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BairnGefa- The Akashic Expedition

Page 5

by Ruairí Cinéad Ducantlin

  Both complied.

  What happened next quickly became legend and lore.

  From each of the alleys, three attackers charged forward, screaming, laser sabers raised. Corb raised his hands parallel to the deck, arched his back, and swept his outstretched arms forward until his palms touched in front of his chest.

  The six attackers were swept forward and hurled down the corridor until they tumbled to a stop at the next maintenance alley intersection.

  Four of the attackers were unconscious from their heads tumbling along the deck. Two, heavily concussed and with broken limbs, tried to stand while signaling for the second wave of the ambush to emerge.

  Pacing forward, Corb quickly closed the fifty meters to the pile of attackers. Ragnar and Jirxena raced to keep up. The second attack wave hesitated, and that was enough. Corb raised his arms in the direction of the alleys. He closed his palms above his head, and the second wave of six attackers was pulled from the shadows and dumped into the corridor. Twelve Plentari assassins in a pile, the semi-conscious among them fighting to stand but being restrained by an unknown force.

  “Enlightened One, these are not Plentari. They are parasites who kill for credits. They do not deserve to live. Permit me to defend the name of the Plentari from these parasites.”

  “No, Jirxena, assassins who can’t seem to stand up will struggle to find work. The message of their attempt on my life will reach far and travel quickly. They will live to suffer the humiliation of failure.

  “Grab my arms. Let’s get out of here.”

  The trio teleported back to the cargo bay on the Jaguar. Met by the Coterie, they were surprised to learn Landry had beamed video of the ambush to the Jaguar’s crew.

  “That was a hell of a fight. Not! You should have let Ragnar and Jirxena have some fun.”

  “No, Nick, we only kill to survive.”

  Turning to Ragnar and Jirxena, Corb continued.

  “I added to our reputation today. Your turn will come. I can’t be everywhere.”

  They nodded acceptance of the warning to be cautious before Corb handed Janish the small box from the merchant. He closed the conversation.

  “Work with Landry and Cass. Find out what is on the data module in this box. I presume Landry filled you in on the request. I need to know what Jymind has planned.

  “Now, let’s get the heck out of here. We can assess the data while we are in the slipstream on our way to Earth.”

  Jirxena and Jirmina stood still, surprised by the crew’s cheering and whooping. Plentari warriors did not celebrate what they expected. Plentari warriors expected to win.

  The time clock appeared as the cargo door sealed.

  Time to Complete Antimatter Load: 16:01:13.

  Time to Entry: 27:32:11.

  Time to Emergence: (19D) 12:18:58.

  Q’eqchi Conference Room — Earth

  “Corb, the TCCC is furious you came here before debriefing with them.”

  “Davinder, I will give them a debrief after we have time to catch up. I wanted you to meet Jirxena and Jirmina. You and Jan get first pass at our data.”

  Q’eqchi was a secure compound that looked as if it were built on top of an abandoned coal mine, one of those ecologically devastating coal mines where they removed the top of the mountain to recover the coal. The compound looked like a contemporary version of a World War II military training facility. Tucked deeply into West Virginia’s Appalachian Mountains, Q’eqchi was secluded, secure, and home to the Coterie when they visited Earth.

  After warm hugs all around and quick diversions to the you haven’t aged a day comment, the Coterie headed off to their quarters for showers, food, and much-needed sleep. Corb, Lucinda, Jirmina, and Jirxena remained to debrief. Jan was expressing his concerns.

  “I do not agree Earth is ready to meet another group of aliens. They have seen a few pictures of the Ch’en. I mean, humans know other sentient life exists in our galaxy, but are they ready to actually meet aliens? No. I do not consider Earth ready.”

  “No, Jan, I do not sense Earth is ready. Which is why bringing the Plentari here and not to Earth was the wise choice. A few more years, maybe Earth will be ready. Anyway, Himari, Jan, will you see to accommodations for Jirxena and Jirmina?”

  Corb became quiet. Himari pressed a button on her tablet. A few seconds later a military steward stepped into the conference room.

  “Please see our guests are comfortable. First, pick up one of those personal translators.”

  The steward inserted the translator into his left ear, opened the door, and waited. Corb chuckled before speaking.

  “He expects you to follow him. He will show you where you will sleep, where to eat, and how to access the entertainment.”

  When the door closed, Davinder, Jan, Himari, Corb, and Lucinda remained in the conference room. Himari pressed a few icons prior to announcing status.

  “The room is secure.”

  Davinder went somewhere unexpected.

  “You all look the same. The time dilation effect has slowed your aging process.”

  Lucinda responded with an obvious nervousness about the information.

  “We have been unable to accurately calculate the effect on our aging. When we are in the slipstream, we estimate our aging slows to somewhere between five and seven percent of the normal process.”


  “Yes, Jan. Wow. Which is one of the reasons we came here first. Corb and I discussed our options. We do not want it to be common knowledge that the slipstream slows the aging process.”

  Davinder refocused the conversation. “That was prudent. Now, back to the real problem. The TCCC.”

  Chapter Six

  ᛍᚼᛅᛕᛏᚱ ᛋᛁ

  “I am a being of Heaven and Earth,

  of thunder and lightning,

  of rain and wind, of the galaxies.”

  Eden Ahbez

  “What is this thing called TCCC?”

  Corb laughed at Jirmina’s question but responded. “Jirmina, the TCCC is a short way of referring to the Terra Carina Celestial Council. Jirxena and I will go to see them tomorrow.”

  The Coterie, the two Plentari crew members, and the Q’eqchi leadership team, Davinder, Jan, and Himari were being served dinner by the military stewards.

  “Why have they not spoken? Are they not permitted to speak to the Enlight … Corb?”

  Corb smiled at Jirmina catching herself in front of the stewards.

  “No, Jirmina, they are members of a military force we call the Navy. The United States Navy. They are performing their duty.”

  “Yes, we have read about the numerous militaries you have on Earth. History repeats. Soon there will be only one military for the defense of Earth.”

  The steward stopped, mid-pour, and looked at Colonel Khatter. Davinder soothed the concern.

  “Corpsman, she is speaking rhetorically. It is often hard to tell with the translators.”

  The corpsman nodded, finished ladling the soup into Jirmina’s bowl, and continued down the line of diners.

  “But what is the TCCC?”

  Cassandra took up the explanation.

  “Earth, unlike the other planets in the galaxy, has many ruling federations called governments. There are about one hundred and ninety-five different governments. Most are small and limited in their influence. A few, however, are extremely powerful and control most of Earth’s resources.

  “When Corb received the gift of interstellar travel, the most powerful governments created the TCCC. Its purpose is to equally distribute and administer Earth’s interstellar abilities.

  “Terra is from an ancient language and means Earth. Carina is the name we apply to the area of space where K’an and Plentari are located. Celestial is a word that means belonging to or having part of the sky. Council is a group of individuals designated to administrate.

  “Technically, the way the TCCC views our responsibility, we all answer to the council.”

  Jirxena issued what
sounded like a snort.

  “Mister Johnson does not answer to the TCCC.”

  Everyone chortled and the dinner conversation changed subjects.

  “May I have more of this soup? What is it called again?”

  Michelle waved over the steward and waited for him to replenish the bowl before responding to the childlike innocence.

  “Jirmina, it is called broccoli cheddar cheese soup. The green bits are a vegetable and the creamy broth is a product produced by dairy cattle. The bread is called sourdough. It’s made from a grain plant called wheat and is flavored by a microorganism called yeast.”

  She ignored the grilled chicken and angel hair pasta, blood-red fingernails pulling apart the bread. Everyone was sure Jirmina smiled before she started scooping the soup to her mouth and munching on sourdough bread.

  TCCC Assembly Chamber — Geneva

  “Mister Johnson, is this person not well?”

  Corb had teleported Jirxena and himself from Q’eqchi directly into the TCCC assembly chamber. The TCCC councilman closest to the Plentari had lurched sideways and fallen out of his chair.

  Corb’s nanobots let him understand Jirxena but the TCCC heard unusual sounds from the alien. Using his nanobots, Corb silently instructed Landry to function as a translator using the assembly chamber’s audio capabilities. The councilman picked himself up and sat back down. In an attempt to move away from the Plentari, he bumped his chair into the next chair, receiving a shove away from the chair’s occupant.

  “Commandant Jirxena, please repeat the question.”

  “Mister Johnson, is this person not well?”

  The council chamber erupted in laughter, except, of course, for the councilman who had been on the floor ten seconds previously.

  The TCCC chairman initiated the session, welcoming Corb and Earth’s newest visitor. Corb curtly cut off the chairman.

  “I see, Chairman Barnes, you either failed to read or you willfully ignored the cultural brief we provided. Nonetheless, Madam Patterson will speak for the TCCC when interacting with the Plentari.”

  Glaring at the chairman before beginning, Madam Patterson was second in line of authority at the TCCC. “Yes, of course, Mister Johnson. I assure you, I read the cultural brief. Commandant Jirxena, thank you for agreeing to meet with us. It is our hope our peoples will have a long and fruitful relationship.

  “Earth has many things to offer, as I am sure Plentari does as well. It is our desire to open a trading relationship with the Plentari. The information I was given indicates you are an emissary and are permitted to speak on behalf of the Plentari. Is that correct, Commandant Jirxena?”

  After a slight delay for her translator to codify the nuances in the councilwoman’s statement and correctly revise the question, Jirxena spoke. Her cheery voice instantly translated through the audio system.

  “Madam Patterson, esteemed council, yes, the Madame Negotiator granted me the title of emissary. I am an emissary of the Plentari. However, we will discuss trade at another time. If it is acceptable, I will request a formal negotiation team contact Earth.”

  “Commandant, that will be acceptable. Please request they contact the TCCC, and me, directly. Colonel Khatter will provide the contact protocols.”

  “Madam Patterson, you understand the Plentari. That is acceptable. I will contact the Madame Negotiator and request the negotiation team. Now, may I make a statement?”

  Madam Patterson looked around at the TCCC members and did not receive any negative body language or refusal comments.

  “Commandant Jirxena, please continue. We are here to listen and learn.”

  The cheery vocal tone emanating from the translator morphed into a deeper, more serious timbre.

  “Esteemed council, I have been granted the highest honor any Plentari dreams to achieve. I am exploring the galaxy with Mister Johnson. He has requested that I use his Earth name when speaking. I honor his request.

  “However, I also bring a message from the leaders of many worlds. You will know Mister Johnson and his crew prevented an intergalactic war. The galaxy is aware that Earth is not yet capable of defending itself. Mister Johnson and the actions of his crew thwarted the annihilation of humanity.”

  Gasps of shock and grunts of derision from the council did not stop Jirxena.

  “Do not take my words lightly. They will not be repeated. There are those who seek to destroy Mister Johnson and wreak havoc on the galaxy. Those without power desire power. Those with power desire more power. The harmony is in danger of being lost. Only Mister Johnson and his crew can save the galaxy from war. It is the Triad that will maintain the harmony.

  “Listen closely and do not waver, this will not be repeated. Any interference with the Enlightened One will bring the wrath of the galaxy upon Earth.”

  Jirxena looked at each council member in turn before she stepped back to an obviously subservient role to Corb. Corb stepped up but did not sit in one of the two empty chairs at the conference table. He stood and waited. Eventually, one of the newest councilmembers, a slight, soft-spoken woman of obvious middle-eastern heritage, spoke perfect English.

  “Mister Johnson, who or what is the Enlightened One?”

  “Council, I was not aware Jirxena was going to issue the warning. It is a surprise to me, but it is not false. Our flight logs, recordings, and all other relevant materials have been provided and are stored securely in Virginia and at the warehouse. Colonel Khatter and the team at Q’eqchi have access to the data and will coordinate with the TCCC to review the materials.

  “Jirxena is correct. The Jaguar stopped the beginning of an interstellar war. It is all in the logs. We fought many battles. We, the crew of the Jaguar, the Coterie, are being hunted for assassination because we have two things that will prevent the loss of galactic harmony.

  “We have the Triad and are close to revealing the truth of the origin of the Overlords. With the Triad, my crew and the Jaguar are incredibly powerful. We have the ability to go anywhere in search of our history. That is our primary mission, to find the truth of our origins. The data we have provided will explain everything we have learned or encountered.” Corb paused, considering.

  The slight councilmember filled the silence. “Mister Johnson, you said you possess two things. One is the Triad. I presume the data will describe the Triad. What is the other?”

  “Council, Madam Patterson, Madam Lakhani, the second item we possess is why we are being hunted.

  “Madam Lakhani, I am the Enlightened One.”

  Corb ignored the gasps of loathing, snorts of mockery, and glares of disdain from the councilmembers.

  “I will return in thirty days. That is more than enough time to review the data files we provided and for the council to reassess the TCCC’s position relative to me, my crew, and the Jaguar.”

  Jirxena stepped up and grabbed Corb’s elbow and they both teleported back to Q’eqchi, leaving the TCCC members gobsmacked.

  Rennes-le-Château, Languedoc, France

  “You could have been nicer to the TCCC. They are still important even if you do not think they matter in the bigger picture.”

  Ten days from the encounter with the TCCC, Corb, Cassandra, and Michelle were searching for clues to the origins of the Overlords at Rennes-le-Château castle in the Languedoc, France. For eight of the ten days, the trio had been bouncing between Rennes-le-Château and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. They were searching for any signs or connections to star-portals. Cass, supported by Michelle, complained there was nothing to find.

  “Michelle, are you still linked to Landry with your nanobots? He is recording everything you see?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “We might need a recording of when we find nothing.”

  Cass exuded sarcasm and was becoming frustrated with endless days of walking in dusty tunnels, finding nothing. When Corb didn’t take the bait, she continued.

  “Corb, there is nothing here. A couple of thousand searchers have been over every inch of this pla
ce. Whatever was here is gone or has become unreachable.”

  Michelle continued to support Cass’s frustration.

  “Cass is right. This place has been combed for centuries. Religious fanatics seeking enlightenment, historians searching for information on the Knights Templar, nut jobs looking for the Holy Grail, teenagers looking for a place to drink and get naughty. There is nothing to find here.”

  Corb stopped and lingered in the narrow tunnel, slightly hunched over, before replying. “You are both correct. We need to go back to the Temple Mount. I have an idea. Before we leave, consider this. History is full of geniuses who claimed divine intervention or intervention by an external force. Tesla said his inspiration came from out there. Einstein said his most profound ideas came to him from outside, came to him on a whim while he was in a trancelike state.

  “Many other artists, scientists, and more have something unusual in common. Da Vinci and Nostradamus are two examples. Both have had exhaustive research into their lives. Both also have a gap of years where no one can determine where they were. Historians have no idea where Da Vinci lived during his lost years. Nostradamus, the historians claim, wandered the countryside in his lost years …

  “What if … hear me out … what if the Ch’en, or some other race, were manipulating Earth’s history through a few select people? Maybe the great artists and thinkers of our past were connected to the Ch’en. Tarunik told us other humans had been to K’an, lived with the Ch’en. He said a few were permitted to return to Earth. What if there is a dormant star-portal under our feet?

  “I surmised there is a portal under, or near, the Temple Mount. What if the Knights Templar were not looking for the Holy Grail? What if they created the centuries-long false flag operation to hide their true goal?”

  Corb stopped, and in the light of the newfangled handheld LED lanterns, he waited. As always, Cass was ready with a question.

  “I will bite. What was their true goal?”

  “Cass, the Knights Templar were looking for a star-portal. They followed what we now call ley lines and they figured out something important had occurred at the intersections. They were looking for a star-portal so they could connect with the Others.”


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