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Alpha Shifter Standalone Collection

Page 20

by Amelia Wilson

  “Or what?”

  “I will hunt you down and take everything from you as you have done to me.”

  “Now that sounds like a threat,” Alexander said beaming with victory. I could see there was no love for anything but the conquest and right now, in his eyes. I was the biggest victory of all, but there was no victory here— at least none that I would give him.

  As quick as a snake I threw up my legs and kicked Alexander’s legs from under him. I watched the blade shimmer in the moonlight as if fell from his hands giving me time to spring to my feet. Suddenly it was no longer Alexander towering over me; now I was the one with the upper hand.

  “You took everything from me” I shouted releasing my pain.

  “So I have,” Alexander stated plainly. “But, you will soon join them.” I knelt down over Alexander and pulled back my arm before punching it into Alexander’s face.

  Suddenly, I could hear nothing but the sound of my own heart beating as I hit Alexander, again and again. But, with each beat of my heart I could hear something sinister, something completely out of place. It was the sound of Alexander’s wicked laughter as I wore out my rage.

  “You are no Roman,” Alexander said once my blows slowed. “A true Roman can take a beating.” I panted and heaved trying to keep the blows coming but there was no more I could do, I was spent and he knew it. The rage that once fueled me was slowly dying out and all that was left was the heartache.

  Iris was dead. My daughter was dead. All that was left was for me to join them. I stumbled back away from Alexander trying to fight back the tears.

  “Why, did you come here?” I asked and suddenly own body was too much for even me to bear. It was as if the weight of the world had come crashing down on my shoulders all at once.

  “You know why,” Alexander said. “It was in Rome’s best interests to eradicate your village for the greater good.”

  “Then do it!” I shouted. “Kill me and be done with it.”

  Alexander wobbled and swayed as he rose from the ground. With his dirty hand, he wiped the blood draining from his nose and smiled at me.

  “You’d like that wouldn’t you? An easy death? I know you would. I could tell by your failed attempt to irritate me,” Alexander reached down and pulled me up by my tunic. The scent of wine lingered on Alexander’s breath, as I glared up at him.

  “I will not grant your request,” Alexander hissed.

  “Then I will hunt you down until the ends of the earth to see you pay for what you have done to my family.”

  “I’d like to see you try.” Alexander’s once-white teeth were now stained with blood. Despite his grotesque features, I held his gaze and lunged towards Alexander’s neck with my teeth bare.

  “Savage,” Alexander exclaimed dropping me to the dirt even as he clung to the wound I had inflicted. Laughter escaped my lips as I lay on the ground, satisfaction swelling in my chest.

  “Beast!” Alexander shouted, just as his men pushed through the tree line, bows raised. Their only target, a weak broken man. I wondered if they had it in them to fire their weapons. Surely they would kill me now, even if Alexander wouldn’t. I stared up to the night sky and drew my last breath as a dozen arrows flew from their bows sinking into my chest. Darkness drifted over me like a blanket and Alexander’s words lingered in the air.

  “Let him bleed out. There is no way a man could survive an assault of that magnitude.”

  The rumbling of the earth as they left rattled me to my core. The thunder of the horse’s hooves beating on dry soil filled my ears and I slipped into the darkness, praying for death to take me. In the darkness I could see my wife’s golden locks flowing before me.

  “Iris,” I called out hoping she would turn. But, she didn’t and the darkness consumed the cracks of my soul and shrouded her from my view. The pain pulled me back keeping me tied to this mortal coil. Death wouldn’t visit me this night. Only the spirit of vengeance greeted me in my loneliness and I pried my eyes open to find the dawn’s early rays kissing and warming my face.

  I stirred trying not to feel each arrow lodged into my chest as I moved, but I could not escape the red hot angry holes that burned there. I yanked the small wooden shafts out one by one and scooted to the nearest tree. Propping myself up against it I stared at the love of my life. Her warm smile was now lost to time and the sound of my child’s cries where silenced forever.

  “I will see you again.” The promise was as painful as the arrows I had pulled from my chest. I kept my eyes locked on Iris’s steel-blue eyes, fighting the tears swelling in my own. The life that once filled them was nothing more than a dark mirror as they gazed past this world and into the next. The soul crushing agony of losing her gave birth to something else that lurked within the shadows of my being.

  “But first,” I pulled my eyes from her beautiful face and focused on the trees before me. Sucking in a deep breath I caught a whiff of the horses, “There is something I must do.”

  I paused to study Athena, allowing her time to take in all that I had said. Now it was up to her whether she would grant me the forgiveness I needed to pass on to the other side. I held my breath waiting, as the bright glorious light of the sun stretch through the windows high above our heads.

  “I promise you, I will get you out of this mess,” I said hoping that she would hear the sincerity in my voice. “You just have to trust me.”

  Chapter 9

  Tobias’ words fell heavily on my heart. There was no way on earth I could hold on to my animosity any longer. I sighed heavily as I watched the rays of light strike the darkened cell.

  “I understand why you felt you had to kill him,” I said trying not to let myself get too emotional. Here I was thinking only of what I had lost, when the truth was, Tobias had lost more than I ever would. He had a family and love. All I had was hopes and dreams; things that were never set in stone.

  “Athena, I am truly sorry.”

  “I know, and I forgive you.”

  “I’m grateful to you for that. But why? After everything I have done to you.”

  “The Romans are brutal people. The only thing my father ever wanted in this world was power. He takes without remorse or consequence and he stole more from you than he should have. I can’t begrudge you for your actions. I don’t want the darkness of hatred to prick my heart when I am so close to death. Forgiving you will allow my heart to soar when I am dead.”

  “Don’t think like that. I will get you out of here.”


  I exhaled trying hard not to let his words hold any weight for me. The look in his eyes burned with a promise greater than any words ever could.

  “The bars are thick and your chains even more so. Even if we get out of these cells, we have the guards to deal with. Trust me; you don’t want to go up against Maximus. He is the crowd’s favorite and has killed more men than I can count.”

  “He is the brute that locked us up, isn’t he?”

  “The one and same. He is a mountain. No man can stand against him and win.”

  “I am no mere man,” Tobias growled.

  “It doesn’t matter now,” I said dropping my gaze from him and resting my head on the bars that held me captive. “I wish you a swift death Tobias. That is all either of us can hope for.”

  “Don’t give up so soon,” he said, as the cell echoed with the clanging of metal. My heart dropped to my stomach as Maximus walked into our cells. He was dressed in his battle armor and it was a sight to strike any man dead form fear alone.

  I wondered if Tobias trembled with the same terror that stole the warmth from my blood. Surely he could see that he was no match for Maximus, even if he had agility on his side. One swoosh of Maximus’s blade and Tobias would be a head shorter.

  “It’s time,” Maximus stated moving towards Tobias. My eyes clung to Tobias as Maximus hoisted him to his feet.

  “Max, please don’t do this,” I pleaded.

  “Sorry Darling, but your father made it clear that
he is to be the opening act.”

  “What of me?” My heart rattled in its cage as I rose up to greet him. Although I had a clue that my fate was tied to Tobias’s, I still hoped that maybe I was wrong. Maximus shook his head refusing to say another word.

  “Come on pretty boy,” Maximus grumbled. “You have a date with destiny.”

  No words could convey the fear that rocked my body. Maximus towered two heads above Tobias and had arms like tree trunks. Despite all of Tobias’ promises there was no way he was going to survive.

  “Stay strong,” Tobias shouted over his shoulder as Maximus dragged him out of the cell. “I will be back for you.”

  “That’s what they all say,” Maximus snorted holding back his chuckle.

  “No, you can’t— please,” I pleaded. My family had already taken so much from Tobias that there was nothing left but to take his life. With all the strength I could muster I rattled the bars of my cage. All the hope that swelled in my heart bled out as Tobias disappeared up the stairs.

  “No,” I moaned dropping to my knees as the roar of the crowd filled my cell. For a moment I wondered if Edith would be watching today. There wasn’t a day that went by that she didn’t come to the coliseum, but knowing who would be fighting today for their lives, would she still come?

  The thought of being torn limb from limb in front of my only friend stabbed me. I realized she would be there. Alexander would be certain to see to it. He would use me as an example for all those around him. After all, if he could throw his own flesh and blood into the arena, what would stop him from doing the same to others?

  Tears flowed down my cheeks as the clashing of metal on metal filtered through the window and the crowd cheered on.

  “Hold on, he tells me,” I gasped shaking my head. I glanced over my shoulder at the window and gazed at the bright light pouring in.

  If I couldn’t be there with him, I could at least see him one last time.

  Scrambling to my feet I raced to the wall and dug my nails into the bricks hoping to find enough leverage to climb. Inch by inch I made my way up the wall until I could see the whole arena from ground level. My heart sank as I saw Tobias covered in the blood.

  “Oh Jupiter,” I sighed watching him rise up from the ground and come around swinging. His sword clashed with that of the other warrior before he spun around and lobbed off his head. I found myself holding my breath and watching. The blood caked on him wasn’t his, I could see that now. It was from the men he was killing, without remorse or hesitation. Tobias was right, he was no mere man, he was a warrior, a fighter, and for the first time I realized that he just might win.

  “You have bested the men of the east, but let’s see how you handle the warriors of Rome!” Alexander’s voice boomed over the crowd sending the audience into a frenzy. I tried to scan the crowd to find him, but he was too far away for me to see.

  “MAXIMUS! MAXIMUS! MAXIMUS!” the crowd chanted, and I knew then there was no escaping our fate. Of course Alexander would send his best to finish Tobias off. That was his style. Make the criminals weak with petty fighting before sending in the best.

  I could feel my fingers slipping from the nooks and I crashed down to the muddy floor of my cell. The sliver of hope that I had held onto slipped from my grasp as well. Maximus was a sure bet. All I could now was to wait for my turn.

  The booing of the crowd pulled me out of the darkness. They were no longer pleased with the fight. Curiosity filled me. Was it too quick for them? I wondered, rising once more to my feet. I climbed back up the wall and peak through the hole of the window.

  “No!” I gasped as Tobias charged Maximus with his blade still at his side. “Lift up your blade!” I cried out as Tobias slid under Maximus’ swing and scrambled back to his feet before slashing at the mountain’s back. Maximus hurdled through the open space as blood poured out of his wound like a fountain.

  “RELEASE THE TIGERS!” Alexander blasted seeing his champion failing to kill a mere mortal. My eyes darted to the openings around the arena as wild cats raced towards Tobias. Maximus ran as fast as he could to the nearest gate and slid under it as it came crashing down leaving Tobias alone with the big cats.

  My heart stopped beating, and my mouth popped opened. In a collective sigh the crowds saw exactly the same thing I did. Tobias was no longer Tobias. Within the walls of the arena, there was no man battling beasts, but monsters. The man was gone. All that remained of him was a large wolf with snapping jaws as the cats attacked.

  “What in the world?” Shock filled me. “This is some sort of parlor trick, a ruse.” But no, we all had seen it happen. Tobias shimmered out of his human form and shifted into the furry four-legged lupine. But, it was more than a wolf. It was as if Charon released his hell hound Cerberus on earth. Tobias was huge and he towered over the tigers as they tried to get the better of him.

  “KILL THEM ALL!” Alexander’s voice boomed over the crowd’s fear. I wondered if the people of Rome were pushing and shoving to get out of the arena or if they were as in awe as I was to see the things of myth and legend come true.

  Then it dawned on me. The real reason my father wanted Tobias dead. Alexander knew what he was, he and all his village. He knew the threat they posed for our nation. He knew.

  I lost my grip again and tumbled to the floor once more.

  “No,” I gasped as the pieces fell into place.

  “Stupid, idiot,” I grumbled. “I fell for his sob story, again.” My mind was reeling with the fact that Tobias had lied to me again. Anger burned through my veins as I went over the events that had led me here. Everything about him was a lie.

  The crash of metal and wood shattered my misery. I shifted my eyes to the stairway. There, Tobias emerged from the darkness covered in blood like the monster he truly was.

  “Athena! Come on we have got to get out of here.” Without effort, he ripped the door of my cell from its hinges.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you” My voice was weak and muffled from the shock of seeing him so ghastly.

  “We don’t have time for this,” he stretched his hand out to me. “I promised you I would get you out of here. Don’t make me a liar.”

  “But, you already are. You lied about everything.”

  “No, I didn’t. I just left out certain parts.”

  “Were you ever going to tell me? Or were you just hoping that I would never find out?”

  The rumble of metal against metal echoed as soldiers raced down the long corridor to the stairwell. It would only be a matter of moments before they came pushing through to kill Tobias. Yet, the way he stood told me it would be them, the Roman soldiers with wives and children, who would be slaughtered at his hands.

  “What I am is not something I am proud of. But, we don’t have time for this. Soldiers are coming for me and after all I’ve done, let me get you out of here.”

  “No,” I stumbled away from him trying to keep a distance from him. His eyes went from kind to stern.

  “I know you don’t trust me right now, but you are coming with me.” Before I could protest, Tobias swooped me up and threw me over his shoulder before racing out of the cell.

  “Put me down!” I screamed pounding my fists on his back, to no avail. With each pound of my fists, pain streaked down my arms, but I was nothing but a fly to him swarming around his body.

  “Athena!” the sound of Luca’s voice startled me and I lifted my head up to see the fear burning in his eyes.

  As we raced past Luca, I stretched my arms out hoping Luca would be able to snag me from my captor’s grip. It was no use. Tobias was a blur as he moved, making contact with Luca nearly impossible.

  “Athena!” Luca’s voice faded as we zipped through the crowded streets of Rome. Only when we reached the edge of the forest did Tobias slow his pace.

  “Put me down!” I demanded one last time.

  “Not yet.”

  “Why are you making things worse? You should have just left me there.”

�I promised I would get you out of there, and that is exactly what I did.”

  “But you are …” My voice trailed off as the sunlight dimmed from the heavy canopy of the forest.

  “I know what I am. I’m just sorry you had to see me like that. I don’t like shifting into that beast. But, your father left me no other option.”

  “My father…” just the thought of him sent chills racing through me. “He knew.”

  “Yes.” Tobias’ voice was flat, distant as if he was a million miles away.


  “I don’t know how, but he knew. It was the reason he came after us.”

  “So what happens now?” I asked trying not to let my imagination run away with me; but it was too late. So many violent images flashed before me I couldn’t see the forest before me.

  Gently, Tobias slowed to a stop and lowered me to my feet. I wanted to run, but there was no way I could out run him so I just stood there dumbstruck. He moved more slowly than normal, with his hands up to show he meant me no harm.

  “We are about five miles from the city. It will take them awhile to get organized to come after us. You can stay here and wait for them, or you can come with me.”

  “Why would I go anywhere with you?”

  “Because this is what you wanted isn’t it? You wanted your freedom. Well, look around you. You are free.”

  My mouth dropped and I turned in a circle gazing at the dense forest around us. All those nights I had spent dreaming of this moment— envisioning Luca standing beside me and the whole world opening up to us. Instead, Tobias was at my side and I was now a wanted criminal in the eyes of Rome.

  Chapter 10


  There was panic in her eyes. I could see it clearly as she spun around trying to come to terms with everything that had happened. With my hands raised in the air I stepped closer to her. The color of her eyes was brilliant and they were streaked with red. There was no doubt she was holding back the tears, and I wondered when they would begin to fall.


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