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Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7)

Page 140

by E. L. Todd

  “We went to the movies the other day. We saw this Ukrainian documentary. It was pretty good.”

  I didn’t understand their relationship. They weren’t having sex, but it seemed like they were an item. “So, do you guys kiss?”

  “No.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “I told you we’re just friends.”

  “That you spend nearly all your time with?”

  “Is she here now?” he snapped.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if she were…”

  “We just have a lot in common. I like spending time with her.”

  It still didn’t add up to me. “And you never touch each other? Like, ever?” I found it hard to believe that a guy and a girl could be platonic friends. It seemed too unlikely.

  “Well…we hold hands sometimes.”

  My jaw dropped. “You hold hands? Like you’re in second grade?”

  He rolled his eyes. “I shouldn’t have told you.”

  “Friends don’t hold hands. When have you and I ever done that?”

  “It just happens sometimes. I can’t explain it.”

  “In what context?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “Sometimes when we’re sitting together, she’ll grab my hand or I’ll grab hers. When we went to the movies, we did it. It’s nice.”

  I knew whatever Conrad had with Beatrice was more than he made it seem. “When was the last time you got laid?”

  He rubbed his chin and pondered the question. “Uh…”

  I searched his face, waiting for an answer.

  “Uh…I can’t remember.” He rubbed his temple as the realization hit him.

  “So, you haven’t had sex since you met Beatrice?”

  “No.” He seemed shocked by his own answer.

  I waited for him to put the pieces together.

  Conrad still seemed confused. “Why are you asking me this?”

  “Seriously, you don’t understand?”

  “Understand what?” he asked.

  “You only spend time with her, you aren’t sleeping around, you took her to your family’s house for Christmas…” Did I need to spell it out for him?


  “You aren’t just friends,” I snapped. “You guys are in a complicated, twisted, and monogamous relationship.”

  “No, we aren’t. She said we could only be friends.”

  “Who hold hands?” I asked incredulously.

  “It doesn’t mean anything. We’re just…different.”

  I couldn’t believe how blind Conrad was to his own feelings. “Fine.” I scanned the bar and found a pretty brunette with nice legs. “Ask her out.” I nodded to her place on the stool.

  Conrad glanced at her then turned back to me. “She’s not my type.”

  “She’s a pretty girl with a nice rack. What do you mean, she’s not your type?”

  He drank his beer and didn’t look again.

  “Whatever. Pick a girl and leave with her.”

  “Why?” he asked. “I’m hanging out with you.”

  I laughed because he was being so ridiculous. “You’re so hung up on Beatrice, and you don’t even realize it.”

  “I’m not,” he argued.

  “You aren’t getting any from her, but you’re still around.”

  “Because she’s cool. That’s all.”

  We were just going in circles. It seemed like he was ignorant to his own feelings. Since he was such a Neanderthal, I understood why it was difficult for him to understand. He’d never been in a relationship and always attested he never wanted to be. Perhaps he just hadn’t realized what was happening with Beatrice. I’d proved my point several times, but he never grasped it.

  “Did you apologize to that girl?” Conrad asked.

  “Yeah…” I sighed when I remembered the conversation. “She hates my guts.”

  “Don’t blame her,” he said with a chuckle.

  “I don’t think I’m going to get anywhere with her. She’ll always hate me.”

  “I know I do.” He sipped his beer.

  I ignored the insult and noticed the ripple in the crowd. All the guys were craning their necks, checking out some girl who just walked in. Guys were usually discreet about their interest, but none of them were now. Someone very special had just walked through the door.

  “Did a Victoria’s Secret model just walk in or something?” Conrad asked.

  “Beats me,” I said with a shrug.

  “Maybe it’s Beatrice…”

  I rolled my eyes and drank my beer.

  The crowd parted, and two girls made their way to a table. One was wearing a silver dress that was tight on her chest, stomach, and thighs. Her body was pure curves. Her brown hair was styled and big. Her legs stretched for days. I took in every inch of her, feeling my cock harden from just a look. When my eyes met her face, I almost dropped my beer.

  It was Alex.

  Conrad glanced at the two girls. “They’re the ones making the commotion? I’ve seen hotter.”

  “You mean Beatrice is hotter?”

  “Don’t call her that,” he barked.

  I ignored his words and stared at Alex, who sat across from her friend. A black bracelet was on her wrist, and she crossed her legs underneath the table. Her thighs were toned and defined, and her calves were muscular. Her shoulders were thin and rounded, and her chest protruded in an appealing way. “That’s the girl from my work—in the silver dress.”

  “Are you going to talk to her?” Conrad asked.

  “No.” She seemed to be having fun with her friend. I didn’t want to ruin her night with my presence.

  Judging by the way they giggled and laughed, they were already a little buzzed. Perhaps they were barhopping.

  Conrad followed my gaze. “By the way, she’s hot. I don’t understand why you hate her so much.”

  “I don’t hate her,” I said simply. I wondered about her family and what happened to them. Did they pass away? Did she have a falling out with them? There were so many things about her I was dying to know.

  Conrad discussed the game that was on last night, and I participated in the conversation even though my gaze kept moving back to Alex. Her skin was tanned like she was outside often, and her blue eyes sparkled like diamonds. She held herself with grace, and her posture was perfect. When she smiled, she lit up the room.

  “Are you even listening to me?” Conrad demanded.

  “Huh?” I shifted my gaze back to him.

  He rolled his eyes. “Just talk to her.”

  “And say what? Then she’ll think I’m only talking to her because she looks pretty tonight.”

  Conrad drank the rest of his beer. “You won’t know until you try, right?”

  I had a strong suspicion of how it would go.

  Drinks were sent to the table, and the girls had enough alcohol to supply a frat party. Guys around them kept sneaking glances, and one by one, they came to their table and engaged them in conversation. Each one struck out.

  I wondered if Alex had a boyfriend. It was something I’d never considered before. What if she did have a boyfriend waiting at home for her? Did she have a man she kissed? That she touched?

  Why did I care?

  “If you’re going to stare at her all night, you may as well just talk to her,” Conrad said.

  “It’s not so simple.”

  “Do you want me to talk to her?”

  “And say what?”

  “I don’t know.” He shrugged. “Smooth things over.”

  “You definitely aren’t a smooth talker.”

  “It’s still better than not talking at all and staring at her from afar like a creeper.”

  Alex left the table then wobbled to the bathroom. Judging by the way she moved, she was already hammered. Now I was worried about her. Her friend was just as drunk. Who was taking them home? Every guy eyed them like two notches to put in their belts.

  “There’s your chance,” Conrad noted.

  Without thinking, I took the shot. I moved throug
h the crowd until I caught her in front of the bathroom. “Hey.”

  She stopped and turned to me. It took her a moment to focus her eyes on me. And then it took her a while to recognize me. “Theo?”

  “Yeah. How are you?” I put my hands in my pockets and stared into her eyes.

  She shifted her weight and almost slipped. “Is Theo short for Theodore?”

  “No, it’s just Theo.”

  “Because Theodore is the name of a president…” She wobbled.

  Wow, she was totally drunk. “Yes, it is.” I tried not to laugh.

  “So, why are you hanging out in the girls’ bathroom?”

  I eyed the door. “Actually, we aren’t inside yet.”

  “Oh.” She thought for a moment. “Do you want to go in? I won’t tell anybody.”

  I smirked. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m good out here.”

  She seemed to remember she hated me. “Why are you talking to me? To yell at me? To make me feel like shit?”

  “No…” My eyes fell in sadness at her words.

  “Just leave me alone. I’m sick of crying over you.”

  Crying? What? “Sorry?”

  “I keep trying to be your friend, and you’re so mean to me. Maybe I was rude to you, but you were rude first. And you say such harsh things… I’m a good person. You have no idea what I’ve been through. You would feel lower than dirt if you knew what happened to me…”

  I wanted to kill myself. Since she was drunk, she was open with me. Her walls were gone, and she was vulnerable. I understood how much I’d hurt her, how I’d pushed her too far. I hadn’t felt this bad in a really long time. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, you aren’t.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “You just feel bad for me because I have no one…no one loves me…no one cares.”

  “I care about you,” I whispered.

  “No, you don’t.” She turned away to walk into the bathroom.

  I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “I wouldn’t say that unless I meant it.”

  She lowered her gaze and refused to look at me. It was a side to her I’d never seen before. She was always so strong and confident, never backing down from a fight. She held her own in an argument, and she always put me in my place when we butted heads. But now, there seemed to be no fight left in her. “You do?”

  “Yeah.” My hand still held her arm. “You’re really drunk. Can I take you home?”

  “Home?” she whispered.

  “Yeah. I’ll give you a ride.”

  She seemed to consider it. “I was just going to call a cab.”

  She could hardly walk, so I feared she wouldn’t be able to get around on her own. She might fall and hurt herself. “Let me take you. I don’t mind.”

  She stared into my eyes, looking for sincerity. “You have pretty eyes…”

  “Thank you. You do too.”

  She looked away, like she’d forgotten the question I just asked.

  “Can I take you home?” I repeated.

  “Um…okay. But I can’t leave my friend.”

  “I can give her a ride too,” I whispered. “I don’t mind.”

  “Okay…maybe you aren’t that evil after all.”

  Evil was a good way to describe me. “Yeah…”

  She went to the bathroom and did her business. Then she returned and wobbled again.

  I hooked my arm around her waist and kept her close to me, letting her use me as a crutch. She didn’t object to my touch. If she were sober, she’d probably smack me.

  When we reached her table, her friend was chatting with a guy.

  “Theodore is going to take us home,” Alex slurred.

  “It’s Theo,” I corrected.

  “I’m okay.” Her friend waved Alex away. “I’m sure Jeremy will give me a ride.” She batted her eyelashes at him.

  “I sure will.” He grinned from ear to ear, knowing he was going to get laid.

  “Are you sure?” Alex asked.

  “Yeah.” Her friend brushed her off.

  I handed her my friend my number. “Call me if you change your mind.”


  Alex fumbled for her purse but dropped it.

  I grabbed it for her. “I’ll hold on to it.”

  “Okay.” Alex kissed her friend on the cheek. “Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  I’d never seen two girls do that before. Were they French?

  Conrad came to my side. “Looks like you’ll be busy for the rest of the night.” He waggled his eyebrows at me.

  “She can hardly walk, so I’m taking her home.”

  “Hopefully that redeems you a little.” He clapped my shoulder and walked away.

  “Hooking up with anyone tonight?” I asked. “Or are you just going to go home and think about Beatrice?”

  He rolled his eyes then walked out.

  “I’m ready.” Alex hooked her arm through mine.

  Her affection caught me off guard. “Okay.” I walked with her out of the bar.

  “Lucky bastard,” a guy said as I passed. “He gets to fuck that fine piece of ass tonight.”

  I froze on the spot, feeling pissed off. I dropped my arm from Alex then turned to the guy, ready to bash his face in. His eyes widened when I looked at him. I gripped him by the shirt and slugged him so hard I heard his nose crack. “Talk about her like that again, and I’ll kill you.” I slammed his face into the counter before I grabbed Alex again.

  She eyed me hesitantly as she walked beside me.

  I reached my truck then opened the passenger door for her. I knew her dress would ride up when she climbed inside, revealing whatever panties she was wearing. I lent her a hand and closed my eyes while she climbed in. She shivered once she was inside, so I pulled off my jacket and laid it on her lap. Then I got into the driver’s side and turned on the heat for her. She pulled her knees to her chest and used the jacket as a blanket since it was large enough to cover her entire body.

  “Where do you live?” I asked. I’d lost the address Chan gave me, and I couldn’t recall the way in the dark.

  “Uh…” She thought for a long time. “It’s a house…by Taco Bell.”

  Shit, she was drunk.

  “It’s painted green…I can’t remember.”

  I tried not to laugh. “It’s okay. We’ll head to my place.”

  “Your place?” she asked.

  “I have an apartment,” I explained.

  I headed down the road and kept the music off. She leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes. The temperature of the truck was scorching hot, but I left the heater on because she still seemed cold.

  When I arrived at my place, I killed the engine then came around to her side. I had a feeling she would fall out of the truck once the door was open. The last thing I wanted was for her to break her ankle.

  “I got you.” I scooped her into my arms then shut the door with my hip.

  She automatically wrapped her arms around me, the jacket still keeping her body warm.

  Once I got inside the apartment, I sat her down on the couch. “Want some water? Tea?”

  She shook her head, and her eyelids looked heavy. “A burrito would be nice.”

  “A burrito?” I asked with a laugh.

  “With lots of cheese. I love cheese.”

  When she was drunk, she was actually really cute. “You want Taco Bell?”

  “God, I love Taco Bell. I could eat there every day for every meal.”

  I smirked. “I doubt your body would look as nice if you did.”

  “You think I have a nice body?” she asked in surprise.

  Was that a serious question? “Have you never looked into the mirror before?”

  “I was always teased for looking like a boy.”

  She looked nothing like a boy to me. Her behavior was making me realize her everyday personality was just a front. She was hiding a lot of pain and doubt behind that pretty face. “I’ll run down and get you a burrito. Do you
want anything else?”

  “An empanada!” Her eyes were wide with excitement.

  I laughed. “Okay. Sounds good.” I grabbed an extra blanket then tossed it over her. Then I turned on the TV. “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air okay?”

  “That’s like the greatest TV show ever made!”

  “Then I’ll leave it on. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay,” she said.

  I headed to the door.


  “Hmm?” I looked over my shoulder.

  “Please hurry. My stomach keeps growling.”

  I chuckled. “Will do.”

  When I returned, she jumped up. “My burrito is here.”

  “And the empanada.” I tossed the bag on the coffee table.

  “God, that smells good. They could make that into a perfume.”

  “Yeah, sure.” I sat beside her and pulled out my food.

  She took a big bite of her burrito. “We should put a Taco Bell right next to the studio.”

  “Yeah.” I finished my food then left the wrappers on the coffee table.

  She ate like she was starving. The empanada was demolished just as quickly as everything else. “Wow…yum.”

  Watching her made me smirk. Who knew she was such a fun drunk?

  “Thank you for getting me food,” she said with a sigh. “I feel a little better now.”


  She leaned back on the couch and pulled the blanket closer to her. “Now I’m tired…”

  “Ready for bed?” I asked.

  “This couch is pretty comfy.”

  “You can sleep in my bed. I just washed the sheets.”

  “No, it’s okay.”

  “I insist.” I picked her up again and carried her into my room. After I put her down on the bed, I pulled off her heels.

  “You’re so sweet, Theo…”

  I stilled when I realized she’d paid me a compliment. “I’m not as much of a jerk as you think.” I looked through my drawers until I found a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. “You can wear these. They’re clean.”

  She held the fabric to her nose and smelled them. “Smells like Tide.”

  How did she know that? “Are you a detergent expert?”

  “Maybe…” She giggled and gave me a playful look.

  “Why aren’t you like this at work?” I asked. “You’re fun.”

  She laughed then waved me off. “It’s too hard to be happy. I try, but it never works.”


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