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Blind Ambition

Page 35

by Carol Ashby

He tried to smile at the man who’d done so much to raise him. Graecus and Publius had each been more of a father to him than his own father had. Today he would be losing all three.

  Graecus rested his hand on Decimus’s shoulder.

  “Not really. Those were only words spoken in anger. You know your father’s temper. He just told me about the choice you’ve made. He doesn’t understand, and he certainly doesn’t approve. But your father loves you, and he sent me to help plan your death so you can safely start your new life.

  “To give you a future, Decimus Cornelius Lentulus must die. I think you should disappear between here and the northern estate, dragged off and killed by robbers, your body never to be found. Then you can go somewhere to live with a different name. Only we three will know the truth.”

  Decimus startled Graecus when he grabbed his arms, pulled him to his chest, and gave him a crushing hug. When he pushed Graecus back out to arms’ length, he was beaming. If anyone could figure out what he should do and how to do it, it was Graecus. A report of his death was the perfect solution to all his problems. If the Roman tribune was no more, the Greek merchant could her.

  Chapter 51: The Bride Price

  Rhoda stood on the lower rail of the corral and whistled. The black stallion lifted his head from the trough, water dripping off his lower lip. With a swish of his luxuriant tail, Astro sauntered over to get his head scratched. She rubbed his star-shaped blaze as his head hung down where she could reach it. Suddenly, he jerked his head up and snorted. He stared over her shoulder. Then he started to dance in place, like he did when he first saw her in the morning.

  She turned to see what had caught Astro’s attention. A tall, bearded man on a proud Spanish mare emerged from the trees and rode toward her. He had two other equally beautiful mares on leads behind him. She held her hand over her eyes to shade them so she could see him better.

  “Oh, Astro! It’s him!”

  She ran toward the rider. He slid off his horse and knelt to catch her as she threw her arms around him.

  “Decimus! You’ve come back! I knew you would. I’ve been praying and praying for you to come since the day you left. Valeria will be so happy.” She laid her head on his shoulder and hugged him like she’d never let him go.

  Decimus loosened her grip and held her at arms’ length. “I’m glad to see you, too.”

  He braced himself before the question upon which the future he longed for hung. “Is your sister betrothed?”

  Rhoda’s smile was undimmed as she shook her head. Decimus swept her into his arms and twirled around before setting the giggling girl back on her own feet.

  “Why do you have so many wonderful horses with you? They’re almost as beautiful as Astro.”

  “I heard Valeria tell Baldric that three fine mares were an irresistible bride price.”

  “Oh, no!” Rhoda’s hand flew to her mouth as her eyes saucered. “Decimus, she didn’t tell him that. She told him no number of horses would be enough if a man didn’t follow the Way. Please don’t ask her to marry you. She’ll have to tell you no, and that will break her heart again.”

  “Don’t worry. I have something else to tell her that will convince her to accept my horses...and me.”

  Rhoda bit her lower lip and her eyes glistened as he stood up.

  He took Rhoda’s small hand in his large one and smiled down at her. “Don’t cry. There’s no need. I have a surprise for her that I want you to help me with.”

  Her head tipped back as she looked at him towering over her. “What do you want me to do?”

  “When we get to the cottage, don’t tell her I’m here. Just tell her a Greek merchant who’s a follower of the Way needs her.”

  Rhoda’s eyes widened as her breath caught. “You follow Jesus now?” His smiling eyes and nod gave her the answer he knew she wanted. She threw her arms around him again and held him tight as she pressed her cheek against him.

  “I’ve prayed for this since the first night. I knew this had to be God’s plan.”

  He stroked her hair as she looked up at him, grinning.

  He tied his horses to the corral railing, and they walked hand-in-hand to the cottage porch. After a quick squeeze of his hand, Rhoda opened the door and entered.

  He could hear her through the open window. “Valeria, there’s a Greek merchant who’s a follower of the Way on the porch. He needs you. He has three of the prettiest mares, too.”

  Valeria was wiping her hands on a towel, looking down as she came out the door.

  “God’s grace and peace to you, my brother. How can I help―” She froze as she looked up. Still holding the towel, her hands flew up to cover her mouth. “Oh!”

  Decimus stepped close to her and cradled her face in his hands. “Is there still a place here for a Greek merchant who’s become a follower of the Way?”

  Valeria’s eyes filled with joyful tears. She threw her arms around him and pressed her cheek against his chest. His arms wrapped around her as a satisfied sigh escaped. He rested his cheek against her hair as he held her close.

  She pushed back so she could look at his face. “I see you brought my bride price. I’m still a wise woman, able to recognize a good horse...” She reached up and pushed a strand of hair off his forehead before laying her hand on his cheek. “And a good man.”

  He caressed her cheek, once more tracing the scar with his fingertip. Her smile brightened and became more beautiful than he’d ever seen before. Her eyes were glowing as he lowered his lips to hers and pulled her again into his embrace.

  A deep peace descended on him. Now he had everything he would ever need―faith in Jesus...and Valeria. It was good to be the man who had finally passed her test.

  Coming in 2018

  If you’re not ready to say goodbye to the people in Blind Ambition, you’ll have the chance to spend more time with them eight years later in the sequel. Turn to the next page for Chapter One of Faithful.


  Is the price of true friendship ever too high?

  In AD 122, Adela, the fiery daughter of a Germanic chieftain, is kidnapped and taken across the Roman frontier to be sold as a slave. When horse-trader Otto wins her while gambling with her kidnappers, he entrusts her to his friend and trading partner, Galen. Then Otto is kidnapped by the same men, and Galen must track them half way across the Empire before his best friend loses a fight to the death in a Roman arena.

  Adela joins Galen in the chase, hungry for vengeance. As the perilous journey deepens their friendship, will the kind, faithful man open her eyes to a life she never dreamed she’d want?

  A trip to the heart of the Empire poses mortal danger to a man who follows Jesus, especially when he must seek the help of an enemy of the faith for Otto to survive. Tiberius hunted Christians when he governed Germania Superior and banished his own son when he became one.

  When Tiberius learns sparing Galen offers a chance at reconciliation, he joins the trio on their journey home. Can his animosity toward the followers of Jesus survive a trip with the Christian man whose courage and faithfulness demand his respect?

  Sneak Peek of Faithful

  Chapter 1

  Three days north of Germania Superior's frontier, AD 122

  Adela felt the daggers as she hung her horse’s bridle on the gatepost and swatted its rump to send it into the corral. When she turned to face the cottage, her stepmother spun and stomped inside.

  She rolled her eyes. It was going to be another one of those days.

  It had only been four months since Mother died. Why had Father been in such a hurry to remarry? He had a son, and she would marry soon to give him a son-in-law. She’d told him he should take his time. A chieftain of the Hermunduri could have his pick of the maidens whenever he decided to wed.

  But had he listened? If her brother had spoken, he might have. All she got was a frown and a flick of a hand to shoo her away.

  At the moment, they weren’t at war
. Marrying the sister of another chieftain just to seal an alliance was a bad idea when that woman was meaner than a weasel and had a nearly grown son and daughter herself.

  She cringed at the thought of another day in the company of her mousy stepsister, Gunda, and Hildegard. She would not call that woman Mother, no matter what Father said.

  Adela’s gaze flipped over her shoulder when she felt the hand.

  Gunda was holding two baskets. “The wild strawberries are ripe. Olga had some this morning, and Mother wants us to go gather some, too.”

  “I didn’t see any when I was riding.”

  Her stepsister hugged herself as her eyes flicked toward the cottage, then returned to Adela. “But Mother said they were ripe where the stream forks.”

  “That far? We won’t be back in time for supper if we go there.”

  Gunda rubbed her nose and glanced at the cottage again. “I know, but when Mother says go, I’m not going to argue. Neither should you.”

  She held out a basket and gave it a small shake. “Your father already told you to do what Mother says. Do you want her to tell him you wouldn’t go?”

  Adela snatched the basket, jerking Gunda toward her when she didn’t let go fast enough. “The sooner we go, the sooner we get back.”

  She set a fast pace as they entered the woods. Gunda had to scurry to keep up, but it wasn’t Adela's fault that her stepsister was a scrawny little thing, even though she was thirteen. Hildegard spoiled her precious daughter, and spoiling made a person weak.

  Adela squared her shoulders. No one would ever dare to call her weak. Father might not value her opinion about remarrying, but she’d heard him brag on her skill with weapons and horses. A daughter fit for a chieftain’s son. That’s what he’d said, and her heart warmed at the thought.

  She was nineteen. Within the year, she would marry, and she knew exactly what kind of man she wanted. Tall, handsome, proud, afraid of nothing and no one―a warrior like Father.

  Already Father was talking with the other chieftains with sons ready to take a wife. Adela’s lips curved into a satisfied smile. Her marriage couldn’t be soon enough to get her out from under Hildegard’s aggravating control. After she was wed, she could finally tell that woman what she thought of her. That thought broadened her smile.

  “Slow down, Adela.”

  Gunda’s whining heightened the anticipation. One more thing she’d leave behind when she married her warrior.

  When they reached the glade where the stream forked, Adela’s brow furrowed. Lush, green...but no sign of red.

  “I don’t see any ripe strawberries.” She spun on Gunda. “Did Olga pick everything already?” Her lips tightened. “Just like your mother to waste my time like this.”

  Gunda turned in a circle as she scanned the surrounding trees. “But Mother said they were here.” Her eyes caught Adela’s, then flitted away. “Maybe we need to look among the deep grass and ferns.” She pointed across the stream. “You look over there. I’ll look on this side.”

  Adela jumped the stream and shuffled through the grass, pushing it aside with her foot before each step. No strawberries, not even green ones. Her back was to the stream when she heard hoofbeats behind her.

  Then Gunda gasped. Adela spun. A man on a bay horse stood between her and Gunda, but she could see Gunda’s legs under the horse’s belly. She was backing up as the man leaned toward her. He nudged the horse closer and grabbed Gunda’s arm.

  Adela trotted to the steam bank and leaped across. “You! Leave her alone.”

  The man turned to face her, and his lips twisted into a sneer as Adela moved closer.

  Gunda strained to pull free and started to cry. “No. Don’t do it.”

  Adela sprinted toward the horseman as Gunda’s tears turned to sobs. A feral laugh escaped his throat as he swung his gaze from Gunda to her.

  Adela’s eyes narrowed as she neared his horse’s head. The man was brawny and she had no weapon, but she knew horses. She grasped the loose fabric panel that draped the front of her dress and flicked it into his horse’s face.

  With a panicky neigh, the horse reared, launching the man into the air. When the flailing hooves returned to earth, Adela was ready. She scooped up the reins, grabbed a handful of mane, and sprang onto its back.

  Gunda stood like a statue, eyes enormous and hands over her mouth. Adela held out her hand. “Get up behind me.”

  Her stepsister started to move...backward.

  The man moaned behind her.

  “Gunda, now!”

  Hoofbeats...two horses...coming up fast from behind. “Gunda!”

  Gunda spun and ran into the trees and up the hill. Adela whirled the horse. Two men were coming straight for her.

  “Keep running!” Adela bent low on the horse, drove her heels into its flanks, and hurtled forward...toward their attackers.

  She shot between them before they could react. If only they would follow her. Gunda was running toward their home. Perhaps she’d get away.

  The pounding of hooves behind her promised a chance for her stepsister. Adela urged the horse forward. She reached the edge of the clearing and was forced to slow down as she wove between the trees.

  The head of a horse moved up on her right side. Too close, but also close enough. Low branches lay straight ahead. As she pulled her reins to the right, she lay flush with her horse’s neck. She barely cleared...but the tall man beside her didn’t. His yell as the branches swept him from his horse was music to her ears. The trees thickened; the hill grew steeper. Her horse lurched as she pounded her heels into its sides to keep it lunging up the slope.

  Hoofbeats behind her...closer...closer...

  The front neckline of her dress cut into her throat as a hand grasped the back. The horse leaped forward as her thighs lost their grip. The canopy of leaves became a green blur as she was dragged across the horse’s rump.

  Then all went black.

  A hill-country farm in Germania Superior

  As Galen tied his bedroll to the saddle, Astrelo turned his head to watch.

  “Ready for an adventure, boy?”

  Astrelo’s bridle jingled as he shook his elegant black head.

  Galen slapped the stallion’s neck twice. “I’ll take that as a yes.” A quick rub of the star-shaped blaze drew a contented nicker. “Let’s go do some trading.”

  As he stepped away from his horse, two small boys dropped the sticks they were poking into the mudpuddle and ran to him. He scooped up four-year old Gaius and plunked him on his shoulders. Six-year-old Publius bounced at his side.

  “I wish I could go with you, Uncle.”

  He tousled the boy’s wavy brown hair. “When your mother and father say it’s time.”

  Galen glanced at his sister, Val, as she walked toward him, a sack containing food and a change of clothes slung across her right shoulder and a giggling baby girl on her left hip. “Better if we ask Dec. He’s more likely to say yes sooner.”

  He put his finger across his lips. “Don’t tell your mother.”

  Val reached his side, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “Don’t tell me what?”

  Galen swung Gaius to the ground and slapped his bottom. “Run, before she gets an answer out of you.”

  The two boys sprinted away, giggling.

  Galen took the sack from her. “Should be a good trip. We’ll stop in Borbetomagus first. I already know someone who wants the mare there. Then we’ll head south to Argentorate. Roman officers always have more money than they can spend out here, and the colts should bring top money at the legion fortress.” He bounced his eyebrows. “I might even get a couple of the tribunes into a bidding war, like last time.”

  Val pushed a stray lock of hair back from his forehead. He fought a grin. She was always going to see him as her little brother who needed tending.

  “My father would be impressed by how good you are at this.”

  Galen chuckled. “I learned f
rom masters, watching you and Baldric.”

  “I know you’ll only be gone for a week and a half, but be careful. I’ll be praying for you.”

  “Don’t worry, Val. I’ll have Otto along to advise me.”

  Her eyeroll pulled another chuckle from him.

  She planted her fist on the hip without a baby. “You know Baldric and I are relying on you to keep Otto out of trouble, not the other way around.”

  A grin split Galen’s face. “You can tell Baldric I’ll get a good price for his horses. I’ll also make sure his young stallion comes home in one piece.”

  He whistled, and Astrelo trotted over. The sack joined the bedroll at the back of his saddle. As Galen jumped and swung his leg over his horse’s rump, Val untied the lead rope of the first horse in the string from the corral railing. After he settled into the saddle, she handed it to him.

  “May God bless and keep you on the journey.”

  Galen nodded once. “He always does. We’ll head down to the river road as soon as Otto brings Baldric’s horses to the village. See you in about ten days.”

  He nudged Astrelo into a trot and tossed his sister a backhanded wave as he entered the tree-lined wagon track that lead to the village. The sunlight made dancing patterns of light and shade as it filtered through the leafy branches. There could be no better way to start a journey of ten days with his best friend.

  Valeria shook her head as she smiled. Her brother was always joking, but he had a good head on his shoulders and a heart that wanted to please God. She’d be praying for his safe return, but he and Otto should be fine.

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