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Seductive Boss

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by Rebecca Davies

  Seductive Boss


  Rebecca Davies

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One: Sabrina

  Chapter 2: Isobel

  Chapter 3: Sabrina

  Chapter 4: Isobel

  Chapter 5: Sabrina

  Chapter 6: Isobel

  Chapter 7: Sabrina

  Chapter 8: Isobel

  Chapter 9: Sabrina

  Chapter 10: Isobel

  Chapter 11: Sabrina

  Chapter 12: Isobel

  Chapter 13: Sabrina

  Chapter 14: Isobel

  Chapter 15: Sabrina

  Chapter 16: Isobel

  Chapter 17: Sabrina

  Chapter 18: Isobel

  Chapter 19: Sabrina

  Chapter 20: Isobel

  Chapter 21: Sabrina

  Chapter One:


  I hitch my bag on to my shoulder looking at my reflection in the mirrored glass of the building. I nod to my reflection my revenge outfit is on point. I push my sunglasses up on my head, straighten my shoulders and jut out my chin. I may have to work with Jenny, but I don’t have to let her know how much headspace our break up is taking.

  “Lookin’ hot Sabrina.” The security guard fans her face, I give her a fierce grin.

  “Thanks, Maddy.” I wink at her. I feel her gaze on my ass as I punch the button for the elevator.

  I promised Layla I wouldn’t date anymore of the employees, so I just smile and wave at Maddy as I get on the elevator. “I can do this; I can do this.” I chant to myself as the elevator takes me to the top floor where my offices are located.

  I can work with Jenny until fashion week is over. She has designed our entire collection, is our featured designer. It’s how our affair started working late nights over Chinese food and cheap wine. It only took one kiss to ignite a fire. I knew that she was moody and difficult she is an artist. When she threw fits anytime, I glanced at another woman I took it in stride because it felt good that someone cared about me enough to make that kind of commitment.

  The hurtful things that she said when we argued were always followed by flowers and make up sex.

  Sex with Jenny had been amazing and if I was honest with myself it was the main things that kept me with her all that time. I wasn’t one for relationships, I usually played the field but all it had taken was for her to crook her finger and I had run into her arms. I shook the memories out of my head. I was a professional I could work with her.

  When fashion week was over, I could look at the terms of her contract and tell her we would not be renewing her contract for another season.

  I felt strong in my plan. The elevators dinged; I walk off my feet sinking into the plush royal purple carpet I chose for the offices.

  Bella Flore’ Designs the door spelled out. I stood there for a moment reveling in what Layla and I had built. She was the financial whiz, I ran the design team we were sisters, partners, best friends. We had taken Bella Flore’ from a little shop that we sold out of my studio apartment in Brooklyn to one of the premier brands in fashion.

  Our bags purses, shoes, and clothing lines were worn by the rich and famous. I was proud of what we had built, and I wasn’t going to let a failed relationship get me down.

  I stride into the offices waving at the handsome man behind the reception desk. I frown as Felipe puts his head down studying his nails looking anywhere but at me.

  I frown where was my usual cheery greeting. I look around the design floor noticing something is off no one will look me in the eye. I stride back to my office hanging my bag from the hook on the back of my door. I am going to have to go back to one of our older styles this was the bag that Jenny designed for me even naming it the Sabrina.

  I loved it but it reminded me of her and our time together.

  “Hey boss, here is your coffee.” Penny one of my assistants’ hands me my coffee with a splash of cream two sugars.

  I boot up my computer nodding to her.

  “Hey boss did you have a good night.” Peter my other assistant strides into the room.

  Peter and Penny, they were cute with their bright smiles and cute clothes I regret that their names rhymed but they were the best assistants anyone could ask for, so I let it slide.

  I start to log into my computer when Penny distracts me “Did you see that new line La Vencia is putting out it is to die for. A girl can’t ever have enough lingerie am I right?” She smiles at me it seems to have a tinge of hysteria I look at her strangely going back to my email. I see there is one from legal. As I go to click on it Peter pipes up.

  “I am trying out the shoes from our new men’s line. They make my feet look big don’t you think?”

  He thrusts his foot up on my desk. My eyes widen what is with these two this morning.

  “No, your feet don’t look huge, those shoes look fabulous on you. I would appreciate you getting your shoe of my desk.” I glower at him going back to my email.

  It isn’t uncommon to get an email from Layla it is marked urgent, that is odd she doesn’t normally send emails marked urgent.

  “Sabrina do you know what your lunch order is going to be. I need to send it in to make sure they have it ready when you are ready to eat.”

  “Penny it is 8am I haven’t even thought about breakfast let alone lunch. We can order it at 11 as we do every day.”

  “Ok sorry.” She smiles wringing her hands.

  “Sabrina I was thinking that we should have a little prelaunch party before fashion week for the staff similar to what we did last year what are your thoughts?”

  I look up at both of them folding my hands on the desk.

  “Does one of you want to tell me what is going on? You are acting very odd this morning.”

  I looked from one to the other and they refuse to look me in the eye staying silent.

  “Alright then scamper off and do what I pay you for.” I make a shooing motion and they both trudge towards the door of my office.

  I click on the email from Layla. The more I read the more the color drains from my face. This is not happening.

  Jenny that sneaky witch has taken off with my fashion line 3 months before fashion week joining my competitor French Boutique.

  I pick up the phone and call Layla. “What do you mean loophole? I have no recourse?”

  “No that is all I need to know thank you.” I slam the receiver back into its base and run my hand through my hair.

  I was so stupid I knew that I should have made that contract ironclad, but I had convinced myself that we were in love, she was devoted to me. She wanted to bring the line to life here at Bella Flore’.

  “Penny, Peter get in here now.” I shout still running my hands through my hair my thoughts going in a million different directions.

  “I want a meeting with all of the designers in 20 minutes, bring me all the resumes from the fashion houses that we have received in the past month, only the ones that submitted a portfolio along with it. Do you understand?”

  They nodded in agreement scurrying out of my office to do my bidding.

  My phone started to ring again I knew it was Layla calling me back after I hung up on her she was going to kill me. I needed to find a fresh designer with amazing designs yesterday.

  Chapter 2:


  I stand outside looking up at the gleaming glass building. I use my reflection in the mirrored glass to straighten my hair and take a critical look at my outfit. I have pulled a dress from my bohemian collection pairing it with cute feather earrings, brown boots, and natural makeup. I know this is just an assistant job but there is always the chance someone will ask me about the dress giving me a chance to tell them about my designs.

  I walk
into the lobby showing my offer letter to the bored man behind the counter.

  “Love the dress, you the new girl working for Sabrina.” The cute security guard asks me.

  I give her a wide smile looking down at the dress.

  “Yes, today is my first day I am so nervous.”

  “Don’t be Sabrina can be a bit demanding I hear but she is a real softie underneath. I really love your dress where

  did you get it?”

  “I made it, I just graduated design school.”

  Her eyebrows raise “Girl you need to make me one of those.”

  I pull a receipt for last night’s Chinese out of my purse and scribble down my number.

  “Text me your measurements, I would be happy to make you something.”

  She takes the piece of paper tucking into her pocket.

  “I will do that, maybe we can catch a movie and dinner sometime? By the way I am Maddy.”

  My smile widens as I look her over. She is cute, curvy with bouncing midnight curls.

  “Good to meet you I am Isobel. I think that can be arranged.” I wink at her pushing the button for the elevator. This

  day is going amazing not only do I have my first commission but a possible date with a cute girl.

  My nerves return as the elevator ascends to the top floor Bella Flore’ is one of the most prestigious fashion houses in New York, I am going to be an assistant to the CEO it’s not a designer position, but it’s a foot in the door. It is more than some of my classmates have been able to finagle so I feel lucky.

  The elevator doors open I step out onto plush royal purple carpet. The signature Bella Flore’ logo is swirled on the doors in front of me. I take a deep breath and push the door open.

  “Welcome to Bella Flore” how can I help you? Cute dress.” The man at the reception counter winks at me then turns back to filing is nails.

  “Hi, I am Isobel it’s my first day.”

  “Ooooh girl be careful Sabrina is on a rampage today it’s not the best day to start I hope you have a thick skin. Now tell me where you got that dress.” He puts his chin in his hand looking me up and down.

  “I made it.”

  “Girl no you didn’t.” He says eyes wide.

  “I promise it is an Isobel original. I just graduated design school.”

  “Jason stop harassing the new assistant.” I turn towards the perky voice my jaw dropping to the floor. The most stunning redhead stands in front of me wearing a royal purple wrap dress and heels all Bella Flore’ design. She has matched it with sparkly silver earrings, and bangles that jingle cheerfully as she moves her hands.

  “I was not harassing her. Look at that dress she…”

  “I am Penny one of the other assistants you must be Isobel?” She says cutting Jason off holding her hand out for me to shake.

  I grasp it firmly her creamy skin soft against mine. Are all the people in this building gorgeous?

  “Nice to meet you Penny.” I say.

  “Jason is right that dress is really cute. Come this way.” She turns walking off before I have a chance to respond.

  “Go get ‘em girl.” Jason winks as I hurry off after Penny.

  “This will be your desk.” She shows me to a sleek glass desk next to two others.

  “That is Sabrina’s office, she is in a bit of crisis right now so don’t take anything she does or says right now personally. She is a really good boss unless she is very stressed and today happens to be one of those very stressful days.”

  “Ok thanks for the warning.”

  “I have set you up with an email account, handbook, and some filing to do.”

  “Hey this must be our new victim.” A handsome man in leather pants strolls up smiling at me.

  “Isobel this is Peter the other assistant.”

  “Nice to meet you, love the dress.”

  His phone rings and he waves turning back to his desk.

  “Alright I will leave you to it. If you need anything just let me know.”

  “Thanks.” I say sitting down at my new desk booting up the computer. This job pays amazingly well I get to be in the fashion industry, help my brother pay for college and be surrounded by fashion the only thing that would be better was if I could design my own clothes. I will get there someday.

  The door to the office opens, Sabrina storms out her face a cold mask of fury.

  “You two in her now.” She demands swinging back into her office.

  Penny gestures for me to come over.

  “Go grab her some coffee, and a scone from the breakroom then join us in there. Looks like you are getting thrown into the deep end of the pool today.” She gives me a reassuring smile before quickly entering the office shutting the door.

  I hurry to the reception desk.

  “Hey Jason, where is the breakroom and how does Sabrina like her coffee.”

  He looks up rolling his eyes “Down that hall to the left, splash of cream two sugars you better get a move on girl.”

  He says before going back to his phone call.

  I hurry down the hall into the breakroom.

  “Can you believe that Jenny up and left? Word is she took the entire collection with her; Sabrina is going to have to start from scratch.” The one woman sounded almost gleeful about it while her companion shook her head.

  “That’s awful I hope it’s not true.”

  “Jenny deserved better she was creatively stifled here, and Sabrina thought because they were sleeping together, she could make Jenny do whatever she wanted. She is better off now that Sabrina broke it off.”

  “At least it won’t be awkward having to work with both of them.” The other women said. They ignored Isobel as if she didn’t exist which was fine with her.

  I feel bad for Sabrina. It is awful to be the center of office gossip.

  I put the lid on the coffee striding out of the breakroom giving the girls at the table a frown. I roll my eyes it was a wasted effort they didn’t even look over at me.

  I stand outside of the office door taking a deep breath. First impressions are so important. I don’t want to babble Sabrina is my idol and even more beautiful in person than she is in the magazines. Tall, slender with long straight shiny black hair and curves for days. I tell myself that I will just slide into the background and she won’t even notice me.

  Chapter 3:


  I rub my temples the resume’s in front of me blurring under my tried eyes. These people are talented, but they don’t have the spark that Jenny had. They make beautiful sketches, but they are missing that little something that elevates Bella Flore’ above the rest.

  I push back from my desk, walk over wrenching open my door.

  “You two get in here. I need a scone, coffee ASAP.”

  Penny and Peter walk in I raise my eyebrows. “Did you forget something?” I know I am being nasty, but I can feel my business going down the toilet as we sit here. If I don’t have a collection for New York fashion week I am doomed. I will be the laughingstock of the entire industry, I worked too hard to get where I am to let a manipulative ex-girlfriend tear it all down.

  “Call these two they are the best of the lot. Schedule interviews ASAP.”

  “I’m on it. Penny picks up the folders.”

  “What about going with one of the other lines for fashion week? We could do purses and bags or what about that new collection Francesca is working on.”

  “No, none of that will work. Fran is a genius, but that line is too casual and bohemian I need high fashion sensual elegance that is what they expect from Bella Flore’ if we all have to work day and night for the next 3 months that is what is going to happen.” My face is cold, determined I am going to make this work. I am going to look at Jenny’s crestfallen face when our new stylish line is unveiled putting her collection to shame. A feral smile crosses my lips at the fantasy of standing in front of her in a fabulous dress from our new collection as she weeps at my feet apologizing begging for me forgiveness. I of
course don’t give it and walk away head held high.

  A timid knock at the door pulls me out of my fantasy, I frown at my assistants.

  “Who is that?” Before they can answer the most beautiful woman, I have ever seen walks through the door.

  I am momentarily speechless.

  Her long blonde hair falls to her waist in beachy waves, clear blue eyes the color of the Caribbean catch my eye before glancing away, she has full lips luscious curves, in a stylish blue bohemian dress that matches her eyes it is complimenting her figure in all the right ways. I swallow hard, my voice coming out harsher than I intend.

  “Can we help you.”

  “Hi, I am Isobel the new assistant. She steps forward my coffee and scone in her hand. She isn’t paying attention to her feet tripping over Peter’s shoe. The coffee cup bobbles I catch my breath it looks like she will right in time, but she overcorrects it pours down the front of her dress.

  “Really? You come into my office spill my coffee all over the front of you. Look you are dripping on my floor.

  That dress was really cute, I believe it’s ruined. Get out of my office. Go find Richard in wardrobe he will fix you up with a new outfit. I don’t want to see your face for the rest of the day.”

  Her lightly tanned skin turns red I can see the tears sparkling in her eyes. I am such a bitch; I know I am stressed but there is no reason to treat her this way on her first day.

  I turn my gaze to Penny who is giving me a disapproving glare as the girl runs out of my office.

  “Call those people now I want them in my office this afternoon.” Penny purses her lips but heads out of my office.

  “Really Sabrina did you have to give her a dressing down like that on her first day. You are probably her idol, she was nervous.”

  I sigh rubbing my face “She is gorgeous and has great fashion sense I will give her that Peter, but I can’t have a groveling sycophant as an assistant I need someone clever and capable. If I could clone you or Penny I would.”


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