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Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7)

Page 114

by E. L. Todd

  “There’s nothing to do here,” I argued.

  “I prefer my own bed.”

  I rolled my eyes. He purposely kept his distance from me, even though I knew he didn’t want to. I couldn’t figure out why he was the way he was. Sometimes it made my head explode. “I prefer you to sleeping alone.”

  “Don’t they all.” He put his cigarette out in his ashtray.

  “We’ve known each other long enough,” I said. “You should tell me what’s really up with you.”

  “There’s nothing up with me.” Irritation was in his voice.

  “Oh really?” I challenged.

  He flashed me a glare. “Really.”

  I snatched his phone from his nightstand then looked through it.

  “Hey! What the hell are you doing?”

  I flipped through his pictures. Most of them were of his weed plants, motorcycles, and different guitars. But there were a few pictures at the end. “Explain this.”

  His eyes narrowed at the screen then at me. “You had no right to go through my phone.”

  “Explain it,” I pressed.

  He sighed then leaned against the headboard again, lighting another cigarette. “Whatever…”

  “No, not whatever.” I tossed the phone back at him. “You take pictures of me sleeping just because? I don’t see any other girls in there. Just me.” The first time I saw it, it moved me. It was then I realized I meant something to him, that we had a fighting chance.

  He took another drag and held his silence.

  “I see right through you, Arsen. You should just give up.”

  “There’s nothing to see through,” he said with a growl. “What you see is what you get. When will you understand that?”

  I stared at the side of his face, waiting for him to look at me. When he didn’t, I spoke. “When it’s true.”

  Slowly, he turned his head toward me. His eyes gave him away even though he tried to hide it. Adoration and affection shone from deep within his soul. He pretended he was tainted in black, that his soul was charred from his devilish ways, but I knew it was all for show.

  Arsen felt the way I did, had felt that way the moment we met. The longer we spent time together, the truer it became. He refused to be my boyfriend or to make an appearance with my friends and family. But he gave me looks no one else was lucky enough to receive. He told me things he would normally take to the grave. Arsen was a good guy even if he pretended otherwise. And I had fallen for the man underneath the leather jacket.

  He abandoned the argument then seized my wrist. He dragged me across the bed, forcing me onto his chest.

  I smiled in victory, knowing I won the argument and proved my point.

  His arm was around my shoulder, and his fingers dug into my hair. “I don’t know what you see in me, Silke. All I’ll do is ruin you.”

  “No, you won’t.”

  “You can have any man you want. Find a nice guy that has his shit together.”

  “I don’t want a nice guy. I want you.” My arm moved around his waist, and I closed my eyes.

  He continued to smoke, his hand moving through my hair. The silence lingered in his bedroom and filled every crevice. His chest rose and fell, rocking me like a newborn. Being in his arms and enjoying the quiet company was what I longed for all week. He always made me feel alive, made me so happy that I preferred reality instead of dreams.

  And I knew he felt the same way.



  Since we were going to a nice place, I discarded my usual attire for something a little more appropriate. I wore dark jeans with a buttoned shirt and black blazer. I knew the chicks would dig it, like usual.

  Theo wore something similar. His black jacket made his blue eyes more noticeable. We definitely turned heads everywhere we went when we didn’t try, but when we put in a little effort, it was like moths to a flame.

  “Remember, we’re nice guys,” Theo reminded me as we walked toward the house.

  “I’m not as forgetful as you think.” I rolled my cuffs then checked my Rolex. “Who did you hook up with the other night?”

  “Blondie.” He gave me a smirk then waggled his eyebrows.

  “Was she as annoying as we thought?”

  “Oh yeah,” he said immediately. “But she was a good lay.” He shrugged slightly. “You got to pick your battles.”

  I knew that too well. “How does this speed dating work?”

  Theo stopped in front of the two-story house. The lawn was well-kept with beautiful flowers along the house. The paint seemed new. Whoever lived at the place definitely had money. Theo adjusted his tie. “Each girl sits at a different table while the guys hop from one table to the next. We have ten minutes per table.”

  I nodded slowly. “Like musical chairs?”

  “If that helps.”

  I put my hands in my pockets. “Well, that’s a nice gig. We only have to deal with the girls for a short period of time. If they’re annoying, we have a good excuse to get away.”

  “Exactly,” he said. “After the speed dating is over, then you can pursue your favorite.”

  “That sounds simple. We should have done this a long time ago.”

  He chuckled. “We’ll see.”

  We walked inside then moved into the living room. The hardwood floors were dark and matched the mahogany furniture. The couches had been pushed to the side, and small tables were interspersed everywhere. An open bar was to the right and light jazz played overhead.

  “This place is pretty sweet…” Theo whispered.

  “But where are the girls?” I asked.

  “Oh yeah…forgot about that.” Theo looked around.

  A few guys were near the bar with their drinks. They were all wearing collared shirts and slacks.

  “Are you sure this isn’t speed dating for dudes?” I asked hesitantly.

  “No, I’m pretty sure,” Theo said.

  A woman wearing a black dress came up to us. She had a wide smile and blond hair. “Are you here for a fun night?”

  Obviously. “Yeah.”

  “Great.” She held out two masquerade masks. “Put these on and the girls will be out in a second.”

  Theo stared at the mask but didn’t take it. Then he raised an eyebrow.

  I stared at them with the same confusion. “Are these party gifts?”

  She laughed. “No, you wear them. This is blind speed dating. That way, you get to know the person underneath and not their appearance.”

  I’d never been in a situation like this before.

  “Oh…” Theo couldn’t think of much more to say.

  “It’ll be fun.” She put the mask on Theo then forced the other on me. “And I’m watching the door so you boys don’t try to sneak out.” She pointed her finger at each of us then walked off. Her heels echoed on the hardwood floor.

  I turned to Theo, seeing the black mask that covered his eyes and nose. Only his mouth was visible. It was black with glitter along the sides. A plume feather stuck out. “You look ridiculous.”

  “Purple isn’t your color.”

  I could only imagine how stupid I looked.

  Theo adjusted the mask. “How do we get out of this?”

  I eyed the door, seeing the blond woman greeting a man. She had our exit covered. “We’re stuck, man.”

  “Isn’t physical attraction important too? This is lame.”


  He sighed. “Such a waste of time.”

  I was equally disappointed. I thought this would be a quick way to find a new girl. Now I would be talking to girls when I had no idea what they looked like. Physical beauty wasn’t the most important thing, but there had to be some sort of attraction for sparks to fly.

  “Alright, the ladies will take their seats and we’ll begin.” The blond woman stopped in front of the hallway as the girls came out.

  A dozen girls came in and sat down at their own tables. I scanned each one, seeing a lot of curves I liked. Their masks hid most o
f their features, so I had no idea what their faces looked like. They could be dudes for all I knew.

  The blond woman clapped. “Here are the rules. Ten minutes per table. You can’t remove your masks for any reason. When the session is over, you can pursue the girl you liked. Alright, let’s get started.” She grabbed my arm and pulled me to a table. “Sit.”

  I did as she commanded then watched Theo move to the table next to mine. He shrugged at me then turned to his date.

  I sighed then looked at the girl across from me. She wore a pink mask that was covered in feathers. Only her lips and eyes were visible. Most of her hair was hidden as well. She wore a black blouse that was embedded with rhinestones. She seemed thin, but it was difficult to see since the table was in the way.

  Her eyes widened slightly when she looked at me. They scanned my shoulders and my jaw, studying the features all the girls were attracted to. My chest seemed to catch her attention the most because she stared at it for a while.

  “Begin,” the woman announced as she hit the timer.

  The girl stared at me, waiting for me to speak first.

  Ugh, what do I say? “Conrad—that’s my name.”

  “Cindy,” she said in a squeaky voice. It was high-pitched and strained, like she was nervous or afraid. This girl didn’t strike me as the kind that got out often. “Cindy Mathers.”

  I didn’t see why her last name was important. “Conrad Preston.”

  Her eyes dilated slightly. “Preston—as in Pixel Software?” Only wealthy people recognized my last name.

  I nodded.

  Now she was more interested. “Are you at Harvard?”

  “Yeah. Are you?”

  “I’m a history major.”

  “Cool,” I said. “I’m in business.”

  “I like your jacket,” she said nervously.

  “Thanks. I like your…shirt.” Not really. It was just a black blouse.

  “Thanks…” She dropped her gaze, obviously nervous.

  “What are your hobbies?”

  “I like to vacation at our summer villa in North Carolina.”

  I nodded. “Cool. I like basketball.”

  “Cool…” She shifted her weight several times, clearly unsure how to act.

  This girl was extremely boring. Maybe she was just nervous, but either way, I was trying not to fall asleep. “What year of school are you in?”


  That was awfully young to search for a serious boyfriend. But a lot of girls were trying to land husbands in college, not concerned about getting a real education. “I’m a senior.”

  “Are you going to take over the company?”

  No. But that isn’t the smart thing to say. “Yeah.”

  “That’s exciting.”

  Was it? Running a huge company with Skye sounded like nothing but a pain in the ass. “Yeah.” Was the ten minutes up yet? “Seen any good movies?”

  “I just saw Kissing in the Rain. It was so good.”

  Sounded like a chick flick. “Haven’t had a chance to see it.”

  “I’d watch it again…”

  No way in hell was I going to see that movie. “What are your plans for life?”

  She shrugged. “I’ll probably be a housewife.”

  That was it? That was all she wanted to do? “Then why are you getting a degree in history?”

  “It was the easiest major.”

  Easiest? History was fucking hard. “Why are you going to college at all?”

  She shrugged. “Daddy made me.”

  I hated it when girls referred to their dad like that. It sounded so bratty it hurt my ears.

  “Time’s up,” the host announced. “Move to the table to your right.”

  I practically jumped to my feet. “Nice to meet you.”

  She stared at my full body. “You too… Hopefully we can talk later.”

  “Uh, sure.” I moved to the next table, hoping this woman would be more pleasant.

  She wore a silver mask covered in feathers. Why did all these masks have feathers? What was that about? I felt bad for all those birds.

  “Hi…” She gave me a bright smile, clearly liking what she saw.

  “Hi.” I crossed my ankle over my knee and tried to look normal.

  “You’re really cute. I had my eye on you since the moment you walked inside.”

  “Thanks…” She was forward. I wasn’t sure if I liked that or not. “But my mask is hiding a lot.”

  “I can still tell you’re good-looking.”

  “So…do you go to college in Cambridge?”

  She laughed. “No. I’m done with school.”

  I didn’t know what that meant, but now I had a strong suspicion she was older than me. But how old? “You finished college?”

  “Yeah. Now I’m a marketing director for a sports company.”

  Yep. She was too old. With my luck, she probably had kids. “Well, I’m still in school. Pretty young.”

  “I like young men.” She leaned forward, giving me a smile.

  I was clearly eye candy to her. “Cool…” What else did you say to that?

  “Looking to get married right after college?”

  This was the longest ten minutes of my life. “I’m not sure… I’m just going with the flow.”

  She nodded like she was pleased by that answer. “What do you do for fun?”



  Thank god. “See ya.”

  “Wait, I—”

  I was already at the next table.

  The next thirty minutes were dreadful. The girls were either insanely boring or clingy. They all wanted to settle down and get married. I guess I expected that, but they were so forward about it.

  I’d given up on this stupid idea. Cameron was an idiot. I’d just have to get through the rest of it and forget all the time I wasted. When I turned to Theo, he seemed to hate this as much as I did. A girl was talking his ear off and he looked like he was fighting to stay awake.

  Would this night just end already?


  I moved to the next table then plopped down, just wanting to get this next interview over with. I wasn’t going to hook up with anyone since they were all so damn annoying. It wasn’t going to happen.

  The girl wore a black mask that, miraculously, didn’t have any feathers. It covered most of her face and only showed her lips and eyes. Her mouth was slightly pink, and her face was fair. Long brown hair was over her shoulder, showing one side of her slender neck. She wore a strapless dress, showing her rounded shoulders and noticeable chest. I was sure she’d be annoying like all the others.

  “Barbaric, isn’t it?”

  Huh? What did she say? “Sorry?”

  “Speed dating. It’s barbaric.” She scanned the other tables then turned back to me. Her green eyes were bright in intensity. Her back was perfectly straight while she sat, and her voice had the air of aristocracy. Her voice was low and beautiful, hypnotizing. I wondered if she was a singer. Her voice indicated it.

  “I admit it’s a little weird.”

  She rested her hands in her lap then nodded to the table to our left. “That guy just asked if I’d be down for anal.”

  I glanced to my side and saw Theo beside me. I tried not to laugh. “That sounds like an interesting conversation.”

  “Interesting, yes. Appealing, no.” She ran her fingers through her hair then returned her hand to her lap. “Even if I were, it’s not something I’d admit to a stranger.”

  “I’m sure he wouldn’t judge you.” I tried not to smile.

  “Of course. I’m sure he’d be thrilled.” She watched him for a moment before she turned her gaze back to me. Every time she turned her green eyes on me, I thought of the forest. They were deep green, alluring and hypnotic.

  “And I wouldn’t judge you either.” I gave her a smirk. “You can tell me.”

  Instead of being offended, she chuckled lightly. “You guys are friends, aren�
�t you?”


  She shook her head slightly. “I should have known.”

  “But I’m a gentleman, so I won’t ask you.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  I rested one hand on the table while I looked into her eyes. “Are you into bondage?”

  She had the grace to laugh. “I’ll never tell.”

  Finally, I was talking to someone who wasn’t boring. “If you think this is barbaric, why are you here?”

  “The usual story, my friend dragged me along.”

  “Which one is she?”

  She nodded to the table where Theo sat. “The one in the blue mask.”

  I glanced to her, seeing her talk to Theo like she had a million things to say. “She seems to be having a good time.”

  “She’s in her element. Talking comes easily for her. And having her pick of any handsome guy is her dream.”

  “Any pick?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Well, she’s gorgeous. And she’s also a pretty cool chick.”

  “You’re pretty cool,” I blurted.

  “You don’t know anything about me.”

  “I know you might possibly be into anal.”

  She laughed. “Let me clear the air; the answer to that is no.”

  “Which means you’ve tried it…” I leaned forward to listen to her response.

  I knew she was blushing even though I couldn’t see her face. “No, I haven’t.”

  “Then how do you know?” I asked. “Maybe you should give it a shot.”

  She shrugged. “Maybe someday…with the right guy.”

  I immediately knew she wasn’t the one-night-stand type of girl. She was conservative and respected herself. And that made me respect her. “Let me know if you want me to be that right guy.”

  She chuckled again. “You don’t know what I look like. I could be hideous.”

  “I have a feeling you aren’t.”

  “Why?” She stared me down and didn’t look away. Her confidence was evident. Most of the time, girls dropped their gaze because they were uncomfortable under my stare. They didn’t have the courage to hold my gaze. But she wasn’t like that.

  “I can just tell.”

  “How?” she questioned.

  “A girl can’t have beautiful eyes like that and not be beautiful everywhere else.” Whoa, where did that come from? I just blurted that without thinking.


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