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Razor's Traitorous Heart

Page 21

by S. E. Smith

  “Kali, this is Shana. May I come in?”


  Kali wiped at the tears that still kept escaping. In truth, she was tired of crying! All it had given her was a headache, a stuffy nose and red eyes. She sat curled up on the bed with her arms wrapped around her pillow as she listened to Shana.

  “So he couldn’t cheat on me?” Kali asked.

  “No, child. Razor could never cheat on you. He would have no desire to. You are his Amate. When he said you were his world, he was not saying that lightly,” Shana assured her.

  “Why was Rainiera there, then?” Kali sniffed.

  Shana shook her head and her mouth tightened. “Rainiera has always been very spoiled. She wanted my son because he holds a position of great power and prestige, not because she had feelings for him,” Shana replied.

  “Well, if I ever see her again, I’m going to rip all her hair out,” Kali growled on a hiccup. “I’ll do more than punch her in the mouth if she comes near Razor again.”

  Shana laughed and covered Kali’s left hand. “I would have loved to have seen that. I’ve wanted to do that a time or two when she attended functions we were at.”

  “I’m not going to be running into her all the time, am I? I don’t think I could handle that,” Kali said, looking down at their joined hands.

  “No, Razor would not do that to you,” Shana assured her. “Not to mention, I believe Rainiera would want to keep her hair.”

  The image of a bald Rainiera pulled a giggle from Kali. Within minutes, she and Shana were laughing hysterically as they made up all kinds of ways Kali could get back at Rainiera. After ten minutes, Kali released a deep sign.

  “He really does love me,” she murmured, fingering the marking on her left wrist.

  “Very much,” Shana said. “Why don’t you get cleaned up. Perhaps, you can find it in your heart to forgive my son. Men do not realize what they do sometimes. It is good that Razor has learned just how much he needs you.”

  Kali smiled at Shana. “Thank you, Shana.”

  “No, thank you, Kali. I feared Razor would never know the joys of having an Amate. I could not have chosen a better mate for my son,” Shana replied before she bent and brushed a kiss across Kali’s forehead. “I will send him in after Scout has finished with him.”

  Kali laughed again as she rose from the bed with renewed vigor. It was time she let Razor know that she was the only woman in his life from now on. The knowledge that he missed her as much as she missed him wasn’t lost on her.

  “I need him as much as he needs me,” she whispered into the mirror. Her hand dropped to the slight swell of her stomach. “We both do.”


  Razor looked up as his mother walked into the kitchen and smiled at him. A wave of relief flooded him and he stood up so fast that his chair fell backwards, hitting the hard surface of the floor behind him.

  “Go to her, but be patient, Razor,” Shana cautioned him. “She has been hurt very deeply.”

  “I will. Thank you,” Razor said hoarsely. “I… thank you.”

  “Good luck, my son,” Shana whispered as she watched him rush out of the room.

  “I believe Razor will have his hands full with Kali,” Scout chuckled, wrapping his arm around Shana’s waist and rubbing his nose along her neck. “Just as I have my hands full with you. I think it is time to return to our home.”

  A shiver went through Shana at the slight growl in Scout’s voice. When his hand slipped up to cup her breast, she moaned and rubbed back against him. A wave of desire hit her hard as he nipped her neck.

  “Yes,” Shana gasped out as Scout turned her and scooped her up in his arms. “I love you, Scout.”

  “Not as much as I love you, my beautiful Amate,” he replied.


  Razor stood in Kali’s bedroom looking out the window. The door to the bathroom was closed and he could hear her as she stepped out of the shower. He thought of joining her, but remembered his mother’s word of caution to be patient. He did not want to make any more mistakes. The last two days had been hell and he wasn’t about to mess up again.

  As he stared out at the darkening sky, he discovered he was feeling another foreign emotion – nervousness. His hands trembled as he thought of how close he had come to losing the most precious thing in his life through his own stupidity. He should have known that Rainiera would try to change his mind. If he had told her he had an Amate, it could have avoided so much heartache.

  He turned when the door opened. His breath caught at the sight of Kali silhouetted in the doorway. Her wet hair was slicked back away from her face. A few droplets of water glistened on her bare shoulders. Only a towel covered her.

  Mezmerized by the image and desperate to touch her, he took a hesitant step forward. He swallowed past the lump in his throat when he saw the shimmer in her eyes. He didn’t care if he had to get down on his knees and beg, he had to touch her. Lifting his arms until they were opened for her, he waited to see if she would accept his peace offering.

  A low cry escaped Kali as she rushed into his arms. A relieved sigh escaped him as he captured her tightly against his chest. A shudder went through him when her arms circled his waist to hold him in return.

  “I’m sorry, Kali,” Razor whispered. “I am so sorry for hurting you.”

  Kali just nodded, burying her face in his chest and breathing in his scent. She had missed him. She had missed his warmth, his scent, his voice, everything.

  “Kali,” Razor groaned when her hands moved to work at the clasps on his shirt.

  “I want you, Razor,” she whispered. “I want to touch you, feel you…. I want to love you.”

  Razor’s lips desperately captured hers. Her words were music to his ears. He tugged the towel away from her, letting it drop to the floor as he swept her up in his arms. Crossing over to the bed, he gently laid her down. He quickly removed his clothing.

  He wanted to worship her. He placed one knee on the bed next to her and his hands on each side of her head until she was caged below him. Bending over, he brushed his lips across hers until she was gasping and arching toward him.

  Moving lower, he tenderly pulled one taut nipple into his mouth. He sucked on it until it stood rosy and swollen before moving to the next one. Her moans and pants fanned the flames burning inside him.

  His lips trailed down her stomach, pausing on the slight swell. He shifted his weight so he could cup her stomach. His eyes locked with hers as he pressed a gentle kiss to it before he continued his journey. A satisfied smile curled his lips when her legs fell apart. Her bare mound rose to meet his lips.

  “Oh God,” Kali moaned as he ran his tongue along her clit. “I… More.”

  “Mine, Kali,” Razor murmured against her. “You are mine.”

  “Yes,” Kali hissed out as his warm, moist breath caressed her sensitive skin. “Razor.”

  Razor heard the need in Kali’s voice. It was a need only he could assuage. He lapped at her, focusing on the swelling nub with his tongue while he slid three fingers into her.

  “Yes,” Kali cried out as she bowed under him.

  Hot come flooded his senses as she came hard around his fingers and tongue. He continued lapping at her until she cried out again. Rising up, he aligned his cock with her slick entrance and pushed forward. The sight of watching as his engorged penis penetrated her was enough to tighten his balls to the exploding point.

  He fell forward onto his elbows to keep from crushing her as he began moving. His eyes locked with hers as he pushed deeper and deeper with each stroke. He could feel the tingling begin to build at the base of his spine. He wasn’t going to be able to control his release.

  “Kali,” he groaned out, his face tensing as he fought for control. “Kali, I love you.”

  He watched as her face tensed before her eyes closed and she moaned loudly. Watching as she came, he released the tight hold on his own body. The feel of her body pulsing around his as he came drew shuddering gasps from hi
m as he fought to keep from collapsing on her. He pushed upward as he poured everything he had into her. His seed, his hopes, his dreams, his soul, he gave her everything.

  “Kali, my Amate,” he cried out in ecstasy as he stiffened. “I belong only to you, my fi’ta. Only you.”

  He rolled, keeping them connected until Kali was lying draped across him. He held her tight against his body. For the first time in days, he felt peace settle around him.

  Chapter 32

  Kali grinned at Taylor as she moved around the room like a small tornado. It had been eight weeks since they left the Tressalon star system and returned to Rathon. Jesse and Taylor were excited because Jordan had contacted them last night to let them know that she and Dagger would be returning later that evening.

  “I can’t wait to see her!” Taylor exclaimed in excitement. “I wonder where they’ve been. She was so secretive about it. I bet it was some totally cool place with lots of beaches and these little umbrellas in a glass.”

  Jesse laughed and shook her head. “I doubt they were on a beach in Hawaii or Tahiti, Taylor,” she said, bending to pick Lyon up as he pulled on her skirt.

  “Let me,” Hunter murmured, sweeping Lyon up in his arms. He grinned as Lyon giggled and wrapped his arms around his neck. “You should be resting.”

  “Hunter, I’m not going to break,” Jesse said with a shake of her head. “I’ll rest if I get tired.”

  Kali turned and smiled as Razor stepped into the room with Saber. Her eyes twinkled with amusement when Saber’s eyes immediately went to Taylor. Razor caught her gaze and smiled.

  She flushed as he ran his eyes over the swell of her stomach. Since she began showing, he had become even more protective and, well… horny. He said that her new scent was driving him crazy. He also loved to feel the baby moving inside her as he held her and made love to her.

  They had talked a lot over the past several weeks, spending time to really get to know each other. She had feared he would be furious with her involvement with the rescue mission, but he never said anything negative. In fact, he had commended her on her plan. He often talked to her about the different things that were going on during the day when he was at work.

  She also had a chance to talk to her brother the week before and found out that construction back on Earth was going well. Destin was fascinated by all the new methods and composites that were being used. The new council member from the Usoleum star system was very helpful. When Kali teased her brother, asking him how helpful. He had turned red and muttered that he didn’t want to talk about it.

  “Are you happy, Kali?” Destin had asked instead. “I mean, really happy?”

  “Yes,” Kali had replied. “This is amazing, Destin. I wish you could see it. Rathon is beautiful. There are parts that are still wild and untamed but they live in harmony with it.”

  “I’m happy for you, Kali,” Destin replied with a sigh. “I miss you though.”

  “I miss you too, Destin,” Kali said with a tearful smile. “Have I mentioned that you are going to be the proud uncle of a baby girl in a few months?”

  “A girl, you didn’t tell me that part!” Destin laughed. “I have a feeling that Razor is going to be more protective than ever. Especially if she is anything like you.”

  Kali smiled as she remembered their conversation. For the first time in a long time it had been about them and not about the world around them and surviving to the next day.

  “Are you feeling well?” Razor asked as he slid his arms around her and laid his hands across her stomach.

  “I’m fine,” she replied, laying her head back against him. “Just thinking of Destin. He seemed happy.”

  “I am glad,” Razor grunted before rubbing his nose against her neck. “I want to return to our home.”

  “Sounds good to me,” she murmured as he pressed a hot kiss against her neck. “As long as Rainiera doesn’t show up this time.”

  She bit her lip to keep from chuckling at Razor’s flinch. She wasn’t sure she would ever let him forget the incident the first night they arrived on Rathon. In some ways, it had made their relationship stronger. She now understood what it really meant to be an Amate. She also realized just how much Razor truly loved her. Their new home was a testament to his desire to start fresh with her.

  “She will never bother us again,” Razor promised. “She has been transferred to another location.”

  “Far, far away?” Kali asked in a husky voice.

  “Very, very far away,” Razor swore.

  “Didn’t you say our new home is ready for us?” she asked in a husky voice. “If so, I can pick up my clothes tomorrow.”

  Razor grinned. Finally, he would get her to his home; to their new home! For the past eight weeks he had been supervising the construction of their new home along the cliffs. He hadn’t let her see it. He wanted to be able to carry her across the threshold as was the tradition according to Taylor.


  “We must be going,” Razor called out. “Kali is tired and I wish to get her to our new home before dark.”

  “Oh, you’re leaving, Kali?” Taylor asked before she paused to answer the comlink that pinged at her collar. “Yes? Sure, ten minutes? Great, see you then. Buzz, one of the guys from school, is coming to pick me up. We’ll be back before it gets dark. I want to be here when Jordan and Dagger arrive.”

  “Where are you going?” Saber demanded.

  Taylor looked at him with a raised eyebrow. For the past two years, he had treated her like she was a child. She wasn’t a child any longer. She was studying Physical Therapy and working at the local medical clinic. Her eyes moved to the cane that he was leaning heavily on. He still refused to do the Physical Therapy that would help him.

  A low growl drew her attention back to his face, which had turned darker. She could see the rage that always seemed to be simmering under the surface. She missed the Saber of old who used to joke and tease her and the others.

  “Buzz is taking me out,” she replied with a shrug as she grabbed her jacket off the back of the kitchen chair and started to walk by him. “We’ve been hanging out on and off.”

  Saber put his hand out to stop Taylor from walking past him. He was breathing heavily and a dark regret burned in his eyes. He stared down into Taylor’s flushed, upturned face. There was so much he wanted to do and say, but he was not the male for her. She deserved a male who was whole. A male who could protect her the way she deserved to be protected.

  “It is probably the way it should be,” he muttered.

  “Why?” Taylor asked softly, ignoring everyone else in the room.

  “Because you deserve a male who is whole,” Saber bit out, dropping his arm so she could pass.

  Anger glittered in Taylor’s eyes for a moment before it was replaced with a sly grin. She reached down and cupped the front of Saber, ignoring the shocked gasp from her sister and the smothered, choked chuckle from Hunter’s mom and dad. She squeezed him, empowered by the quick swelling of his cock at her touch.

  “I don’t know,” Taylor said thoughtfully, “you feel pretty damn whole to me.”

  Without another word, Taylor ran her hand across the bulge one more time before she turned and walked out of the front of the house. A feeling of triumph swept through her. Saber wasn’t immune to her touch and she damn well planned on touching him a lot more.

  “Did she just…?” Jesse asked in a choked whisper.

  “I think it is time for us to leave,” Razor muttered.

  Kali’s eyes glittered with a touch of mischief as she brushed her hand across the front of Razor. Yep, Razor wasn’t immune to her touch either.


  Later that evening, Kali lay back against Razor’s bare chest. Her breath had been taken away by the beauty of their new home. Far below, the sound of the waves crashing against the cliffs echoed softly through their bedroom. A light breeze blew the curtains around the tall doors that lead out onto the balcony.

  They had finally ma
de it to the bed. They started making love in the entry way and had made it to the thick rug in front of the massive fireplace the first time. The second time had been in the huge bathroom. The tub was the size of a small pond and they had made love slowly, exploring each other; one touch, one kiss at a time. They finally fell into an exhausted sleep several hours ago.

  Kali rose silently from the bed, glancing down at Razor’s relaxed face. In the dim light from the moon, he looked almost like a Greek god with his chiseled features and muscular build.

  Sweeping a silk wrap up off the footstool, she slid it on and tied it at the waist. She stepped out onto the wide balcony. The marble under her bare feet felt cool and smooth. She glanced at the wide balcony. Biting her lip, she glanced behind her before deciding once wouldn’t hurt.

  Using the thick corner pillar as a brace, she climbed up onto the banister circling the patio. She wrapped her arm around the pillar and raised her face to the gentle breeze. For a moment, as she looked out over the diamond spotted ocean, she felt like she could fly.

  A pair of strong arms circled her waist and tenderly lifted her off the edge of the balcony. She melted back against Razor’s warm body. Opening her eyes, she smiled up at him.

  “You’re supposed to be sleeping,” she whispered, lifting a hand to run her fingers along his jaw.

  “So are you,” he replied in a husky voice. “What were you doing?”

  “Flying,” she said.

  Razor’s eyes darkened at her simple explanation for nearly giving him a heart attack. For a moment, vivid imagines of the first time they met flashed through his mind. Her concern, the way she held his face and kissed him for hurting him, her curiosity about the softness of his hair. All of it.

  “I love you, Kali,” Razor whispered. “I love your strength, the beauty you see in the world around you, the touch of your fingers against my skin. You make me feel like I can fly whenever you look at me.”


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