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Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7)

Page 90

by E. L. Todd

  I guessed that was the best approach.

  “And don’t back down. Even if he rips into you, don’t give up. Show him you’ll stand up for yourself and you can’t be chased off, that you aren’t going to let it go until you have his forgiveness. If anything, that will show how much you care about Trinity without actually saying it. Mike is a cold man. He wants to know his daughter is with someone who’s as strong as he is.”

  “That guy is a damn bull shark.”

  “You’re almost the same size.”

  “But he’s got that crazed look in his eyes. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s murdered someone at some point in time.”

  “All the more reason to show him you aren’t going to back down.”

  “Is this a fucking nature show?” I snapped. “Is he a bear and I’m a hiker?”

  He tried not to laugh. “If it helps…if you run, he’ll chase you. If you stand your ground, he might back down.”

  “Might?” I asked incredulously. “Or he might maul me to death.”

  He shrugged. “We aren’t much different from animals.”

  “Well, I wish I were a hippo. I’d kick his ass. You know the hippo is the number one killer in Africa?”

  He smirked. “Really?”

  “Yeah, those things are psycho and territorial. And did you know they are the third largest land animal.”

  Cayson looked at me like I was crazy. “Don’t lead with those useless facts when you talk to Mike. He won’t be impressed.”

  “You know what the largest land animal is?”

  “You really have to ask?”


  “Fascinating,” he said sarcastically. “Are you majoring in history or zoology?”

  I ignored his comment.

  “How did you know that anyway?”

  I shrugged. “I read about it.”

  “Where?” he pressed.

  “Under my Snapple cap.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I should have known…”

  “Hey, they are really informative,” I argued.

  “And Trinity finds this interesting?”

  “She thinks everything I say is interesting.”

  He shook his head. “Hold on to her, man.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him and glared.

  “Anyway…are you going to talk to him?”

  “I need to watch Trinity,” I said with a sigh. “She’s more important.”

  “I’ll take care of her while you’re gone.”

  “Really?” I asked in surprise.

  He seemed offended. “She’s my family, Slade. Of course I don’t mind.”

  I guess was more territorial of her than I realized.

  “I’ll take care of her,” he assured me. “I’m pre-med, remember?”

  I’d forgotten. “Okay. I’ll only be gone for a few hours…”

  “Good luck.”

  “If I die, you can have all my possessions.”

  “Wouldn’t you give it to Trinity?” he asked.

  “She wouldn’t want it. It’s a bunch of garbage.”

  “Wow…thanks for being so generous,” he said sarcastically.

  I downed my entire beer when I thought about what I had to do. “Ugh, just shoot me.”

  Cayson made a gun with his hand then pretended to shoot me. “Bang, bang.”

  I told Trinity I needed to do something with my dad for the shop. I didn’t want her to know I was seeing her father because I didn’t want to get her hopes up. He wouldn’t forgive me easily. I was pretty certain he would throw me out of his office and that would be the end of the story. And that would hurt Trinity. It was better if she didn’t know. Luckily, Cayson watched her while I was gone. I knew he would do a good job. I didn’t trust her care to anyone else but him.

  When I arrived at the building, I walked into the lobby, immediately feeling uneasy. His empire was covered in granite counters and spotless tile floors. Every inch of it was intimidating.

  After I checked in with security, I went to the top floor and stepped out of the elevator. Mike and Sean had offices in the rear, taking up half of the floor alone. I walked past the windows and people walking around. Today, I dressed in slacks and a buttoned shirt, covering my sleeves and trying to look professional. Coming in looking like a thug wouldn’t help my situation.

  When I reached his secretary’s desk, I heard a familiar voice.

  “Slade?” Uncle Sean walked to me, holding a folder in his hand. The other one was in his pocket. A dark blue tie hung down his chest. Confusion spread into his eyes at the sight of me. “Everything okay?”

  “Hey, Uncle Sean.” I turned to him but didn’t hug him like I normally would. “I’m here to see Mike.”

  He nodded in understanding. “Good luck with that.” There was a twinge of humor in his voice.

  “Thanks,” I said sarcastically.

  He gripped my shoulder. “You’ll be okay, kid.”

  “Easy for you to say…”

  He laughed lightly. “I got to run. I’ll see you around.”


  He walked into the elevator and disappeared.

  I turned to his secretary, a young guy who looked fresh out of college. “I’m here to see Mike.”

  He looked like he’d been slapped. “You mean Mr. Preston?”

  I wasn’t used to calling him that. “Yeah, sorry.”

  “Do you have an appointment?” The look in his eye told me he already knew the answer to that, and I could tell he hated me the moment I referred to his boss by his first name.

  “No, but—”

  “Mr. Preston is a very busy man and doesn’t have time for walk-ins. Perhaps you’re looking for a salon.”

  I wanted to snap and put this asshole in his place, but I held my tongue—for Trinity. “Can you just tell him I’m here? He knows who I am.”

  “He knows who my mom is, but he doesn’t want to see her.”

  Don’t snap. Don’t snap. Don’t snap.

  “If you don’t leave now, I will call security,” he threatened. “So I just suggest you scram.”

  “Vincent.” Mike’s deep voice broke our conversation. He stood in the doorway of his office.

  The secretary stood up and looked at him. “Hello, sir. I’ll take care of this. Don’t worry about it.”

  Mike shifted his gaze to me, his eyes dark. He noted my attire and the way my hair was actually styled and not messy. He didn’t look happy to see me, but he didn’t look like he wanted to kill me either. “Come in.” He walked back inside his office, not waiting for me.

  I gave Vincent a glare that clearly said, “Take that, jackass.”

  I walked inside the office then closed the door behind me. After the door clicked, there wasn’t a sound. Only silence echoed in the room. Floor-to-ceiling windows made up the back wall. Two couches were in the corner, along with a stack of fashion magazines, probably belonging to his wife, Cassandra. The shelves on the walls contained pictures of his wife and kids. Trinity’s life was shown in the portraits, her childhood of dance recitals and softball games until her high school graduation and last Christmas. Hardwood comprised the flooring, and all his furniture was made of dark mahogany. His desk was large and placed near the window.

  Mike stood in front of his desk, both hands in the pockets of his suit. His shoulders were broad, and his chest was expansive. His suit was intimidating to anyone, but not me. “What do you want?” He crossed his arms over his chest, looking at me like I was a bug he wanted to squash. “Because I’m a busy man that has a million other things to do than deal with your nuisance.”

  This wasn’t going to be fun. “I hoped I could have a minute of your time,” I said politely.

  “You already used one up standing there.”

  Didn’t hate me, my ass. I stepped forward, keeping my hands by my sides and being as respectful as possible. I was never good at making a good impression, and I’d never had a girlfriend, so I didn’t know how to treat her father. Knowi
ng Mike my whole life wasn’t playing in my favor right now. “I came to apologize.”

  “For what?” he snapped.

  He was going to make me come out and say it? “For being with Trinity and keeping it as a secret.”

  He didn’t react at all. It was like he hadn’t heard me. “But you aren’t sorry, so why are you wasting my time?”

  “I am sorry.”

  “No, you’re not.” He dared me to correct him. “You used my daughter like she was trash. I don’t give a shit what you do with your dick or where you put it. But I assumed you respected me enough, cared about me enough, even loved me enough not to pull that shit on Trinity, my everything. That’s not okay and it will never be okay.”

  I looked at the floor, feeling guilty.

  “Look at me when you’re talking to me.”

  I met his gaze, unflinching.

  “You think I don’t know what’s going on? You don’t love my daughter. You’ll never take care of her. And you’ll never stay. You’re going to ditch her when you get tired of her and find some other number, leaving her with a broken heart and tears. How could you do this to me? I’d prefer if you stabbed me in the gut.” He knocked everything off his desk, his pens, folders, and pictures. The only thing that remained was his computer. He walked around the office, rubbing his fingers over his bottom lip like I’d landed a punch there.

  I didn’t flinch at his hostility. I held my ground, refusing to be intimidated by him. Even though I was angered by his words, I hid it. “I love Trinity. I wouldn’t say that unless I meant it.”

  His back was to me while he looked out the window, staring at the city that was below his feet. “She put you on the spot and you didn’t know what else to do. You said it to save your own ass.”

  “I’m flattered you think I’m such a remarkable actor, but no, I wasn’t lying. Those tears were real. And those words were from the heart.”

  He turned around, fire in his eyes. “Get out of my office. And don’t come back.”

  “No.” I didn’t move.

  He didn’t like being defied. “You think because your father is my best friend I won’t break your neck?”

  “No. I know you won’t because you love your daughter. And you know how much she loves me.” That was a bold thing to say, and probably stupid too.

  He clenched his jaw and the anger was still evident. “If you have any respect for me, you’ll leave her before she gets hurt even more.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I understand why it’s hard to believe but—”

  “Let’s cut the shit, Slade. You used my daughter and treated her like a worthless whore. Even if your feelings are genuine, it doesn’t erase what you did. Trinity deserves a whole lot more than what you gave her, and I will never forgive you for defiling her like that—ever.”

  The words washed over me like acid. I swallowed the pain in my throat and tried to ignore how much it hurt. “Maybe in time you’ll feel differently.”

  He laughed, high and cold. “No, I won’t.”

  “Then you’re going to have to deal with me for a long time, because I’m not going anywhere. Too bad, so sad.”

  Mike wasn’t pleased by that response. His eyes narrowed in a threat. “Get. Out. Now.”

  The only thing I had accomplished was pissing him off even more. I turned around and walked out, slamming his office door as I went. Vincent watched me walk away, resentment in his eyes.

  Sean came out of the elevator. “How did it—”

  “Leave me alone.” I didn’t let him get another word in.

  “Shit. That bad?” Cayson asked.

  I sank lower into the booth and rested my face in my hands. “I was on better terms with him before I went down there.”

  “Try again,” he said with a sigh.

  I gave him an incredulous look. “Did you not hear what I said? He threatened to break my neck.”

  “He didn’t mean it.”

  “You weren’t there. And yes, he did.”

  “You can’t give up.”

  “I’m not doing it. Forget it.”

  Cayson gave me a knowing look, full of words even though he didn’t speak any.

  I rolled my eyes. “Goddamn it, Trinity!”

  “Don’t blame her. You’re both at fault.”

  “Mike doesn’t see it that way.”

  “He’s just protective of her…”

  “Yeah, I picked up on that…” I said sarcastically.

  “Slade, just keep trying.”

  “Ugh, I wish I had an incurable disease so he would be nice to me.”

  Cayson gave me an annoyed look. “I know things are bad, but they aren’t that bad.”

  “It’s not like I knocked her up.”

  His eyes flashed open. “You didn’t, right?”


  “You better not. God, then he would break your neck.”

  “Shit, I’d break my own.”

  Cayson leaned back into his chair. “I wish I could help but I can’t. I just hope you understand his point of view.”

  I gave him a look that could kill. “You’d better not be taking his side.”

  “I’m not,” he said immediately. “But Sean said something to me when I asked him permission that I’ll never forget.”

  “That damn fortune cookie…”

  Cayson ignored the jab. “He said a father’s biggest fear is his daughter ending up with someone who isn’t good enough.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Given your history…it’s understandable why he’s scared.”

  “But I love her.”

  He shrugged. “Lots of people say those words but they don’t mean them. Maybe he thinks you’re one of them.”

  Why was this so complicated? “You think I can take him?”

  “No,” he said with a serious face. “And that better be a joke.”

  “Yeah…” Not really.

  “You’ll get through it, man.”

  “Can you just do it for me?” I asked desperately.

  “I don’t think that would work.”

  “You’re right…he’d ask you to date her instead.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m Cayson, I’m so perfect. Girls love me. I’m so sweet and blah, blah. Every father wants me for their daughter. Blah, blah.” When I looked at Cayson, he didn’t seem happy.

  “I know you’re going through a hard time so I’m going to let that slide…”

  I kept mumbling. “I’m going to medical school…I always do the right thing.”

  He imitated my voice. “I’m Slade. Did you know the largest bird is the ostrich? Did you know the largest reptile is the African crocodile? How did I know that? Oh, because all I ever read is the inside of Snapple caps…”

  I had to admit he was dead on. I tried not to laugh but it came out anyway. “Go to hell…”

  “Only if you come with me.”

  I smirked then lowered my gaze and took a drink of my beer. “Thanks for making me feel better.”

  “Anytime.” He clinked his bottle against mine. “Next one is on me.”

  “I thought they were all on you.”

  “Freeloader,” he mumbled.

  “I prefer gold digger.”

  He laughed. “I guess I’m your sugar daddy.”

  “Having a girlfriend is fucking expensive so I need to save money when I can.”

  “At least she doesn’t eat like a cow like Skye.”

  “Ooh…I’m telling her you said that.”

  “Like she doesn’t know.” He laughed then finished his beer. “I tell her to her face every day.”

  “How romantic,” I said sarcastically. “I hope Trinity and I are as happy as you two someday…”

  His face turned serious, and a smile upturned his lips slightly. “I think you already are.”

  Sean spotted me waiting by Vincent’s desk. “Round two?”

  I was dreading this. I had nothing new to say and neither did he. But I had to try. “Something like that…”
  “There’s a first aid kit in my office if you need it…”

  “I’ll just have Vincent call 9-1-1.”

  He patted my shoulder. “Good plan.” Then he walked off.

  I sat in the chair and watched Uncle Mike through the window of his office. He was talking to a man in a suit, probably discussing something business-related. I checked my watch and saw that I’d been sitting here for an hour. He’d make me wait all day because he didn’t care.

  Half an hour later, his colleague finally left.

  Mike shook hands with him and offered a smile before the man walked away.

  Then he looked at me, the irritation evident in his fierce scowl.

  I waved. “Howdy.”

  He clenched his jaw, not amused.

  Vincent looked uncomfortable, like he was afraid he’d pissed off his boss.

  Mike kept his professionalism in front of his employees. “Come. Now.”

  Why did he always have to talk like a caveman? I walked inside, wearing slacks and a dress shirt. I hated wearing anything besides a t-shirt and jeans, and Mike knew that. I thought that would mean something to him. “Yo, how’s it going?”

  Mike slammed the door and glared at me. “What. Do. You. Want?”

  “Trinity.” That was the quickest and most honest way to describe why I was there.

  “You can’t have her. Now, what else?”

  “Well, she’s already mine…”

  He clenched his jaw and balled his hand into a fist. “I have nothing more to say to you. I told you how I felt about this. Your lack of respect is only serving to annoy me.”

  “You’re annoying too. Looks like we’re even.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Do you want me to kill you? Because I will.”

  “I’m calling your bluff. Maybe you don’t love me, but I know you love Trinity. And as long as that’s true, I’m safe.”

  “Cocky fucking asshole…” He headed to his desk then sat down in his leather chair.

  I stood in front of his desk. “I will apologize to you as many times as it takes. If you think you’re going to scare me off, then you’re mistaken. I will make this right between us.”

  “The damage has been done,” he said darkly.


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