The Barbarian Bible

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The Barbarian Bible Page 23

by Ianto Watt

  Ultimately, if Holy Rome is successful in this strategy (and it converts everyone as a result), then there will only be one group left- themselves! And then ‘holiness’ will become a moot point, as we all become one family again, under a common Father, for the good of the children, under the new Emperor. Thus, holiness is only a tactic, not a strategy. When the war is over, the need for it will cease.

  The Empire, on the other hand, wants all people to come together, under one worldly ruler, for the good of the ruler. Imperial Rome says all men are the same (or should be), and their commonality can be expressed in one simple word; slaves. Holy Rome, on the other hand, recognizes that mankind will never all be the same, simply because all men have a free will. So what’s the likelihood of getting all men to agree on something important (other than football)? Right, zero. That’s as likely as the Masonic belief that they can get all men to speak the same word at the same time (that is, the original word of creation, which they claim to know). They say that if they can get all men to speak it in unison, they can re-create the world, in their own image, of course. Fat chance. Masons are such idiots, primarily because they are usually Anglish. Or Scottish, which is almost as bad.

  Anyway, since Holy Rome recognizes that not all men will chose the correct Operating System, it also recognizes that there will be a lot of competing system crashes throughout time, and thus the best way to protect their own ‘citizens’ from getting the systemic viruses these Atari-types generate is to ‘stay away’ from them, in practice (‘holiness’).

  Does that mean Holy Rome wants all of its citizens to move to one place and never interact with any other people who use other Operating Systems? No, don’t be silly. It wants its citizens to live amongst these other types and try to convince them that their Holy Roman Operating System is the only one that really works. In other words, to persuade them to switch sides. Imperial Rome, on the other hand, wants their ‘citizens’ (slaves) to capture the Holy Romans and make them fellow slaves of the Emperor. As in, misery loves company. Misery? You know, war and interest payments. The two things Imperial Rome operates on. That’s their Operating System. Which is just another way of saying Wrath and Deceit. And we’ll look at that concept in just a few pages, as we unfold the pagan Imperial Roman Operating System.

  But first, now that we have finished Part I in our quest to find the one truly accurate Operating System for deciphering the past (and therefore, the future), we need to zero in on one huge fact. And that fact is that, in spite of the apparent existence of all these other contenders for the title of ‘True Operating System’, they all share one common trait. That’s right, all these Bizarro Chosen Ones (Secular &Talmudic), Bizarro Christians (Orthodox & Protestant), Bizarro Muslims (all of them), plus all the Hindus, Confucianists and the like, they all can be accurately described by one word; Mammonites.

  Huh? Mammon? Yes, as in Money. A Mammonite is one who worships money, in some fashion or another. That’s why they can all get along, at some level. That’s why the ‘name it and claim it’ Protestants can work with secular Jews and Arab oil sheiks as they all pursue their dream of gaming the Empire for their own ends. Sure, they all compete, which is their mantra. But just like at the local chamber of commerce, which all the local car dealers belong to, on one day a month (or whenever), they all get together and raise a toast to their mantra; competition. And when that mantra is taken to its logical extreme (as men always do), it results in war. And war always costs money, your money. And because the Emperor always spends more than he raises in taxes, he has to have more to conduct whatever war he is waging at the time.

  The way the Empire raises more money is through an increase in the national debt. Now the national debt is created by borrowing from certain lenders who we will discuss a little later, and the actual debt is almost never paid off. It simply increases as the borrowing increases. (N.B. That’s why Andrew Jackson was the greatest President- he paid off the debt). However, there are payments made back to the lenders, in the form of interest payments. These periodic interest payments are paid by the annual increase in taxes on the slaves. I meant citizens, sorry! Oh, I almost forgot- there’s also another cost the citizens have to pay for in support of the Emperor’s wars. It is paid in blood. Usually their own.

  So these are the two things the Empire runs on- war and interest. And the payments are extracted in blood and taxes. If you avoid the first one, you’re still on the hook for the second. Now here’s a little question for you, grandson; if you could lend money at interest, would you rather get your principal amount back, or collect big interest on it forever? Hard choice? Let me make it easier; what if the original amount you lent out to the Emperor was simply created out of thin air, and it wasn’t money you had to labor for and sweat to earn? Starting to see the point?

  Holy Rome, on the other hand, has a different mantra; co-operation. And when they get together, every week, they raise a toast to that mantra. And when you take that mantra to its logical extreme, it leads to peace. And that costs money too. But it has to be given voluntarily. To those who need it, just to live. To the poor. And when that happens, the slaves are freed of their want. Especially those who are enslaved to the desire for more money. And those who are in most need of this freedom aren’t those who don’t have money, rather it’s the ones who do have it!

  And the proof that this system can be considered just is that the money given voluntarily to Holy Rome doesn’t flow upstream to the ruler (the Pope). No, the greatest part stays local, and feeds the poor, clothes the naked and visits the sick and imprisoned. That’s why Holy Rome is the biggest builder and operator on orphanages, hospitals, soup kitchens and free schools in the entire world. What does the other System offer? Medicare? Welfare? Drivers License bureaus? Abortion Clinics? Public schools? All funded by taxes, and all operated with an exquisite inefficiency that wastes most of the money spent, and treats all of its patrons with a contempt that is reserved to the lowest of all; slaves.

  And there it is, boiled down to its essence. The Holy Roman Operating System says you cannot serve both their God and the god of Imperial Rome; Mammon (money). It’s one or the other. Now we’re back to the Radix Malorum, the Root of All Evil; the love of money. The Holy Roman God named Jesus says exactly that, as quoted in Matthew 6:24 (and Luke 16:13). Like I said earlier, the love of money (which is defined as the root of all evil) is directly connected to ‘the mystery of iniquity which doth already work’ (2 Thessalonians 2:7). This mystery is how the Empire operates, creating money out of thin air (aka the Federal Reserve and the Bank of London, in our day) that enslaves its subjects through taxation and inflation. Both feed their endless wars that eat both men and their money. And the men who survive the war are still doomed to feed the monster till they die, through taxes and interest.

  Like I said before, there’s really only 2 religions; either you eat ‘The God’ or ‘the gods’ eat you. Welcome to the Pantheon Café, where the customers are on the menu! That’s why all these seemingly disparate groups of Bizarro believers can get along in the world of business, because they have one common god (Mammon) and one common enemy; the Holy Rome. And while they don’t mind killing each other, commercially or literally, they never let that stand in their way of uniting against Holy Rome. It’s their common enemy that denies the legitimacy of the Imperial Roman Operating System.

  So then, now that we have defined the essential difference between Imperial Rome and its mortal enemy, Holy Rome, we have to ask, where are these two Romes? Where do they reside today, and where can we see their operations at work?

  The Holy Rome part is pretty simple - Rome is still Rome. Or more precisely, the Vatican State, just outside of Rome, proper. This is where the Church is, and always has been, and always will be, till the end of time. How can I say that? Simple. It’s lasted there for almost 2,000 years. Even during the Avignon (French) Papacies, the governmental machinery of the Church remained at Rome. Show me something better, if you’ve got it. Remember, I only l
ook at results. Forget the dogma for now, look at the results. But I do think that there is significance to the fact that the seat of the Roman Church is at (but still outside the walls of ) Rome the Imperial City. What is this significance? Keep reading.

  On the other hand, what about Imperial Rome? It fell in 476 AD, right? Wrong, grandson. Quit listening to those idiot teachers. Imperial Rome just moved the camp eastward to Constantinople, for the next 1,000+ years. But it still operated under the original franchise name and still does so quite effectively, even today, although the modern language of Imperial Rome is English (which is actually about half Latin). What, you’ve never seen a McDonald’s franchise outlet close as the neighborhood deteriorates, even as a new outlet is opened in the suburbs? And who thinks of the corporate office when they think of McDonalds? Nope, we only think of the Golden Arches in our neighborhood. In fact, I’ll bet the corporate office of Mickey D’s has changed a dozen times in the last 50 years. Does this mean it’s a different Mickey? Of course not. So why does it mean anything more in the world of Empires? The business of the Empire is war and tax collection. Does it matter where the tax payment is sent? The only important fact is that the money left your neighborhood. Money talks, you know. It says ‘goodbye’.

  And so I contend that regardless of where the Empire’s HQ is located at any given moment, the prophecy of Calchas the Seer, made to Aeneas (as related by Quintus of Smyrna in the Post-Homerica), still stands true. What do I mean? It’s elementary, grandson. So what if Emperor Diocletian split the Empire into East and West, and his successor Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople (Byzantium)? It was still known, literally and legally, as Imperial Rome for over another 1,000 years. And Constantinople was known as the Second Rome. Then, when Constantinople fell in 1453 AD to the Muslims, the Empire’s capital moved again. Russians say it moved to Moscow, under the aegis of the Czar and the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Then Moscow became, by its own boast, the Third Rome. (What’s an aegis? The cloak of religious authority. Ask Achilles, he’ll tell you. Aeneas too.)

  But as I said earlier, this claim by the Russians is a bogus claim, just like the bogus claims of Photius. The real Imperial Rome moved west, not east. Just as Aeneas went west at the Fall of Troy. Fallen Troy was resurrected to become Imperial Rome, and no matter where the capital has moved over the centuries and millennia since 476 AD (when the western flank of the Empire supposedly fell to my cousins), it’s still in operation in its original form. And just like the Empire, Holy Rome is still in its original form, regardless of where the capital moved (think Avignon). Anyone who claims to be the head of a ‘new’ Rome, whether it be Imperial or Holy, is a counterfeit, a fake, a charlatan. And the proof is that their bogus empire or religion is neither global nor continuous over time.

  Besides, the real mark of the Empire is the control of men and markets, and not the visible existence of some ‘Caesar’ or another. If markets and money still exist and they are taxed by a central authority, the Empire still exists.

  So just what was this prophecy of Calchas the Seer, at Troy? Hold on, grandson, we’re getting there, and pretty soon, too. But we still have a little more groundwork to cover first. First let’s look at Bizarro Imperial Rome, known as Moscow.

  It’s not for nothing that the ‘ruler of All Russia’, as the Russians say it, was the Czar. As in C-zar. Go ahead, say it, grandson. Caesar. The Czar and his bogus Third Rome had an empire that lasted from Ivan IV in 1533 till at least 1917. Longer, if you’re like me, and you count the Soviet regime that followed the Czars as an extension of this bogus ‘Third Rome’. And by the way, I don’t believe The Evil Empire of Soviet Communism actually fell. It just dropped the Soviet façade, pulling a brilliant (there’s that word again) imitation of the Cheshire Cat. All smile, no cat. Speaking of which, where are all the nukes now? Did they disappear too? I haven’t seen them on E-Bay.

  But never mind that for now. My contention is that the Russian version of the ‘Third Rome’ (whether Holy or Imperial) was never really about the regimes of either the Czars or the Commissars. It’s always been about the Russian Orthodox Church. The ROC. And the ROC’s claim to be the new true Rome has always been a means of trying to destroy Holy Rome, and not just to replace the Imperial Rome of Caesar. Orthodoxy has been, from the beginning, the Trojan Horse that was being prepared to bring about the fall of Holy Rome. Really? Do I think Photius actually planned all of this, over 1,000 years ago? No, silly boy. But his mentors, ‘the gods’, certainly did. They don’t just sit around up there on Mt. Olympus, doing nothing. They work for a living too!

  Another funny thing about Moscow’s claim to be ‘The Third Rome’ was the Russian adoption of the Byzantine emblem of Rome, which was adopted at the time when it moved from Rome to Byzantium (Constantinople). It went from a one-headed eagle to a two-headed eagle. As in looking both east and west. Looking past and future. And in the case of Russia, when it stole it from the Romans in Constantinople, it expanded its meaning to include both Imperial AND Holy Rome. At least, that’s my take on it, and we’ll cover that more in the section on Russia itself. That symbolism is huge. Remember that. Now, back to our story……………..

  So, if Czarist Russia isn’t the true Third Rome (Imperial or Holy), and Soviet Russia has ‘fallen’, how is it that Russia can still claim to be the true Third Rome today? Think of it this way- just as true Imperial Rome moved its capital once to Constantinople, and again to London & then New York, so has Bizarro Rome (Russia) moved its operations. Yes, its capital is still in Moscow. And New York too. Huh? Patience, grandson, patience! Remember, one face of its two-headed eagle looks east (to Orthodoxy) and the other looks west (to secular Empire). And it’s very difficult to keep these two elements in your mind without becoming schizophrenic unless you understand that Russia itself is schizophrenic. And until you understand that Russia is actually a world-wide operation today.

  Find that ridiculous? Well, let me explain the details. When the Soviets took over in 1917, there was a huge exodus of Russian Orthodox believers who set up the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR). It was in opposition to the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) which the ROCOR claimed was in total submission to the Soviet state of the USSR. Actually, some of them claimed that it was the other way around, that the ROC actually controlled the Soviet state. Once you get to know the players though, what’s the difference? Am I serious? You bet.

  Now there’s also another way of looking at the Russian diaspora since the ‘fall of Communism’ in 1989. Read the book Red Mafiya, written by Robert Friedman, if you really want to understand the global reach of the bogus Russian version of Imperial Rome. Read how the American (Sicilian) Mafia is terrified of the Russkies, right here in our own back yard. The Irish Mafia too. And every other organized criminal group. They all pale in comparison to the ferocity of the Red Mafia. Don’t believe me? Then spend a little time researching, for example, who has the most influence in the National Hockey League. And that’s just a small example of what they are really controlling today in the world of organized western crime. And organized crime is probably equal to about half of the legal GNP of the Empire. I’m serious! And so is the Emperor. He’s collecting no taxes on this Red black market. That’s why he hates them. And they hate him, too.

  I know this sounds ridiculous, as most true things do at first glance. But here’s another, parallel example. Where do most Jews live today, in Israel or outside it (in Angland and the US)? Why is that? Better matzoh? Nope. Just better opportunities. Opportunities for what? For dominance. But more on that later. Let’s get back to the Russian Orthodox diaspora that was the beginning of this international expansion and move of the bogus Third Rome.

  Now then, after the Communist Revolution of 1917, the ROCOR staunchly opposed the ROC for 80 some years, claiming rightly (as the Soviet archives prove, if you can believe them) that the ROC was a total puppet of the Bolshevik state. Then, all of the sudden, without so much as a whimper of pr
otest, the ROC and the ROCOR suddenly kissed and made up in 2007. There were no requirements that the quisling ROC priests who were KGB moles be ‘outed’ and disciplined. Nope, all is peachy keen now, and they are one big happy Orthodox family. Right? As for the Bolsheviks, they supposedly disappeared in 1991. Right?

  But there’s something very interesting which nobody (but me) seems to have noticed. That little detail is that the ROC, because of the diaspora of the ROCOR, now has Moscow-friendly communities world-wide. But mostly they are in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Funny, weren’t all those Anglish colonies once? Oh yeah, I almost forgot, they are also in Angland too. Didn’t we used to call this the British Commonwealth? Shazzam! What a coincidence. See what I mean about impostors?

  Still having a hard time following all this? Let me simplify it for you. Now remember, I only look at what happens, not at what people say. And regardless of what the Czar says, he’s not the Emperor, and Russia is not Holy Rome either. Here’s why. Just look at what happens from 1533 onward. Remember, this is only 80 years after the fall of Constantinople, the Second Rome. It’s also 2 years after Henry VIII breaks away from Holy Rome, and it’s the first year of the reign of Ivan IV, the first Czar.

  Now the fact that Ivan had the chutzpah to call himself Czar is the first clue, because Caesar never called himself Caesar. And Henry VIII never called himself Caesar. But what happened from this point in time? Well, let’s compare Russia and Angland from this time onward.

  Was Russia ever a part of the original Roman Empire (like Angland was)? No. Did Russia ever control the Seven Seas? No. Did Russia ever colonize the world? No. Did Russia ever control Europe? No. Did Russia ever wage a multi-century war to contain Angland (or was it Angland that contained Russia during the ‘Great Game’)? No. Does Russia have troops in over 100 countries around the world today? No. Did Russia ever come to be the controlling financial power of the world for 500 years? No. And most importantly, did Russia become the homeland of the financiers of the Empire (aka The Chosen People)? No. Sure, lots of little Jews settled there in Russia, but they were under the thumb of the Czar.


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