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Alien Appetite: A Krinar World Novel (A Hot Alien SciFi Romance Book 3)

Page 16

by Josie Walker

“Thank you again for keeping her safe and for taking her as your apprentice,” I tell De-Var.

  “Young fools,” he mutters, shaking his head as he allows his creaky old battle form to melt away and immediately returns to his work.

  I close the door only after I’ve pulled TSSS from the room and we head out onto the landing at the top of the stairs. With her back to the door I lift her up and her legs instantly wrap around my waist as I grind my hips against her feminine core. My body is afire with need.

  When I feel her quivering I realize that she is as insatiable as I am. Her hands reach behind my head, pulling my mouth to hers. I find I like this custom she has taught me very much.

  “KSSS,” I pant softly after we both come up for air.

  “YESS, KSSS,” she agrees, pulling me in again.

  My panic and anger over not being able to find her has transformed into a sexual energy which can’t be denied. I wish I could tell her how pleased I am that she did not run away, but we have so few words between us. Perhaps working with De-Var on the manuscripts will help her grasp my language more quickly.

  I have only learned a few of her words, none of which can be spoken unless we are alone. I grind my hips into her more deeply, letting her know exactly what it is I wish to do with her. I groan in pleasure as TSSS begins to make that mewling sound that I love. I contemplate ripping her leggings from her and entering her right here, but then we’re rudely interrupted.

  “I can still hear you!” De-Var calls from the other side of the door.

  I realize I’m not going to be able to fulfill our desires just yet. I back away from the door and cup her round buttocks as I hold her close to my body. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and squeezes her legs even tighter around my waist.

  I start bounding down the stairs, but then I fear what would happen if I were to trip so I force myself to slow down. I reward myself for my restraint with another sweet KSSS, because I don’t want to be distracted as I navigate our descent. I’m counting down the seconds until I can get her alone in our bedchamber and get her naked.

  I pass through the library and descend the final flight of stairs. Sa-br’wren and my war chief, Kay, are just entering the room with two other men when we arrive. I drop TSSS to her feet, and take her hand, pulling her quickly behind me as we head for the exit.

  The last thing I want is my men seeing my mate as she pants with need for me. That is something for us to share in private. And somehow I will find the strength to wait until we are back in my chambers before I enter her . . . even if it kills me.

  “She is now De-Var’s apprentice,” I tell them as we exit the tower.

  “This is wonderful news indeed,” Kay announces. “This is a good day for our people. The wait for a new apprentice has ended.”

  I do not wait for him to say anything else, but pull my mate with me and take the most direct path to our chambers. I do not pick her up to carry her because I do not trust the small thread of restraint that I am exercising to hold if I feel her soft core against me once again. Only the fact that I can not risk my men seeing her naked keeps me from ripping her clothes off and taking her right here and now.

  Her body is for my eyes only. I can not bear for the others to look upon her in this way. Finally, we reach our chamber. I open the door and pull her inside. The bed is too far away, so I slam the door shut with one swift motion and back her against it.

  I jerk the tunic over her head and then I push the leggings down to her feet. She quickly steps out of them as I bend to my knees and nuzzle the soft curls between her legs. She gasps with pleasure when I flick my tongue against the small nub hidden in her delicate folds. I push a finger inside her and she moans with need as she widens her stance in order to grant me full access.

  She shivers against my tongue as I nibble and lick her, worshipping her mound with my mouth. Her thighs tighten and I feel the tension building inside her. She screams as the ultimate pleasure rips through her. I don’t even wait for her release to subside before I stand.

  I lift her up and impale her on my shaft. Her quivering flesh encases me and drives me wild. I wedge her back against the door so that my hands are free to worship her beautiful body as I begin to plunge in and out of her.

  “You are so beautiful,” I tell her, punctuating my words with my eager thrusts.

  Of course she doesn’t understand anything I say to her, but still I want to tell her of her perfection.

  “I love these little muscles you have been working so hard to build,” I tell her as I grasp her biceps and push them against the door.

  She stares directly into my eyes and smiles at me, her legs gripping more firmly around my waist. I like to pretend that even if she can’t understand my words, the tenor of my voice is still a turn on. So I continue to list her charms.

  “And your tawny mane reminds me of the golden Lona beast. You are so agile and fierce.”

  I drop my mouth down to suckle at her breast. She moans in pleasure. I suck even harder and then switch to the other side.

  “Today I will place my baby inside of you,” I promise, as I pump deeply inside of her.

  “MMMM HMM,” TSSS responds, she rocks her pelvis, as though she can understand my words and can’t wait to receive my seed.

  “You are mine. My mate!” I chant emphasizing each word with the movement of my hips.

  TSSS gasps. “SOOW CLOWS.”

  “I will fill you with my seed!” I promise as I feel the tension in both of our bodies building with a pressure which has to be released. I time my words with the thrusts of my body inside of her. “Soon you will grow thick with our child, my TSSS,” I promise solemnly.

  I reach my hands down to her perfect breasts and rub the delicate pink tips between my fingers.

  “These will swell as they fill with milk to nourish our babe,” I promise her.

  “NEEED NOWWW,” she orders wildly.

  “You are right, my mate. I know you are eager to have my child, so I will give her to you now.” I pick up the pace. I’m not holding anything back now.

  “BOCC-D’AR!” she screams my name as another orgasm rips through her. My hot, potent seed erupts deep inside her womb. It’s my duty to provide an heir for my people, and I take my responsibilities very seriously. TSSS will be the best of mothers, I just know it.



  It’s been a couple of weeks since Bocc-d’ar discovered me working in the tower with De-Var. He appears to be quite pleased that I’ve become the old dude’s assistant writer, or whatever the word is for what I’m doing. My alien boy toy and I have developed a new routine.

  Now we have breakfast together each morning, which has drastically increased the amount of time I get to spend with him each day. After that he goes off to do whatever it is that he does, and I go to the copy room, as I’ve dubbed it. I’d love to know exactly what he does all day, but we still haven’t overcome our language barrier.

  I’m positive that I’m making progress though, at least with the written form. I understand now that it is a tonal language, because De-Var has repeated the words as he pointed at variations that look almost the same. He has been emphatic that markings above and below the letters or when the letters are placed higher or lower than others can totally change the way the word is pronounced, and also the meaning of the word.

  My days are full of learning and my evenings are brimming with passion. Each night Bocc-d’ar climbs the tower to collect me when it’s time for dinner. I think he does this because he’s afraid I wouldn’t stop working otherwise. He might be right, it’s like I’m addicted to drawing. Back on earth I’d always had to focus on getting a real job and making money. But all my needs are being met, and I have to admit, it’s wonderful spending all day reading and painting, even if I only understand a handful of the words now.

  De-Var doesn’t
follow regular hours. As often as not he avoids the dining hall in the evenings when all of the other men gather for a feast. But someone always makes sure to send a tray up to him at mealtimes so that he doesn’t forget to eat. We typically have lunch together, moving away from our desks to eat at a small table by the fire. He’s like the grandfather I never had on earth.

  I’ve even noticed that Bocc-d’ar’s men regard me with more respect now. My apprenticeship seems to have elevated my status to something beyond simply being Bocc-d’ar’s sex toy. Although I must admit, there’s still a bunch of sex transpiring in that massive bed, and on the floor, and anywhere we can find two seconds alone.

  Bocc-d’ar is insatiable, and to be honest I’m not much better. I had no idea it was possible to get it on this much. If human women knew about the amped up libidos of these sexy aliens, I have a feeling they’d be swarming NASA and demanding to be launched into space. I’ve decided to stop feeling guilty about having relations with my captor. There’s no way I can survive another escape attempt on this dangerous planet, so I might as well enjoy the fringe benefits of my situation.

  I quit my daydreaming and get back to savoring my breakfast. Bocc-d’ar passes me a bowl filled with some blue ball things. I haven’t seen these before and look at him questioningly. He smiles, and takes two out and raps them together gently. I watch with interest as cracks appear and he begins to peel the blue shells off.

  “Hard boiled eggs?” I ask with delight, as I gaze at the blue globe he holds delicately between his fingers.

  He bites it in half, then holds it out to reveal a pink center. I open my lips hungrily as he pops the other half in my mouth.

  “Oh wow!” I exclaim. The color is different, but this is definitely an egg, hard boiled to perfection. I haven’t had one of these since the Krinar took over Earth and made all animal products so stinking expensive that hardly anyone, and definitely not a poor college student, could afford to buy them.

  After we’ve finished our feast of hard boiled eggs and freshly baked bread, he heads out the front door and I make my way to the tower room. Since I now have a job, albeit an unpaid one, I’ve never gotten back to my castle exploring. But I know this route quite well. I pass through the library and open the hidden door to the secret stairs.

  Everything in those manuscripts upstairs at the top of the tower would be classified as top secret by Earth’s standards. The hidden door makes a lot more sense now. Thank goodness I’m so persistent or I never would have found it!

  I make the steep climb up, but when I open the door to the copy room I’m surprised to see that the monk isn’t there. That’s weird. He’s always here. In fact I’ve begun to think he sleeps in the tower. I glance at his table and note that he’s finished the page he’s been working on for some time.

  Wow. Just, wow. It is absolutely stunning. The detail and colors are of a depth that I’d never known was possible before I saw how the metal magically mixed itself on his brush. I can’t wait to learn that little trick. He must have stayed up all night to finish this. I wander around the room, but I don’t pick up any of the manuscripts because I’m uncertain which I can and which I cannot touch.

  I sit down at my desk, but I have nothing to work on because I finished my latest project last night. I see that he has placed it on the drying rack, and there are no corrections, which fills me with a sense of pride. I get up and wander around the room again, but eventually I grow tired of waiting for him. I decide to leave because he’s probably sleeping since he stayed up all night working.

  This will be a good opportunity to get back to my exploration of the castle. I descend the steep stairs, then turn left out of the library because I haven’t discovered what is in that direction yet. I follow the hallway for quite a while, and don’t take any detours left or right. I want to see just how far this goes. Eventually it ends, and there is no other way to go, but down. These stairs appear to be carved from stone. They are coarse, and hold none of the beauty evident elsewhere in the castle.

  The air becomes damp and musty as I descend. There is no natural light, so I’m glad for the magical torches. I’d be done exploring if it weren’t for the sconces. I take one from its holder to better light my path. I feel like I’m in an underground cave.

  I finally reach the bottom of the stairs and stop to decide which path to take. It’s really creepy down here. I realize that this probably isn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done. No one knows I’m down here. What if I get lost? Or hurt?

  The basement level is definitely hewn from a natural cavern, which I know would make it notoriously easy to become lost in. I consider turning around and heading back up the stairs. This would be the safest thing to do.

  But I never claimed to be smart, unless we’re talking street smarts. In the end curiosity gets the best of me and I keep on with my search. I hold my torch up high, and it only illuminates a short distance in front of me. I tell myself that I’ll be very careful. I’ve already come this far, and I don’t want to go back yet.

  There’s no way to gauge time down here, but I think it’s been a good fifteen minutes since I reached the bottom of the stairs. I look at the natural formations, which are similar to what I’ve seen on caves back on earth. It’s looks like they’ve carved out this section to make a main pathway.

  I don’t deviate from the wide path, even though there are a number of tunnels branching off to the sides that I long to explore. The tunnel shows no signs of ending, and I’m just about to turn around and go back when I hear something up ahead. It almost sounds like someone is talking.

  Is someone down here? I walk as silently as I can, because I have no idea what I’m hearing. As I get closer the path narrows and is only an arm-span across. That’s when I see that there’s something very different about this section of the cave. Iron bars have been installed along both sides.

  Suddenly I’m starting to think that this is a prison. Of course this castle has always had a medieval vibe, so it would stand to reason that there would be a dungeon. And what better place to keep your enemies than inside the belly of the earth. I shudder, wondering if he’s ever considered locking me away down here. He wouldn’t, would he?

  I gasp as I come face to face with the source of the noise. A strange looking alien is imprisoned behind the bars of one of the cells. He stands as I walk by and clutches the bars, as much surprised to see me as I him. He looks nothing like Bocc-d’ar’s race. His body may have a humanoid form with two arms and two legs, but that’s where the similarities between their species and ours end.

  He reminds of a creepy, oversized insect. He has large compound eyes, like that of a fly. His skin, for lack of a better word reminds me of a tar pit with ripples marring the surface. I wonder if my hands would come away sticky if I touched him, but I have no desire to actually find out.

  The alien is wearing a futuristic gray spacesuit, and I can easily imagine his species designing spaceships and advanced technology. Did Bocc-d’ar’s people take over his planet, or was it the other way around? Something tells me that both sets of aliens were never meant to cohabitate. He’s creeping me out, so I speak to break the silence even though I know he won’t be able to understand me.

  “Well, you scared the crap out of me,” I say, clutching a hand to my heart. I don’t know if it’s him, or the place, but suddenly I’m regretting my impulsive decision to come down here. I know he’s behind the bars and can’t get to me, but he must have done something really, really bad to deserve this kind of punishment. I’m probably being prejudiced, but he’s so ugly I can’t help myself. I’m so glad that Bocc-d’ar doesn’t look like this underneath his metal form!

  “GREEET YOOO TOOO,” the alien says with a creepy smile that does not reach his eyes.

  That’s when I notice that his mouth is full of wicked teeth like a piranha. I take another step back. Maybe I should just run away now while I still can. But it’s been so
long since I had a conversation with someone who could understand.

  “What the hell. Did you just talk?” I gasp and turn back to face him.

  “TALK ISSS YESSS,” he lisps.

  “I can understand you.”

  At this point I don’t know if I’m talking for his benefit or my own. My world is spiraling out of control. He is one freaky looking dude, and the phrases he uses are weirdly off, but he’s definitely speaking English. I try to push down my uneasiness about him, but fail.

  “Uh, sorry you’re locked up down here, but I’ve gotta go,” I say as I turn around again. I may be intrigued, but my spidey senses are tingling. I intend to book it full speed back to the nice part of the castle, and never return to the scary old dungeon again.

  “ESSS . . . CAPE?” he asks.

  “What did you say?”

  He pauses as if thinking of another way to express himself.

  “ESSS . . . CAPE . . . YOOO?” he repeats hopefully.

  “You want me to help you get out of here? No way. I can’t help you there. I’m a prisoner too, although I get to share a nice room with Bocc-d’ar instead of staying down here in the cold scary dungeon. But regardless, I can’t help you. I tried once to escape and almost died. This planet is just too dangerous.”

  “HELPPP I WILLL,” he says with that oily smile he uses to punctuate each word.

  “What? I’ve gotta go,” I blurt out, spinning around. I’m flat out running by this point, eager to get out of the dungeon and as far away from the bug-eyed alien as possible.

  “HELPPP . . . DAN . . .GER . . . YOOO,” he calls after me.

  I feel like someone just dumped ice water down the back of my shirt. Is he trying to tell me that I’m in danger? Sometimes I wonder if there’s something wrong with me. Like I have to self-sabotage any happiness I’m experiencing. Why couldn’t I leave well enough alone? Why did I have to go and put my nose where it didn’t belong?


  I tried to stay away from the prisoner down in the dungeon, but his last words kept repeating in my head. I knew I’d go mad if I didn’t go back, if I didn’t return and ask him what danger he thought I was in. What was supposed to be just one more trip back to the dungeon for answers quickly morphed into a daily habit.


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