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Page 6

by Simone Grey

  I pick up my office phone and place a quick phone call to the kitchen so that they know to bring up the food I want prepared. I circle the desk and go to her.

  Wrapping my arms around her waist, I rest my chin on top of her head. She melts back into me placing her smaller hands over mine. Fuck this feels right.

  Looking out over the dance floor of my club with her in my arms nothing I realize that I’ve never felt so at peace before.

  We stand there in silence for a few minutes just taking everything in. Even the silence between us feels comfortable. Usually when you’re in the room with another person there’s an overwhelming urge to feel whatever silence there is. Not with Ava. I’m comfortable just standing here being together.

  Soon, one of the cooks is knocking on my office door. Reluctantly I release her to go get our food. Closing the door behind me, I begin setting up our meal. I pull out a few hamburgers, French fries, drinks and for dessert a large slice of chocolate cake.

  “Mm that looks good,” she says taking the seat across from me as I spread the food out on my desk.

  We eat and chat for a little while before she starts to fidget slightly. I don’t know if she realizes she’s doing it, but I easily recognize it as her tell that she’s nervous or uncomfortable with something.

  Putting down my fork I focus my attention on her.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “Nothing…well something,” huffing she rolls her eyes before meeting mine directly, “There’s something I need to tell you that I think will help you better understand a few things about me if we’re going to be spending more time together.”

  “Okay “I say. Little does she know there’s nothing she can say to deter me from wanting to be with her.

  Looking down at her lap she starts talking “As I told you yesterday, I was in foster homes until I turned eighteen. I never dated in high school because nobody wanted to get that close to me. Once I got to college, I didn’t really know what I was doing when it came to talking to guys. Lisa and Jayden tried to help acclimate me to the dating world. I tried dating around a little. It didn’t…um go to well.”

  Dread builds in my stomach. “What happened?”

  “The first guy’s name was Eric. We met in English Lit, during my freshman year, and I thought he was really nice. He told me how difficult it was for him to date because he never seemed to have anything in common with other women he was attracted to. We bonded over our love of books and he made me feel special. We went out on two dates. One night we went back to his place and things started to get physical, but I just wasn’t feeling it. When I told him, I wasn’t ready to have sex he dumped me saying he couldn’t date someone who wasn’t giving it up.”

  Rage and protectiveness swamp me. Fucking asshole. “What about the second guy?”

  She eyes me warily, “Are you sure you want to hear this? I can stop.”

  “No, no. Keep going. Please.”

  Blowing out a breath she continues. “The second guy, well, he was worse. His name was Matthew.”

  The way she says his name with a slight tremor in her voice tells me that this can’t be good.

  “About a year after the Eric situation. I met Matthew. He was a track star. The big man on campus. There was even talk of him going to the Olympics. Everybody loved him on campus, which was why when he took an interest in me, I couldn’t believe it.”

  I shake my head. It’s crazy to me that she doesn’t see herself clearly as the beautiful, sexy woman that she is.

  “He approached me and asked me out. At first, I was apprehensive but then I decided to give it a shot. We dated for two months, exclusively, or at least I thought we were exclusive.” A self-deprecating laugh leaves her lips. She breaks eye contact looking down at her hands in her lap.

  “One weekend he planned an away trip for us. He said his parents had a cabin about an hour away from campus that was empty for the weekend, so he took me up there. I’d convinced myself that I was in love with him and ready to take our relationship to the next level. We spent the weekend at his cabin and had sex. He dropped me off back at my dorm on Sunday night and I didn’t hear from him for a few days afterwards. I started to get concerned so I went to the training center that he works out at on campus and he was in there…um.”

  “He was what?” I’m wound up so tight that I’m barely breathing. I know whatever she’s about to say is going to be bad.

  “H-he was in their gloating to the other guys in the room about how he bagged a virgin and won the bet he’d apparently made with some other guys. For a few weeks after that anytime one of his friends would see me on campus, I would see them pointing and laughing and staring at me. I was humiliated. I never spoke to him again.”

  I can’t even form words right now. If I thought I was angry before, it’s nothing compared to how I feel now. My palms are sweating. My heartbeat feels like its doubled in rate since this conversation started. All my protective instincts are roaring around inside me, telling me I need to find these two douchebags and hurt them for hurting her.

  I’ve never felt this level of possessiveness over a woman outside of my family before.

  “Anyways, I didn’t tell you all of that for nothing. After those two incidents I stopped dating entirely. I figured I would never trust another man to get close to me. And then I met you, and for some inexplicable reason I trust you. I’ve tried to talk myself out of it a million times, but I can’t. So if I get a little spacey sometimes or unsure you know why.”

  This girl. This beautiful, amazing girl just opened herself up to me. I thought I was falling in love with her before but it’s at this moment that I realize I’m in love with her. Fuck I’m in so deep I don’t think there’ll ever be a way out and I don’t want one.

  Shoving my chair back I go around the desk. My eyes remain locked on her as I pull her up out of her chair.

  “Thank you.” I say simply before kissing her. Its long and deep and I don’t pull away until we’re both out of breath.

  When she looks up at me, I see the emotions I’m feeling reflected back at me.

  “Let’s finish eating.”


  While we eat, we keep the conversation light.

  “Do you want to go down to the dance floor for a little while?” she asks, once we’ve finished.

  “If you want to.”

  Usually I don’t dance at my clubs but for her I will.

  She gives me one of those half smiles, that dimple in her cheek winking at me.

  “I think it could be fun.”

  I can’t lie the thought of her grinding up against me on the dance floor has my dick perking up.

  “Let’s go.”

  We make our way down to the floor. It’s packed as usual. Beyoncé’s Rocket is playing as I find us a spot and pull her into my arms.

  We immediately begin swaying to the beat. She spins around and her ass fits so snugly against my front that I’m hard in seconds. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I move us to the beat of the song. She tilts her head back to look at me and I see the desire reflected in her eyes.

  My lips meet her neck near her pulse point, and I feel a shiver go through her. Fuck. My arms tighten instinctively before moving down over her thighs.

  I can feel the heat of her pussy through the fabric of her skirt. Her arm tightens around mines before she shocks the shit out me by grinding her ass back into my dick. The thin shred of control I was hanging onto snap like a thread.

  I take her hand in mind and wind my way through the crowd and around the corner. The music quiets until I can barely hear it.

  “Where are we going?” she asks breathlessly but I don’t answer. I’m too keyed up to speak right now.

  I pass a few doors until I get to the one, I’m looking for. Punching in the code, the lock unclicks. I tug her inside, closing it with a thud before backing her up against it.

  Her skin is flushed and her amber eyes blaze with desire. My lips instinctively seek
hers out. Her arms come up around my neck as we go at each other. When she pulls away to suck in some oxygen my lips attach themselves to her neck.

  A moan leaves her lips as she tilts her neck to give me better access. My hands go around her waist hugging her closer to me, so she can feel exactly what she’s doing to me.

  “Up.” I mumble against the skin of her neck. Instantly she jumps up and wraps her legs aground my waist.

  “There’s something else I should probably tell you,” she says slightly out of breath.

  “What?” I mumble against the skin of her neck.

  “I can’t have an orgasm.”

  I freeze. I know I didn’t hear that right. She freezes when I do.

  Pulling back, I look at her.

  “What?” I ask incredulously.

  She flushes further. “I can’t have an orgasm,” she repeats.

  “What do you mean you can’t have an orgasm?”

  She shrugs one shoulder “It’s just never happened for me before.”

  “That’s because you’ve been dating a bunch of punk ass losers.” Fuck she has no idea. My determination to do this and give this to her rachets up tenfold.

  “Well you’re probably right about that but I’ve tried to give myself one a few times and it’s never worked out. I just don’t think I can have one.”

  My hands slide up her thighs. “Let me prove it to you.”


  My arms wrap around her hips and her legs tighten around my waist. My hands go straight to her ass grinding her against my already hardened dick.

  “I fucking love your ass” I muttered laying hot wet kisses down the side of her neck.

  The breathy moan that leaves her has desire unfurling inside me. The tension inside of me is so close to snapping. Every instinct in me is telling me I need to be inside of her.

  My hands skim up the outside of her skirt. The first touch of my hand against her panty covered clit has her hips shooting off the wall. My hips pin hers in place giving me the room I need to play. My thumb makes one pass across her clit, then another watching her reactions.

  Her eyes darken, her breathing deepens before her eyes fall shut.

  My hand pauses. “Look at me,” I murmur, my voice unrecognizable to my own ears.

  Her eyes snap back open and focus on my face.

  Without taking my eyes off hers I part her and slip one finger inside quickly followed by another

  “Oh god,” she gasps, her eyes fluttering rapidly like she’s trying to keep them from closing

  “Fuck, you’re so wet. So tight.” I murmur stroking two fingers inside of her, stretching her.

  She whimpers and fuck if the sound doesn’t go straight to my dick, which feels like it’s about to punch a hole straight through my jeans at any moment.

  I can hear the muted sounds of music still pounding through the club. Reminding me that we aren’t completely alone. I bit my lip, trying to stifle the moan that was rising inside of me.

  The last thing I wanted was for somebody to stumble upon us. No, she is for my eyes only. Now and forever.

  My fingers pick up speed sliding in and out of her. When my thumb brushes over her clit; her nails dig into my shoulder before she buries her head in my shoulder.

  “Mmm,” she moans the sound of her rapid breathing in my ear matching my own, and soon her juices are flooding my fingers as she goes over the edge.

  I crush my mouth to hers swallowing her moans.

  I watch her come back down and stare at me with glazed eyes.

  Holding her gaze, I slowly remove my fingers from her and lick them clean. Her eyes widen then flare with renewed lust.

  Fuck she tasted good. Better than anything I’ve ever tasted before. I know then that I have to taste her properly, but not right now.

  All I can think is I’m in way over my head with this woman.

  Chapter 9


  “What about this one?” Lisa asks holding up a dark blue dress.

  “I don’t know do you think it’s too low cut in the front?” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth.

  “It’s not that low, it’ll look good on you. I promise. Besides if he’s taking you out to dinner it’s probably going to be a really nice restaurant, so you have to look your best.” she says.

  We’re in my bedroom. It’s less than an hour before my date with Liam and the nervous energy is starting to eat away at me.

  Even though I just saw him last night, I still miss him like I haven’t seen him in days or weeks. This constant want I have to be around him is growing with each new encounter between us.

  When I still look skeptical, Lisa sighs heavily. “Fine” she says going back into the bag of clothing she bought with her to help me get ready for this date.

  Since I don’t own any dresses that anyone would consider sexy, Lisa took it upon herself to help me out. She and Jayden, who is currently sprawled across my bed looking at his phone, came over to help me get ready.

  Lisa throws a piece of paper at Jayden’s head.

  “Hey! What was that for?” He looks up from his phone.

  “I thought you came over here to help, not stare at your phone all day.”

  Jayden shrugs one shoulder, “I didn’t know yall were going to be trying on dresses all night long. Besides I don’t do that girly shit” he says going back to looking at his phone.

  Lisa rolls her eyes. “Whatever.”

  “Here.” She shoves another dress at me. “Try this one.”

  I hold it out so I can see it. It’s a dark purple, with a v neck that doesn’t look nearly as deep as the blue one. “Wow, this is beautiful. Are you sure your boss is okay with you taking these dresses?”

  “Oh yeah, she always lets us have our pick of designs once she’s done with them.”

  Although she works for one of the up and coming fashion designers in the world, the last thing I want is for her to get in trouble for borrowing too many clothes.

  “Okay.” I slip into the bathroom and change quickly into the dress and look at myself in the mirror. I almost don’t recognize myself. Lisa did my hair and makeup earlier. Naturally my hair usually falls in tight curls down to my shoulders. Lisa decided to straighten it and curl it into big, loose curls before putting it in an updo with a few strands caressing my neck and face.

  For my makeup she went with a subtle look since I usually don’t wear a lot. While you can still see my freckles, they aren’t as visible as they normally are.

  I step out of the bathroom and Lisa takes one look at me before smiling and clapping her hands excitedly.

  “Oh my goodness, you look so pretty. Liam isn’t going to know what hit him.”

  I smooth a hand over the fabric. “You really think I look okay?”

  “Yes, you look fantastic.”

  I turn towards Jayden. “What do you think?”

  He smiles, “you look beautiful Av.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Okay, I have one more thing that will go perfectly with this outfit,” Lisa says coming over to me and placing a locket around my neck. Stepping back, she takes me in “Okay, now you’re ready.”

  Just then there’s a knock on my door.

  “Perfect timing. Come on Jayden help me pack this stuff up so we can get out of here.” she says as I rush by her to go get the door.

  Taking a deep breath, I open the door and there Liam is leaning against the door jam. He’s dressed in black dress pants that hug his muscular thighs and a button-down black shirt. The sleeves are rolled up to his muscular forearms and I can see the tattoos on his right arm that come down to his wrist.

  My throat dries up and my heartbeat picks up speed simultaneously. He is easily the most handsome man I’ve ever seen before.

  His eyes take me in from head to toe before settling back on my face. The desire as clear as his green eyes.

  “Hi,” I squeak out.

  Without a word he rises to his full height before advancing on me
. I back up into the wall by my door as he cups my cheeks in his hands and lays a kiss on me. And it’s not a chaste one. His tongue traces the seam of my lips until I open for him and then he proceeds to devour me. We don’t stop until I hear a throat clear next to us. Lifting my head, I see Jayden and Lisa watching us with amused expressions on their faces.

  My cheeks flush.

  “Oh, don’t mind us, we were just leaving. You two have fun,” Jayden says.

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Lisa quips on her way past me.

  “Thanks guys, I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Once they leave, Liam looks back at me, his green eyes still swirling with desire. “You look absolutely stunning babe.”

  Pleasure warms me from the inside out at his compliment.

  “Thank you, you look quite handsome yourself.” I run my hands down his chest.

  A groan leaves him, and he rests his forehead against mine for a moment before pulling back and taking my hand in his.

  “Let’s get out of here before I change my mind about going out.”

  I lock up my apartment and he leads me down to his car. Sitting at the curb is a black SUV.

  “How many car’s do you have?” I ask once he’s situated behind the wheel and has pulled out into traffic.

  “This one, a Ferrari, an SUV and a motorcycle.”

  “Oh you have a motorcycle?”

  He nods “Yeah, have you ever been on one?”

  “No, but I’ve always been curious.’

  “I’ll have to take you out sometime.”

  We chat about mundane things and before long we’re pulling up in front of Tempest.

  I’ve heard that a lot of celebrities enjoy coming here because of the strict phone policy. They can usually eat in peace without worrying about people taking their pictures. However, that doesn’t stop the paparazzi from camping out outside occasionally, and tonight seems to be one of those nights.

  There are a handful of them camped out with their cameras ready and waiting. My stomach immediately seizes with nerves.

  “Shit,” Liam mutters under his breath slowly driving up to the valet area.

  Some of the paparazzi immediately perk up and stare at the car surely trying to see who’s inside. Thank goodness the windows are tinted.


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