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Love In Moments: An opposites attract hockey romance (Love Distilled Book 2)

Page 16

by Scarlett Cole

  Thankfully, he’d booked a ride from the airport with plans to travel home with her, which meant he could catch some sleep on the drive, but he must be exhausted.

  Olivia grabbed her phone and messaged him.

  Great game! Well done on the win.

  She put the phone down, not really expecting him to message back. And she could only imagine how many extended conversations his team would have about the game. It was an hour later before her phone pinged.

  Thanks. Wasn’t my best game. I’m fucking beat.

  I bet. You’ll be here before you know it.

  You at the chalet?

  Sure am. Olivia took a snap of the fireplace and sent it to him. This place is beyond beautiful.

  Not as beautiful as you, Liv.

  Olivia fought back a grin. He was sparse with terms of affection, just as he was sparse with just about any expression of emotion, so his words lit her up inside.

  Sweet talker! Wake me up when you get home.

  Only if you send me a photo of you.

  Before she could respond, another message appeared.

  Jävlar… Skit… Shit. Sorry. That’s not how it sounds. I’d just like to see your face. It’s a long trip home.

  Olivia grinned. Funnily enough, she hadn’t assumed he’d meant a sexy picture. After a quick fluff of her hair and pinch of her cheeks to add a little color, she took a picture with the fire in the background and sent it to him.

  Ett sådant vackert leende.

  Thanks to the internet, she translated it quickly. Such a pretty smile. Tired Anders was swoony. And Olivia wondered how hard it would be to learn Swedish.

  Feeling much more daring, she took another picture from a different angle so he could see the cream sweater, knee high socks, and skin in-between. Normally, she’d feel self-conscious, but what the hell. Without giving herself time to think about it, she sent it.

  Fan, älskling… How am I supposed to sleep on the plane thinking about you waiting for me dressed like that?

  Will it motivate you to wake me up when you get home?

  I’m going to be the walking dead when I get in, but if anything could rouse me, you will. Leave the knee-highs on. I gotta go, älskling. See you soon.

  Anders sighed deeply, tensing slightly as sleep dissipated and awareness slid into his muscles. Things were tight, his ankle twinged, and his IT band was so rigid he could feel it pulling his knee ever so slightly to the right. He’d need to roll it.

  But more importantly, Olivia was in his arms.

  His hand cupped her breast, her ass pressed against his dick, which, like his muscles, was stiff. It had taken hours to get to her. Air traffic into Denver had been slowed down because of the early March snow, the periodic clearing of snow from the runway, and the time taken to de-ice the outbound aircraft. Then there had been debate about whether the trip to Vail was even feasible. It had been, but it had required a certain amount of slow driving.

  When he’d finally hauled his exhausted limbs into the chalet with the key Olivia had left in the lock box, he was almost ready to weep with relief. Instead of waking Olivia as promised, he’d crawled into bed beside her a little after three in the morning. She hadn’t woken but had intuitively rolled toward him and let him pull her against him. Her skin had been smooth and warm as he ran his hand down her back. His heart rate had slowed, his mind had stilled, and the worries of the game were forgotten.

  Perhaps this was what Karl had meant when he’d said Sarah was so good for him. That she always knew what to say and how to ease him. Being with Olivia felt the same. Within moments, he’d passed out hard.

  Now, as he took in the soft scent of her shampoo, he realized he had no idea what time it was. The curtains were tightly drawn, but daylight crept in around the edges. He was too far away from his phone to check. Hell, he wasn’t even sure where he’d left his phone once he’d entered the chalet. Not that it mattered. He ran his thumb over Olivia’s nipple. It was presumptuous on his part, and perhaps he should let her wake up before he took things too far. He released her breast and slid his hand along the curve of her waist, holding her hip briefly before he allowed his fingers to slide along her thigh until he reached the top of those damn over-the-knee socks. His dick twitched.

  Yeah, they were hot as fuck. The fact that she wasn’t wearing anything else was even hotter.

  That picture she’d sent him—man, he’d looked at it a hundred times on the flight home. It wasn’t an overtly sexy picture, and he wasn’t going to put Olivia in the position of asking for anything more revealing, given how she felt about her body. He doubted she believed him when he told her how much he appreciated her curves. There was something about the image that had invoked feelings of . . . well . . . home. It spoke to comfort, and a quietly understated sexy. And the long brown hair that he loved the scent of. Soft. Yeah. That was the other word. There was a softness to Olivia that rounded out his hard edges.

  He just hoped his hard edges didn’t cut her in the process. Relief that she’d accepted his apology over the way he’d acted before he’d left for Dallas swept through him. What if she hadn’t been able to understand he was just operating as his usual deeply focused athlete self and that he didn’t mean to hurt her?

  He shook the thought from his head, determined to remain in this moment. To remain in this cocoon with her. With no hockey, no distillery, no siblings. Just the two of them. Normally, as an introvert, he preferred to spend time on his own. But this, with her, was better.

  Olivia turned in his arms and nuzzled her forehead against his neck. “You didn’t wake me,” she murmured, her voice rough with sleep.

  Anders pressed a kiss on her forehead, his eyes still closed. “It was too late, and I was dead on my feet. You’d have had to do all the work.”

  He felt her chuckle, the gentle shudder of her shoulders. “I would have given it my best shot.”

  Olivia ran a train of kisses along his collarbone, her mouth gentle against his skin.

  God, how had he not realized he missed this? The quiet intimacy of being with someone he really cared about. Sure, there was no question that he and Olivia were compatible when it came to sex but lying here with her in his arms felt right. Unhurried. Unrushed.


  He’d gotten used to the casual end of sex. A momentary physical release. Some harmless, consensual fun. A bit of company on shitty days. But now, he realized his sex life had lacked true intimacy. The kind that came from something other than the adrenaline and endorphins of fucking.

  “I believe you. But this is better.” He opened his eyes, rolled onto his side, and wiggled down the bed a little so his lips lined up with hers. Gently, he cupped her cheek and pressed his mouth to hers. “We have all day, Liv.” He reached for her knee and pulled it up over his thigh. “Did I tell you how much I love these?” he asked, fingering the edge of the socks.

  Olivia shook her head. “You were tired when we messaged, I could tell. You reverted to Swedish.”

  Anders grinned. “Yeah. That tends to happen. I don’t think in English. I think in Swedish. When I’m tired, I forget to translate. But we’re getting off topic. You didn’t answer. Did I tell you how much I love these?”

  Her eyes sparkled at the compliment and he reminded himself to give her more.

  “You didn’t. But good to know. I left them on for you.”

  Anders kissed her again, this time more deeply. He felt her sigh against his lips. “I’m glad you wore these and nothing else.” He slipped his hand down between her legs and lazily dipped his finger into her wetness. He loved how aroused she got when they were together. Using it as lubricant, he circled around her clit, not with any real pressure. Before he entered her, he wanted them both so desperate with want they couldn’t stand another moment, and he had all the time in the world.

  “Anders,” Olivia gasped, her body tensing.

  He dipped his finger into her warmth, kissing her as she gasped. “You know your ex? The one who told you yo
u were hard to get off?”

  Olivia’s eyes widened and she placed her hand on his bicep. “Yes.” The way she sounded it out slowly revealed her uncertainty with the question.

  Anders slid back and forth over her G-spot, feeling the gland begin to swell beneath his finger. “I don’t think you’re hard to get off. I think your ex was just shit in bed. Shit, or lazy. I can’t decide.”

  Olivia bucked against his hand and he couldn’t hide the grin at her body’s responsiveness to his demands. “Why are we talking about my ex?” she gasped.

  “Well,” Anders replied, continuing his diligent ministrations. “I think it got in your head, älskling. And when you think about everything he said, it takes you out of the moment. But when it’s just you and me. Here. In this bed. When you can’t think about anything other than the way my finger feels inside you. When you grind against me like you are right now. I think you know he was wrong.”

  A flush crept along Olivia’s breasts and he couldn’t resist drawing a nipple into his mouth, sucking on it harder than he had in the past.

  “Anders,” Olivia cried, and he felt her walls clench around his finger. “Ah.”

  While it was killing him to hold back, to not roll her onto her back and slide deep inside her so he could feel her come around his cock any minute from now, he pulled back so he could look Olivia in the eyes, but they were closed. His words were turning her on. But he needed to finish his point.

  “Liv, look at me.” A thrill surged through him as she did as he requested. Those hazel eyes of hers looked up at him from beneath her lashes. “You just have preferences, like every other person on the planet. Some have favorite positions, some like it hard, some like to be tied down. I’m a quick study, Liv. I know you like your clit circled and licked, but not sucked on because you find it too intense. Yet you like your nipples sucked hard. I know you love it when I stroke here, and that while you enjoy it when I go down on you, you still feel embarrassed about it, which we’ll work on because I love the taste of you. Vibration gets you off, especially when applied firmly. There’s nothing at all wrong with you, I’m just the first guy you’ve slept with willing to find out what you need, and you’re so fucking worth it.”

  Olivia’s eyes glittered with unshed tears as he slid back and forth, pressing more firmly as her hips matched his rhythm. “Please,” she whispered, her voice choked.

  She kept her eyes on him as she came, her mouth opening slightly, and he kissed her, as if he could capture the emotions and feelings swirling around inside her. Her body spasmed against his. His dick was harder than the blades of his skates and needed something to ease the pressure, but with one arm beneath her, holding her close, and his fingers still inside her, his own release would need to wait.

  Yeah, so she needed more foreplay, and what fool would want to miss out on that? Who would choose to miss out on moments like this when she was stunned by the depth of her own orgasm? When she looked at him like he was a king.

  He slid his fingers from within her and rubbed them across her lips. “You light up like a candle when you come, Liv. It’s beautiful.” When he kissed her, he could taste her, just like he’d intended.

  “What you said, Anders,” Olivia said. “Did you really mean all that?”

  “I did. You’ve let some asshole taint the way you view sex. It isn’t meant to be something you dread, or are scared of, or are nervous about. At its simplest, it’s a biological function, at its most complex, it’s the most incredible thing in the world and can bind two people together unlike anything else.”

  He jumped when he felt her hands gently grip his dick. “Careful, Liv. Watching you get off has made me a hair trigger.”

  Olivia smiled as she looked up at him from beneath her long lashes. “Want me to tell you what I know about you?”

  “Tell me,” Anders said, his hips pushing him into her hands. He was so hard, his balls drawn up firmly.

  His words had scorched her soul, burning away feelings and emotions that had lingered for far too long. For years she’d thought it was her. And it had tainted every single sexual interaction she’d ever had since then. She’d let the words of a selfish man color the way she thought of herself.

  And Anders had been right, she’d always been so in her own head with worry that she’d never relaxed enough to enjoy sex. It almost hurt to consider how much time she’d wasted thinking about how she sucked at sex, how her body failed to enjoy the act, instead of embracing it, allowing herself to express the sexual side of her nature. And since meeting Anders, she’d never been more ready to make love and fuck and explore this part of who she was, without all of the negative connotations she’d been holding on to.

  But now it was her turn to be as honest with Anders, as he’d been with her. She wanted him to know that she saw him too. That she valued the way they came together as much as he did.

  “I know you like it when I hold beneath your dick like this,” she said, rubbing the vein that ran along it with the flat of her thumb. He was hot to her touch and twitched in her palm. Anders’s back arched in response. Throwing back the covers, she ran the fingertips of her other hand down his chest. “I know you like it when I run my nails along your skin, not hard enough to hurt or gentle enough to tickle.” Olivia followed her fingers with chaste kisses. She climbed onto her knees and, letting Anders go, moved to sit astraddle him.

  He placed his hands on her thighs, his calloused palms rubbing against her sensitive skin. His dick stood hard and proud between them. Slowly, she ran her fingers though her hair, internally smiling as his eyes followed her breasts. God, how had it come about that she had a man like Anders literally lying naked beneath her?

  Easing forward, she let go of her hair, placing it to one side so he could see what she was about to do, and took the tip of him into her mouth. Just enough so that she could circle the head with her tongue, increasing the pressure over the slit with the tip of her tongue. While she didn’t say it out loud, she knew he also loved it when her hair spread over his stomach. Satisfaction flooded through her when he reached for it and wrapped it around his fist, holding her in place.

  Anders flinched so hard he nearly bucked her off his thighs. “Damn, Liv,” he gasped, tugging her hair even tighter.

  She let him fall out of her mouth with a pop. “I know you like that.”

  “So, why did you stop?” Anders groaned, releasing her hair.

  “Because there’s more. I know you like it when I press here,” she said, feeling the spot just behind his balls, kneading it with her knuckle. Anders tried to raise his knee to give her more access and growled in frustration when he couldn’t.

  When was the last time she’d had so much fun, of a sexual nature, with a man? And she was doing this to him. Thoughts of her had him standing to attention and desperate to take her.

  Perhaps it was unfair to play with him this way. After all, she’d already gotten off once and he was literally straining beneath her.

  “Liv,” he growled, as she reached for his dick and squeezed it hard, twice.

  “I know you do this when it aches with want, and you need pressure to ease the relief.”

  She let go and leaned over him, and ran her finger down his nose, along the lines of concentration on his forehead, along the crinkles at the side of his eyes. “I know that on the ice, your face never gives anything away. No one would know if you were mad with anger or filled with joy. But I know that here in our bed, you show me everything you’re feeling. Your face shows me your mood, the sounds you make let me know how much you enjoy what I’m doing or how close you are to coming. And I think I value that most of all.”

  Anders slid his hand around her neck, holding her firmly in place as he kissed her. His tongue met hers, but he hissed as her clit moved along his length.

  “How do you want me, Anders?”

  “Thank fuck,” he murmured. In less than a heartbeat, he sat up, reached for her arms, and playfully threw her off him. She landed softly and And
ers loomed over her, grabbing a handful of her hair. “Next time you put my dick in your mouth, we’re going to practice just how far you can take it, in payback for that teasing.”

  “If I told you that you tasted good, would you forgive me?”

  Quickly, he kissed her soundly. “Forgiven. Let me grab a condom.”

  She sat up and watched as he walked naked, muscles flexing, to the case left in the doorway. He rifled through his meticulously folded luggage until he found a box of condoms and tore into it, cursing as condoms fell all over the floor. Olivia grinned, she couldn’t help herself.

  “You’re a pretty impressive sight when you do that,” she said, watching as he rolled the condom on. “There’s something about the way you hold yourself that’s very . . . Gah! I don’t know.”

  “As much as I’d like to help you explore that further by masturbating in front of you, right now, I need to be inside you.” Anders climbed between her legs and ran his tongue between her lips and across her clit.

  Reaching for his hair to hold him there a moment longer, she wondered who she’d become. There was something brazenly wanton about the action, to take exactly what she wanted rather than waiting for what someone else offered. And there was a certainty that Anders would communicate with her if he didn’t appreciate it.

  Anders gripped her wrist and raised his head. “Don’t be greedy,” he said teasingly. “I think I’ve waited long enough.” He gripped her hips and flipped her over so she landed face down in the pillow.

  Without waiting for her to get comfortable, he climbed over her so he was sitting astraddle her, just below her ass. He pulled her cheeks apart and she jumped. For a moment, she wondered if he was going to do something she wasn’t prepared for yet.

  Anders ran a hand down her back. “Don’t worry, Liv. Anal sex is not the kind of thing you do without asking, or by surprise. But you teased me by restricting my movement when playing with me earlier. I intend to do the same to you.”


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