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The Barbarian Bible

Page 37

by Ianto Watt

  The other reason for this use of stealth tactics is that there are simply too many people in the Barbarian world to subdue using raw military force alone. Again, nothing has changed from the time of Julius Caesar till now, except that our latest Caesar has more sophisticated tools to accomplish his goals today. But make no mistake, the goals haven’t changed ‘one little bit’, as Commodus would say.

  Alright, so we now know what tactics are going to be used by the Empire, but who are they going to be used on, specifically? Well, let’s get down to it and identify the three basic targets of the Empire’s 3-Front War. They are the Blacks, the Latinos and the Muslims. Or, in the language of the Empire, The Poor, the Illegal Immigrants and the Terrorists. Huh? Yes, but to understand all of this, we have to go back in time, to when the American government was finally and totally subdued by the Financiers of the Empire. The year was 1963, and John Kennedy was assassinated. So, let us ask, as any good Roman would, Cui Bono? Who benefited most by this crime? Well, who took his place? LBJ of course. But didn’t he and JFK run together on the same ticket? Sure, for purely political considerations. But truth be told, he and Johnny Boy hated each other. But ultimately LBJ was just the chauffeur in the new limo that now hauls around the real bosses. The ones that finance the Empire. They own the car and they pick the destination.

  So, what was (is) the destination? Not so fast, grandson. I want you to know how this thing really happened. Poor Johnny had the bad luck to be young and stupid when his dad purchased the presidency for him in 1960. Old Joe Kennedy had paid for the Chicago votes, but Kennedy had to have Texas to win, and so the deal was struck. He accepted Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) as his Vice Presidential candidate even though, as everyone (including the Weiner Dogs) knows and agrees, JFK and LBJ hated each other and they were bitter rivals in the Senate. There’s that crazy Roman word again! Anyway, Johnny made the fatal mistake of thinking that the rough-and-tumble days of politics were over, and that everyone played nice in our new, modern, civilized world. And so, not having learned anything from his time in the Navy during WWII (when he lost his PT boat during what I’m guessing was a midnight binge, when a Jap destroyer cut their boat in half, even though a PT boat could outrun anything on the water, but hey, that’s a whole ‘nother story), Johnny Boy came home thinking nothing could touch him once he was in the White House. Bad move, Johnny. Assumptions like that can be fatal.

  Anyway, once JFK won, he proceeded to actually do some good things for the nation, although his motivation may have been suspect. He did 4 big things that got him killed, but the last one was the one that sealed the deal. First, he decided to dismantle the CIA after it hung him out to dry on the Bay of Pigs fiasco in Cuba in 1961, before anyone could discover that he didn’t really stare Khrushchev down in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Guess what, Johnny? The CIA wasn’t too thrilled with this thought, and they weren’t really too impressed with you. And this decision of yours was bound to interfere with the CIA’s little operation they had going in Southeast Asia, a budding little enterprise that would become known as the Vietnam War. That would irritate a whole lot of people who made guns and sold drugs. And more.

  Next, Johnny decided to let brother Bobby (RFK) take on Organized Crime and make America safe for everyone. As in, go after Jimmy Hoffa and the Teamsters, who headed Organized Labor (that’s the other name for Organized Crime, by the way). He needed to do this before anyone realized that Hoffa and the Gang were the ones that pulled the levers for him (many, many times) in the Chicago voting booths on election day in 1960. This move against Hoffa didn’t win Johnny any friends either, and these Teamster gentlemen were actually a little more dangerous that the CIA. Especially when you double-cross them.

  Then Johnny decided to enforce a Federal law that had been ignored for quite some time. This law said that a certain percentage of all currency in circulation had to be issued directly by the US Treasury, and not by the Federal Reserve alone (are you paying attention here?). Are you beginning to understand what I said earlier that the Fed is actually a private institution owned by people who are not Irish? Or Lithuanian? Or Ecuadorian? Or….do I need to go on? Anyway, Johnny had his Treasury Secretary start issuing actual Treasury Notes, called Silver Certificates (vs. Federal Reserve Notes), and guess who this angered? It wasn’t the Ladies Aid Society. Now I can’t figure out why he did this, other than that it would be good for the country. And maybe that’s why he did it. Maybe.

  Now these three things were actually good for the nation known as Republic of the United States of America. But they were definitely not on the agenda of those who were busy financing an entity known as the Empire. And these were two totally distinct entities, just as the Republic of Rome was totally distinct from the Empire of Julius Caesar, although both of these seemed to exist at the same time and place in the minds of most people of Rome. And this is why people get confused as they read the history books printed by Weiner Dogs. They don’t realize that the Republic died at a certain point in time, but the death certificate was never issued. Why? Because the coroner was the one that murdered the victim. Connecting any dots here?

  Well, all of that would have been enough to get Johnny Boy some world-class enemies, and by the way, all of these 3 groups (CIA, Organized Crime and The Fed) were actually fairly close to each other. There was a lot of overlap in operations, if not membership, between the three. Not on the surface, of course, but anyone who has researched the life of Meyer Lansky knows this is true. Who was Meyer? He was the guy that set up the central bank operation for all the world’s organized crime families (the Bank of World Commerce, in Switzerland). The purpose of this bank was to launder all their mafia money, and to invest it for them in legitimate properties. In effect, he became the Chairman of the Crime Fed, and all the mafia’s were under his thumb; the Sicilian mob, the Irish mob, the Corsican mob, the Russian mob, etc.. Oh, did I say the Russian mob? Isn’t that the same group who, according to the book Red Mafiya, by Robert Freidman (who is not Irish) is composed of people, 95% of whom have dual citizenship in Russia- and Israel?34

  Meyer was also the guy that set up Murder, Incorporated. That was his little franchise where any of the member-mobs could outsource a hit to one of his ‘specialists’ (who could run to a little country in the eastern Mediterranean and avoid extradition) if they wanted to rub someone out. What? What does ‘rub out’ mean? Erase, silly boy. Whack. Terminate. Sorry, I keep forgetting, your mother never lets you watch any gangster movies. Too bad, as they are a great source of operational wisdom for those who live in the Empire. Anyway, Murder, Inc. was the first outsourcing of real American jobs. Honest. Globalization had already begun.

  Oh well, never mind that. It was the next step Johnny Boy took that got him whacked. Poor guy, he never saw it coming. But anyone who wasn’t Irish could have seen it coming. Anybody who knew the players. And the toughest player is usually the littlest. Just ask Goliath. Or better yet, Meyer Lansky. He was about five-foot one. And pure badger.

  Anyway, the fatal step for Kennedy was when he decided to make sure that Israel didn’t get The Bomb. And as now-declassified documents show, there was a diplomatic war going on between JFK and David Ben-Gurion, the head of the State of Israel. And if Johnny Boy had bothered to read the file on Ben-Gurion, he would have known that Ben-Gurion was an accomplished terrorist in the 1940’s before becoming the head of Israel. Ben-Gurion was willing to do anything to get what he wanted. And he wanted The Bomb. So first of all, he got the French to build him a reactor, but the French wised up pretty quickly and pulled back. But Israel now had the means of producing enough nuclear fuel, and with a little help from the Red Chinese, the two of them both built their bombs.

  But before that happened, Kennedy tried to force Israel to stop their reactor program. He demanded that they open up their reactor facilities at Diamona, in the Negev desert, to international inspection, just like Emperor Obama keeps demanding of Iran. And Israel agreed, finally, to an inspection. The inspection
was scheduled for two weeks after JFK’s assassination, but Kennedy didn’t get the memo. Nobody did, except LBJ, evidently, because right after JFK got whacked, New-Emperor LBJ cancelled the inspection demand. And pretty quickly thereafter, he reversed the official policy of American neutrality in the Mid-East, in favor of Israel, and America became the major supplier of weapons to Israel. Especially weapons that could deliver The Bomb.

  OK, so what does all of this have to do with America being the successor to Imperial Rome? Simple. It simply proves the Golden Rule; whoever has the gold, makes the rules. Guess who funded LBJ? No, it wasn’t the Irish! Anyway, this little episode of the murder of the modern Caesar (with the help of a Senator or two, just like in 44 BC) was crucial in the plan for the Three Front War. Huh? What is this war I keep talking about? Well, it’s simple enough. Just like I said earlier, when there are overwhelming numbers of Barbarians, it behooves the Emperor to thin their ranks. And that’s exactly what LBJ, our next Emperor began to do. And becoming the best friend of Israel was the only way to ensure he wouldn’t be the next statistic in the All-Star Dead Presidents Club. All he had to do was to give Israel anything they wanted, and being the smart fellow he was, he did just that. And what did they want? Everything.

  But being the brilliant tacticians and strategists that they are, the Chosen Ones who finance all the successful (and unsuccessful) presidential candidates made sure that the first visible move in the coming war wouldn’t point toward their plans for the last move. They are experts in false-flag operations, and they live up to this reputation. The fact that this isn’t widely known is actually proof of the matter. So, the first move in Operation False-Flag would be the newly announced War on Poverty that LBJ launched, in his compassion for all the poor Blacks in America. And not to be outdone, Richard Nixon would launch the next phase with the War on Drugs. And of course, this was followed by Bill Clinton and George Bush and their War on Terrorism.

  I know, grandson, I don’t seem to make sense, do I? Let me back up and explain. And now is a good time for you to go dig out that copy of the Sept. 2011 issue of the National Geographic magazine. Actually, this issue should have been entitled ‘National Demographic’. Why? Because it will graphically depict for you a map of the targets of these wars.35 The issue itself is actually a celebration of Planned Parenthood’s fairly successful war on the people of the Third World, specifically in South America. But the rest of the issue is actually bemoaning, in a pictorial way, the resistance PP has experienced by certain races and tribes.

  What’s Planned Parenthood got to do with all of this? Easy. They are the SS Troopers of the New Regime. They are the ones conducting the operation of the new extermination camps. The New Genocide. But since most people have been entranced by the perpetual repetition of the word ‘fascist’ (as in Nazi’s), they haven’t noticed that the latest genocides don’t occur in Concentration Camps. No, they occur right in our own homes, as we allow our spouses to ingest the new Zyklon-B. What’s that? Well, Zyklon-B was the cyanide gas used in the Nazi gas chambers. It was manufactured by a little outfit known as IG Farben, which was a consortium of German industrial giants. And they had an American subsidiary, that was funded and run by the American branch of the Warburg family. You know, Paul Warburg, the founder of the Federal Reserve bank? And his brother Max, who was on the board of the German branch of IG Farben until he came to America around 1937. Anyway, in today’s version of this story, Zyklon-B is known as The Pill.

  See why things are so confusing? It’s only when you scratch the surface of the official version of history that you find out little things like this. Things that make you scratch your head and wonder. Why would big-shot Jews fund the manufacture and sale of the gas used to kill other little-guy Jews? It doesn’t make sense, does it? Or does it? Was there a difference between these two groups of Chosen Ones? Well, yes. Let’s put it this way- there are Big Shots and there are Little Guys in every grouping of mankind. Just read Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (by Antony C. Sutton, ’76 Press, California, 1976) for some interesting details on exactly this kind of situation. And in almost every case, even though they are of the same genetic lineage (in the distant past), the Big Shots are always willing to sell out their lesser brethren. Just ask Joseph if his 10 brothers really loved him (Benjamin gets a pass here, I think). Or ask the Jews in the desert of Sinai if the Pharisees really had their best interests at heart when they offered to lead the people back to Egypt (and slavery) when Moses spent a little too much time on top of the mountain?

  Anyway, the new Zyklon-B poison that’s killing off the Barbarian world (when it’s not from drones and infantry) is artificial Estrogen, and they’ll even deliver it to your door from your local pharmacy. It’s called The Pill. The Pill has actually killed more people than The Bomb. And who does it kill? The next generation of Barbarians, of course. Pretty slick, eh? We kill our own, and we even pay for the poison! Such a deal. What, you think The Pill prevents pregnancies? You poor thing, you’ve drunk the Kool Aid again. You need to quit doing that. The Pill, as a matter of fact, only prevents the implantation of a new baby in the uterine wall of the mother’s womb. Instead, it gets flushed out, dying along the way. How convenient. And isn’t that what the Empire is all about- convenience? Isn’t that why we are awash in convenience stores?

  But there are certain groups that have resisted this strategy of the Chosen Ones. They are found in a belt across the middle of the earth, and these countries are graphically depicted in the demographic map inside that issue of the National Geographic. Each nation on this map has a little baby symbol on it, and the size of the baby represents the fertility ratio of that particular country. And what do you know, all of the countries in the northern hemisphere have baby-symbols that represent a fertility ratio way below the replacement number of 2.1 children per woman. In other words, these nations are pretty well doomed. The only thing that keeps America barely above this number is the fecundity of the Latino immigrants. Are you beginning to see the dots better now? No? Then let me be blunt.

  The Empire and its financiers have decided that they have to wage war against the three racial/ ethnic groups that have heretofore resisted the materialistic siren-song of the Empire. These three groups have refused to succumb to the demand to have fewer children, simply put. Why? Because the more Barbarians there are, grandson, the longer it will take the Empire (and their financiers) to totally dominate the entire world. These Barbarian people have decided to resist the ‘divide and conquer’ strategy of the Empire, using the only real alternative; be fruitful and multiply! And so, of course, the Empire says they must die.

  But don’t misunderstand me. There are broad swaths of South America that have already succumbed. They have bought the televisions and the telenovella programs they show, where all the women are bright, smart, sassy, rich and childless. But the poorer regions of that continent, and more particularly Central America, are where poverty has actually saved those people from self-annihilation. They continue to have children, and these children continue to grow up resisting the Empire, by continuing their culture. And there is the root of the problem for the Empire. Culture.

  Culture, if you don’t know this, always comes from a Cult. That is, from a set of religious beliefs. An Operating System, that is. And if your religious beliefs are contrary to those of the pagans running the Empire (or their financiers), then there’s going to be a problem, sooner or later. And there was. As Hans Johst wrote in his play Schlageter, written to glorify the Nazi’s, ‘when I hear the word ‘culture’, I reach for my pistol’.36

  So, here’s the formula for the Three-Front War; find a way to negatively label each of these cultures that resists the Empire’s attempt to get them to self-annihilate, and then use the propaganda power of the State against them. It’s simple. The Blacks won’t cooperate? Announce a War on Poverty. Guess who’s poor in America? Right! So, we give them welfare checks and free abortions, and before you know it, their families are destroyed, and 2 out o
f every 3 Black children conceived are aborted. Most of the surviving males end up in professional sports or the Big House. Huh? You know, Alcatraz, or Leavenworth. The females become the maids of the Empire. Ever wonder why most Planned Parenthood clinics are in poor areas? It’s because they care about poor people, right? Sure!

  And in Black Afrika, we do similar things, under the aegis (remember that word?) of International Aid programs, usually administered by the UN, which is pretty much a wholly-owned subsidiary of Planned Parenthood. You need medical attention? No problem, friend, just step right into my medical-aid tent and we’ll have a look at your problems, right after we sterilize your wife. You think I’m kidding? You really are sheltered, aren’t you! Hell, the state of North Carolina just approved a 10 million dollar payout to the victims of their own state sponsored forced-sterilization program that only ended in 1974. By then the ruling racists of Planned Parenthood had decided to go to where they wouldn’t be recognized as easily. Afrika. It was the original ‘No Child Left’ program.

  And when those crazy Latino’s won’t quit having kids, we declare a War on Drugs, and we make sure that drug production destroys the economies and societies of those lands south of the Empire’s border. And anyone caught trying to flee from these areas of actual warfare and to reach the relative peace of the Empire is called an Illegal Immigrant. Then we make sure that they either go back to the drug-gang violence wracking their homeland or that they become a member of the underclass in the Empire, where they can be terrorized legally because they aren’t ‘legal’. My son Thor had a friend in high school, a Hispanic kid, who had a T-shirt that said ‘let my people mow’. We all need pretty lawns, right?


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