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The Barbarian Bible

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by Ianto Watt

  Copyright © 2013 by Blue Star Services, Inc. (BSSI)

  All rights reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission from the publisher.

  It is forbidden that this work should be read by women or weak men.

  Published by BSSI, 3606 Yale Rd, Lawrence, KS 66049

  Designed by Ianto Watt

  Thanks to Nick and Scott, and all Barbarians

  First Edition

  To be further enraged, please visit

  Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

  Watt, Ianto 1951-

  The Barbarian Bible

  Includes bibliographical references

  ISBN: 0615860613

  ISBN-13: 9780615860619

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2013947616

  CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

  North Charleston, South Carolina

  The Last Welsh Barbarian

  as he uses simple math, logic and human nature to explain all of man’s history to his Grandson. Listen as he explains

  The real meaning of the Fall of Troy;

  The Prophecy of Calchas, the Pagan Greek Seer;

  The true meaning of The Iliad and The Odyssey;

  The meaning of the Trojan Horse, and how it will come again;

  The dual nature of Rome; Romulus and Remus;

  The importance of Aeneas to both faces of Rome;

  Photius, the most brilliant evil man of all time;

  The origins and meanings of all the Great Impostors;

  The crucial difference between the Anglish and the British;

  Where the Empire resides today, and how it got there;

  The meaning of America, The Western Empire;

  The Three-Front War of the Empire;

  The unseen root of Islam, and where it is headed;

  The British Israelites vs. The Israelite British;

  The Kaballistic nature of Judaism today;

  The current Division of The Empire;

  The dual nature of Russia, the Great Pretender;

  The meaning of Orthodoxy, the other face of the Great Pretender;

  The significance of Putin and Ras-Putin;

  The meaning of the Two-Headed Eagle;

  The plural nature of the ‘Errors of Russia’;

  The significance of Greater Portugal;

  The coming nuclear war in Southern Asia;

  The resultant subjugation of Europe;

  The ‘capture’ of the Throne of Peter in Rome and how it will backfire;

  The meaning of the final prophecies about Russia;

  The Great Game, and how it will end;

  You’ve never read anything like this before.

  You’ll never read anything like this again.

  To Russia, with Love.

  For Those Who Cannot Wait

  About the Author

  The Final Fall


  Part One: Which Operating System Works?

  Chapter 1: The Wager

  Chapter 2: Singular or Plural?

  Chapter 3: Fate vs. Faith

  Chapter 4: The Evidence

  Chapter 5: The Big Three

  Chapter 6: Team # 1, Judaism

  Modernist Experts = Weiner Dogs

  Bizarro Judaism

  The Talmud

  Anti-Miracle #1 - The Miracle of the “Lot”

  Anti-Miracle #2 - The Miracle of the Red Strip

  Anti-Miracle #3 - The Miracle of the Temple Doors

  Anti-Miracle #4 - The Miracle of the Temple Menorah

  The Karaites

  Team One - Summary

  Bottom line, DOA

  Chapter 7: Team # 2, Christianity


  Bizarro Christianity

  Protestantism-Bizarro Christianity #2


  Orthodoxy- Bizarro Christianity #1

  Team Two Summary

  Chapter 8: Team # 3, Islam





  The Five Pillars of Islam


  Part One: Summary

  Part Two: Troy Becomes Rome

  Chapter 9: Introduction

  Chapter 10: Rome vs. Rome


  Where is Rome?

  Where is Bizarro Rome?

  Chapter 11: Troy vs. Troy

  Chapter 12: The War at Troy

  The First Fall


  The Prophecy of Calchas

  Part Two: Summary

  Part Three: The Third Rome

  Chapter 13: Introduction

  Chapter 14: New Rome, New Troy

  Chapter 15: Conspiracy Theories

  Chapter 16: London, the True Third Rome

  Tax Farmers

  The British Israelites

  The Israelite-British

  The Grudge

  Old London, New York

  Chapter 17: The Anglish Civil War






  Part Three: Summary

  Part Four: America is Imperial Rome

  Chapter 18: Introduction

  Chapter 19: What Is Fascism ?

  Chapter 20: The Three-Front War

  Part Four: Summary

  Part Five: The Great Pretender

  Chapter 21: Introduction

  Chapter 22: Russia, The Great Pretender

  Chapter 23: The Rus’

  Chapter 24: Rasputin

  Chapter 25: Putin

  Chapter 26: The Two Russias

  Chapter 27: Portugal

  Chapter 28: Back to Russia

  Part Five: Summary

  Part Six: The End Game

  Chapter 29: Introduction

  Chapter 30: The End Game

  Chapter 31: The Final Act


  End Notes


  Like most people today, you don’t have a lot of un-committed time. You want and need fast answers. Unfortunately, that’s not the way to a true understanding of life today. But still, I understand your need. I have the same need, but for a different reason. And so, here is a brief 4 page encapsulation of what you’ll find in this book, as I seek to explain to my grandson the true course of history, from the time of ancient Troy till now, the time of modern Troy. I hope you will find the time to read the rest of my book to understand what has really happened in the past, before the ultimate lesson of history overtakes us again, as the New Troy falls once more. And if you’ll take the time to listen to me, a True Barbarian, you will gain the insight necessary to make the rest of your life understandable in this crazy, insane world. That should be of no small value to anyone. So here we go.

  Well, after almost 2,000 years, nothing has changed. Troy has fallen, but Imperial Rome still exists. Holy Rome still exists. The Barbarians still exist. And The Chosen Ones still exist. Those are the only four groups that existed then, and they are the only ones that still exist now.

  And each of these groups is opposed to all the others, giving us a perfect 2 x 2 matrix of possible conflicts and/or alliances. That produces 4 possible sub-sets, but only one is true. Further, each of these 4 basic groups has a major imposter posing as them, expanding the matrix to 4 x 4, for a total of 16 possible combinations. That seems to make things a little more complicated. But not really. Why? Because they’re imposters, remember? So they can’t be the real answer. At least, not all of them, right? But let’s look at the four original members of the matrix.

  Imperial Rome, as you will see
(if you read the book), rules from America today. America is the actual and legitimate successor to the British Empire, which took up the Imperial role shortly after the fall of Constantinople, the Second Rome. The American military is the world’s most powerful, and its troops occupy, in some fashion or another, over 100 countries around the world. The official Roman symbols (the Eagle, the Fasces) still grace the currency and the flag of the Imperial American Senate. The actions and goals of world domination are exactly the same as the original owner of the franchise. America’s major imposter is Russia (whether Imperial or Soviet). The Russians spend all their time trying to convince everyone of their Spartan discipline and Athenian sophistication, in contrast to the carnal flavor of the American Empire. In the Empire, all groups (except the imposters) are loved and welcome. As slaves.

  Holy Rome still resides in the Vatican State and is spread throughout the world with its own ‘citizens’. It is the largest government on earth. Its symbols, rites and goals are still exactly the same as they were on Easter morning, 30 AD. Its doctrine never changes, but it does mature. Its major imposter is the Orthodox Church, the largest component of which is the Russian Orthodox Church. The hallmark of Orthodoxy is being ‘autocephalous’ (self-thinking), and so the Protestant Churches are simply less regal versions of Orthodoxy. The imposters call Holy Rome ‘the Great Whore of Babylon’ or ‘The Anti-Christ’, to give you an idea of how they feel about things.

  The Chosen Ones mostly still reside in their segregated little towns (‘shtetls’) in Israel. They are known as the Karaites. There are about 40,000 of these Mosaic Jews left, although about 10,000 more live in America today. Their goals remain the same, although their rites and symbols were lost when Jerusalem fell to the Empire in 70 AD. The rest of Israel today is filled with their imposters, the Rabbinic (Talmudic) Jews. Secular, or non-religious Jews, still count as Rabbinic Jews. Why? Because the Rabbis say they do. The Karaites and the Rabbinic Jews hate each other, although they like to keep this quiet. Between elections, that is.

  The Barbarians still reside everywhere else, and they still pursue their goal of penetrating into the Empire in pursuit of ‘the dream’. They are Latinos, Africans, and Asians, and we perceive them as illegal immigrants, refugees and terrorists, respectively. Their imposters are the pantheistic Evolutionary-Environmentalists, who claim to speak for them. This group of impostors despise their ‘fellow barbarians’, all the while claiming they have their true interest at heart. The impostors are distinguished variously by their tattoos, body piercings, globalist theories, white papers and their residence within the Empire.

  Now the religion of the Empire is also still alive today, just as The Pantheon is still in existence today. However, the Pantheon edifice itself has been physically occupied by Holy Rome since the 600’s. But not to worry, all you citizens of the Empire, your Greco-Roman religion still has a Greek name. It is now known as ‘Democracy’, and America seeks to spread it over all the world, as a cure for mankind. A cure that is arguably worse than the disease. In a democracy every vote counts, or so they say. And in a democracy, everyone can become a member of The Pantheon. All you have to do is to die for the Emperor.

  The religion of Holy Rome still exists today, the same as it was in 30 AD. In Holy Rome, only one vote counts. But because of the intrigues of the royal court (the Curia), a lot of people seem to have a veto power. Why is this? It’s because the royal court has been riddled with many traitors since at least 1962 AD, as my mother would say. But anyone with eyes can see that this began at least 1000 years earlier, courtesy of their original impostors, the Greek Orthodox. In the Holy Roman religion, there is no Pantheon of the gods for you to join, but you can get adopted by their One God. All you have to do is let Him die for you. And then return the compliment.

  The religion of the Chosen People still exists in Mosaic memory amongst the Karaites, but its practice has been denied to them for almost 2,000 years, due to the small details of not having a Temple or Priesthood to offer their animal sacrifice. But this won’t stand in their way, because time has stood still for them since 70 AD, when Jerusalem fell to the Empire. And in Judaism, of any kind, no votes count. But every dollar does. And every nuke, too. The Chosen People have a much smaller Pantheon than the Imperial Romans, because it’s NGA- no gentiles allowed. The Chosen Ones of all stripes are guaranteed a spot in their pantheon. All they have to do is die for themselves.

  The religion of the Barbarians (where no real elections are held) is a mishmash of all three of the religions above, especially among the Latinos and Muslims. Most of the rest (Hindu and Chinese) worship live cows or dead ancestors, each with the same result. The despotic leaders of all the Barbarian nations spend their time trying to keep their people from fleeing to either Imperial Rome or Holy Rome. And all three major nationalities within the Barbarian world (Chinese, Hindu and Muslim) have lots of nukes and they hate each other intensely. There is no need for a Pantheon in this neck of the woods, because nobody is home in the Confucian version of heaven, and in the Hindu version you never get there. The Muslim version is pretty iffy (you’ll have to read the book to see why), and in any event, they’re all going to die for nothing. You didn’t think they were going to keep those nukes, did you?

  Lastly, before we begin the book, it is necessary to keep the Fall of Troy and the Pagan religion of the ancient Greeks in mind, because they were and still are the ‘sophisticated’ nexus of all the other Pagan religions combined. Ask any honest Sophist, he will agree with me. And each of these other three groups (Imperial Rome, The Chosen Ones, and the leaders of Barbarian nations) is totally opposed to Holy Rome. Why? Because they all draw their practices (then and now) from ancient Greece, in some fashion or another. All of them are bound together in their common hatred of Holy Rome, and for the past 2,000 years they have all made common cause with each other whenever it looked like Holy Rome would be ultimately victorious in time and on earth. And it will happen once again, at the end, and the Greeks will again be the point of the spear, as Rome retraces its steps back to her origins in Ancient Troy. So then, how is it going to happen? And where? Well, read the damn book!

  I am the author of this work. I am Ianto Watt, the last of the Welsh Barbarians. I live in self-exile in a ‘modern’ (even post-modern) world, where everything is spoon-fed to us by ‘experts’. This is not the Barbarian Way. True Barbarians don’t believe most of what people say. We only watch what they do. We seek to find out for ourselves the answers to the questions that really matter. Barbarians are useful people because we don’t usually accept the ‘official’ explanation of things. We generally think in terms of human motives when deciding whether or not to accept things at their face value. We are men of numbers, not letters. When things don’t add up, we get suspicious. And the simple fact of the matter, in terms of the ‘academically accepted’ version of human history, is this; things don’t add up. And so, being a suspicious man, I have looked at the evidence for myself. This book is what I have found to be true.

  The purpose of this book is to explain to my grandchildren how the world will end. And if you know how it will happen, then you’ll recognize it as it approaches in your lifetime. To do this, I have to explain where mankind is now. But we mortals cannot know where we are without reference to where we have been. And so the task of defining where we will end up is really the larger task of defining where we started (and started by who?), where we have been, and where we are now. Only then can we answer the question of how (and where) we will end up. This book is the real explanation of the truly relevant events of ancient and modern history, and how they are leading us to the Final Fall. You will have never read any of this in your school studies. Yes, you’ve read of many of these events, in some disjointed fashion or other, but you’ve never had all of them connected. And never like this. Why? Because it wasn’t in the interests of those who taught you. But it’s in my interest, as your grandfather, to tell you the truth.

  But first, let’s talk about
the term ‘Barbarian’. It has a bad reputation. The primary reason is because it has several meanings, but most people accept it as having only one, to wit; a nasty, brutish person. And it can mean that, it’s true. And in my own case, it’s true as well. But it originally meant ‘someone who doesn’t speak our language’. The Greeks applied it to non-Greeks, and the Romans followed suit with their own version of this. And the Chosen Ones, not to be outdone, applied it to all Gentiles. So it really comes down to this- it means ‘someone not like us’, whoever ‘us’ is at any given moment. And that is why I can accurately be described as a Barbarian, apart from my Welsh-Bruthonic (‘brutish’) heritage. I am a Barbarian by nature and by choice.

  (Hint; Bruthon is Brython, Brython is Britain, and Britain is originally the home of the Welsh, descendants of Aeneas’ grandson Brutus, who named the place after himself ). And so, apart from my Brythonic (‘brutish’) heritage, I have deliberately chosen not to be like everyone else- especially the Anglish. (Another hint; the English are the Anglish, the Anglish are the Anglo-Saxons, the Anglo-Saxons are Teutons, and Teutons are simply Germanic/ Danish pirates who stole Brython and now rule most of the known world. Please remember, the real British are not the English of today!).

  Now, Barbarians are a skeptical lot, and rightly so. History has shown that three related groups (the Romans, the Anglish, the Americans) have sought to tame or ‘civilize’ them, converting them to their way of thinking and believing. And history is one long story of the elimination of those Barbarians who made the mistake of believing these people. Barbarians who have made it into the Empire have been transformed into the complacent and the compliant, commonly but incorrectly known as ‘citizens’. But because of the rise of Orwellian ‘Newspeak’, what we commonly call citizens are really no more than equalitarian slaves. Slaves are equal. But only citizens are free. You can’t be both. And in the Empire, the emphasis is on equality. Guess what they’re telling us?

  But none of us are constitutionally free anymore, because people won’t pay the true price of freedom, which is simply the act of enforcing our original constitutions (Roman, British or American). And very few ‘citizens’ are intellectually free today, because slaves rarely think for themselves. You’ll know you are truly free when most people despise you for your apparent lack of ‘human respect’ when you reject the accepted wisdom of the day. I’ll take mental and spiritual freedom over constitutional freedom any day. That’s the Barbarian way.


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