The Barbarian Bible

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The Barbarian Bible Page 48

by Ianto Watt

And then, out of the blue, there is a command from Moscow, telling their troops not to harm the Pope. Really? Would Putin actually give such an order? Well, no. But who could? Who could actually over-rule Putin in such a case? The Patriarch of Moscow. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church. The one man who could, in theory and practice, stand up to the supposed ruler of Russia, who has spent his entire career, as the leader of Russia, defending the Orthodox Church as a bastion of Russian heritage (but not necessarily faith). Just remember, the Patriarch of Moscow has assumed the powers of the Czar several times over the past 500 years when the throne was empty for a time. You know, when they couldn’t find anyone stupid or arrogant enough to fill the chair, so that the Patriarch could then retire behind the curtain.

  Now let’s suppose this actually happened, and the Russian Bear appears to have been restrained, not by the hand of Putin, but by the head of the Orthodox Church. What would be the reaction of the world to this restraint, and the one who commanded it? I’ll tell you what the reaction would be- euphoria. The same euphoria that gripped the citizens and rulers of Troy the morning they woke up and saw that the shores were empty of Greek ships. That the war was over! And then the partying would begin. And then the party will end, in the same way as at Troy.

  Huh? Am I saying that the Russian Orthodox Church is the Trojan Horse that will penetrate the walls of Holy Rome (and Imperial Rome as well)? Yes. How so? Well, let’s look at this scenario a little closer to understand how this would happen. Let’s look at the end of the Great Game, as the tables have turned, and may yet turn again.

  Alright then, grandson, do you see now why Russia is so important to the future of man? It’s because she has the power to destroy everyone, of course, and she has the temperament for exactly that job. But she also has the potential to be the source of renewal for mankind, if she will take the opportunity. But that opportunity will have a price. The price is humiliation. No, not for her people. They have lived all of their frozen lives in humiliation, at the hands of their ‘leaders’ as well as everyone else. Just think of Napoleon and Hitler for starters. No, the humiliation I am referring to here is reserved for the elite. The top dogs. And one in particular. And how he handles this upcoming humiliation will be the key to which way Russia goes. And whichever way she goes, the rest of us will have to follow. Or else. Why is that, you ask? Because she will have the power to make it so. Keep reading and you’ll see why. And so, before we begin the final chapter, let us fortify ourselves with another drink, before your mother arrives………………………..

  Alright, my grandson, we’ve come a long way together, you and I. And now it’s time to look at the final mysteries of the two prophecies we have been given. One from the ancient past of Troy, and the other from the recent past of Fatima. It is time to connect the final dots and see the final picture in its full clarity. Let’s take another drink and begin.

  I have shown you all of the salient events of the past, and how the Holy Roman Operating System can explain them in a rational way but still allows for the mystical elements of our past. The beauty of this Operating System is that it recognizes man for what he truly is- a fallen creature, but one that can be redeemed. And this belief is what sets this Operating System apart from all the others. The other major systems either see man as self-perfectible (atheism and evolution), or as already perfect (Talmudic Judaism or Bizarro Christianity), at least for their own members. No, you can’t join them. Why? They won’t let you. Why? They don’t think you’re fully human. Why? Because you’re a Barbarian. Be happy for that, my boy.

  But that Talmudic hubris isn’t specific only to the Chosen Ones. The Anglish share it, in their wishy-washy Anglican ‘church’ and their British-Israelite Scottish and York Rite Freemasonry. And the Orthodox aren’t far behind, or ahead, whichever way you want to look at it. And the Protestants, with their ‘once saved, always saved’ idiocy have made a mockery of the concept of a perfect God, and his demand for continual repentance. Oh well. What about the Hindus? Well, if you are an Untouchable, Hinduism isn’t much of a comfort. Only the Holy Roman System says that there is no such thing as an untouchable human. Or a sub-human. And only the Holy Roman system seems to value such people as though they were perfect (or at least perfectible). We just can’t do it ourselves. Does this make sense to you?

  And the Muslims and their Prophet, Mohammed? What of them? You don’t need perfection, just total blind obedience, to your local Wise Man. Never mind that he may not agree with the neighboring Wise Man. Never mind that this always leads to war, with everyone. Never mind that their god has no personal interest in you or I, or anyone. Never mind that he can never be held to his word. But I still believe that there is a grand finale awaiting the Muslims, as they fulfill their destiny, a destiny abandoned by others. Just like Europe, which has been demographically abandoned by a once-Christian population. And why then shouldn’t the Muslims re-populate Europe? They aren’t afraid of work, or of having children! Oh well, God can use anyone, regardless of their pedigree. Or in spite of it. And I believe he will use them, as the mystery at Fatima seems to so strongly hint.

  We’ve also explored the true meaning of the ancient pagan past of Troy, and the Old and New Testament of the pagan world, known as The Iliad and The Odyssey. I’ve shown you how the ‘gods’ have used mankind from the beginning, moving them like pawns in their cosmic chess game against their creator (and ours). And how the Operating System of the Pagan world has moved from open aggression in The Iliad to the newer testamental deceit of The Odyssey. And we have seen how this approach allowed their adherents to defeat and destroy their prey at Troy (never mind the fact that Paris and Priam deserved it). The real point is that the victors were no better, even though the word ‘justice’ was ever on their lips. Neither side ever showed mercy and, as a result, neither has obtained it.

  We have also heard the words of Calchas, the Greek Seer, as he prophesied the fate of Aeneas, who exercised the opposite of fate, known as faith. Aeneas showed that even fallen men can have a spark of goodness and honor, as he left the burning city of Troy, taking with him only his father and son instead of gold and jewels. And this embodiment of both the fallen nature and the righteousness that could still remain in such a man leads us to understand how he could be the image of Rome, both Republican and Holy.

  Then we saw how the two Romes founded by Aeneas indeed became the image of the world at war, as explained rationally by the Holy Roman Operating System. We’ve seen how we could logically place our bet on this system, as Pascal wagered. It then became Imperial Rome versus Holy Rome, and the winner’s prize would be the bodies or souls of all men, depending on the outcome. But there was one small glitch in this war for all men, Roman and Barbarian alike- the Chosen Ones. And they have always been, of course, the wild card in the deck of life. And so far, this card has been mostly dealt to the hand of the Empire. Or, if you look at things like a Chosen One, the Empire has been theirs from the very beginning, in their battle to destroy Holy Rome (first) and the Empire (next). The Barbarians will be destroyed later, for dessert.

  We then looked at how the Empire was first divided into East and West, and how, when Constantinople fell in 1453 AD, there began the struggle amongst all the nations of Europe, including Russia, to claim the throne of Caesar. But it was not to be in the east but rather in the west that the Empire would settle, in Angland, the land of the faithless monarchs. The land that knew that the key to winning Caesar’s crown lay with the re-admission of Caesar’s financiers, the tax-farming Chosen Ones. And the re-admission of ‘the gods’ as she reverted to her pre-Roman pagan past.

  But all of this never meant that the Imperial Impostors of Russia would give up, and so began the Great Game, as Angland attempted to isolate Russia from the world. And of course, the Russian Orthodox Church did its part in making sure that the containment goals of the Anglish were met. How? By keeping their people and their deformed ‘auto-cephalous’ faith in suspended animation for a thousand years, from
the time of Photius until today.

  Then we studied the continued movement of the Empire as it divided again, with America becoming the Western Empire while London remained the capital of the East. But the goals of the Empire never changed, and neither did the source of their funds, delivered by the ever-resilient Chosen Ones. And the Barbarian lands continued to suffer, as they always have, under the bondage of despotic and demonic Operating Systems that made their people something less than cattle. The Aztecs never sacrificed cattle. Neither did the Hindus or the Muslims. No, beef wasn’t what’s for dinner. But people? Sure! No problem, sahib! Would you like an arm or a leg for dinner? Light meat or dark?

  And finally, we have seen how all of these elements have come into play in the emergence of Russia as the main contender-pretender of both the Empire and Holy Rome. We have seen how, at every step along the way, Russia has tried to fashion herself as both Caesar and Pope, without ever having shed her Barbarian nature and ways. And without ever reconciling her internal division between Northern (Viking) and Southern (Khazar) cultures. Both cultures are deformed, as they stand today. They have given way to false conversions, one to Orthodoxy, another to the Talmud of the Pharisees. And along the way, both sides of Russia have shown a ruthless willingness to accept atrocity as a way of life. But paradoxically, both sides, both Orthodox and Judaic (i.e. Ultra-Orthodox), have found a place in the heart of Holy Rome, who has placed the welfare of both at the top of her list by asking their citizens to pray for both. To pray for their conversion. The faithful citizens of Holy Rome pray for the conversion of the Jews in the Good Friday Mass, and the Beautiful Lady has asked the 3 children (and the world) to pray for the conversion of Russia. Or else.

  And now, we have all the threads of time woven together, not by the Fates, but by reason, and now it is time to see what has been woven. Let us now look at the final tapestry as it flows from the looms of time.

  The Game is nearly up. The teams have already been chosen, and the stadium is full of Barbarian spectators, as Imperial Rome squares off against Holy Rome. The Chosen Ones crowd the sidelines, masquerading as coaches, bookies, agents, trainers and concessionaires. Both sidelines. For they have made themselves useful to the faithless members of each team. The apostates on both sides, both Imperial and Holy, somehow imagine that they will be spared in the coming loss that they have agreed to assist in, as each faithless member of the two teams has agreed to throw the game for their Chosen agent.

  The stadium itself is wired with enough nitro to blow everything sky-high, unbeknownst to the spectators. All that is needed is the spark to set it off. The gods are busy devising that moment, for their real plan is the destruction of everyone, Imperial or Holy, Chosen or Not. And if they have done their homework well, then everything will work exactly as planned. Unless someone interferes. And who could that Someone be? Well, let’s think about that.

  I’ve described at length the various antagonisms that exist among the denizens of Southern Asia, and how they are all atomically armed to the teeth and in dire need of more land and women and slaves. And how each of them has an Operating System that either assures them of re-incarnation, paradise for jihad-ists, or ancestral worship in the heavens of Confucius. In their minds, they can’t lose in the long run, even if they do in the short term.

  I’ve detailed how the Anglo-American Emperors have enslaved the greater part of the world in their financial system of bondage. A system wherein everyone has become totally dependent upon their usury-driven financial structures which paradoxically make each member weaker with every passing day. And how those Barbarians who resist this materialistic structure of self-imposed slavery are faced with the 3-Front war of the Empire as it seeks to destroy the ranks of the Latinos, the Blacks and the Muslims. They are the only ones who have resisted the Empire’s demand for self-annihilation, via the Pill.

  Finally, I have described the one thing that the materialists of the world cannot explain, and that is the question of miracles. We’ve seen how incredible, un-explainable events in the past have turned the course of historical tides on a moment’s notice. This leaves the Wiener-Dogs of history with no excuse other than their worn out cry of ‘mass hallucination’. Yet some of the greatest miracles, in my mind, cannot be denied, because they involve things that didn’t happen. Like Alexander the Great leaving Jerusalem alone. Like Attila the Hun leaving Rome alone. There’s no way these events can even be construed in the ‘mass hallucination’ mind-set. And there is even less of a possibility in explaining them in light of fallen human nature. Every plausible and probable reading of either Alexander or Attila screams out that they would do to Jerusalem and Rome what they had done to every other nation and place on earth. But they didn’t, and yet the faux-dogs continue to bark.

  And we have talked about the ‘anti-miracles’, as I call them, found in the writings of the Chosen Ones, in their own Talmudic descriptions of the events that transpired from 30 AD to 70 AD, when their hopes of earthly victory vanished. The astronomical odds of the Black Lot coming up 40 years in a row. The massive Temple doors swinging open every night. The snuffing of the Holy Lamp every night for 40 years, in spite of every precaution. The red sash not turning white from the time of the crucifixion, for 40 years. What could it mean, you idiot Pharisees? What could it mean, you silly Weiner-Dogs? Hahahah! I can’t believe how anyone of integrity could read these passages and still maintain their resistance to simple logic and math. Which is another way of saying I don’t think any of these people who tout the ‘history written by the winners’ has any integrity. Idiots. Mammonite idiots.

  And then, when it comes to the ‘mega-miracles’ like Fatima, they still can’t explain how 70,000+ people could all imagine the same unimaginable event, at the same time and place. Especially when you consider that most of those at Fatima were scoffers to begin with, which must be especially galling to the Wiener-Dogs. That’s at the macro-level of events. But at the other end of that spectrum is the micro-event of 3 little shepherd kids who somehow had nerves of steel, standing up to the all-too-real death threats issued by a totalitarian government run by Socialist thugs. Yet it is the thugs who cave in! Here’s another perfect example of a miracle of ‘what didn’t happen’. These 3 kids won’t buckle, so the government does. Hahahahah! Explain that one, Weiner-Dogs! Wait, I know- it was a case of ‘less-than-mass hallucination’, right? Hahahahah! So, poochies, who’s really hallucinating here, eh? Bark bark! Hahahah!

  And now we’re at the point where we’re going to find out if the prophecies of Calchas and the Beautiful Lady are going to play out in our time. Calchas has already been proven to be true, in the historical sense, as Aeneas did go on to found Rome, the Eternal City. Now we will find out if he was right in the mystical sense, wherein the ruling of the world applies not just to human bodies, but to their souls as well. And the Beautiful Lady’s prophecy of the coming annihilation of many nations unless Russia (Orthodox or Talmudic, what’s the difference) converts, will complete the tale. And this will bring us back to Troy, old and new, where the city is pierced by deceit. But in the end, the Beautiful Lady promises that her Immaculate Heart will prevail, and there will finally be a time of peace. Real peace. Not the United Nations variety. But things will be bloody before that happens. Why is that? So you’ll know a real peace when it finally comes!

  And so the question is, will we live to see it? You have a better chance than I, grandson, but I am already at peace, as I have done all that I can do to let you know what is at hand. I have remained true to myself, and have earned the scorn of almost all men, and I welcome it. My time is coming soon, but, like I’ve said all along, we all have to die sometime, so it’s time to start thinking about which slot on the roulette wheel we want to put our chip on. Why? Because the Big Casino is going to close soon. Because of a fire, probably. A big fire.

  I’ve already detailed how such an event can occur, and the number of players who could set it off is long, so there’s no need to speculate on the exact
trigger event that will set the chain reaction in motion in Southern Asia. But the important thing to remember is that, just like an avalanche, once the thing starts, there’s no stopping it. There’s way too much force built up here (and everywhere) for things to be handled in a calm and reasoned way if such a trigger event happens (like a nuke going off in Bombay, or Islamabad). No, the cooler heads can’t prevail because there aren’t any cool heads left anymore. Human passions have collectively gotten out of control. Why? Because there aren’t enough people willing to live with things, so they’ll have to die for things. And they will die anyway, so let’s just assume that the folly of mankind will continue down to the last moments of time. Why would it be any different than the past?

  The only difference is that in a Global world, where all economies intersect and communications are instantaneous, there’s no time for passions to subside in the event of any particular occurrence. Every occurrence is now a local event. Think globally, act locally, as the saying goes among the eco-evo crowd. The problem is, there’s no such thing as ‘local’ anymore, because everything is global. And vice versa, paradoxically. In other words, we’re at critical mass. And anything can be the trigger event. Anything, anywhere, anytime.

  So let’s ask ourselves, if things come to pass in southern Asia, as I’ve described, and the Russians decide that they’ve waited long enough (over a thousand years) holding a grudge second only to the Chosen Ones, what will happen? I’ve briefly said what I think must logically happen. That is, the Russian Army will race to the coast of Normandy in a reverse play-out of D-Day as Russia seeks her revenge in the only way she knows how - by force of arms. And in the process, various groups will pay for the sins of their ancestors, from the Germans to the French to the Italians. This will leave the Russians looking out on the Anglish Channel, trying to decide whether to mount an invasion or perhaps simply to incinerate Angland from the air. But, as Rakovsky’s interrogators reminded him when he threatened Joe Stalin (even though he was the prisoner of Uncle Joe), no one destroys what he hopes to inherit. And what could be more satisfying than strutting past Buckingham Palace in a victory parade? And then occupying it. So, my bet is that they won’t nuke the island, at least not at first. Why not try to rattle the cage first, and see who flinches first? Besides, what’s to lose? The Anglish have basically gone naked from a defense standpoint, especially if it’s them alone versus the Russian Bear.


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