Book Read Free

Until Amy

Page 15

by Jessica Ames

  I head back upstairs and find Amy curled on her side in the bed. She looks so fucking defeated. My heart fucking hurts seeing her like that. I don’t say a word. I toe my boots off, shrug off my kutte and snuggle up behind her. Her hands come around my arms as I pull her close.

  “Do you think she’ll be okay?” she asks, her voice soft.

  “In time, babe, yeah. Will you?”

  “I just feel so bad.”

  “I know, but none of this shit is your fault.”

  I pull her tight against me, kissing her neck. “I need you,” she tells me.

  I turn her in my arms, more than happy to give her anything she wants.

  “Need me how?” I ask, our mouths inches from each other, our breaths mingling as they quicken in anticipation.

  “I need you,” she repeats and then presses her mouth to mine.

  I thread my fingers through the hair at the nape of her neck, pulling her closer as I suck on her tongue. She tastes so good and feels so soft beneath me. I want to take everything she’s offering and more.

  I deepen the kiss, needing her closer to me and she rubs herself against me, moaning as she does. That noise goes right to my cock, which is already starting to harden in my jeans.

  We both wrangle our clothes off. She helps me get my jeans off and I drag her tee over her head before tugging her bra off as she slides out of her knickers. I push her onto her back and my mouth latches straight onto her left nipple, sucking that little bud into my mouth.

  Amy arches off the bed instantly, her hips coming up to meet mine. I slide a hand down between her legs and start to rub her clit. She moans, her hands coming down to cover her face. I grin as I move down her body and go in between her legs.

  I’m willing to do whatever she needs to forget the pain she’s in. I’ll help her however she needs me.

  “Shane.” She gasps my name as I run my tongue through her folds and suck on her clit.

  Fuck, she’s so responsive and I love that about her. I love that she is able to just let go completely. She’s fucking stunning, laid out beneath me, her dark hair fanned around her head.

  As I slip two fingers into her, I find myself thinking about making her my old lady. I should be scared. It’s a big step, but I feel ready, calm even. I want her to be mine in the eyes of the club, and I want her to be protected. Staring into her eyes, I know I don’t want anyone else. I don’t know what my life would be without her.

  I bring her to climax quickly and before she can come down properly, I reach into my bedside drawer for a condom. As she writhes on the bed, I roll it down my shaft. Then, I enter her and show her just how much I love her.



  Shane takes me to the hospital to see Natalie the next morning. Her bruises look even worse in the stark light of day and I want to kill that bastard for touching her.

  “I’m scared, Amy,” she admits, fiddling with the edge of the blanket covering her. “What if he comes here?”

  “You’re safe in the hospital,” I assure her. “He won’t touch you here.”

  She nibbles on her bottom lip, which is split. Her face is a mess. She has a swollen eye, bruising across her cheeks and down her neck. There are finger marks around her throat, which make me grind my teeth together.

  “He’s deranged,” she whispers. “I’ve never seen a person that angry before. I thought I was dead.”

  I snag her hand and squeeze it. “You survived. You did amazing, Natalie.”

  Fearful eyes meet mine. “You have to be careful, Amy. He’s crazy. God knows what he’ll do next.”

  A shiver runs through me at her words, at her fear. “I’ll will be,” I promise her.

  I sit with her until she falls asleep then I step out of the room and head over to Shane, who is sitting in the waiting area. He stands when he sees me, and I notice a lot of people around him are eying him warily, their gazes drifting to the vest on his back that says the Untamed Sons over the back. That makes me angry that they’re judging him before really knowing him. Shane is a wonderful man.

  I ignore everyone but him and roll to my toes to kiss him as soon as I get close enough. I feel his smile against my lips. “What was that for?” he asks when I release him.

  “I missed you.”

  “I always miss you, babe.”

  He takes my hand. “You ready to get out of here?”


  We walk together out to the parking lot, his hand secure in mine. He feels so good and I love how protected I feel in his hold.


  “Yeah, babe.”

  “I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  After a week, there’s still no sign of Rick. Wherever he is, he’s flying under the radar. The police have an APB out on him and his car, but that hasn’t turned anything up. Having him out there is creepy as hell. I hate it. Worse still, life has to go on. My week off goes fast and I have to get back to work. Shane is reluctant to let me go. He would keep me wrapped up in cotton wool at the clubhouse if he could, but I refuse to be scared of going to a job I love. I want to get back to normality, whatever that looks like.

  Natalie is discharged from the hospital and has been staying out of town with a friend. I call her every day to make sure she’s okay and while she’s healing physically, mentally is another matter. She’s terrified of everything and I suspect that will be the case until Rick is caught.

  My brother assures me they’ll find Rick soon, but I’m not holding my breath. Maybe I should have given Shane his name and let him handle this. I have a feeling if I had this nightmare would be over for Natalie now.

  I’m just getting ready to go to work when my phone goes. It’s Harmony. I filled her in on most of what was going on and Cobi told her some too. She’s been worried, even though I’ve tried to convince her I’m fine.

  “Hey, how are you?” she asks.

  I sigh as I sandwich my phone between my ear and shoulder, so I can rummage through my dresser for my scrubs.

  “Dealing,” I admit. “There’s still no sign of this guy, which is freaking Shane out more than me.”

  “I understand that,” she says. “Harlen would be the same if it was me in the firing line of this guy.”

  “I know. I just want this to be over.”

  “Cobi said they’re sure it was this guy who sent the threatening letter too.”

  “He’s the only one who seems likely,” I say. “I can’t imagine being that unlucky that I’ve got two men mad at me.”

  “You’re back to work today, right?”


  “How’s Shane handling that.”

  I let my eyes drift to the bathroom where I can hear the shower running. “I don’t think he is. He wants me to stay home, but I can’t have any more time off. Work is already short staffed as it is. I need to get back there.”

  “I understand why he’s so on edge. I’d feel the same.”

  “Yeah, I know, but nothing will happen to me in a busy ER.”

  “I know, but I can see why he’s worried. Try to be careful.”

  “I will. As soon as they catch him, he’s going to jail.”

  “They have to catch him first.”

  “Yeah, I know.” I scrub my hair back from my face as tension clutches my belly. “I’ve got to go and finish getting ready, Harm, but I’ll call you after work.”

  “Okay, I’ll talk to you later.”


  I hang up as I hear the shower switch off and pull my scrubs out. Having a drawer in Shane’s dresser should have been a big moment, but I’m mostly moved in while Rick is on the loose. That probably should have been a big deal too, but asshole Rick took that moment too.

  I slip my scrub pants on and am just sliding into my shirt when Shane steps out of the bathroom, a towel slung around his hips. My mouth dries out instantly as I let my eyes drift down his happy trail to the V between his hips.

  “Babe,” he sounds
amused. “You need a minute?”

  “I need several.”

  He steps over to me and presses his mouth to mine. “We don’t have time for any of that. When you get home from work, I’m going to claim that pussy of yours.”

  His dirty words go straight to my core. “You can’t get me horny before work, Shane. It’s not fair.”

  He smiles, but it fades. “You need to be fucking careful today.”

  “I will.”

  “Promise me.”

  “I promise.”

  He presses his forehead against mine. “I can’t bear the thought of anything happening to you, Ames.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to me. The police are looking for him, and the ER is safe. There’s security and everything.”

  “Ain’t going to relax until you’re home safe.”

  “I know,” I kiss him, “but please try to. I don’t want you on edge the whole time I’m gone.”

  “Babe, I’m always going to worry about you, but that’s magnified when there’s a lunatic running around who sent you threatening messages and isn’t fazed about beating the shit out of a girl who can’t weigh more than a hundred and twenty pounds soaking wet.”

  He makes a good point, but even so. “I doubt he’s going to come after me. Not with the police looking for him.

  “The man is going to jail. The thought of losing your freedom makes your mind go a little crazy.”

  “Have you ever… done time?” I’m not sure what makes me ask it, and I expect him to be pissed that I’ve asked it, but he isn’t.

  “No, babe, and I don’t intend to either. Come on, you’re going to be late.”

  He drives the truck to the ER and parks it up, so he can walk me inside. I have to admit, this makes me feel better. Not that I think anything will happen, but it doesn’t hurt to be vigilant.

  He stops at the doors of the ER and presses his mouth to mine. “Please be careful.”

  “I will be.”

  He watches as I walk through the doors and I feel so bad leaving him, for forcing him to worry about me. I never want to make him anxious. I never want to do anything that makes him feel bad.

  As I walk up to the nurses’ station, Julia glances up from the chart she’s looking over.

  “Good to have you back, Amy.”

  “It’s good to be back.” And I mean that. I’ve missed being at work. Downtime isn’t something I do well with. I love the pace of the ER, how it excites me and keeps me on my toes.

  The morning passes in a blur of patients and cases. I have a couple of really sick people who require a lot of my attention before we’re able to get them beds in the ICU.

  By mid-morning, I’m ready for coffee and a five-minute break, but that won’t happen for a while. I head back to the nurses’ station and flick through the charts to see what other orders the doctors have left for me.

  “Has anyone seen Julia?” Mike, one of the residents, asks.

  I frown. I haven’t seen her in a while. Last time I saw her, she was in with Mr. Ellison, a patient who presented with chest pains.

  I wander up the corridor toward Exam Three where he’s supposed to be, wondering if she got caught up doing stuff, and wondering if she needs an assist.

  As I approach, I see the blinds are shut, so I knock in case they’re in the middle of an exam. No one says a word on the other side, so I slowly push the door open. I see Julia is sitting at the side of the bed, her face pale. Mr. Ellison is wide eyed on the gurney. His eyes come to me and I see the plaintive ‘help’ in his gaze.

  Unease flutters in my belly and every instinct tells me to run. Before I can react, a hand grabs me and drags me into the room. Julia lets out a squeak as cold metal is pressed to the side of my head.

  “Nice of you to join us, bitch.”

  I slide my eyes to the side and see who my captor is.





  I watch the doors of church avidly, my leg bouncing. The officers are voting this morning on whether to let me transfer and on Amy becoming my old lady. I’m fucking nervous. I shouldn’t be, but I am. I know the brothers will vote yes to both, but there’s always a chance someone will block the vote and then I don’t know what the fuck I’ll do. I’m not leaving Tennessee, not without Amy, so my choices would be limited, difficult even. Could I give up my patch? For Amy… I think I could, but I hope it won’t come to that. I don’t want to make that choice.

  The doors finally open and the brothers file out, Crank first, followed as usual by Chains, Flash then Hatchet. Lastly comes Omen and Havoc. The brother is recovering well from his gunshot wound. Amy’s put him in touch with a physiotherapist she knows in the hospital, so he can rebuild the limb and the muscles. He seems reluctant to do it, but he needs his arms working right to ride, which is a big motivation.

  He moves over to me, the other brothers gathering around and he drops a Tennessee patch on the table in front of me.

  “Welcome to Tennessee, brother.”

  I grin, relief and warmth flooding me as each of my brothers take it in turns to slap my back. Fuck, this feels both good, but also a little sad. Not that I won’t see my brothers in London again, but it won’t be the same.


  “We voted for Amy too. You want to make her yours you can.”

  I blow out a breath. She’ll be protected now by the club and that goes some way to calming my fears. With the full force of the Sons behind us, we’ll be strong, and she’ll be safe.

  “Welcome to the club,” Havoc says when Omen walks away, his smile toothy.

  I stare at the Tennessee patch and smile, rubbing a hand over my face. “Feels good to have this,” I say, pointing at the patch.

  “I bet it does.”

  I can’t wait to tell Amy she’s officially mine in the eyes of the club. I know the significance of it probably won’t resonate with her, but it’s a huge deal for me. It means the club accepts who I’ve chosen. It gives her protection, and makes her untouchable to other club members. They can be punished if they touch her.

  “Omen ordered your property patch this morning. You’ll have it in a few days.”

  “Thanks, brother.”

  “What you doing about your bike?”

  “I’ll head to the dealership as soon as my cast is gone and look at getting a new one.” I’ll ask one of the London brothers to sell my old wheels.

  “It’s good to have you here, Whizz.”

  I keep myself busy the rest of the day seeing to club stuff and stitching my new patch on the back of my kutte. It looks fucking good, though I do feel a pang when I take the London one off. London was such a big part of my life for so many years. The brothers gave me a home when I was floundering, gave me a purpose. After leaving the army, I needed that stability in my life. I’m going to miss those fuckers.

  I’m heading back up to my room when my phone rings. It’s Amy. I smile. I can’t stop myself from. She makes me feel shit I never thought I could feel again. She makes me feel whole, unbroken. After the war, I was damaged so badly mentally. It was impossible to block out the images of the things I’d seen, the things I’d done. Amy makes all of that shit fade into the background. She makes me feel like my shattered pieces can be glued back together.

  “Hey, babe,” I say as I answer the phone.

  “It’s not Amy,” a voice I don’t recognize says down the line. “It’s Julia. I work with Amy.”

  “Why do you have her phone?”

  “He made her leave it.”

  A chill goes through me. “Who did?”

  “The man who took her.”

  Fear grips my heart like a vise at her words and a pain so sharp I’m sure I’m having a heart attack lances through my chest.

  “Who the fuck took her?” I demand, but I already know the answer.


  Ice fills my belly.

  I hang up the phone and I race downstairs, my pulse racing. I
find Omen sitting in the bar area.

  “He took Amy,” I blurt out.

  His eyes snap to mine. “The fucker who sent her the letter?”

  “Yeah.” I sound breathless, panicked. I feel both.

  He pushes to his feet. “Get his name. We’ll find him.”

  Crank drives me over to the hospital. I’m too fucking shaky to drive myself. This prick has shown he has no guilt about hurting women. I dread to think what he’s doing to Amy.

  As soon as the truck stops outside the ER, I jump out, leaving Crank to park it. There are police vehicles everywhere, tape up. I scan the area and see Cobi standing with Chase, so make a beeline for them.

  “We’re on it,” Cobi says as soon as I approach.

  “This shouldn’t have happened,” I snarl. “And how come neither of you fuckers called me? I found this shit out from a colleague of Amy’s.”

  “Wasn’t time,” Chase explains and, in his defense, he does look contrite as hell about that. It doesn’t help with the anger boiling through my veins, though. Amy’s mine, and I should have been told.

  “Let the police handle this,” Cobi warns. I ignore him.

  “Let the police handle this already and look where the fuck we are. That bastard walked right into the ER and took her without a single person stopping him, so now, I’m doing this shit my way.”

  “Shane—” Chase starts, but I shake my head at him.

  “I’m getting my fucking woman back. Ain’t asking your permission to do it.”

  I walk away and call Julia on Amy’s phone. I ask her to meet me by the police line, which she does. She gives me Amy’s cell and I can see the anxiety in her face.

  “I hope you find her,” she says.

  “I will.” There’s no other option but to find her. I pocket the phone and head back over to Crank, who is waiting just out of the way of the emergency vehicles.

  “Get what you need?” he asks.

  I nod as I climb in, shutting the door behind me.


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