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Alpha Shifter Standalone Collection

Page 17

by Amelia Wilson

  “Funny, I could say the same thing about you.” She was clever as I tried not to disclose more information to her.

  “I saw you with Cat and I must say, I was surprised to see you reject her.”

  “You saw that, huh?”

  “Why do you think she came over to you? I sent her.”

  “Why would you do that?” I asked turning by back on the room to face Athena in the shadows. There was something in her eyes; something that gave me pause. Was it jealousy? Was it fondness? I didn’t even know the girl. She was nothing but a means to an end. Yet here she was masked by the shadows, with me, when she could be with any other man at the party.

  “Well, after the welcome you received this morning from the guards, I thought you could use a little pleasure. I wanted to show you that Rome could be hospitable if you let it.”

  “Is that why you came out here?” My eyebrow rose as I stepped closer to her. In the soft moonlight she dazzled me. From her head to her toes, she was a stark reminder of Iris. The way her golden hair caught the moonbeams stunned me. Her face flushed a darker shade of red and I wondered if she could read my thoughts.

  “Athena.” The hushed tones caught me off guard and I spun around ready to strike. A man stepped out into the brisk night air and nodded to me as his eyes scanned the balcony. Athena giggled softly, and the sound was like bells in my ears. The man moved around me and headed to the other side of the balcony completely missing the girl hiding in the corner.

  “Seems as if you are wanted elsewhere,” I said turning my attention back to Athena.

  “That’s Luca,” she said and I could hear the fondness in her voice and her eyes sparkled. It was the same look of completeness I had once seen in Iris. She would sparkle and turn the darkest rooms bright.

  “Is this Luca friend or foe?”

  “Depends on who you ask,” she said watching Luca from her corner. A pang stabbed my heart, and I wondered why I was feeling such turmoil as she stared at him. Luca seemed a decent man of medium height. There was nothing out of the ordinary about him. Yet, he held her attention even with all the other suitors gallivanting inside.

  “Should I be worried?” I whispered trying to keep my voice down. It was clear that Luca was waiting patiently for her to come out, but the rapping of his foot betrayed that he was nervous.

  “Only if you make him jealous,” Athena blushed as she stepped out of her hiding spot. I turned my head and saw Luca’s eyes widen as she approached him.

  “So, this is where you’ve been hiding all this time?” Luca’s eyes narrowed as he sized me up. Athena opened her arms to him and wrapped him in her warm embrace. I stepped away from them, as Luca tucked a strand of Athena’s hair behind her ear.

  “I thought your father had stolen you away.”

  “Luca, you remember Tobias,” Athena twisted her head and flashed a smile at me. Luca squeezed his arms around her tightly holding her close to him as if I were a threat. I couldn’t help but chuckle, as I watched his eyes narrow in on me holding my gaze.

  “Athena,” Luca’s voice dropped, and he dropped his eyes to stare at the beauty in his arms. “We need to talk.”

  “I will take my leave,” I said taking the hint.

  “Remember, the senator will be down soon. Give him his space and then approach.” Athena winked at me and smiled. It broke my heart knowing what I was about to do and prayed that my actions would never get back to her. Slowly I bowed to the couple and walked back into the party.

  Moving through the crowd I tried to keep my mind from wandering back to Athena. So much about her reminded me of Iris that it was scary. The way her hair drifted in the breeze and the way she smiled so innocently at me despite my sinister intentions. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that my plans were set in stone. There was no way for me to back out now.

  The sound of trumpets blasted through the open room getting everyone's attention. I grabbed a goblet from the table and turned to the stairwell. There was the man I came to see, moving like a stiff board down the river. His dark, cold eyes were burned into my memory and I gasped. No matter how much time had passed, he didn’t look a day older. Part of me had expected him to age, but then it dawned on me— the reason why he hadn’t changed.

  As the senator greeted his guests, I zoned in on his body scouring every inch of him looking for his weaknesses. For a moment I wondered if he would remember me. I wondered if I haunted his dreams, and if he thought about me coming for him. Sucking in a deep breath to steady my nerves, I stalked him through the crowd as if he were my prey. I paused by a mirror hanging in the hallway.

  My reflection was so much different from anything I had ever imagined. Thanks to Athena, the chances of anyone recognizing me were slim to none. The poor girl had showed me such kindness that I don’t think even my own family would recognize me here.

  A grim smile played at the corner of my lips as the senator wrapped his arms around a familiar face.

  “Ah, Edith, so glad you made it,” the senator said kissing the girl on the cheek to the dismay of the woman beside him.

  “You asked, didn’t you?” the girl responded. The tension between the women was so thick it was like walking into a foggy meadow in the dead of winter.

  “Edith,” the woman by the senator’s side hissed as her lips tightened.

  It was in that moment I understood what Athena meant by waiting. She knew the senator needed his “alone time” before I spoke with him. A wicked sensation filled me as I watched the young girl pull the senator away from the other woman leaving her to stand like a statue on the stairway. Edith giggled, pulling the senator down the stairs. I watched as they disappeared into another room.

  Should I follow? I thought. Should I kill him during the moment of passion?

  The idea of slaying him in front of his mistress seemed appropriate, but that turmoil wasn’t something I wanted to share with the innocent girl. Although, doing it in secret would allow me to escape unharmed. No, I would wait and take him out when others were around. Tonight I would find peace and be in my wife’s arms once again. My eyes darted to the window, as the moon drifted into view. I would wait the allotted time and then strike.

  My mind shifted to Athena there had to be something I could for her to show her how much I appreciated her kindness. After all, if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have gotten this close. But, the more time I spent with her, the more likely she would be dragged into my plans. I shook my head and pushed her out of my mind as I leaned against the wall and waited for the senator to return to his party.

  Chapter 5

  “My, he actually looks like a Roman.” Luca pulled me tighter to him keeping his eyes locked on me as we stared at Tobias. “You do realize he is not a Roman, don’t you?”

  “Of course,” I said trying not to let Tobias’ transformation stun me. It was clear, from the way Tobias carried himself, that something about him was different. He wasn’t that defiant peasant in the street anymore. The makeover had changed him in some way.

  I shook my head and turned my attention to Luca. “Don’t worry. He has nothing on you.”

  “Athena, you know I would do anything for you. I won’t lose you to some vagabond.”

  “Luca, are you jealous?” I cupped my hand around his face and smiled. A fire burned in his eyes, brighter than the torches that lit the balcony.

  “Of course not. I am just curious as to why you were hiding in the shadows with him.”

  “I wasn’t with him. I was hiding from my mother. She didn’t want me to come tonight and if she sees me here, well,” I looked away as I shuddered with the thought of my mother’s wrath coming out with all these people here.

  “You don’t have to worry about her. Not anymore.”

  “Then we are leaving tonight?” Hope filled me as I clung to his warm body. Chills raced through me causing my body to tremble.

  “Everything is ready. All you have to do is say the word.”

  “Did you speak wi
th Alexander about sending men for his campaign?” Luca nodded as he leaned in closer. His lips brushed against mine as he whispered.

  “Everything is set in motion. All we have to do is walk out.”

  I couldn’t believe it was actually happening. I was finally going to be leaving this city. My body tingled and I squeezed Luca to me, crushing my lips to his. Passion consumed me like a raging inferno. By the way Luca cupped his hands around my hips it was clear he was feeling the same way too.

  His tongue parted my lips and swirled about my mouth wrestling for dominance as we embraced. I had dreamed about this for so long that it was scary to believe it was coming to pass. Before I knew it, I had lifted my leg around his hip and I drove my body into his.

  The cool summer breeze played around me as Luca slipped the broach from my dress dropping the sleeve around my arm. He pulled away from my embrace and dropped his head to my bosom. I moaned and threw my head back swimming in the pleasure as he suckled at my tit. His hands cupped my plump breast as he opened his mouth to receive as much of me as he could. Juices trickled down my leg as he dropped his hands to the hem of my dress and lifted the silky fabric up to my hips.

  My eyes darted to the opened doors praying no one would come out to interrupt us. The repercussions were unthinkable. I gasped as Luca slipped his fingers into me filling me up. I buried my face into Luca’s shoulder as he pleased me.

  “Tell me you want me,” he said, his hot breath tickling my ear as he pumped his hand and moved his fingers inside my body.

  “You know I do,” I huffed as my voice broke.

  “Say it. Say you want me, because I want you right here.”

  “Luca,” I sucked in quickly trying to catch my breath.

  “But, you’re so tight and wet.” His eagerness was astonishing as he slipped his fingers from me.

  “I can wait,” he promised as he lifted his fingers to his lips and licked the juices from them. “But, when we are gone, there won’t be anything stopping me.”

  The burning desires smoldered in me as I cupped my hands around his face and pulled his lips to mine. The salty sweet taste of my juices lingered on his tongue as I kissed him. My heart drummed in my ears drowning out any other sounds.

  “Athena!” My blood turned to ice, and I froze with my arms around Luca. “Just what do you think you are doing?”

  “Estella,” Luca said prying me off him before clearing his throat. “Lovely night isn’t it?”

  “Luca Travoni. I wasn’t expecting you to be here. Does the senator know you are here?” Estella glared at me disapprovingly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I believe he does,” Luca stood with his head held high and I knew there was no way he would throw me to the wolves. He glanced at me briefly as I pulled my sleeve back over my shoulder and fastened the broach.

  “I certainly hope I wasn’t interrupting something here.”

  “No, you weren’t. Athena here told me to stop and so I did. I would do nothing to disrespect her.” Luca’s eyes flashed with admiration as I caught a tiny smile twitching at the corner of his lips.

  “Well, the senator would like to see you now. He wouldn’t say what for, but I doubt you’ll want to stand him up for this.”

  “Thank you,” Luca said as he bowed to me and winked before walking away. My heart dropped into my chest as my mind raced with all the things we would do once we were alone. The euphoria of it filled me, causing every ounce of my body quake.

  “As for you, my dear,” Estella moved swiftly to my side, the moment Luca was out of sight. She snagged my ear between her fingers and tugged forcing my head down. “This was unacceptable. The senator will hear about this.”

  “Who do you think told me to do this?” I grimaced trying to hold back the scream swelling in my throat from the pain she was inflicting.

  “Explain,” she demanded, releasing me.

  “The senator wanted me to get close to Luca to convince him to give the senator men for his campaign.”

  “This was a business transaction?” The sound of Estella’s voice wavered as she glanced at the party, scanning the crowd for Luca. In the midst of the party she spotted him mingling with other women and groping them as he pleased.

  “I see he moved on quickly,” Estella stated as she turned her gaze back to me. Jealousy hit me, watching Luca take another partner for the night. But, what was I to do? Storm in there demanding to know what he was doing? Showing my feelings for him would certainly get me into far more trouble. Instead I pressed my lips together to mask my frustration.

  “Luca is free to be with whomever he wishes, Madame. As I said, I was just trying to please the senator.” I bowed my head and before she could say another word, I slipped around her and wove my way through the crowd to get away from her.

  “You okay?” the husky voice startled me and I whipped my head around trying to hold back the tears and pain Estella had inflicted on me.

  “Tobias,” I said, brushing away the tears before he could see them. “I hope you are having a good time tonight.”

  “Who was that with you?” he asked, as I glanced up to meet his eyes. There in the deepest part I thought I noticed a flash of concern, before it faded like the morning dew.

  “The Madame of the house. Her name is Estella; she’s the senator’s wife,” I said trying to push down everything else that was welling inside me.

  “Not her, the man. He seemed a bit too possessive of you. I wasn’t sure if I should have stayed or not.”

  “Oh, him. That was Luca. He is a council member and one of the senator’s greatest allies.”

  “What were you doing with him?” Tobias asked keeping his gaze on me.

  “Why does it matter?” I replied.

  Tobias dropped his gaze and shook his head turning away from me. “It doesn’t.” His eyes went cold and focused on the senator.

  “So,” I said trying to break the awkward tension building between us. “Have you spoken with the senator yet?”

  “No. It seems others are monopolizing his attention.”

  “Well you aren’t going to get a private meeting with him unless you have tits.” The moment the words were out of my mouth I froze. Did that really just come out?

  Tobias laughed at my outburst. ““At least you’re honest. So what do you propose I do to get his attention?”

  “You’re going to have to walk up to him and introduce yourself.”

  “I don’t think that will work. Not with so many people around him right now.” Something in his voice threw me off. His words were plain as day, but the intention was off. My eyebrows scrunched together as I tried to imagine what he wanted.

  “Do you think you could introduce me?” Tobias asked in a smooth voice. There it was, the answer to my question.

  “I don’t know. My place is usually in the shadows.”

  “Please,” Tobias pleaded. My heart thundered in my head as my mouth dropped. Never in all my time here had anyone asked or even begged for my assistance. Yet, here was this stranger, who was clearly unlike any other man in the city, turning to me.

  “I suppose I could,” I blushed, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

  “It would mean the world to me if you could,” Tobias reached for my hands and squeezed them tenderly in his. Electricity raced through me the moment he touched me. I had known there was something different about him the moment I first laid eyes on him. He was strong and gentle, and right now, he wanted me. I nodded as my lips curled at the corners.

  “Come on, let’s go see the senator.”

  I grabbed Tobias’ hand in mine and led him through the crowd, passing Luca as we moved. As I passed Luca, I felt his fingertips brush across my stomach and our eyes met. His eyes blazed with caution and he shook his head ‘no’ as I passed. But, the senator was so close and I couldn’t let Tobias down now. My eyes darted to Tobias, but Luca’s fingers clasped my free hand and jerked me to a stop. Luca leaned in closer brushing his lips against my ear
as he spoke.

  “What are you doing?” Luca asked grabbing my arm and pulling me away from Tobias.

  “Nothing,” I snapped. “Tobias wanted a meeting.”

  “You don’t know who he is Athena, or what his intentions are. You can’t just bring him before the senator.” Luca’s voice was harsh and brittle. I gazed up at him and shook my head. The jealousy I had felt before erupted to the surface as I yanked my arm out of his grasp.

  “It seems he isn’t the only one I don’t know.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “I saw you, Luca. With the other women,” my voice dropped below a whisper. I wondered if he could hear the pain in my words.

  “I have to flirt with other women,” Luca hissed as his eyes darted around the room. “Estella would suspect something if I didn’t. Athena, I told you. I only want you. No one else will hold my heart.”

  His words were like silk to my ears. I should have known he would put on a show for Estella, but the sight of him with another broke my heart and stabbed me with insecurities I didn’t know existed. Sucking in a deep breath I tried to steady myself.

  “Luca, I know you mean me no harm, but please,” I pleaded gazing up to his face hoping he could see the love I had for him. Luca exhaled and released his grip on me. I smiled and nodded as I glanced over my shoulder to Tobias.

  “Ready?” I asked Tobias.

  His face was cold and unwelcoming. In his eyes I could see something sinister that hadn’t been there before. The senator was so close that it would be rude for us to just turn away without paying our respects. I swallowed hard as Luca’s words played in my mind.

  “You don’t know him.”

  Tobias’ eyes flicked to meet mine for a brief moment. Was it me, or was every muscle in his body tense? I wasn’t so sure about the meeting now, but then the senator turned his head away from Edith and boldly stared right at me. There was no turning back now.

  Together, hand-in-hand I led Tobias to the front of the pack and cleared my throat.

  “Senator Alexander, this is Tobias. He wished to meet you, Sir,” I said as I lowered my gaze and stepped away from the men.


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