see a head lolling out from the side. It was a wolf, dark grey in color and massive in size. Adeline figured a car must have hit it somehow. As she was finally released from the block of traffic, she could almost hear the wild calls from the woods last night, the terrifying howling and yelping of an unseen fight.

  She felt strange warmth emanating from her nose. When she touched it, she was startled to find a droplet of blood. Without another thought, she touched the blood to her tongue, studying the metallic taste. She shook her head. The hell? She thought. That was the weirdest thing I could have done. But in the back of her mind, she had a strange curiosity about it.

  Adeline and Janine wiped down the tables after returning various chairs to their original places. “Did you hear anything before the fight?” Adeline asked. She hoped she could get any piece of information that could tell her more about Luke. Janine shrugged. “Just that they were fighting over which of them should be in the bar,” she said. “One of them, those logging guys, called the blonde one ‘young blood,’ which made him pissed. I think it was just all downhill from there.”

  “Hmm,” Adeline pondered. “Well I’ve never even seen those logging guys come in here before.”

  “I think they’re new,” Janine said dismissively. “You know, they’re always switching guys around to different facilities.” She leaned in closer to Adeline, making sure they weren’t heard. “When they were arguing, I was close enough to hear one of them. They weren’t just fighting. It’s strange to even mention it, I know. But it sounded like they were…growling.”

  Adeline’s eyes widened, reflecting over the strangeness of all of it. It definitely sounded like something a weirdo would do. But Luke didn’t seem like the type to give off weird vibes. Or did he?

  Janine bounced for the door as soon as a biker-looking man stepped in. He wrapped his arms around Janine, kissing her neck and grabbing for her ass in her too-tight jean shorts. Adeline averted her gaze, but her mind deviously flashed to images of her wrapped around Luke. Janine talked with the man, then kissed him goodbye. “You’re getting out of that cabin,” Janine said to Adeline excitedly. “The gang is getting together at Red’s house.”

  “I don’t know…” Adeline said, dodging around her friend.
“Come on Addie,” Janine said, poking her in the side. “A city girl like you should definitely get accustomed to a real country romp!”

  Adeline clung to the arm of a secondhand couch as a biker gang drank and hollered wildly around her. This was definitely not her scene, but she wanted to look cool in front of Janine. She knew clinging to the couch was probably the most uncool thing to do, though. She sipped nervously on her beer, wishing that she were in the quietness of her cabin. If only she knew how to reach Luke, she would have invited him over again, maybe offer to tend to the rest of his body. She smirked at the thought.

  “Addie, meet Levi!” A swaying, tipsy Janine yelled over the noise of heavy metal music. Adeline looked up to see a shadowy face next to Janine. Levi wore a t-shirt with ripped sleeves, and a pair of grungy jeans tucked into a pair of steel-toed boots. He smiled at Adeline, and she noticed he too had prominent canines. She shuffled in her seat as she awkwardly waved to Levi. “You two get along now!” Janine sang as she pranced off into the group of bikers. “What’s up?” Levi said as he took a spot next to Addie. “I’ve been looking at you all night, honestly.”

  Addie wanted to roll her eyes. She’d heard almost everything in the book when it came to flirting, thanks to working at the Hound. “Funny,” Adeline said. “I didn’t even see you come in here.” Levi shrunk back a bit on the couch. “Whatcha drinking?” He asked. Adeline held up her bottle. Levi nodded in recognition at the label. “If you’re really trying to have a good time, you’ll taste some of this,” he said, holding up his own drink. It had a label of a screaming woman plastered on the front, which made Adeline feel a little uneasy for some reason.


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