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The Barbarian Bible

Page 42

by Ianto Watt

  My next question is, who rules Russia today? Vladimir Putin? The former KGB operative? Now tell me, did the Soviet Union really die, or just change costumes? Isn’t that a ridiculous thought, that the West would fall for such a silly idea? Well, the West is pretty ridiculous, in my opinion. Any cursory reading of the Emperors from the time of Caligula till now will tell you that there have been some real idiots that sat on Caesar’s Throne over the millenniums. But let’s get serious here. Has anyone made this assertion besides me? Anyone who has inside knowledge? Someone who would be in a position to know if such a thing had been planned? Well, yes. His name was Maj. Anatoliy Golitsyn, the highest ranking KGB defector of all time. Unless you count Yuri Nosenko, who defected later, claiming that Golitsyn was a KGB plant. We’ll look at the idiot logic of this claim in a bit, but first, let’s look at Golitsyn, and what he said would happen.

  Golitsyn made the incredible claim, in his book New Lies For Old, that the Communist Party, through the Communist Internationale (Comintern) apparatus, would hoodwink the West on a scale so grand as to leave one breathless.42 It would make the selling of Lenin’s New Economic Policy (NEP) look like child’s play. It would convince the West that the communist movement was sickly, moribund and near death. And that indeed, it would die, given enough time. And then the West could disarm, and set about bickering with itself about how best to spend the ‘peace dividend’ that would come from the glorious victory in The Cold War. And it has worked like a charm. And a charm, as you (should) know, is really a curse, which is why it works.

  (Note: If Nosenko was correct, why bother telling anyone? It’s like Richard Dawkins and his logic; if you’re right, it still doesn’t matter Richard, because nothing matters, right? In other words, why would the KGB send Golitsyn to warn the West to be on guard, if they really were on the verge of a real collapse? What would be the point? That’s like yelling ‘look out for that man, he’s not dangerous!’. More idiot logic. And the CIA bought it. Or sold it, depending on your view of the CIA.)

  So, to understand this situation better, and the incredible threat it presents to the world, we have to do a little work here. I will recount for you what has transpired to bring us to this stage in history. By the way, history is not predetermined, regardless of what any Commie apparatchik says. Or any Rabbi. But it is pre-known. But not by us, unfortunately. Or fortunately, perhaps.

  To begin with, the Russian Revolution of 1917 almost failed, due to internal resistance by four groups. These were the old aristocracy, the army, the Orthodox Church and Russia’s European neighbors, all of whom abhorred the communist ideology. Aristocrats hated the idea of equality. The army despised the idea of internationalism. The Orthodox abhorred atheism (although I don’t really believe they are actually and totally separate from the Bolsheviks). And the European neighbors feared that they were the next victims of the Revolution. Also remember, the 1917 revolution was the second attempt by the communists, after the failed attempt of 1905.

  None of this resistance was a surprise to Lenin and his Chosen financiers. They were very aware that they were despised and feared by all. And so, in the usual tactic of Russian politics, they lied their way out of the predicament. The lie was called the New Economic Policy (NEP) of 1921. The NEP was designed to make it appear that the Revolution was running out of gas (which it was), and therefore the leaders of the revolution were willing to moderate their positions on capitalism, trade, religion and ultimately, revolution itself (which they weren’t). The NEP was designed to induce the West to trade with the new USSR, to recognize it diplomatically, and to stop helping the counter-revolutionaries inside Russia. Why should the West do this? Because, so the argument went, organized opposition to the Revolution simply helped the Bolsheviks to rally the Russian people against the foreign enemies of Russia. It is an age old ploy, but the idiots in the West forgot something. They forgot that this line of reasoning works, but only when the internal regime has the will to resist. And in this case it did. Idiots.

  Yes, the Bolshevik Revolution literally was on its last physical legs, and if the West had persevered in opposing the regime, and continued its diplomatic and financial boycott and kept supporting the White Army, then the Red regime probably would have fallen. But instead, the Western powers thought that it would be easier to defeat the Bolsheviks by isolating them instead of confronting them. And that was stupid. Ask any parent born before 1960 if ‘time out’ works better than a swat on the rump. The reason the West bought this line of reasoning, of course, was because they were listening to double-agents, moles and the press, which was controlled by the financiers of the West. The same guys that were financing the Russian Revolution, by the way. Huh? What am I saying here?

  Simply this- that the element of patterns was rearing its ugly head again. This was simply a re-play of the infamous left-right morality play that fooled the world before in the matter of the American Revolution vs. the French Revolution. Both were diabolic, but one was made to seem so much more bloody (the French) than the other. This made it a simple task to convince everyone that one was Good and the other was Evil, when in fact both were evil. Only this time, the players were Capitalism (good) and Socialism (bad!). Hahahhahaah! I can’t get over how easy it is to get people to buy this stuff! Lenin was right, if you tell a big enough lie, people can’t believe it isn’t true! Or was it Stalin? I can’t remember. Oh well.

  Anyway, here’s the scoop- both of these systems, Socialism and Capitalism, are materialistic. One was ‘scientific’ materialism, known as Socialism (dressed up as collectivism). It would attempt to build the New Man based on ‘scientific’ principles, the primary one being atheism. After all, if you can’t take earthly measure of something (like God), He can’t really exist, can He?

  The other was ‘financial’ materialism, known as Capitalism (dressed up as individualism). It would build the New Man based on ‘financial’ principals, the primary one being usury. After all, if you can’t earn earthly profit from something (like God), He can’t really exist, can He?

  See my point? Each element in these two paradigms is exactly the opposite of its counterpart. And so, if one paradigm is extreme, the other must be as well. They’re both wrong, in other words. But one side had a better PR department. In the Commie model, Stalin was the head of marketing, and all sales were final! No wonder everyone thought the American Capitalist version of the product was so much better. Because the product was better? No, they were the same (slavery). But the capitalists had better ads. And anyone who sells anything knows that packaging counts. Just ask any woman. Ask your mother!

  Anyway, these two systems are Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee. Each is designed to capture a segment of the population of the planet into one side or the other. Neither is designed to capture the entire market. Why? Because then the game is over. The real goal is to divide the people and then turn them against each other to the destruction of both. So, my friend, my grandson, Cui Bono? Who profits most here? The ones who finance the fight, on both sides? Right, the Chosen Ones. They own Wall Street and Red Square, both. Just like in the game ‘Monopoly’, the key is to gain control of all the property, so that whoever lands upon your turf is bled dry with exorbitant rent. Park Place or Baltic Avenue, it’s all the same, it’s all turf, and there’s only so much of it. But if you want the game to continue, you have to keep both sides in the game, if you’re the banker that profits from each roll of the dice. And so, you lend to both sides as they mindlessly race around the board on their way to the poorhouse.

  All right then, what am I saying? That Capitalism is as bad as Communism? Don’t I believe that Communism has killed more people in the 20th Century than all wars prior to that time combined? Well, yes, I do. I’ve read The Black Book of Communism. I’ve seen the figures, and I believe them. They make Hitler look like a piker. But let me ask you, who sold them the weapons to do this with? Who financed their regime so that they could starve their own people? Who bought the products of the Gulag slave-plantation
s and sold them in the West? Right. The same people who own the slaves of the West. But again, there only appears to be a difference between the two sides. After all, if the Commies kill lots of people directly and quickly, but the Capitalists kill people indirectly and slowly (all the while financing the other side), what the Hell’s the difference? Time, that’s all. I have a saying about these kinds of groups; governments start wars, and big governments start big wars. Big is bad, in my book.

  All right, let’s get back to the story of Golitsyn and his book, New Lies For Old. We’ll come back to the main theme (of straw men) in a bit. But first, let’s give Golitsyn his due. He was incredibly brave for bringing this plot to light, because he became an instant assassination target of the KGB from that day forward. That is not a thing to take lightly. I would much rather be targeted by the CIA, as they are fairly inept. Deliberately so, it often seems. No, the only other group that is as deadly as the KGB is Mossad, the Israeli secret police. Neither one misses their shot.

  Anyway, Golitsyn said that the Communist world had become re-united under the leadership of Nikita Kruschchev, in 1957. Nicky did the honorable thing (among thieves) and admitted that Rakovsky was right when he accused Stalin of being a Bonapartist (and not a true commie). I told you about Rakovsky, right? Well, if not, we’ll get there later. But if you want to read the most brilliant exposition of the Hegelian Dialectic, read it in the book Red Symphony, or read the excerpt in The Rakovsky Interrogation. And do note Christian Rakovsky’s real name when you do. I so love how people deliberately name themselves and their movements the opposite of what they truly are. The only thing better than this is the way the ‘free’ press never pursues these matters. They take it all at face value. Why? Because their masters tell them to. The only other explanation is that they are idiots beyond compare. And being the kind person I am (really!), I want to think the best of everyone. Sure! Hahahahaha!

  Anyway, Kruschchev admitted to all the other eighty Communist Parties of the world, at their world-wide congress in 1960, that Stalin indeed had set up a paranoid cult of personality worship. This cult then became an impediment to achieving the real communist goal of total world-wide domination. And Little Nicky had proposed to remedy this situation and get the world-wide revolution back on the Trotsky-track. How? By de-Stalinising the Party and re-focusing on the main goal of capturing the West. How would this be done? By deception, of course! These guys knew what I know too, namely that deception (The Odyssey) beats open aggression (The Iliad) any day. And so, in 1960, at the Eighty-One Party Congress, the plan was adopted and put into effect. And to seal the deal, Nicky did the unthinkable- he allowed himself to appear to be deposed and to go peaceably into the twilight.

  Now this was important, my boy. Why? Because these eighty other communist parties from around the globe needed to believe that this plan wasn’t just another trick to make them subservient to the USSR again. They didn’t want to effectively become another satellite of Russia. No, real Communism says that nations are actually bad things, and that the real utopia arrives when all nations dissolve and the people rule themselves directly through their soviets. What’s a soviet? A worker-council, silly. Don’t you ever look up anything? Oh well.

  Anyway, these other communist parties didn’t want another replay of the Papa Joe Stalin Show, where anyone who stepped out of the party line got whacked. Even if they were real communists, and not just egomaniacs like Uncle Joe. So how do you convince these other non-Russian Commies that this plan, hatched by the party-geeks in Moscow, was the real thing? That it was a plan that made all Commies equal, regardless of where they lived amongst the nations? Easy. You do the thing that had never been done before in Soviet Russia- you engineer a willing and peaceful transition of power. No poisoned soup, no ‘show-trial’, no Gulag sentence. Just a pension and a dacha for Nicky. You show them that the era of revenge (within the party) is over. You show them that you have absolutely no interest in fostering another personality cult of your own. Nicky, you were brilliant!

  And have you noticed something else here? That the supposed deposing of Nicky was simply a small-scale version of the big plan? That Nikita (and by extrapolation on the large scale, Communism) would just fade away, peaceably? And that everyone outside the Club of Eighty-One Communist Parties Worldwide fell for it? It was the perfect augury, the excellent omen of what was to come. And just what was it that was to come? The whirlwind of Dezinformatsiya. Translation, please? Disinformation.

  As in, what kind of disinformation? All kinds. Wherever the Soviets were strong, they would seek to appear to be weak. Conversely, wherever they were weak, they would seek to appear strong. And instead of communism being a world-wide monolithic movement, it would seek to appear to be a fragmented and dissolving force, spent of its revolutionary fervor, destined for the dustbin of history. And so, in one fell swoop, the Party secretly re-united itself and refocused on its primary goal of worldwide domination. Libido Dominandi, in short. And Golitsyn faithfully exposed this plot in exquisite detail and clarity.

  But Anatoliy had only one part of the story, although the part he had was actually true. The surest sign of his truth was that the CIA rejected his conclusion. You know, the same guys who told us that JFK was killed by a lone gunman, remember? And that Fidel Castro could be deposed by 1000 men on the beach at the Bay of Pigs? And that Saddam had nukes?

  And now it has all come to pass, just as Golitsyn said it would. Just as the plan predicted it would. And so, the Soviet Union appeared to fall, to dissolve, to disappear. But like I asked before, where are all the nukes? The tanks? The bombers and boomers? And hasn’t Russia recently unveiled a whole new line of intercontinental nuclear missiles? And a new generation of stealth jets? And aircraft carriers? What about all those news stories about how Russia is bankrupt? How can the Russians keep up the arms race (which they supposedly lost, to Reagan) when they are impoverished? Well, silly, how did they do it when they were impoverished Soviets? Is somebody lending them money? Like they did in 1917, after the Czar was murdered? Cui bono, my son.

  And so, let’s get back to the story and ask the real question- is Vladimir Putin really a former KGB man? Or is he still a KGB man? There’s a whole lot riding on this question, so think hard before you answer.

  So what am I saying? What are the choices here? Is Putin a nationalist and not a Communist (which is to say, an internationalist)? Or is he simply appearing to be one? Is he a Rus or a Khazar? Hard to say, but here’s a clue- he has spent most of his time as the leader of Russia in a war against the oligarchs of Jewish Russians who have robbed the former communist state of all their state-held monopoly assets, like the oil and gas industries, and the mining industries. These are not small potatoes here, my boy. Remember, Russia is one of the top oil, gas and gold producers in the world, and the value of these formerly state-held assets are enormous. And the oligarchs who have stolen all of these formerly state-owned assets all seem to have Khazar names.

  So, is Putin trying to save the Russian people from being raped? Raped by the Khazar-Commie southern Russians? No, silly boy, he is trying to defeat these Khazar forces of evil so that he can rape the people! And the only convenient platform for rallying the people behind him is the siren song of glorious nationalism. So it’s the revival of The Russian Empire versus the return of the Communist Internationale. And like Rasputin before him, Putin is leading the people towards a huge showdown within Russia. But regardless of who wins this battle, the next showdown after that will be with the West. Putin may get the same welcome Rasputin did (assassination). But if he doesn’t, then maybe he was simply a wolf in wolf ’s clothing all along.

  In other words, he may still be a KGB Commie who is using this nationalist cover to revive the Soviet empire (without arousing the suspicion of the West) before he changes costumes again as the next scene approaches. But it won’t really matter, because the showdown with the West will still come, regardless of the costume Russia wears at the time. But my money is on Putin t
he (real) nationalist, not Putin the Commie. And the bottom line is this- in the end, Putin is a Russian. All else is secondary, whether it be communism or nationalism.

  Why do I think that? There’s a big historical reason for my opinion here, but first I have to disabuse you of the right-left straw-man arguments that have totally dominated almost all political discourse for the past hundred years. Well, almost 100 years. Actually, as I write this now (early 2013) it’s actually 95 years. From the Revolution in 1917? Yes, from that year, but not from Russia.

  So where is it I am speaking of? Well, it’s probably time now to take a little side trip, to a tiny country of immense importance, especially concerning Russia. And since Russia is the tipping point of history, whichever way it goes will affect us all. And so, to truly understand Russia and the real choice it faces, we have to use our new Holy Roman Operating System and visit the tiny but very important country of - Portugal.

  What in the world does Portugal have to do with Russia? Everything. Just listen and understand, grandson. And to do this, you must first know who Portugal is. And where Portugal is. Both are important.

  To begin with, everyone knows (or should know) where Portugal is. You think you know, right? On the western edge of the Iberian peninsula, right? We’ll deal with that misconception later, but first, here’s a little question that brings us back in time. What was the name for this land when it was an official part of Imperial Rome? Its name was the Province of Lusitania. Does that name ring a bell? I’m sure it does with Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Remember those two close but distant cousins? Winston was the First Lord of the Admiralty (head of the Royal Navy) in 1915. FDR was the Assistant Secretary of the US Navy in 1915. That was the year the Anglish passenger liner HMS Lusitania was torpedoed by the German Navy, and almost 1,200 American civilians lost their lives. And this loss of civilian American life is what officially propelled America into WWI, on the side of the Anglish, of course.


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