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Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7)

Page 106

by E. L. Todd

  “And what was said?” he asked hesitantly.

  “We argued for a while, but I told her it made more sense for me to stay than for her to follow me. She agreed, wordlessly.”

  “She offered to come with you?”

  I nodded.

  “Why didn’t you accept?” he demanded.

  “Because it would be wrong—and totally selfish.”

  “By that argument, she’s being totally selfish,” he spat.

  “No, she’s not. She told me to go but I refused. I said I was staying, and nothing she said would change my mind.”

  He smirked. “So…you’re staying in New York…for sure?”

  I nodded and smiled.

  He threw his fist into the air. “Yes! This is awesome!”

  I laughed. “I’m glad you’re excited.”

  “We should get a place together,” he blurted. “We can hang out all the time.”

  “And listen to you and Trinity go at it during the night?” I asked incredulously. “No thanks…”

  “Well, how about we get apartments right next to each other?” he asked. “That would work.”

  I put my arm around his shoulder and walked with him. “Let’s work out the kinks later.”

  “Dude, Trinity was so pissed at me when she found out.”

  “Why would she be mad at you?” I asked.

  “Because I knew about everything but I didn’t tell her.”

  I rolled my eyes. “If Skye asked her to keep a secret about me, she wouldn’t say anything to you.”

  “That’s what I said!” He shook his head. “You’re the only one who really understands me.”

  “I know,” I said with a sigh.

  “Dude, after finals we need to party hard. Life in New York is going to be fucking awesome. The police are going to be on a first-name basis with us.”

  “Why…?” Did I really want to know?

  “They’ll be busting us for being too loud and causing too much trouble.”

  I laughed and didn’t correct him.

  “Dude, our lives are just beginning. And we have so much ahead of us.”

  He was right about that. Now that Skye knew the truth and she accepted my decision, the weight on my heart had been removed. I didn’t regret not choosing Stanford. I had a whole life ahead of me, full of Skye and my friends. Life was good, and I couldn’t complain about a single thing. “We do.”

  The next time I saw Skye, she was exactly as she was before the conversation. She was happy and excited, ready to move on to the next stage of her life. The glow on her face made me feel warm. I was happy and so was she.

  She snuggled closer to me, straddling my hips while I sat on the couch. “It’s nice to see you happy again.”

  “Well, I was getting a lot more sex when I was sad…”

  She chuckled. “Are you saying I’m not pleasing you enough?”

  I rubbed my nose against hers. “Maybe…”

  “Well, I guess I’ll have to change that.”

  My hands dug into her ass then I squeezed. “I’ll pay extra if I have to.”

  She swatted my arm playfully. “Are you calling me a whore?”

  “No. I’m calling you my personal courtesan.”

  “That sounds a little better…”

  “So, I was thinking…” My hands moved to her waist and I held her in place.

  “Yes?” She had a playful look in her eyes.

  “You want to get a place together? Places in the city are expensive, and since we’ll be sleeping at each other’s place all the time, it would be a good way to save money. But that’s just an excuse.”

  “You want to live with me?” she asked in surprise. “Despite all the hair I leave in the sink and the shower? Even though I need to have the bed perfectly made even if you’re still sleeping in it? Despite the fact that I talk and laugh in my sleep?” Hair fell past her ear and touched my neck. Her eyes were bright and stunning, beautiful.

  “I think I can look past all your annoying habits…”

  “My annoying habits?” she asked incredulously. “Why do you always throw your dirty boxers on the floor? You have a hamper—use it. And why don’t you ball up your pairs of socks before you put them in the drawer? That way, you won’t lose them. And why do you always have to do the dishes the second you finish eating? Just let them sit in the sink. It’s called soaking.”

  I smirked, feeling my love for her grow. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll let your habits go if you let mine go. What do you say?”

  She rubbed her chin while she studied me. “Hmm…”

  I growled while I pulled her closer to me. “Don’t make me beg.”

  “No, I’m gonna,” she said with a giggle.

  “Skye Preston, please live with me. Please come home to me every night. And please be there every morning when I wake up.”

  Her eyes softened as she studied me. Then she cupped my face and gave me a long kiss. “You convinced me.”

  “That was easy.”

  “You want me to draw it out?” she snapped.

  I tightened my hold on her. “No. But I was going to force you to move in with me anyway, so your answer really didn’t matter.”

  “You couldn’t force me to do anything,” she said fiercely.

  “You wanna bet?” I asked. I moved her to the couch then crawled on top of her, pinning her down with my large body. Once I pressed my lips to hers, she was mine. She didn’t push me away. Like a stick of butter left on the counter, she melted underneath me, her legs wrapping around my waist. “That’s what I thought.”



  As graduation approached, my happiness increased. Cayson and I would be moving in together, finding a nice apartment in the city. He would come home every night and have dinner with me. When I woke up in the morning, his large body would be beside me, snoring quietly. It wouldn’t be long until he asked for my hand, and then we would get our happily ever after, the kind my mom always told me about.

  So, what was this feeling? Pain thudded deep in my chest whenever I was alone. When I thought about Cayson turning his back on Stanford, I felt tense and sick. I remembered conversations from our youth. Even at a young age, Cayson said it was where he would train to be a doctor. He told me about all his trips to South Guinea working with children who needed treatment. He said it was his greatest dream to make the world a better place.

  Not only was I denying Cayson his dream, but I was denying the world of him and everything he could do. I was hurting everyone. No one gained anything from this arrangement but me. I got to keep him, to share my life with him every day. I was being selfish, thinking about how this benefited me. I couldn’t move to California for him, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t go without me.

  My happiness was artificial and weak. I guess I couldn’t enjoy it fully, knowing what Cayson sacrificed for it to happen. He said he didn’t resent not going to Stanford. He said he believed in his decision, that it was what he wanted.

  But was it what he needed?

  My mind was buzzing in confusion. I just wanted to be happy and let it play out, but something was holding me back. Human emotions were complex and hard to understand. But I thought I understood mine—for the most part.

  Cayson walked inside my apartment. “Strip poker—just you and me.” He shuffled the cards in his hands, not using a table.

  I smiled at him then placed my suitcase on the couch.

  He eyed it. “Where are you running off to?”

  “To see my parents.”

  “Oh, I don’t remember you mentioning it to me.” He eyed me suspiciously, studying my face.

  “Well, my dad wanted to do something with just the two of us in the city. I’ll only be gone for a few days.”

  He accepted my excuse. “Well, have a good time. But I’m sad we won’t be playing a strip poker match—especially since I always win.”

  “Can it wait until I get back?”

  “No. But I guess it’ll have
to.” He put the cards down then came to me. “I’ll miss you.” His hands hooked around my waist and he pressed his chest into my back.

  “I’ll miss you too.”

  He kissed my neck then pulled away. “I’ll carry this to the car for you.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “I insist, baby.”

  I smiled then grabbed my purse and keys. We walked out together, and he put my belongings into my trunk before he met me by the driver’s door. His hands moved to the car door, boxing me in. “Drive safe.”

  “I will.”

  He stared at my lips then back at my eyes. “I know I shouldn’t miss you when you’re gone, because you’re mine forever…but I do.”

  Cayson always made my heart melt when he said things like that. “I’ll miss you too…even if it’s just for a little while.”

  “You better get your ass back here as soon as you can.” He moved in closer, our lips almost touching.

  “I will—while I drive the speed limit.”

  He chuckled. “That’s my girl.” He pressed a hard kiss to my lips, taking my breath away. “Call me when you go to sleep. I want to hear your voice before I close my eyes.”


  He kissed my forehead before he opened the door and helped me inside. With one more quick kiss, he shut it. He stepped back and put his hands in his pockets, waiting for me to drive away.

  I waved to him before I pulled out of the parking lot then headed to New York.

  After I walked into the lobby, I used my key card to get into the elevator and ride it to the top floor. Every inch of the place was made of granite, and it was spotless. Pots of flowers were placed on unoccupied tables, and moody paintings were on the wall.

  Once the doors opened, I stepped onto the floor. People were walking around, dressed in skirts and suits. I eyed them, realizing they would be working for me shortly. I headed to the far side and approached the assistant sitting at his desk.

  “Hey,” I said.

  He looked up then his eyes widened. “Ms. Preston, how are you?”

  “I’m well. How—”

  “Can I get you something to drink? Or something to eat?” he asked quickly.

  “No, I’m okay.”

  “Perhaps a bottle of Evian?”

  “No, really. I’m fine.”

  He still seemed uneasy. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  I eyed my dad through the glass, seeing him sitting at his desk. He was speaking to someone sitting across from him, another man in a suit. “I was wondering if he’s busy today.”

  “Well…” He flipped through the schedule. “Actually, he is.”

  “Oh.” My heart fell. I was hoping he might have some time.

  A whistle sounded behind me. “Look at the pretty lady.”

  I smirked, recognizing Mike’s voice. “Hello, Uncle Mike.”

  He pulled me in for a hug, practically breaking my rib cage. “What a nice surprise.” He always treated me like I was his own daughter. Ever since I could remember, I was included in every activity, and not just because Trinity was my best friend. “I hope you’re here for a good reason and not a bad one.”

  He was just as protective as my own father. “I’m just here to see my dad.”

  “Well, I’m sure he’ll be excited that you dropped by.”

  “His assistant said he was busy.”

  Mike rolled his eyes. “The second he sees you, everything else will be out the window.” He patted my shoulder. “Can I get you anything while you wait?”

  “No,” I said quickly. “I’m fine.”

  “Okay. I have to run, but I’ll see you later, kid.”


  He walked away and disappeared into the elevator.

  When I looked into my father’s office, I caught his eye. He was staring at me through the glass. Quickly, he stood up and stepped out. “Skye?” Concern was in his voice. His eyes were wide.


  He came to me then examined me like I might be bleeding. “Is everything alright?”

  “I’m fine. I just wanted to talk to you about something. But if you’re busy, it can wait.”

  My dad turned to his secretary. “Cancel everything for the rest of the day.”

  “What?” I said. “No. It’s not that important.”

  “You came all the way down here to see me. Yes, it is important.” He headed back into his office and said goodbye to his colleague. Then he fetched me and pulled me inside his office. He sat in his chair and faced me. “Do you—”

  “I don’t need anything.” I held up my hand as I said it. Sometimes when I was in his office, I felt like I was at Hometown Buffet.

  My dad backed off and leaned back in his chair. “What’s up, pumpkin?”

  I sighed, not knowing where to begin. I wasn’t even sure what I wanted to say.

  He stared at me and rested his hands on his desk, patiently waiting. Then he rubbed his bottom lip with his fingers, deep in thought. He didn’t show any irritation as he waited for me to speak my mind.

  “I just…I don’t know.”

  My dad didn’t react at all. He stayed quiet.

  “I don’t even know where to begin.”

  “Then don’t. Just start somewhere.”

  “Okay.” I tried to think of something to say. “Cayson said he didn’t get into medical school, but he lied.”

  My dad nodded slightly. “His father told me. I thought it was odd.”

  “He got in everywhere—except New York.”

  He continued to stare at me, not showing his thoughts.

  “And…he lied to me because he knew if he told me the truth, I’d make him go to Stanford, his dream school.” I rested my hand on his hard desk, feeling no dust or grime. “When I found out the truth, I told him to go, but he refused. Then I offered to move with him, but he still wouldn’t accept that, saying it would be wrong to make me do something I would get nothing out of. So, he said it makes more sense for him to stay here and reapply in a year…”

  He continued to rest his fingers on his lips while he stared at me. “And what’s the problem?”

  “I was really happy at first. Cayson is my life. I love him…”

  My dad didn’t seem uncomfortable by the declaration.

  “But…it feels wrong.”

  “What does?” he asked.

  “To let Cayson give up his dream just for me…”

  He didn’t agree with the statement or disagree with it.

  “He says being with me is what he wants. He doesn’t resent me for the decision, and he doesn’t have any regrets. Being without me is an alternative he can’t even contemplate, but…I feel horrible.”

  He flashed his blue eyes on me, giving nothing away.

  “I want Cayson more than anything, but…I can’t let him do this. It’s not right. He’s worked his whole life for it.”

  He shifted his weight in his chair, not breaking his concentration from my face.

  “Dad, what do you think?”

  “As a parent, my job is to guide you, not tell you what to do.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Now isn’t the time to be a fortune cookie. I need advice.”

  “No, you don’t,” he said simply. “You’ve already made your decision.”

  Have I? I stared into his eyes, still feeling lost.

  “Skye, I think Cayson is a wonderful young man. He’s already a son to me, and I would love to make it official someday. He’s extraordinary, and not just in intelligence, but passion and generosity. He deserves nothing but the best. I think he needs someone who will always look after him and put him first…just as I would want for you.”

  My dad was cryptic, but I knew what he was saying. “You think I should let him go.”

  “No, I think you should do what’s best for him. We both know NYU is nothing compared to Stanford. And putting aside the fact that it’s where he’s wanted to go his entire life, it has a remarkable program for what he wants
to pursue. How would you feel if you couldn’t take over this company? If you had to settle and run a McDonald’s? That’s exactly what you’re asking him to do.”

  I knew he was right. And it hurt.

  His eyes softened when he looked at me. “Skye, I know this is hard. I do. But if the situation were reversed, I know Cayson would never let you sacrifice your dream. For any reason.”

  He wouldn’t. He always made that clear.

  “I’m sure Cayson wants to stay. And I’m sure he wouldn’t resent you for it later. But that’s beside the point. When you’re in a relationship, you want the best for the other person, even if it hurts you in the process. Love is selfless—always.”

  A part of me wished I could be selfish—just this one time.

  “And it’s not the end of the world, Skye. Long-distance relationships are hard, but not impossible.”

  “I’m not doing that,” I said firmly. “They never work. Couples always grow apart and can never sustain a relationship. As a result, they resent each other and pull away. Then they can’t even be friends or stand in the same room together. And doing it for three years is out of the question. That’s the last thing I want to happen with Cayson.”

  My dad said nothing while he processed my words. He stared at the surface of his desk for a long time before he returned his gaze to me. “I’m sorry, Skye.” A quiet breath escaped his lips, but not because he was annoyed. He was in pain.

  I tried not to cry. I tried to remain calm. Was this really happening? All week, I’d been so happy that I was spending my life with Cayson. We talked about our apartment that we’d share together. It was a blissful time, absolutely wonderful.

  But now I had to let him go.

  He was going to leave. And I was going to stay here.

  I wouldn’t sleep in his arms anymore or kiss those lips. I wouldn’t touch him and feel his embrace. Everything I loved was ending, was fading. The first and only man I loved was going to slip away.

  Tears broke the surface and fell freely, cascading down my face. Pain like I’d never known ripped through me. I’d cried before but it was nothing like this. This was pure agony, pure torture.

  My dad rushed around his desk then pulled me into his arms. Like I was a little girl, he rocked me back and forth, his lips pressed to my forehead. My dad was the strongest man I knew, but even he couldn’t make the pain go away. He couldn’t fix it. I knew what I had to do, and it broke my heart into a million pieces. I didn’t want to do it. God, it was horrible just to think about.


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