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The Barbarian Bible Page 47

by Ianto Watt

  So, let’s assume this scenario plays out, in some fashion or another. Who cares who starts it? They’ve all got nukes. They’ve all got land and population pressures. They’ve all got plenty of enemies and common borders. They all have diametrically opposed Operating Systems that despise one another but yet which promise them some type of immunity from Hell. Most importantly, they are all insane. What else can you say about people who worship dead ancestors, live cows or explosive underwear? Can you actually say anything about them but that one word- insane?

  What’s the net result? Russia gets a free hand throughout Asia, that’s what. Warm water ports galore, Chinese hordes no more (that you’ve supposedly sworn equality to at the 81 Party Congress) and an end to Islamic rebellions. Because, after all, when the nukes start flying, who knows, maybe a few hundred Russian nukes accidentally fall on some places like Chechnya and Tashkent. And maybe even Peking. Bingo, no more Islamic rebellions! Remember, Russia has 30,000+ nukes. So what’s a few hundred? What a deal.

  So you think I’m being cruel and unusual here? No, I’m just thinking like any emperor would. Or any would-be emperor, Chinese, Russian, Hindu, Muslim or otherwise. Who knows, maybe all of them will be thinking the same thought (of making it seem like it was the victim’s other mortal enemy that pulled the trigger) at the same time. And maybe, just maybe, everyone’s immortal enemy will put that common idea in their heads. Who would that be? The ‘gods’, of course. Have you forgotten about them? I haven’t. Neither has the Beautiful Lady, I’m sure. Like I said, it looks like WWI, déjà vu.

  OK, now we’ve looked at the nationalistic element here as we consider how these ‘various nations’ get annihilated, as the Beautiful Lady so aptly put it. That would seem to satisfy the Northern (Viking) Russian desires of eliminating her opponents on her southern front. No more Great Games in that arena, eh comrade? And no more Islamic Bomb threats for Jerusalem, which will satisfy the Southern (Ashkenazi Russians). But what about the other part of the prophecy, the part that talks about ‘the conversion of Russia’? What about that?

  Well, if I was a Northern Russian who was an Orthodox believer that wore the headdress of a Patriarch, what am I to think of this prophecy? Let’s think here- what do I make of the Fatima appearances and prophecy? Can I believe in this occurrence and still be an Orthodox believer? After all, if Russia needs conversion, what does this say about my faith? Conversion to what? Christianity? Wait, aren’t I already a Christian? Or, am I a Bizarro-Christian? Have I sinned against the Faith and the True Church by failing to recognize that there can only be a single head of the Church on earth? And who would that be?

  Well, if I’m Orthodox, I have to admit that there are at least 31 different flavors of Orthodoxy. Russian, Armenian, Greek, Syrian, Antiochan, Alexandrian, Georgian, Serbian, Romanian, etc, etc. And I also have to admit that each one of these is an independent and autocephalous entity. That means totally independent of each other (except in their resistance to Holy Rome). That means a Russian Orthodox believer can’t abide the idea that he’d have to be converted to one of the other 31 flavors. And the other 31 flavors of Orthodoxy feel the same about Russian Orthodoxy.

  What’s that leave in the way of other Operating Systems? Yes, Holy Rome. And the collective Orthodox answer to that possibility is, “Aaaauuuuuugggghhhh!!!!! Never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  Now this isn’t just my take on the situation. Just look at what the Orthodox have to say about this very situation, because the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) seems to agree with the logical conclusion of my assessment. The ROC has always objected to the request of Our Lady at Fatima to pray for the ‘conversion’ of Russia. A quick Internet reference to this subject summarizes their objections, as seen at my favorite Anti-Weiner-Dog site (Wikipedia): Consecration_of_Russia;

  “Members of the Russian Orthodox Church object to the concept of the Consecration of Russia for two reasons: (1) Russia has already been Christian for over one thousand years, and has a great devotion to the Theotokos, and (2) the concept contains what appears to be an implicit proselytism of Russian Orthodox Christians to the Roman Catholic faith. Orthodox apologists point out that Russia was still an Orthodox nation at the time, and was not yet under the control of the militant atheist Bolsheviks. Thus the phrase “Russia will be converted” can only imply conversion from Orthodoxy to Roman Catholicism.”48 (end of citation)

  See what I mean? So any Orthodox believer, of any flavor, agrees with me about the timing of the Fatima prophecy of October 1917 as it relates to the timing of the Communist Revolution in November of 1917. Therefore any Orthodox believer has to believe that this Fatima thing must be bogus, right? It’s all a scam cooked up by the popes to try and make us Orthodox guys look like idiots! After all, we Orthodox make every attempt to appear to be the most devoted sons of Mary, who we call The Theotokos (the Bearer of God). But you’ll notice that the Orthodox title for Mary differs from Holy Rome’s definition of Mary (the Beautiful Lady). Holy Rome calls her ‘Mater Dei’ (the Mother of God). OK, so what’s the difference? Well, a ‘bearer’ is pretty impersonal. It could even refer to a baby buggy. Or a surrogate mother. In the Orthodox world, Mary is everywhere (think of the millions of Orthodox icons), but she has no human personality

  Here’s a quick example of what I mean. Throughout the Orthodox world, Mary and her son Jesus are venerated visually, through the use of the visual art of icons. Now, at first glance, this would seem to indicate that the Orthodox are anything but iconoclasts (that is, ‘breakers of images’, as the Protestants were). That would seem so, until one looks closer. What is the ubiquitous feature of every icon, every image of the Beautiful Lady in the Orthodox world? C’mon, grandson, think! Look closely. Now back up. Stare hard. What do you see? A two-dimensional rendering of a human being? Which makes her less than human.

  In the Latin world, on the other hand, The Beautiful Lady is portrayed as any person is. Mary has a real personality. She is three dimensional, portrayed in three-dimensional statues, everywhere! Well, so what, you say. It’s just a difference of artistic style. Or is it? Remember when I said symbols are often the most potent form of message? And this is a huge difference, and not just one of style. No, in this matter, there is a huge but sublime message. In the Orthodox world, the Beautiful Lady is nothing but a pedestal upon which to mount an equally two-dimensional rendering of the God they supposedly worship, Jesus. I find this to be a huge clue in the actual meaning of Orthodoxy.

  Photius would be proud of this symbolic manner of telling the people that the ‘God’ they worship is not really human (as well as divine). Which is another way of saying that Orthodoxy is simply another form of Nestorianism. Remember that word? That’s where the heretic Nestorius said that God was never really human, but that he was divine. In other words, this God hasn’t got a clue of what it means to be fully human. So how could he ever adopt us as one of His own? Sounds a lot like Mohammedan-Heaven, eh fellow servants?

  Here’s another clue in seeing how the Orthodox Church sees things. Just ask any Russians to complete this phrase; ‘Holy Mother ……”. I will bet you ten thousand rubles that 999 times out of a thousand, that the first word out of the mouth of that Russian (any Russian) will be the word ‘Russia’. Yes, Holy Mother Russia. Now ask that same question in the West, of any Catholic (who actually believes, so that’s definitely a sub-set) you come across. The first word out of their mouth will be ‘Mary’. Holy Mother Mary. Are you starting to see what I mean about Russia claiming to be both the true Holy Rome and the true Imperial Rome? In Russia, the land itself is holy but the people are nothing (at least to the rulers). In the West, it’s the opposite. Well, it used to be, before the West started imitating the East, about 500 years ago, when Henry VIII went bonkers. And this is another reason why I claim that Orthodoxy is the Bizarro version of Holy Rome. The inanimate is elevated over the animate. Weird people!

  But in the world of Holy Rome, the Beautiful Lady is fu
lly human, as is her Son, who is also fully divine. She even makes personal appearances and speaks! Before the Second Vatican Council, that is. But after the big ecumenical dinner of 1962 under Pope John the 23rd, the Vatican bigwigs decided to downplay that aspect (known as Mariology). Why was that? Well, after all, Holy Rome’s veneration of Mary and her apparitions was supposedly the big thing that separated Holy Rome from all those dissident Orthodox and Protestant ‘separated brethren’, as they called them. And remember, Vatican II was held in the hope that it would heal the divisions of the East-West split of 1054 AD, and the Protestant Deformation of 1517 AD.

  And so, of course, in 1960, as Pope John was thinking about his upcoming council that he wanted to convene (to ‘heal the divisions’ in the church), he couldn’t possibly entertain the idea of releasing Sister Lucia’s letter about the end times. That would insult the Orthodox. Why? Because the Beautiful Lady’s prophecy implicitly says the Orthodox Churches are outside the fold, right? Right. So, the letter of Sr. Lucy had to go down the memory hole, right? Right, Komrade!

  In the meantime, the Second Vatican Council, in the minds of those who conducted it, would surely approach the problems of the church (‘separated brethren’) and state (capitalism vs. communism) all in one fell political swoop. And they would do it without having to have the help of those three pesky children at Fatima, and the Beautiful Lady, whoever she was, right? Wrong. Double wrong. Because since that time, in an attempt to appease all the various factions the Pope invited to the Big Dinner Council (Protestant, Orthodox, Communist, Capitalist, and of course, the Chosen Ones), the Holy Roman Operating System has been infected by a virus that has paralyzed the Church. That Council has had exactly the opposite effect that was intended, assuming the intent was good. Of course, there are those who are happy about it, but these are the ‘gods’, of course.

  So, what were the actual results of Vatican II? Church attendance plummeted, convents emptied, seminaries went dark, and churches began to close. Guess what the largest single component of the Protestant world is comprised of? Yes, lapsed Catholics. The best laid plans of mice and men go astray, as they say, when the leaders don’t obey.

  Well then, what is to happen next? If the consecration of Russia hasn’t been done as the Beautiful Lady requested, and if there hasn’t been a true peace (and Russia hasn’t been converted), and various nations have been self-annihilated (by the Pill), can we really expect a few other big ones not to also be annihilated (by The Bomb)? I think not. So put on your seat belt, grandson, it’s gonna get wild.

  So what do I think will happen? Two things. One, a political event (war), and two, a religious event (a new pope that may not be a nice guy). Let’s look at what will happen if my war scenario plays out as I’ve said. What would happen if the Asian sub-continent gets engulfed in total nuclear war? And let’s presume that Russia is able to appear to stand aside of this holocaust, while China, India and Pakistan go up in radioactive flames. Is Russia simply going to stand there, frozen in terror (or delight)? No, that’s not the Russian way. No Northern Viking would waste this opportunity, and certainly no Southern Bolshevik-Ashkenazim would either. So what will Russia do?

  She’ll make a beeline for the coast, that’s what. What coast? Normandy, of course. Won’t that mean a suicidal war with America, the protector of Europe? Hahahahah! Where have you been, grandson? The American trip-wire troops are now gone! They’re all in Afghanistan and Iraq (and every other place on earth). The Fulda Gap is wide open, and there are old scores to settle here! Old scores? Sure! For example, the Germans, especially the western ones, have yet to feel the lash in return for WWII and the loss of 20 million Russian lives. Not that the Commissars wouldn’t have killed their own people anyway (just ask those 6 million dead Kulaks in Ukraine). And maybe that’s their real beef- the Commissars were robbed of their anticipated pleasure! How dare Adolph kill our people (before we can)!

  And don’t forget the French and that bastard Napoleon who tried the same trick in 1812. Paris will have to pay, I promise you. Russkies never forget. And why should they? They were minding their own business in 1812 and wham! All of the sudden, these crazy Frenchmen come barging in, killing everyone. (That’s what you get for cooperating with the Anglish, Mr. Czar!) And besides, the French must pay for their military ineptitude in WWII as well, for allowing Adolph to take their country in about 30 minutes flat. And all because some French geniuses thought the Maginot Line was a brilliant idea in the age of mechanized and aerial warfare. If the French had held out a little in WWII, just a little, then Adolph would have had to wait until 1942 to attack Russia, giving Uncle Joe time enough to break the Molotov-Von Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact all on his own. By the way, that pact was sealed on August 23rd, 1939. That anniversary is a glorious day for me. Why? I’m not telling. Here, have another drink.

  OK, so who else will pay? The Polish, of course. They too are guilty, at least in the eyes of any Russian. Guilty of what? Guilty of making the Russians look stupid, several times over, in centuries past. Never mind that the Poles took the fall for the Russian Death Camps at Auschwitz (which was actually in Poland), they still have to pay! Don’t believe me? Well, there are 9 national holidays in Russia, and Unity Day is one of them. That holiday celebrates the expulsion of Poland from Russia in 1612. And don’t forget that one of the titles of the Czar is ‘Tsar of Poland’. These guys have long memories. And big Grudges.

  And don’t forget Switzerland (why leave all that gold?). And certainly Spain will get a visit too, as the Russian memory still burns with their defeat in the Spanish Civil War of 1936. And truth be told, that bitterness still burns at the New York Times too, but that’s another story. Or is it? No, actually, it’s the same story, but one for another time. Anyway, isn’t it funny how a ‘civil war’ can have so many foreign participants? But that’s not the point now. Spain must pay, and never mind that Spain is now Socialist, there are certain lessons that must be imparted to those Francoists who are still alive. And King Juan Carlos must also be eradicated (along with all the rest of the surviving members of European aristocracy). Why? Well, why not? The Russians killed their own Czar, so why would they flinch at this little task? If you want to make an omelet, you’ve got to break some eggs, eh comrade?

  Yes, the Russian troops will roll untouched all the way to the Atlantic. Along the way about the stiffest resistance they will meet will be in Luxembourg, as the squishy Europeans have gutted their armed forces in their pursuit of social comfort. And once the Russian Army reaches the Atlantic they will have two decisions to face. One is military and the other is religious. The military one will go like this; shall we invade Angland now and pay Churchill back for not opening the second front earlier in WWII, which would have spared Russia her attack from Germany? And to repay all those Anglish bastards for the Great Game? And should we dig up King George V and hang him, posthumously?

  These questions will require a little thought, and they are wrapped up in the next decision. And what is that decision? It is the question of what to do with Portugal. Huh? Yes, Portugal. Why Portugal? It’s tiny, has no strategic value and presents no threat. And it’s Socialist too, right comrade? Remember, the Portuguese flip-flopped back into the Socialist camp back in 1974 and have been squishy ever since. So why Portugal?

  Because the second decision facing Russia is a religious question, silly. And remember, I said the Errors of Russia were that she claimed to be both Imperial Rome (with all her Legions occupying all of Europe) AND she claimed to be Holy Rome, the center of all true belief. And Portugal stands in the way of this belief. Portugal and those three pesky children who humiliated Artur Santos, the Socialist Commissar who couldn’t get the job done! But Vladimir Putin isn’t the pushover Artur was. And so, if Moscow is to be seen as the true Third Rome, both Imperial and Holy, two things must happen. The Empire must fall into their hands (in some military or diplomatic fashion) and Portugal must recant her faith!

  But what will make Portugal face such a
decision? Well, there is one other stopping point of the way from Moscow to Normandy, and that place is Italy. Rome, specifically. And the Vatican, to be very, very specific. The Russians will come to call on the Pope. And depending on what happens when they come to call, then the nation of Portugal may be the only place left where the original faith remains unchanged. And what could cause this scenario to come about? Maybe a new Pope, that’s what.

  A new pope? Sure, why not? And what if, during this headlong rush to the Atlantic, it begins to look like there will be a frenzied blood bath the entire length of the continent as Russia exacts her revenge on all the nations that have tormented her for the past 500 years? And what if, as the world waits with bated breath (with an incinerated Asian sub-continent as a backdrop), America and Angland are paralyzed with fear, as the cascade of events becomes too much to understand in the short amount of time that things happen in? And what if, as the Russians enter Rome (showing themselves to be the ‘true’ Third Rome) they simultaneously come to the door of the Vatican, and appear to be ready to kick the door in?


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