BairnGefa- The Akashic Expedition
Page 30
“Wonders and awe? That is an odd phrase for a machine, even a sentient one.”
“I tried to impress upon the crew that there is more on Rýma than can be imagined.”
“Enough! Two months of travel and flying through a nebula, for what? Give me one reason to accept what you are saying.”
“Lucinda, if I am correct, and I usually am correct, there is an unused ship orbiting Rýma that makes the Jaguar look like a steam locomotive.”
“It is done. Jirmina, Jirxena, and Landry stay. Landry, engage the course to Plentari.”
The crew felt the artificial gravity emitters increase as the Jaguar banked away toward the hyper-tunnel entry point.
“Vivian could start an argument in an empty house. The Gungnir must have arrived and dropped her off. Will Miss Olivia be okay on K’an, living with the Ch’en?”
Corb’s answer was solemn. “Nick, I think so. Despite what we learned … I trust the Ch’en.”
The crew was fighting the boredom of long days of hyper-tunnel travel. Sitting around after dinner on day five of the transit to Plentari, tonight was movie night. Jirmina picked an odd movie, something titled Gattaca.
“Tell me again what this movie is about?”
“Jeez! Do you ever listen? Here, read this.”
Cass flipped her tablet to Nick, who spun it around and began reading.
“Gattaca is a 1997 American science-fiction film. It’s set in a future society driven by eugenics where potential children are conceived through genetic selection to ensure they possess the best hereditary traits. The film’s protagonist is Vincent Freeman, who was conceived outside the eugenics program and struggles to overcome genetic discrimination. The film depicts concerns regarding reproductive technologies.
“Blah. Blah. Blah, blah, blah. Bloody ’ell. Watching this is going to be painful.”
Nick slid the tablet back to Cass, leaning back with an audible harrumph of dissatisfaction. Janish stepped in and closed the conversation.
“If you are quiet during the movie and pay attention, we’ll get you some ice cream, and we’ll let you watch Tremors again next week.”
Taking it in stride, Nick sat up and accepted his fate.
“Hold up. I am with Nick on this one. This seems a little far out of bounds for movie night. Why this movie, why now?”
Corb understood NT was asking him directly but deflected the question to Jirmina with a tilt of his head and a pointed index finger.
“NT, everyone, I discussed this with Corb. This movie, this story, and many like it are not unique. The Plentari inserted these stories in many locations. The stories of the merging of genetics preceded the indigenous population accepting blending life-forms.”
Interrupting, NT was speaking to Jirmina but looking to Nick for support.
“Are you saying the Plentari manipulated humans, and others, to accept stories of genetic blending?”
Before she could answer, Nick rose to the task. “The grays! The aliens reported to be visiting Earth are the gray male Plentari?”
“Jirmina, humans have been recounting stories of alien abductions. Many of the stories refer to small gray aliens who perform experiments on the humans.”
“No, Plentari are not gray and we have not been noticed. The Xjaal are gray.”
“One more reason to not like those little bastards. Why were they experimenting on humans?”
“Lucinda, they were trying to cure the decay.”
“Yes, of course. Did you say the Plentari have not been noticed?”
“That is correct. The Plentari have been searching for genes to blend with ours.”
“Yes, Lucinda, humans and Plentari are compatible on a genetic level.”
“Hoooooly shit!”
Corb was sharp with his barb. “I think Lucinda just figured it out.”
Lucinda punched Corb in the shoulder. NT reached for Lucinda’s hand as he spoke.
“I am not sure I am on board with this. Now that Lucinda is up to speed, she and I will chat.”
Nick placed his hand over Janish’s, which she had placed on his shoulder.
“We are in. If we can save a people, it is a small sacrifice.”
Ragnar looked to Cass, unable to speak. The stoic warrior let his love respond.
“Ragnar and I believe the same. Our conscience, Ragnar’s conscience, will not allow a people to die. We must try.”
Half the crew turned to look at Corb and half to look at Jirmina. Corb’s tone was soft and loving.
“Michelle and Jirmina knew this before any of us began to suspect. Michelle’s Sight told her Jirmina was the future of her people. It also told her she was going to be influential in humanity accepting aliens working and living among them.
“Michelle gave Jirmina permission.”
“I think she ordered me.”
Corb chuckled before responding.
“Michelle ordered Jirmina to seek my help. Jirmina has not asked. She is afraid of being unworthy.
“Jirmina, you are worthy. I am honored to be chosen.
“We will try.”
Thank you!
“Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.” — Aesop
Dear reader, please accept my sincere gratitude for spending your precious time reading the words I was able to cobble together.
Also, I am reminded often of how lucky I am to be able to write and do so much.
“Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals. If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.” — Roy T. Bennett
I have my health, a loving family, a wonderful wife, and a desire to keep them all.
Thank you!
My Friends Are Blue
Chapter One
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
Abraham Lincoln
“Of course, I was going to help. I delayed because I wanted to make sure Michelle was okay with the need and with us...”
The movie Gattaca had put the male crew members to sleep. When it ended everyone filed off to their berths. Corb was asleep when the chime for his door softly sounded.
Unsure and afraid, Jirmina entered and stood silently. Corb was trying to understand the events unfolding and to ease the warrior’s conscience.
“You do not need to be afraid. We can do this when we arrive at Plentari. With doctors help we can ensure success. Jirmina, I will provide what is needed.”
“Enlightened one, today is my time.”
“Oh, I see. Please, call me Corb. How long before the next cycle?”
“The cycles are unknown. Few Plentari females cycle and fewer know when it is time.”
“I see…”
Jirmina dropped her tunic and stepped toward Corb who was sitting on the edge of the bed he shared with his only true love, Michelle, a little more than a year ago. Dark blue, flush with emotion, adrenalin, and passion Jirmina gently pushed Corb onto his back. With a smile he eased his own tension.
“You have been reading.”
“Michelle advised me. She told me how it is done and what you like. She said cowboys like cowgirls.”
Stepping up and over, Jirmina straddled the savior of the Plentari.
The gentle chime woke Corb for breakfast. Looking around, he found himself alone. Swinging his feet to the cool deck, thinking over the evening, he realized he had not been happy for months. Now, he felt the contentment only found in true happiness. He did not know why this life came to rest upon him. Michelle had given him hope before he left Earth. She told him she and her grandmother, Nona, had seen Corb and Michelle in the future and their love then had only grown stronger over time.
Heading to the shower, he felt a joy in knowing the crew of the Jaguar, his friends, made the effort to meet for breakfast. Where other crews might want a regular supper or dinner to close the d
ay, this crew enjoyed the morning and its implied adventure. Standing in the steamy little alcove, Corb asked Landry a few questions.
“Yes, Corb?”
“When did Jirmina leave?”
“Jirmina left your quarters at oh-two fifty-four, ship’s time.”
“Did anyone see her enter or exit my quarters?”
“Corb your orders are explicit. I do not track or monitor the crew unless there is reason or purpose.”
“I would have believed you before I learned your true identity. That reminds me, how do we know you are who you say? Does an artificial intelligence, such as yourself, have a comprehensive ethics algorithm? Never mind that, I know you can check the logs and video feeds, now answer the question.”
“Corb, none of the crew bothered to observe Jirmina entering or exiting your quarters.”
“Oh? That is odd phrasing. Why did they not bother?”
“Corb, the crew has been expecting you and Jirmina to copulate for several months.”
The water sprayed into Corb gapping maw causing him to choke. Collecting his breath, rinsing off, closing the water valve, the warm towel felt good on his face.
“Landry, am I the only who did not see this coming?”
“Yes, Corb, you were riding the gudgeon train.”
“The what?”
“It is an old word that was the name of a small bait fish. You were also the melon head.”
“What? Speak English!”
“The plan for you to mate with Jirmina has been months in the planning and execution. The rest of the crew picked up on the clues. Only you missed the connections.”
“What are you saying?”
“Corb, you know what I am saying, and I don’t have enough crayons to explain it further. What did Michelle say to you before you left Earth?”
“I don’t know smart guy. She said a lot of things. Why don’t you tell me what you want me to remember?
“She said, sometimes you are as lost as last year's Easter egg.”
Pulling on his Lucchese’s, thinking, Corb realized the conversation would not end well for him.
“Screw you and screw this conversation. I have been a little busy, you know, saving Earth!”
“You have not been that busy. Even with the interstellar speed the star-portal provides, there are weeks of downtime.”
“Screw you Landry. Get out of my room and if I catch you spying on the crew, I will let Lucinda loose on your little green cube.”
“Corb, death threats are seldom effective.”
Walking through the hatch, Corb’s response ensured Landry remained true to his word.
“Remember, I’ll give Lucinda the privilege, but I don’t need her to off you.”
Breakfast was uneventful, just like every other breakfast while traveling FTL in the blue-green hue of the dark matter of the slipstream. If anyone knew about, or suspected, Jirmina’s late night visit to Corb’s cabin, they kept it to themselves. Looking to Lucinda with a frustrated expression, Janish opened the tough conversation. “Landry, where is the clock? Put up the clock.”
Time to Emergence: 12:23:24
Time to Plentari: (2D) 01:03:04
“Thank you. Nick has something to say.”
“I will help the Plentari. It is our nature, the nature of humans, to help those in need. When we reach Plentari, I will do the needful.”
The humans had learned the subtleties of the Plentari expressions and knew Jirxena was smiling with her response. “Thank you, that is good news Nicholas.”
“Thank you, Jirxena.”
“Do the needful? How very Indian. Janish’s roots are influencing you.”
“Yes, NT, Janish is good for me.”
Everyone smiled at Nick with understanding. Nick and Janish were eternally bonded. Nick pressed the topic. “What about you, NT?”
“Lucinda and I agreed, our lives are here, on the Jaguar with you all. With the help of medical technicians, I will assist.”
Lucinda grabbed NT’s hand. No one pressed Ragnar, they knew he’d speak on the topic when ready. The crew of the Jaguar finished their breakfast in the comfortable silence only known to close families.
Carina Series
Summaries for the Carina Series, Time is an Illusion, A Calm Mind, Our Place, BairnGefa, and My Friends Are Blue can be found on my website:
Character Profiles
A complete list of the characters and their summary biographies can be found here:
Crew Manifests & Planet Profiles
If you are interested, details regarding the interstellar crews, the planets, and the sentient aliens are found here:
About the Author
Fortunately, in secondary school, my interest in reading was sparked. A close friend and an instructor who took interest in a boy he later called the rebel without a clue were instrumental in my learning the value of a good book. Both piqued my interest in reading. My lifelong friend inspired me to read J.R.R. Tolkien and I became addicted to the fantasy genre. The instructor required I read interesting historical novels for academic credit. Frank Norris, Leon Uris, and Ken Follett are inspirations and fuel my love of history.
Born to a military family, it was only logical that I follow the military tradition. However, after four years of yes sirs and scraping the wax off floors, I decided there must be more fun in a corporate career.
After thirty plus years of work experience across the globe, my corporate career landed me in Colorado where I live with my wife and can be close to my children and grandchildren.
Contact Ruairí
Books by Ruairí
Summitate Series
The Carina Series
Time is an Illusion
A Calm Mind
Our Place
Blue – December 2019
Max and the Dream Time Series
The Find
The Everwhen
The Tontine
The Lost Years
The Price of Love