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The Long Eighteenth Century

Page 85

by Frank O'Gorman

  Bloomsbury Academic

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  First edition published 1997

  This second edition published 2016

  © Frank O’Gorman, 2016

  Frank O’Gorman has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as Author of this work.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publishers.

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  British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

  A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  ISBN: HB: 978-1-4725-1103-4

  PB: 978-1-4725-0774-7

  ePDF: 978-1-4725-0694-8

  ePub: 978-1-4725-0893-5

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

  Names: O’Gorman, Frank.

  Title: The long eighteenth century: British political and social history,

  1688-1832 / Frank O’Gorman.

  Description: Second edition. | New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint

  of Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016. | “First edition published 1997.” |

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2015022914| ISBN 9781472511034 (HB) | ISBN 9781472507747

  (PB) | ISBN 9781472506948 (ePDF) | ISBN 9781472508935 (ePub)

  Subjects: LCSH: Great Britain—Politics and government—18th century. | Great Britain—Politics and government—1800-1837. | Great Britain--Politics and government—1689-1702. | Great Britain—Social conditions—18th century.

  Classification: LCC DA480 .O38 2016 | DDC 941.07—dc23 LC record available at




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