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Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7)

Page 44

by E. L. Todd

  “Skye, I told you not to leave my sight.” My voice became full of anger.

  “Well, I don’t do whatever you tell me,” she argued.

  I knew where this was going. “I’m not trying to boss you around. With Zack giving you a hard time, I would prefer it if you didn’t go around by yourself, especially at night.”

  “I’m not scared of him and I refuse to live my life that way.”

  “It’s only temporary. Then you can go back to doing whatever you want. If you go on a jog, I’m more than happy to go with you.”

  She gave me a hard look. “You’ve known me your entire life, Cayson. You know what kind of girl I am. I’m not going to let that fly.”

  I knew I had to be firmer with her. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”

  I sighed. “I’m sorry, Skye. I hate to be this way. You know it’s not in my nature. I just care about you and I need to look after you…until I know he’ll really leave you alone. Please don’t make this harder for me.”

  She spotted the unease on my face. “Fine. But it’s only temporary.”

  I sighed in relief then kissed her forehead. “Thank you.”

  She stood up then set the bowl on the table. “I’m going to bed. Are you coming?”

  “Duh.” I turned off the TV and followed her into the bedroom. I was more aggressive with Skye than I used to be. Now when I wanted something from her, I just took it. Judging the moans that escaped her lips and the way her fingernails dug into my skin, she liked it. I pulled her top off then unclasped her bra with lightning speed. I groped her breasts, loving how warm they felt in my hands. I loved her chest and now I wasn’t afraid to admit it. She let me suck them and kiss them whenever I wanted…among other things.

  I really wanted to take our relationship to the next level. I was ready and I knew she was too. But tonight didn’t feel right. Since I just went and spoke to her father, something she specifically asked me not to do, I felt guilty. Another night of fooling around would have to suffice—for now.



  “If Cayson thinks he’s going to boss me around, he’s got another thing coming.” Zack tried to do the same thing, much more aggressively, and I wasn’t a push over. I was a strong, independent woman. It was my way or no way.

  Trinity smirked at me then sipped her coffee. “Honestly, Skye…I’m with him on this one.”

  We were sitting in a coffee shop right off campus. Students littered the tables and jazz music played overhead. I got a blueberry muffin but I only ate half of it. I stared at her incredulously. “Sorry, did I hear you right?”

  “If Cayson just brushed off Zack’s behavior, I would be worried. You can’t blame him for wanting to look after you. I wish I had a guy that was so concerned for my well-being.”

  “I’m glad he’s concerned. I just don’t want to be bossed around. There’s a big difference.”

  “He just asked you not to jog in the dark alone.” She stared at me like I was crazy. “It’s really not a big deal.”

  Trinity had been my best friend since we could speak. She had my back for everything—except for this. “What happened to my sassy best friend?”

  “She’s just telling you how it is. It’s not like Cayson is like that all the time. He just wants to wait until Zack stops obsessing over you.”

  “You know how hard it was for me to come to coffee with you?” I asked. “Without him?”

  “Because you miss him?”

  “No,” I snapped. “Because he almost didn’t let me come alone.”

  She shrugged. “I like Cayson. I wouldn’t mind if he came.”

  I rolled my eyes. “That’s not the point. I can hang out with my best friend whenever I want.”

  “And if Zack appears?”

  “We’ll kick his ass.”

  “Last time we tried that, he sat on me like a log.”

  “I had him,” I hissed. “I was going to break his skull with my textbook.”

  “I still think it’s better to avoid Zack than go head-to-head with him again. You must see the logic in that.” She rested her elbows on the table while she stared me down.

  “I guess…”

  “Now cut Cayson some slack. He’s the sweetest guy in the world. He would never boss you around. He recognizes your independence and it’s one of the reasons he’s so attracted to you. Just humor him for a few weeks.”

  I knew she was right. I was being too stubborn about this. “Okay. Fine.”

  “Good. Now invite him to coffee with us.”

  “No, I want to have girl talk with you.”

  “I’ll say anything to Cayson that I say to you,” Trinity said.

  “It’s still a lot more fun when it’s just us.”

  “Well, of course,” she said with a laugh. She sipped her coffee then flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Please tell me you’ve taken a ride on his cock.”

  “Trinity!” I pressed my finger over my lip. “Shh!” I glanced around the nearby tables to see if anyone had heard.

  “Grow up, Skye. No one cares.”

  It seemed like no harm had been done.

  “You better say yes,” she pressed.

  “No…it hasn’t happened yet.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you guys?” She stared at me like I was crazy.

  “It was going to happen the other night but the damn pizza guy ruined it.”

  “How did he ruin it?’’

  “He came to the door.”

  “So? Wasn’t he only there for a minute?”

  “But it ruined the moment,” I said with a sigh.

  “Ruined the moment?” she asked incredulously. “Wasn’t he still hard? That’s enough to keep going.”

  I laughed lightly. “Cayson wants it to be special.”

  “Well, if he keeps wanting it to be special, you’re never going to have sex at all.”

  I laughed again. “I know, right?”

  “You must be going crazy. It’s been months.”

  I gave her a firm look. “I am going crazy. We fool around but I want everything.”

  “He satisfies you, right?”

  “Oh yeah,” I said immediately. “That’s not a problem. But I want him, not his hand or his mouth.”

  “I hear you, girl.”

  I pulled my tea bag out of my cup then set it on a napkin. “Any men in your life?”

  She looked down at her cup and blew the steam away. “No.”

  “How long have you been single?”

  Trinity thought for a moment. Her gold earrings reflected the light, and her lip gloss was shiny. She had perfect features, and her make up only highlighted her stunning appearance. I definitely felt dwarfed by her beauty. “Almost a year.”

  “When’s the last time you had sex?”

  She sipped her coffee. “Uh…I can’t remember. It’s been a while though.”

  “We should go out so you can pick up someone.”

  She smirked. “It’ll happen when it happens. No need to rush.”

  “I feel like we haven’t gone out in so long.” I felt guilty. Since Cayson and I got together, I hadn’t been the closest friend to Trinity.

  “We’re going out now.”

  “It’s not the same. We should hit a club.” I didn’t really have any interest in that. Now that I had a serious boyfriend, the idea of going out to a noisy club where a bunch of men would stare at my rack and Trinity’s legs didn’t exactly sound fun.

  “We’ll see.” She looked out the window and watched people go by. Her eyes lost their light for a moment, seeming to disappear. Her lips pressed tightly together like she was thinking.

  “Everything okay, Trinity?” I asked.

  She turned back to me. “Yeah. I’ve just got a lot of homework and stuff…”

  It still seemed like something was off but I didn’t press her on it.

  Cayson was leaning against my car when I walked
outside the coffee shop. He was staring at his phone, hitting his thumb against the screen like he was playing a game. He wore dark jeans and a gray t-shirt. His muscled arms were noticeable under the winter sun. Hair started to come in around his chin, thick and brown. I loved it when he shaved but I also loved it when he didn’t. I eyed his body for a moment, remembering how he looked naked on my bed. I wanted to run my tongue all over his body and taste him.

  I shook my head and made the thoughts escape. Then I walked over to him. “Hey you.”

  He put his phone down then turned his gaze on me. His blue eyes suddenly looked brighter when he took me in. A grin stretched his lips. “I’m glad you’re happy to see me, not pissed.”

  “Trinity talked me down.”

  “I’ve always liked her.” He put his phone in his pocket then embraced me. One hand moved into my hair while he kissed me, making my lips burn. He always moved his lips against mine in just the right way. He clearly knew what he was doing. He steered me against the car door and pressed his body against mine while he continued the embrace.

  Then he pulled away slowly. “I think this is getting out of hand…”

  “A little.” I glanced at his lips then returned my look to his eyes.

  “Have a good time with Trinity?”


  “What did you guys do?”


  “About?” he asked. “You guys always talk.”

  “Boys, sex, music…stuff like that.”

  “Did I come up?” he pressed.

  “You always come up.”

  “Oooh…I hope good things were said.”

  “They were.” I gave him a flirtatious smile.

  “And I hope it wasn’t just about my…size.” A tint came into his cheeks.

  “No.” I started to blush too.

  He stared at me for a moment before he moved his hands to my hips. “Have plans tonight?”

  “With you, I assume.”

  “Can I take you to dinner?”

  “You can take me anywhere.”

  “Good answer.” He leaned in and kissed me. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”


  “You want to sleep at my place tonight?”

  Why did it matter? He never asked that. “Sure.”

  “Okay.” He opened my door and helped me get inside. “I’ll see you then.”


  He gave me another kiss. “Wear something nice.” He shut the door and walked back to his car.

  I wore a backless black dress with silver heels. A matching bracelet was on my wrist and diamond earrings were in my lobes. My pea coat was hanging over the chair. I wanted Cayson to see my dress before I put it on, just to see his reaction. I thought I looked pretty decent. Hopefully he liked the way I looked.

  A knock on the door announced his presence.

  “Come in,” I called.

  He stepped inside, wearing slacks and a button up shirt.

  I whistled. “Someone looks like a million bucks.”

  He eyed my waist and legs. “I can say the same about you.” He hooked one arm around my waist and rested his hand on my bare back. His fingers trailed down the skin. “I like this…”

  “You do?” I was pleased by his words.

  “I like your skin.” He moved behind me then pulled my hair over one shoulder. Then he pressed a kiss between my shoulder blades, making heat move through my body.

  “I like your lips.”

  He came back around me, his hand moving to my chin. “You look lovely tonight.” His eyes moved down to my chest then back to my eyes. “But you’re missing something.”

  “What?” I blurted. I checked everything.

  He pulled a box out of his pocket then opened it.

  Inside was a white gold bracelet. On the chain were moons and clouds. I stared at it for a moment before I picked it up. It was light and smooth in my hands. I turned it over and saw the engraving.

  A billion stars in the Skye. Only one you.

  My heart swelled at the sight. I looked back at him, at a loss for words. “Cayson…”

  “Shh.” He grabbed the bracelet then clasped it onto my wrist. He removed the one that was already there. “You don’t need to say anything. I just want you to have it.” His fingers stroked the skin of my wrist before he placed a gentle kiss there. “Now you’re perfect.”

  My eyes watered. “I’m perfect with you.”

  Affection moved into his eyes then he stepped closer to me. “That’s the truest thing I’ve ever heard you say.” He cupped my neck and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

  I rested my face against his chest, treasuring the moment. Cayson’s sweetness always caught me by surprise. He did everything and anything to make me happy. “I’m sorry I was being a brat before…”

  “It’s water under the bridge.” He kissed my lips gently then pulled away. “Are you hungry?”

  “Have we just met?” I countered.

  He gave me a fond look before he grabbed my coat and put it over my shoulders. “Ready?”

  I nodded.

  We left the apartment then headed to the restaurant. When we pulled up to the front, I realized it was an Italian place.

  “I know how much you love pizza,” he said. “This was my way of taking you to a nice place but giving you what you really want.”

  I smirked. “Genius idea.”

  We walked inside then moved to the table near the window. Like always, Cayson pulled out the chair for me and allowed me to sit down before he sat across from me. He handed a menu to me before he looked at his own.

  “I don’t know if I should get the eighteen inch or sixteen inch pizza…” I stared at the menu while I tried to decide.

  He smirked at me. “Get the twenty inch and take the leftovers home. I know you like to munch in the middle of the night.”

  “So, you won’t judge me?”

  “Have I ever?” He looked at his menu again. “I’m getting the tortellini.”

  “Pizza is better,” I blurted.

  “You never order anything else.” He said it in a condescending way but affection was in his eyes.

  “Because it’s good.”

  The waiter came to our table and took our order. The bottle Cayson ordered when we arrived was poured.

  “This is a fancy evening,” I said.

  “I wanted it to be special.” He looked into my eyes as he said it.

  Then it hit me. When we went back to his place tonight, we wouldn’t fool around and go to sleep. What I’ve been looking forward to was finally going to happen. I tried to hide my excitement but I had a feeling my face was giving it away.

  We made small talk about school and our family. Our voices were low while we talked over the clanking glasses and moving plates. We drank our wine until the bottle was empty then ate our meals when they arrived. I would normally eat half of my pizza but tonight I didn’t want my stomach to be too full. So, I just ate a few slices. Cayson didn’t eat as much as he normally did. Perhaps he was nervous.

  When the check came, he slipped the cash inside.

  “Can I get the tip?” I asked.

  “Nope.” He pushed the tab away then placed the remainder of my pizza in the to-go box.

  “You need to let me pay sometime.”

  “Nope,” he said again. He stood up then pulled out my chair for me. “Let’s get this pizza in the fridge.” His arm moved around my waist and he led me out of the restaurant. Knowing what we were going to do when we got to his place made my heart race. I was excited and warm. My nerves were firing off and I was eager to feel him. I daydreamed about our rendezvous for the entire ride home, imagining how he would feel when he was finally inside me. By the time we pulled into the parking lot, I was wet.

  After we walked inside, he put the pizza box in the refrigerator then came back to me. “Thank you for having dinner with me.”

  “Thanks for feeding me.”


>   He stared at me, his hands by his sides.

  I met his gaze, suddenly feeling sweat on my palms. I was nervous, but not in a bad way.

  Cayson moved his hands to my hips then bunched up my dress lightly. He eyed my body for a moment, his eyes lingering on my chest, and then he met my gaze. Desire was in his eyes, shining bright.

  My lips parted on their own, my need guiding me. I pressed my chest to his then leaned my face near his. His warm breath fell on my cheek. Since I knew where this was going, it felt different. It was like the first time all over again.

  Cayson stared at me until he finally closed the distance and kissed me. His embrace was gentle and purposeful. He took his time, not rushing. His hand moved up my stomach and my chest until he reached my neck. His fingers dug into my hair while he deepened the kiss. His tongue slipped into my mouth, lightly touching mine.

  I was lost to him immediately. His kiss always swept me off my feet. The way his tongue felt against mine was unlike any experience I ever had. He was the best kisser I’ve ever been with, hands down. He put every other guy I dated to shame. My relationship with Cayson was different. It was beautiful, pure.

  Cayson slowly led me down the hallway, stopping every few feet to give me a passionate kiss. He pressed me into the wall while his hands moved over my body. He would grip me tightly, like he never wanted to let go. Then he led me down the hallway again, heading for his room.

  When we walked inside, there was a gentle glow from dozens of white candles. They flickered as we passed. He continued to kiss me as he led me to his bed. When I felt the frame behind me, I stopped.

  Cayson stared into my eyes while he found the zipper at my side. He pulled it down, never looking at his hand. Once it was loose, he pulled it down, revealing my bare chest. I couldn’t wear a bra with the dress so nothing was covering me. He got it off then picked me up and placed me on the bed. He grabbed each foot and slipped my heels off. Then he kissed my calves and knees, moving to my inner thighs. When he was between my legs, he grabbed my thong and pulled it off.

  I lay back on the bed and felt a lump. I reached behind me and pulled out a candy bar. Rose petals and bite size candies were across the bed. “Candy bars?” I asked with a smirk.


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