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Page 10

by Simone Grey

  Her legs are lock tightly around my waist and her fingernails are digging into my shoulders as we devour each other. After a few minutes she tears her mouth away from mine, panting heavily and I waste no time planting hot, wet open mouth kisses up the side of her throat. She moans wriggling her hips against me impatiently.

  “Please,” she murmurs her husky voice going straight to my dick, ratcheting up my need to make her, my wife, mine in every way possible.

  “I know what you need baby.” I murmur. I push up and shed my clothes as quickly as possible.

  I come down on top of her again and staring straight into her eyes I inch my way inside of her.

  Her grip on my biceps tightens. Her muscles clench involuntarily around me causing my vision to go slightly hazy.

  “So fucking tight. It’s always so good. Every fucking time” I mutter trailing kisses up her neck as I start to move. She quickly picks up my rhythm.

  “Harder” she moans. Damn, sweat forms on my brow as I give her exactly what she wants. I pull all the way out before thrusting back in to the hilt. She screams and I groan as she clenches down on me.

  I continue to pick up the pace, bending her legs up higher as I change the angle of penetration.

  “Oh my god,” she moans. Her nails dig into my shoulders. I feel the tingle starting at the base of my spine.

  “Oh god, I’m gonna come.” Ava moans raking her nails down my back.

  “Give it to me baby. Don’t hold back.” I say. And she doesn’t. Her walls clamp down on me pulling my own release out of me.

  After a few minutes I rise up on my elbows and stare down at her. Something shifts inside of me seeing her laid out beneath me sated and satisfied.

  A smile lights up her face and my chest swells. Fuck how did I get so lucky?

  “Round two?” she murmurs shifting her fingers through my hair.

  A smirk graces my face. “Ready whenever you are.”

  Epilogue 2


  Two Years Later

  “Need some help?” I turn at the sound of my husband’s voice and find him leaning against the doorframe to my closet.

  My eyes narrow. “How long have you been standing there?”

  The smirk that I usually love expands into a full-blown smile.

  “Long enough to know that you should have called me to come help you a long time ago” he says brushing past me to get the box off the top shelf.

  “I thought I could reach it” I mutter as he hands it to me.

  “Av, you know you’re supposed to be staying off your feet. Doctor’s orders.”

  “I know, but I needed the shoes in this box, and I didn’t want to bother you. I know you’re working.”

  A frown pulls at the corners of Liam’s mouth. “You know you’re never a bother. Whatever I can do to keep you off your feet I’ll do” he says dropping a kiss on the tip of my nose and then my lips.

  Before I know it, he’s bent and scooped me up into his arms and walks out of the closet.

  “Liam! Are you insane? Put me down.”

  “Why? I’m carrying you too bed.”

  “Because I weigh twice as much as I normally do. I’m huge. You could strain yourself.”

  He pauses. Literally pauses with me still in his arms to stare at me incredulously. “First of all, you’re not huge. Second of all, you’re not heavy. I bench press more than you weigh daily. I won’t strain myself.”

  “Whatever you say,” I mutter. He’s almost to the bed when I feel a gush of water leave me.

  He pauses again.

  “Uh babe, either you just wet yourself or-“

  “My water just broke.” I finish the thought just as a contraction slams into me.

  His eyes widen in panic and he holds me as pain laces through me. Once it subsides, he takes off in the opposite direction towards the door.

  “We’ve gotta go! I’ve gotta call mom and dad and the guys an-“

  “Liam…Liam!” I yell once I realize he’s not listening to me.

  “Put me down,” I say and for once he listens. “You’ve gotta calm down. I need my overnight bag. You can call on the way to the hospital.”

  He calms down enough and fortunately we get to the hospital in one piece.

  I’m in labor for fourteen hours. And then finally, blessedly we welcome a baby girl into the world.

  Exhaustion weighs heavily on me as I watch Liam hold our daughter for the first time. He looks up at me and his eyes our glistening in a way I’ve never seem them do before. “Thank you.”

  I’m the one that should be thanking him though. He’s given me more than I ever dreamed I would have. A new and full life.


  Coming Soon is LEVI, the second book in the Trace Brothers Series. Keep Reading for an excerpt.

  Chapter 1


  10 Years Old

  Closing the book in my hands, I let out a deep breath. I place it on the growing pile I’ve already read today and count them.






  I get up from my bed and walk over to the window. Up on the second floor, I have a clear view of the park. We only moved two days ago, and Mommy and Daddy have been busy ever since we moved in. Daddy got a new job as surgeon a few months ago so we left our old house in Arizona and moved to this one in Chicago.

  I didn’t mind as much as my sister Mya did. It’s not like I had that many friends back in Arizona anyways. Mya on the other hand, had plenty of friends and activities see was in. When they told us, we were moving she threw a fit and cried.

  “But all my friends are here! I don’t wanna move! Please don’t make us move!” she’d cried with big, fat tears rolling down her cheeks. I’d hugged her and told her it would be okay. After Daddy talked to her, she calmed down and agreed that this could be a good thing.

  Leaving the pile of books on my bed, I go in search of Mya to see if she wants to play. Her room is down the hall from mines and I find her and Mommy in their trying on dresses.

  A stab of loneliness hits me in the chest at seeing them both smiling, laughing and talking.

  Having fun.

  Without me. They seem to do that often.

  As I enter the room, they both look up and over at me.

  “Hi,” I say stopping short in the doorway. “Mya do you wanna go play with our dolls?”

  Mya opens her mouth to say something but before she can Mommy says, “We don’t have time for that right now Mia. We have to go to the store and pick up the rest of the material for Mya’s pageant dress. Isn’t that right, Mya?”

  Mya smiles. “Yes, Mommy.”

  I perk up. I don’t really like shopping for clothes but maybe I’ll be able to spend some time with them if I go.

  “Can I go too?” I ask.

  Mom turns and frowns at me. “Sorry, Mia this is for your sister only. Why don’t you go read a book or something?”

  My stomach sinks. “Oh, okay,” I mutter turning my face away so they can’t see the disappointment on it.

  “Sorry Mia, maybe we can play later?” Mya says.

  I force a smile onto my face before turning back to her and saying, “Yeah, sure.”

  I hear their laughter all the way down the hallway as I make my way back to my room. Mya and I are twins. We have the same skin tone, facial features, and hair, but sometimes I feel like an outsider. Sometimes I feel like I don’t belong in this family and I don’t know why.

  I feel a tingling in my nose as my eyes start to water. Just as I’m about to go back into my room, I hear a familiar voice behind me.

  “Hey baby.”

  Wiping at my eyes, I turn around to find my Daddy coming up the stairs dressed in his work clothes. He frowns when he sees my face.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks bending down so that he’s at eye level with me.

  “Nothing,” I mumble averting my eyes.

  He puts a finger unde
r my chin and turns my face back towards his. “Mia, tell me what’s wrong.”

  Just then Mya and Mommy come out of her room. Daddy glances at them and then back at me, understanding clear in his eyes.

  I turn my face away again, not wanting him or them to see the emotion on my face. Daddy sighs heavily as he gets to his feet.

  “Hey girls, where are you headed too?” he asks.

  “We need to get some more fabric and clothes for the pageant,” Mommy says.

  “Okay be careful.”

  I hear the front door slam shut. Daddy bends down again, so that he’s eye level with me.

  “Listen Mia, I know your Mom and Mya have been spending a lot of time together lately, but it’s only because of the pageant. They’re not leaving you behind on purpose.”

  “Are you sure about that?” I ask.

  Daddy doesn’t hesitate. “Of course. Look, I saw some kids playing at the park across the street when I was coming in. Why don’t you go over there and see if you can make some friends?”

  “Okay” I say. At this point what could it hurt?

  His phone starts beeping, and he glances down at it, a frown pulling at the corners of his mouth.

  “I’ve got to make a phone call. Are you going to be alright at the park by yourself?” he asks.

  I shrug. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

  He places a kiss on my forehead and then he’s gone disappearing into his office. Blowing out a deep breath, I go into my room and put on my sneakers before grabbing a book and heading downstairs, I try to shake off those bad feelings. Truthfully, I don’t really like going shopping, but I thought it would be something nice I could do with Mommy and Mya.

  Our neighborhood is really nice. All the houses are separated by a lot of yard space. I look to my left at our next-door neighbor’s house and see a few boys that look older than me going into the house. I’ve seen them going in and out of that house ever since we moved in.

  I get to the end of the driveway and check both ways before crossing the street to the park. There are two swing sets, a slide, a sandbox and a big open grassy area. There are several boys laughing and throwing a football around.

  I look around, but don’t see any girls my age. Not knowing what else to do, I take my book over to the bench near the sandbox and curl up on it. I don’t know how long, I sit there reading before suddenly, somebody swipes the book out of my hands.

  “Hey!” I gasp looking up to see three boys standing in front of me.

  “What kind of loser comes to the park to read,” the one holding my book says. He’s the tallest of the three. The other two boys laugh egging him on. My cheeks redden as embarrassment sweeps through me.

  “Give it back,” I say trying to sound strong. My fingers curl into fist as I get to my feet. They tower over me, but I try to stand as tall as I can.

  “Give it back,” the ringleader says in a high-pitched voice. They all start laughing again.

  Anger rushes through me, my heart is beating so loud I can practically hear it. Just then the book is swiped out of the boy’s hands. I peek over his shoulder to see another boy standing behind him.

  “Leave her alone.”

  My attention shifts to the fourth boy and my breath hitches. Up to this point, I haven’t really been interested in boys. At my old school, they were either jerks or they did nasty stuff like pick their noses in front of everybody. But the boy standing in front of me doesn’t remind me of any of those boys from my old school.

  Black hair flops over his forehead. He’s tall, taller than any of the other boys standing in front of me and he has the clearest light green eyes I’ve ever seen. He’s the most beautiful boy I’ve ever seen.

  “Aw, come on Levi, we’re just having some fun,” the boy that snatched my book from me says.

  Levi raises an eyebrow. “You think it’s fun to bother people that are minding their own business? Well I don’t, now beat it.”

  And to my shock the three boys grumble something under their breath and leave. My mouth drops open in shock as I watch them walk away. I can’t believe he got them to go away so easily.

  “Here you go,” my attention shifts back to Levi and I’m struck stupid by how beautiful his face is.

  “This is yours, right?” he asks raising both eyebrows at me. My cheeks grow warm when I realize I’ve been standing here staring at him while he’s holding my book out to me.

  “Oh, um yes. Thank you.” I take the book from him.

  “No problem, those guys are jerks. If they bother you again let me know.” He shoves his hands into his pockets and he rocks back on his heels.

  “Okay. My name is Mia” I blurt out.

  A small smile forms on his lips and my heartbeat picks up in response. “I’m Levi. You just moved in across the street, right?”

  “Yeah, right there,” I say pointing to our house across the street.

  “Yeah, I live next door,” he says pointing to the house that I’ve seen all those other boys coming and going from.

  “Do you have a lot of brothers?” I ask.

  “Yeah. I have one sister and five brothers.”

  ““Whoa, that’s a lot. I have one sister, she’s my twin.”

  “Yeah? How come she didn’t come to the park with you?”

  Instantly my mood deflates as I think about where Mya is right now, without me.

  “Oh, um, she had something to do,” I say averting my eyes.

  Silence hangs in the air between us and I can feel his eyes on me, studying me.

  “My mom just made some cookies. Do you wanna come over and hang out? We can watch a movie.”

  I look up at him in surprise, shocked by his offer.

  “You wanna hang out with me?” I ask incredulously.

  That small smile is back on his face as he stares down at me.

  “Yeah, you seem pretty cool. Besides anybody that rocks a Power Rangers T-shirt is cool with me.”

  My eyes go to my t-shirt that has a picture of the yellow Power Ranger plastered across the front. It was a Christmas gift from Daddy last year.

  “You like the Power Rangers?” I ask.

  “I love that show” he says.

  I open my mouth to ask him another question when a voice from behind me shouts, “Hey Levi, we’re gonna go throw the football around. Are you coming?”

  We both look over my shoulder to see a group of boys waving in this direction. I instantly deflate, figuring that he will want to go play with them.

  “Nah, I’m busy. I’ll catch you guys later” he yells back.

  Once again, I’m shocked. “D-don’t you want to go hang out with them?”

  “Nah,” he says, his eyes scan my face. “I’m good. Are you coming?” he asks walking backwards towards his house.

  “Yeah,” I find myself nodding. “I’m coming.”


  Coming May 7th is GRAYSON, Book 3 in the Trace Brothers Series.


  Want to be notified on my next release? You can also follow me on Facebook.

  Also Available by Simone Grey

  Trace Brothers Series

  At First Glance



  GRAYSON (Coming May 7th, 2020)

  LINCOLN (Coming Soon)

  GABE (Coming Soon)

  About the Author

  Simone is a small-town girl, living in a big city. After spending years getting lost in other author’s novels, she began crafting her own before finally deciding to take the leap into self-publishing. She strives to breathe life into new characters through the pages of her books. If you are look for sweet, sexy short stories filled with strong heroines and swoon worthy alpha males then give her books a try.



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