Book Read Free

Until Amy

Page 10

by Jessica Ames

  “I’ve been to a few parties at the Broken Eagle clubhouse. Then, I just wore jeans and a pair of killer heels. Would that be okay?”

  I don’t know the Eagles, but then I don’t know many of the clubs here. If we were in London it would be a different story. Even so, a tingle of jealousy rears its head.

  “What were you doing there?” I ask, trying not to growl.

  “Harmony, my friend, she’s with one of the members, as is her cousin, July. I get invited from time to time.”

  “You got a thing for bikers, babe?”

  She laughs. “You’re the first biker I’ve ever been with.”

  That makes my jealousy settle down a little. I know she has been with other men. She wasn’t a virgin when I slept with her, but hearing about past boyfriends is likely to make my head explode. I don’t want to know who she’s been with before me. I don’t want to hear about her life before me. Crazy, I know. Especially since I haven’t been exactly celibate over the years.

  Amy brings out this possessiveness in me. She makes me want to wrap her in my arms and hold her tight. I’ve never felt this way with any other woman, so it scares the fuck out of me.

  “Glad to fucking hear that,” I mutter.

  She peers up my chest at me. “Are you… jealous?”

  “Fuck no,” I lie.

  Her lips tug into a smile. “It’s cute.”

  “Babe, there’s nothing about me that’s fucking cute.”

  “Trust me, there is.”

  I stroke a hand through her hair. “Did your family barbecue go okay?” She goes still and that has my gaze meeting hers. “Amy?”

  “I got into an argument with my brother.”

  She sounds upset about that and it leaves me wanting to hurt him.


  “He’s a cop. He’s heard of the Sons.”

  I sigh. Fuck, ain’t letting her family come between what we’re building. I know the reputation the Sons has, know it because I’ve lived with it from the moment I put that kutte on my back.

  “Yeah, I imagine he has.”

  “He’s just trying to protect me,” she defends.

  “You think you need defending from me, Amy?”


  I stroke my fingers over her shoulder as she lies on top of me. “I’ve never lied to you about who I am, what I am. Won’t either. Sons aren’t saints, but we ain’t all bad either. We just live by a different mantra than others, and that scares normal folk. We follow our own rules, not the ones put down by society. We—”

  Her finger comes to my lips, and I fall silent.

  “I don’t care who the Sons are. All I care about is who you are.”

  “Yeah, and who do you think I am?”

  “A good man. A patient one. One who cares about people and saving lives.”

  I am that and more, but I also wouldn’t hesitate in taking a life if the situation called for it. Like Mac… Omen asks me to take his life I’d do it without a second thought. That’s the kind of man I am.

  “Ames, I’m not going to lie to you. I’m not always a good man. I’ve done things I’m not proud of over the years, but this is me. I won’t ever pretend to be who I’m not.”

  “I know.” She leans up and presses her mouth to mine. “That doesn’t stop me from loving you.”

  “You love me?”

  Her cheeks flush a little as she stares into my eyes. “I do. You don’t have to say it back.”

  I kiss her, my body relaxing a little. “Babe, I love you too. Have done from the first moment I saw you by the side of the fucking road, sassing me while trying to help me. Knew then you were it for me.”

  “Harmony said it was the BOOM.”

  I feel my brow draw together as I stare at her. “The what?”

  She waves a hand. “It’s this intense feeling you get when you meet ‘the one’. I had it the moment I laid eyes on you.”

  “The BOOM, eh? Never heard it called that before, but you felt this BOOM?”

  “When I saw you again in Coffee Hut… I was scared, but I was also elated. I can’t describe how I felt seeing you again. Maybe whole. Complete. I know that sounds cheesy, but I knew then you were the only man I wanted.”

  “Thank fuck for the BOOM then.”

  She giggles. “That sounds so weird coming out of your mouth.”

  “It does, does it?”

  “Big tough biker talks about love at first sight. It’s amusing, you have to admit.”

  I roll us so she’s underneath me and I press my naked body against hers. We both let out a groan as my dick scrapes over her pussy.

  “You think I’m tough?”

  “I think you’re sexy, tough, and mine.”

  I grin down at her. “That works both ways, baby. You’re mine too.”


  Our mouths meet again and I lick inside hers, seeking her tongue as possessiveness washes over me. She is mine. She’s always been mine. Not sure what to make of this BOOM thing, but I definitely felt like I’d walked into a brick wall when I met her. She made me stop, take notice and she made me, for the first time in a long time, want things I didn’t know I would ever be able to have.

  Eventually, we drag ourselves out of bed and head downstairs to her kitchen. She’s pulled on some pajama bottoms with little hearts on and a large sweater that hangs off her shoulder. I pull on a pair of gray sweats, leaving my chest bare. As I pull them into place, I feel her eyes on me. I turn to her and see her gaze is locked on the outline of my cock through the material.

  “Babe… Up here.”

  Her eyes snap up as she swallows hard, her throat working. “You’re never allowed to wear those in public.” Her voice sounds strained.

  I glance down at myself, not sure what the fuck the problem is.

  “Why not?”

  “Because… They’re total porn pants,” she splutters out.

  I arch a brow at her. “Porn, what?”

  “Porn pants. They’re porn pants! I’ll want to kill any woman who so much as looks at you wearing those, I mean it, Shane.”

  I grin. “I like seeing you possessive, but you don’t have to worry. The only woman I give a fuck about is you.”

  She leans into me, our mouths inches from each other’s, our breaths mingling as we draw in sharp blasts of air.

  “No wearing the porn pants in public.”

  “Promise,” I agree with a smirk.

  She kisses me then pulls back. “You want breakfast?” she asks.

  “Babe, I’m pretty sure we’re on lunch now.”

  She shrugs. “Breakfast, lunch… do you want food?”

  “Yeah, I could eat.”

  “I have eggs and bacon. You want that on toast?”

  “Sounds amazing.”

  “Grab the bread.” She gestures to the cupboard on the wall.

  I do as she asks. I thought I’d be freaked out by all this domesticity, but I feel like I’m right where I’m supposed to be. I can’t imagine being without Amy now. She slots into my life perfectly and as long as she can get on board with the club shit, things will work out between us.



  “They didn’t do anything!” Natalie says as soon as she steps foot inside the meeting two nights later. I can see the distress on her face, feel the tension radiating off her. She’s more than upset, she’s pissed.


  “HR. They gave him a slap on the wrist.” She rubs at her temple as if she has a headache. “Since then, things have just gotten worse and worse. He cornered me in the kitchen yesterday and told me he was going to slit my throat if I didn’t stop spreading lies about him.”

  A chill races through me at her words. “You need to go to the police, Natalie. If your job won’t protect you, you can get a restraining order against him.”

  “What if that just makes things worse?”

  “He’s already threatening you. How much worse can it get?”

  “Will you
come with me?”

  I nod. “Of course.”

  After the meeting finishes, I collect my jacket and head straight to Natalie. She seems nervous, scared even. I don’t blame her, but she needs to protect herself. I know all too well how these situations can get out of hand quickly. Hofstadter had tried to kill Harmony, but it could have just as easily been me or one of his other victims. He hadn’t succeeded, but he’d come too close. I’m not willing to let Natalie become another statistic.

  I drive us to the police station and find a space. Then together we head inside. I should ask for my brother, but I don’t want him to freak out. He already thinks I’m in enough danger dating Shane, without giving him more crap to worry about, so I ask if we can see Cobi Mayson.

  Luckily, he’s in tonight and not out on a case. He doesn’t make us wait long and as he approaches us, we both stand. I can tell Natalie is a little affected by the raw animal magnetism Cobi gives off. The Mayson boys can be a little overwhelming if you’re meeting them for the first time. I remember the first Mayson barbecue I went to with Harmony. I was nearly bowled over by the sheer amount of good-looking men presented to me. I’m used to it now, and most of them have wives or girlfriends. I’m not one to move in on another’s man, but at first it was too much.

  “Hey, Amy. You needed to see me?”

  “I need to file a report.”

  He nods and gestures for us to step into a side room. There’s a couch and two chairs in front of it, a couple of potted plants lingering around. Natalie and I take a seat on the couch while he pulls up a chair.

  “What’s the problem?”

  I explain about Natalie’s colleague before she goes into detail about the threats and harassment she’s experiencing at work.

  Cobi takes a few notes, his eyes hardening with each piece of information. When we’ve finished, he sits back.

  “There’s not much I can do about his behavior at work,” he admits, “but we can file a report about his threats.”

  “What good will that do?” she demands, and I understand why she would ask it.

  “You want a paper trail of everything he’s doing. It’ll make things easier if things escalate.”

  Cobi knows how bad these things can get too. He knew Harmony had suffered because of Hofstadter. He knew I had too. Everyone in the Mayson family knows I was sexually assaulted by that ass.

  “In the meantime, I’ll send a couple of officers over to talk to him. That might just be enough to make him back off.”

  “Thanks, Cobi.”

  He waits for Natalie to walk ahead, then stop me before I step out of the room. “You in danger?”

  I sigh. “I don’t think so. It’s Natalie I’m worried about. This guy is getting worse.”

  “Yeah, sounds like it. Be careful. These things have a habit of spilling over. You’re helping her. Might see you as a threat.”

  “I can handle myself,” I assure him.

  “I don’t doubt that, but just… keep your wits about you.”

  “I will.”

  I step back out to Natalie. After thanking Cobi, we go out to the car and I drive her home.

  “Feeling better?” I ask, splitting my gaze between the road and the steering wheel.

  “No. I’m scared what he’ll do when he finds out I filed a report against him.”

  “I understand why you’re scared, but he’s never going to stop what he’s doing until someone stops him, Natalie. The police can help with that.”

  “I don’t exactly trust them to keep my life safe.”

  “Cobi’s a good cop. He’ll do everything he can,” I promise her. “I know this feels like it’s never going to end, but it will.”

  “I don’t know why work won’t take it seriously.”

  “It’s more common than you’d think. I had the might of the hospital to fight against with my case. They wouldn’t sack Hofstadter because he had family on the board and his uncle was CEO. We did eventually win that case, got a settlement out of court, but things did get hairy before the end,” I admit.

  “I’m scared,” she whispers.

  “I know, but I’m here for you. Whatever you need.”

  “I couldn’t do this without you. Thank you so much, Amy. For everything.”

  I pull the car up outside her address and she climbs out. “Thanks again.”

  “Don’t mention it.”

  As she starts toward her front door, I see a shadowy figure step out from behind some cars and head straight for her. I’m moving before I think about what I’m doing.

  He has her against the front door by the time I get there, his voice a menacing low growl as he tells her to ‘back off’.

  “Hey!” I snap out and his head jolts in my direction. His eyes blaze with a rage that has me wanting to take a step back. I don’t. I hold my ground, because Natalie looks terrified. “Step away.”

  “This isn’t your business.”

  “Step the hell away now before I call the police.”

  He releases his hold on her shoulders and does step away.

  “This bitch—”

  “I don’t care what you think she’s done,” I snarl at him. “Leave, now.”

  His head cocks to one side as he takes me in. “And who the hell are you?”

  “None of your business,” I say, throwing his earlier words back at him.

  “Rick, just go, please.” Natalie’s pleas fall on deaf ears as he steps into my space.

  “You know this bitch is a liar?”

  “The only liar here is you,” I say, ignoring the slight wobble in my voice. I’m not stupid enough not to be scared. I know how much danger we’re both in right now, but I keep my cool. “Just so you know, the police are now involved,” I tell him. “You should leave before you get into more trouble.”

  He sneers at me, his face inching closer. “You think I’m scared of the police?”

  Fear claws up my spine.

  “I think you should be.”

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  “Someone who knows a thing or two about bullies. I know you’re just a small man who gets off on making others feel smaller.”

  His lips curve down. “Let’s see how small I am when—”

  “Rick,” Natalie snaps out his name. “Your issue is with me, not Amy.”

  He steps away, glaring at Natalie. “Think you can ruin my life? Fuck, I’ll kill both you bitches before I let that happen.”

  He storms off up the street and I turn to Natalie, who is shaking. “He’s out of control.”

  “You’re making him confront his behavior,” I tell her, but I have to admit, I’m fucking scared of this man myself.



  I’m not sure what I expect, but seeing Amy in barely painted on jeans and a tiny top that only just contains her tits has my cock rock hard behind my zipper. She’s paired it with a short leather biker style jacket and a pair of fuck-me boots that should be illegal. Her makeup is dark, sultry and it makes me want to hide her as all eyes come to her.

  Fuck, I haven’t seen her since I stayed over and she accused me of wearing fucking porn pants. I’m wondering if this is revenge, because I’m so turned on right now. I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed her, and seeing her right now is making me want to forget the party and take her upstairs to fuck her senseless.

  I push through the crowd, heading over to her. I should have met her and brought her in, let my brothers know she belongs to me. I should have staked my claim on her because every eye in the room is on her and that fucking pisses me off.

  Her gaze scans the common room and I can see she’s nervous as she takes in the sea of kuttes packed into the space.

  “Amy.” I say her name and she turns to me, her whole face softening.

  She rolls to her toes and presses her mouth to mine. Fuck, she feels so good in my arms again. I need this woman like I need my next fucking breath. She makes me feel complete when I’m with her, like she picked up all the bro
ken pieces of me and put them back together.

  “Hey,” she says a little breathless when she finally pulls back.

  “Happy to see me, babe?” I ask her with a smile creeping across my face.


  She peers around. “So, this is your club?”

  “Yeah, babe, let me introduce you to some guys.” I lead her over to Havoc and Omen, who are talking at the bar.

  Both of my brothers stop talking as we approach. “This is Havoc and Omen,” I tell her. “This is Amy.”

  “Nice to meet you both,” she says as both men take her in.

  She’s so fucking proper I can see Omen’s lips twitching. Most of the women we know are rough as a dog’s arse with zero manners.

  “This is your woman?” Omen asks.

  “Yeah, she’s mine.”

  Omen glances at Havoc and I know they’re weighing up the words I used. I’d called her mine. It’s as close to a claim as I can get without putting the property patch on her back.

  We talk for a little bit, Amy telling them about her job before I drag her away to meet more people. Thankfully, the party seems to be on the tamer side tonight. No one is naked yet anyway. There are a few bunnies hanging around and I see Amy’s eyes slide to them a few times, but she doesn’t comment.

  By ten, I’m sick of this shit. I just want her to myself, so we take a cab back to her place. As soon as we’re inside the house, the front door shut behind us, I’m pushing her up against the wall, my hands wandering all over her body. I want her naked and in bed. I want her screaming my name as I make love to her.

  She seems to be in agreement because she’s shedding clothes in record speed. When she’s done, she snags my belt to hurry me up. I don’t need urging. I’m in a rush myself. I want to have my cock inside her, feel her heat around me. I’ve been without her too long.

  Wearing just her knickers and bra, I hoist her up my body and carry her into the bedroom. As usual, it’s awkward with my cast, but I manage to get her onto the mattress. Instantly, she spreads her legs, laying herself out like a fucking sacrifice for me.

  “Take your knickers off,” I order her.


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