Love Me, Lauren
Page 7
It could be only Julia and Luke’s love for each other. Someone like her who walked the line of brash and sometimes crass would never have a sugary-sweet, mushy-as-fuck love life.
Would she? Would she even welcome such open displays of affection, like Julia had with Luke?
She didn’t know.
Would she ever get a chance to find out?
Not when the first guy to stir her up and spin her into a fumbling mess always tried to escape her. Perhaps her past activities repulsed him, which didn’t make any sense since he had been a womanizer longer than she had been…easy.
Had gaining custody of his daughter reformed him? And if so, was he out of her league?
She stared at Luke’s house with a heavy heart. It would be her luck that the one person who sparked more than a lustful thought would be the one person she could never have.
Julia hopped into the car, grinning like a fool. “Everything all right, sweets?”
“Peachy. Let’s go.”
Tami’s House of Hair reminded Lauren of the little salon in Steel Magnolias, sans the Southern charm or Dolly Parton’s cheerful positivity. Lauren smiled as brightly as she could muster at Tami Burns, the woman who had become one of Julia’s closest friends in town. Lauren had the unfortunate pleasure of hearing about their shopping trips into Spokane, double dates once a month, and how they invited each other over for dinner.
And now, she could see with her own eyes the friendship that had developed between them.
Yay me.
“How are you, Lauren?” Tami smiled warmly.
“Great, and you?”
“I’m doing just fine, thanks. Can I get you some coffee or pop?”
Lauren stared at her blankly.
“Pop is a can of soda,” Julia explained with a little snort. “In California, we say soda.”
“Is that right? Well, I’ve never been, but now I know.” She laughed. “Lauren, would you like a soda?” Tami repeated with sass in her tone.
It burned Lauren. “No, I’m good. Thanks.”
Tami nodded and then turned her attention to Julia to whisper something to her. It made Lauren’s blood turn green with envy. Julia confided in Tami much like she did Lauren.
Really, Lauren was glad Tami had turned out to be a true and loyal friend. It had made living in the small community bearable for Julia. More than bearable—Julia had grown to love it. So much so that leaving her life in Los Angeles, the inn, and Lauren hadn’t been difficult at all.
Though Lauren would never admit to it, she felt abandoned all over again. Even months later, she still couldn’t believe Julia wasn’t coming home and back to work at the Azure Inn and Spa.
How could Julia love this life? She was sitting in a grubby garage getting her hair cut and colored, surrounded by mounted fish and deer antlers. What had happened to her bestie? Had she been brainwashed? Turned into a Stepford Wife, the Lumberjack Edition?
“Look at how long your hair has gotten. It’s gorgeous. You sure you want to cut it?”
“Only an inch or two. I think Luke would die if I ever went short. Could you imagine me with a pixie?” She directed her question to Lauren. “I would die!”
“You and me both,” Lauren agreed.
A weird feeling settled in her gut as she watched Julia and Tami. She had become the third wheel, and she hated it.
She faded back, letting the two gab as friends would, and she looked up at a large mirror that hung above the couch. It was surrounded by various mounted fish. Fish. She recalled Julia saying Tami’s husband Aaron was “quite a looker.” From what Lauren remembered, they’d fallen in love while fishing on Lake Brooks. A sweet, yet cheesy way to fall in love. And judging by all the fish surrounding the mirror, Tami must love fishing with her husband.
Fishing didn’t sound fun in the least, even on the magical lake in a town Julia believed drew couples together, like her and Luke. She didn’t have an ounce of proof, only a hunch…along with her sexy lumberjack.
Lauren continued surveying the “salon,” a loose term for a single-stall garage where beauty magic was supposed to happen. The modest dwelling had two workstations, one for Tami and the other for Tiffani, she assumed.
Where was Tiffani? Probably better that she wasn’t around.
The rural hair place was like nothing she had seen before. As she sat on a plaid sofa with two bear-motif pillows, she continued to scrutinize every detail. There was a hand-crocheted burgundy blanket resting along the back of the couch. No doubt Julia’s new bestie had made it herself. Lauren smirked inwardly, recalling that Tami had offered to teach Julia how to knit or crochet or whatever. But Lauren knew Julia better than anyone, and hand making anything wasn’t her cup of tea.
Interestingly, Lauren had a feeling Julia would one day learn to crochet.
A loud buzzer made Lauren jump.
Tami turned toward her, laughing. “That’s the dryer.”
“Oh, sure, the dryer.” Lauren looked down at the end of the garage, toward the stackable washer and dryer. Beside them was a set of cabinets and a wash station. The little shop had everything that was needed to beautify its patrons, even a Mr. Coffee on the counter with a sign that said: Don’t be shy, help yourself.
That wasn’t the only sign in the room. Tami seemed to be a collector of snappy, cutesy sayings. Below a deer’s head mounted over the door was a sign that said: Sugar ’n Spice and Sometimes Salty. That one brought a smile to her face. She also recalled Julia telling her it was her favorite.
Before Julia moved to Faithful Falls, she wouldn’t have dreamed of getting her hair cut in a garage salon. But she truly seemed happy. Could Lauren also adapt and enjoy living in a small community? To being out of the city, away from the beaches, restaurants, and clubs?
Wouldn’t life here be boring?
The girls broke out in giggles, probably an inside joke Lauren wasn’t privy to. It annoyed her as she tried to not let her curiosity get the better of her. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through Instagram. Boring. Then Twitter. Boring. Pinterest held her attention for a bit with beautiful floral arrangements, yummy desserts, and ocean sunsets. If she ever got married, she wanted a destination wedding.
Where had that thought come from?
Her phone vibrated, a text from the one person she never wanted to hear from again.
Trent: Are you going to ignore me forever? As if we didn’t have an amazing night of sex.
She deleted it. Hadn’t she blocked him?
“I heard about you and Rick last night.”
“What?” Lauren’s head popped up from her phone, meeting Tami’s intrigued eyes.
“From Louise. I ran into her this morning at the market. She said Julia’s gorgeous friend was in the bathroom with a handsome black man.” Tami winked. “That would explain why Tiffani was in a crappy mood too.”
“Oh?” Lauren smirked as if it were no big deal. “He mistakenly went into the women’s bathroom.” She shrugged, diverting her eyes back to her phone.
“Is that right?” Julia challenged. “Now that Tami brought it up, it does seem like something is going on between you and Rick. There were lots of tense looks between you last night and this morning. You even scared him off.”
“Scared him off?” Tami asked. “Tell me more!”
“Yeah, she somehow made him uncomfortable, and he left the room,” Julia added.
“I did not make him uncomfortable. He needed to check on Izzy, that’s all,” Lauren explained, rather poorly given their unconvinced faces.
“No, I’m pretty sure Izzy wasn’t why he left.” She sighed. “Even if you don’t like him, try not be rude. He’s Luke’s friend, so be nicer to him,” Julia chastised.
“I wasn’t rude!”
“Yeah, you were.”
Lauren crossed her arms over her chest. I wasn’t rude. Was I?
“Can you be nice to him, please? It’s only for a couple of days.” Julia and her saccharine voice—it softened Lauren every time.
“I know there’s a super, sweet girl inside your gruff exterior.”
“Sure. I’ll be nice.”
How would she be around him tomorrow for the entire day? She wasn’t trying to be rude, it just happened without her knowledge. Dammit. Why can’t I be more like Julia?
Lauren didn’t want him to avoid her. She wanted him to like her as much as she liked him. Keeping her mouth in check would be a beast of a challenge, especially if Rick found her off-putting. That was a painful thought. How could that be though? She definitely felt something between them. Maybe it was one-sided? That was an excruciating thought.
It would be her horrible luck to be crazy attracted to a man who didn’t return the sentiment. And now she had to play nice with him. Controlling her sharp tongue wouldn’t be easy; it would leave her vulnerable to feel her emotions on a deeper level. But she’d better if she didn’t want to upset Julia, and she certainly didn’t want to offend Rick anymore.
Could she play nice?
A Perfect Ten
There wasn’t a cloud in the azure sky, or the slightest breeze. The warm day was proving to be ideal for a tenth birthday party and a day on the lake. Tourists were out in droves fishing, tubing on the lake, and grilling. Rick was surrounded by laughter and chatter.
Yet none of it would detract from the unrecognizable feeling inside his chest. Was it heartburn? That didn’t seem right. Last night at Luke’s they’d had pizza and beer. Neither would cause him indigestion. Maybe fear? Possibly, given his appointment with the realtor; he hadn’t told Luke about it yet. Still, that didn’t seem right.
And then it hit him…irritation?
Yes, it was irritation. And it had everything to do with Lauren Daniels.
From the moment he met Lauren at The Peak, she had been nothing but irritating. A flip of her long blonde hair, those luscious lips that fought to hold back her lovely smile, and her sparkling blue eyes had him captivated. Her eyes…the gateway to her soul. Even when she smiled and laughed, he could see the uneasiness she felt in her eyes.
But it was the way she pranced around him like he didn’t exist while being sassy and…irritating that had him in knots. It didn’t matter how intelligent or breathtakingly beautiful she was, he wouldn’t play her game. Over the years he had met plenty of women like her. Well, not as striking. And he’d bedded all of them then, but he wasn’t that guy anymore.
Those days were long gone.
Don Juan had left the building months ago.
He had changed.
So what was his problem? This gorgeous, saucy woman made him feel something…and not in his shorts. As the day unfolded, the tension between them grew thicker, and his desire to taste her pink pouty lips grew stronger.
They stared at each other, neither speaking a word as activity surrounded them. In the background he could hear Izzy splashing in the lake with Julia, Luke talking to Mike and Bruce about grilling the perfect steak, and the clinking of horseshoes. But the gentle drumming of Lauren’s nails on the picnic table drowned out all other noises.
Why were they both seated at the same table and across from each other? How in the hell had that happened? Why wasn’t he with the guys and she with Julia? And what was going on in her pretty little head?
He wouldn’t be able to take much more of the silence wafting between them.
And just like that, she spoke.
“I really didn’t take a cocky Marine like you for a quiet man. Or a nervous one.” She looked out at the lake. Her flippant remark electrified him as he stared at her profile. She was like a modern day Barbie save for the unnatural body. Lauren’s body was petite and feminine, and if he didn’t leave now, he might not be able to control himself.
He stood from his seat, glancing at the back of Luke, and was reminded of his words: Just mind your dick.
“Right, I must have read you wrong. My bad.” Lauren popped up, turned sharply on her heel, and bolted into the woods. He watched as her blonde mane swung from side to side.
And he couldn’t help himself.
The irreverent move caused him to react swiftly, and he charged into the tall pines after her. Once he was within arm’s reach, he grabbed her hand. She gasped as he pulled her into him. Face to face, he stared into her ocean-blue eyes without saying a word.
Now that Lauren was in his arms, what was he to do?
Everything about her set off a blaring alarm in his core. But the smell of sunscreen on her warm, firm body, the shine of her glossy lips, and the tips of her fingers squeezing his bicep held him in place. She made him feel, but not irritation.
Desire. Desire like he had never felt before.
Lauren’s mouth slowly parted as if preparing to launch into a slew of wiseass remarks. And that’s when he wrapped his arms around her waist, gruffly pulling her closer. She gasped again but didn’t pull away.
“Do it,” she quietly taunted him. She wanted him to kiss her?
So he did. Cupping her face, he captured those pouty lips with all the fervor of a man who had spent a lifetime devoid of love. Of real passion. Rick moved over her mouth hesitantly, confused by his need to handle her with care. Not his usual playlist of insignificant kisses, swiping his tongue here and there with callous regard, or the heavy-handed petting to stimulate a woman to drop her panties.
None of this was normal. Not his racing heart nor the weight of emotion in his chest. He pulled her tighter, fusing them into one element. The tension disappeared as they discovered each other with soft kisses, timid tongue play, and gentle caresses. He made each movement with cautious intent as he sensed Lauren’s uncertainty.
Why didn’t she stop him? Slap him?
Instead she welcomed him further as he cupped her face with soft, breathy panting. The surreal moment lifted Rick into the clouds.
And then the deep clearing of a man’s throat jerked him back to the ground. Luke.
Rick released Lauren instantly. Her eyes smiled up at him as a dark cloud of judgment walked up behind them.
“I see you two aren’t lost after all. Julia will be relieved.”
“Honestly, Luke, who are you kidding?” Lauren scoffed. “You were checking up on us and you know it.” She scrunched her nose, turning her salty attitude back on. “So you caught us, big whoop.” She shrugged her shoulders, then darted off back to the party site.
Luke hadn’t taken his eyes off Rick once. This wasn’t good.
“Before you say anything—” Rick began.
Luke put his hand up, stopping him. “No. I don’t want to hear your excuses. This is Lauren, Julia’s best friend. You’re not adding her to the long-ass list of women you’ve bedded!”
“I’m not that guy anymore!”
“The hell you’re not! Not a week ago I told you to mind your dick! How quickly and conveniently you forget. Sort of like when I asked you to watch over my family. Apparently taking care of them meant sleeping with my wife!”
Luke knocked the air right out of Rick. The affair wasn’t water under the bridge like he’d thought. It was time they had it out once and for all. Rick stepped toward Luke, fully prepared to speak, until he saw Julia directly behind him.
The sadness in her eyes told him that she had heard Luke’s tirade.
Rick mouthed, Julia.
What had she walked in on? It didn’t really matter. The anger in Luke’s voice sent her running back to the party with tears streaking down her cheeks.
“Julia!” he called after her. “Julia, let me explain.”
She didn’t stop. Now was not the time to hash out his feelings about Rick, Renee, or the affair. And she sure as hell didn’t want him apologizing. Even if he truly was sorry, which she imagined he was, the truth always seemed to rear its ugly head during a heated moment.
But what or who had caused the heated moment?
Several yards in front of her, she eyed Lauren playing with Izzy. As sweet as the scene was—and unusual at that—she couldn’t produce a s
“Dammit, Julia, will you please stop?” Luke stomped up behind her, and she whipped around with her jaw set. “Baby—”
“Not now,” she said, cutting him off. “And don’t worry, you’ll get your chance to explain. But it won’t be now.”
“It needs to be now, so you don’t overreact.” She cocked her head at him. “Baby, I don’t want all sorts of untrue thoughts running through your head.” He took hold of her hands. “What I said back there didn’t come out right.”
“No? It sounded pretty clear to me. We do have a lot to talk about, but it’ll have to wait.”
She slipped her hands out of his and rejoined the party. Her stomach twisted, and she could feel his heated gaze on her, knowing full well he didn’t give a damn about the party or their guests. And frankly, she didn’t give a damn about any of it either. She could have relied on Tami to manage things so she and Luke could talk, but the truth was that she needed time to calm down or she might blow up at him.
Yes, there were a lot of thoughts and questions running through her head. The one at the forefront of her mind: Does Luke have unresolved feelings about the affair? Followed by: If so, what does that mean for me and our future?
She had zoned out, twisting her engagement ring around her figure as the dull rumblings of people clattered around her. Luke startled her, snaking his hands around her waist. “Don’t you think for a second about calling off the wedding or that I don’t love you.” He kissed the crook of her neck. “I only have one regret in this life and that’s not being free of my past.” He turned her around to face him. “Never doubt me or us. We belong together…forever.”
A tear rolled down her cheek.
Luke gently swiped it away, and the gesture took all her negative thoughts right out of her. She wrapped her arms around his back for a fierce hug.
“I love you,” the sometimes-gruff lumberjack said with his lips pressed against her head. “So much.”
“I love you too. But we still need to talk. AFTER everyone is gone.” She pulled back to look him in the eyes. He stared down at her with adoration, like she was the only person in the world that mattered to him.