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Tied With Me

Page 19

by Kristen Proby

  I adjust myself, not trying to be discreet, and watch as Nic applies her lipstick, hooks silver hoops into her ears, and then turns to get my approval.

  Dear God, she’s fucking gorgeous.

  “Do I look okay?” she asks with a smile.

  “It’s not fair to be more beautiful than the bride-to-be,” I tell her with a sober expression.

  “That’s an old line if ever I heard one.” She laughs and retrieves her small purse, tosses her phone, wallet and lipstick inside and shrugs. “I’m ready.”

  “It wasn’t a line,” I say. “You are stunning. And I’ll have to murder my brothers just for looking at you tonight.”

  “Trust me.” She laughs. “Your brothers are completely happy with the women they have.”

  I lean in and kiss her neck gently, enjoying the shiver that moves through her.

  “I love it when you wear blue,” she murmurs, sliding her hand down my button-down shirt.

  “You do?”

  “It makes your eyes look even more blue, if that’s possible.”

  “Let’s go before I—” My phone interrupts me.

  “I hope that’s not your job,” she says. “Not today.”

  “It’s not. It’s Jules. What’s up, bean?”

  “We’re at the hospital,” she begins, her voice heavy with tears.

  “Are you hurt?” I ask, narrowing my eyes. My gut clenches in fear.

  “No, it’s not me.” She sniffs. I can hear a baby crying in the background. “It’s Nat.”

  “What happened?” Nic frowns, looping her arm around my waist, listening and worried, and I wrap my arm around her shoulders, soaking up her support and love.

  “Natalie is bleeding, Matt. She could lose the baby.”


  “Everyone’s on the way here. The party is canceled.”

  “We’ll be there in fifteen. Are you at Harborview?”

  “Yes.” She sniffs again and then sobs. “Oh, Matty, what if she loses the baby?”

  “Is Nate with you?”

  There’s a shifting, and Nate’s voice comes through the receiver. “I’m here. I have Julianne. Stacy and Bryn’s parents took all the kids home except Livie. Luke’s parents and yours are on the way.”

  “Nic and I are on the way, too. We’ll be there in a few.”

  “Drive safe.”

  He clicks off the line, and I shove my phone in my pocket and pull Nic into my arms, holding her tight. “It’s Nat.”

  “I heard. You should go.”

  I frown down at her and cup her face in my hands. “You’re coming.”

  “It’s a family emergency, Matt…”

  “You’re coming,” I repeat. “I need you there.”

  She nods, and I take her hand, guiding her out of the apartment and down to my car. The five-minute drive to the hospital is one of the longest of my life, comparable only to when Brynna and the girls were in their accident several months ago.

  Nic reaches over and takes my hand in hers, laces our fingers and squeezes reassuringly.

  Fuck, I love her.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” I murmur and kiss the back of her hand.

  “Nat’s going to be okay,” she states firmly. “And the baby, too.”

  I smile and nod and silently pray that she’s right.

  When I pull up to the hospital, I park my car at the curb by the emergency room and lead Nic from the car.

  “We can’t leave the car here.”

  “Yes, we can. I work with this hospital regularly. They won’t tow me.”

  “Okay.” She shrugs.

  I glance down at her and grin. Her legs look amazing in those heels.

  “I’m looking for Natalie Williams,” I inform the registrar, who meets us in the ambulance bay.

  “I don’t think we have a Natalie Williams in the ER, detective.” She says. “Is an ambulance on the way?”

  “She’s probably on the floor,” he informs her. “Can you find her?”

  “Oh, sure, let me check.” She types on her keyboard and bites her lip then smiles. “There she is. Room 402. Do you know how to get up there?”

  “I do. Thanks,” I reply and walk through the ER, through the back hallway to the elevator.

  “Geez, you just walk through here like you own the place,” Nic comments with a laugh.

  “Asher and I are here on cases quite a bit.” I smile down at her as we wait for the elevator.

  “Where is Asher’s wife?” she asks softly.

  “She passed away about three years ago.” My gut clenches as I think back to that dark time for my partner. “She was in an accident.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.” She blinks quickly, and I can see that she truly means the words. “Poor Casey.”

  “It was rough on both of them,” I agree. “They’re doing better now, but it hasn’t been an easy road.”

  “Does he have family here?”

  The elevator doors open, and we climb aboard.

  “No, his family is in New York. He’s been talking about going back home to be near his family, for help with Casey.”

  “That would be a tough decision to make.”

  The thought of losing my partner is as appealing as the thought of losing my right arm.

  We can hear Livie wailing as we leave the elevator and walk toward the waiting room. Jules is holding the fussy toddler, bouncing and crooning to her, but Livie won’t be placated.

  The room is full of family all dressed for a formal party, some sitting, some standing, all pretty much quiet.

  Will and Meg are talking with Mark, Sam and Leo in one corner. Isaac and Stacy are standing with Caleb and Brynna while Nate and Dominic both try to help Jules quiet Liv.

  “Matty!” Jules cries and walks to me immediately, leaning into me, cradling Livie to her. “Oh my God, it was so terrifying!”

  “Okay, shush now, bean.” I take Olivia from her, hold her to my chest, and she rests her head on my shoulder, takes a long, shuddering breath and sighs.

  “Why wouldn’t she do that for me? She loves me,” Jules sobs.

  “She knows you’re worried and upset, Jules. It makes her upset, too. Now take a deep breath and fill me in.”

  “We were driving to the vineyard,” she begins. “We were maybe five minutes out of the city, and suddenly Nat said that she had to go potty, and we all know how it can be when you’re pregnant. When you have to pee, you have to pee.” She swallows and wipes her tears from her cheeks.

  Nic takes Jules’ hand in hers, and if I wasn’t already in love with her, it would have happened right then.

  “We pulled over so she could use the restroom,” Nate says. “And she came out saying she was bleeding. So we turned right around and came straight here. They started some tests in the ER but brought her up to this floor because, regardless of the results, they’ll want to keep her at least one night.”

  “Any idea at all what’s going on?” I ask and pat Liv’s back. She’s fallen asleep on me now, making little sucking motions with her heart-shaped lips.

  She might be the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen.

  “We’re waiting to hear from Luke,” Dom replies. “He’s in with her.”

  “Where is my baby?” my mom calls out as she and Dad come off the elevator.

  Jules hugs Mom and kisses her cheek. “She’s being seen by the doctor.”

  “Why can’t we get back there? Is it worse than they’re saying?” Samantha demands. “If it’s just a little blood and they’re monitoring, we should be able to take turns sitting and waiting with her.”

  “I think it’s a combination of the pain she’s been having over the past few weeks, along with the bleeding,” Meg replies. “If she goes into labor, they won’t want us in there. They’re triaging her.”

  “Neil,” my dad says as he shakes Luke’s dad’s hand. “Where’s Lucy?”

  “She’s back there with them. The doctor said they could take one person, and Lucy went back firs

  “I want to go back next,” Jules insists.

  “Here, will you take Livie?” I ask Nic. “I’m going to go talk to the nurse.”

  Her eyes go wide, but she takes the baby from me, settles Liv on her shoulder and sways back and forth, kissing her head.

  Jesus, she looks good with a baby on her.

  I shake that thought off and march over to the nurse at the nurse’s station.

  “I’m Detective Montgomery,” I begin. “I’m Natalie Williams’ brother. Can you give me any information?”

  “I’m sorry, detective, I don’t have any information for you. The doctor is with her. I’m sure her husband or mother-in-law will come brief you all soon.” She leans in and lowers her voice. “Is that Will Montgomery, the football player? And Leo Nash?”

  I stare at her hard, clenching my jaw, until she looks down in embarrassment. “I hope my family doesn’t have to worry about the press hearing about our emergency.” The threat is veiled, but it’s plain as day: Don’t fuck with my family.

  “Of course not. I’m sorry. It shouldn’t be long until you hear something.”

  I nod and walk back to Nic, Jules and Nate.

  “Want me to take her?” I ask, gesturing to the sleeping baby.

  “No, I have her,” Nic replies with a soft smile. “She’s asleep. We won’t move her.”

  “My mom’s coming back to get her,” Stacy says. “They didn’t have enough car-seat space in the van for all the kids.”

  I nod and shove my hands in my pockets and sigh in exasperation. Waiting is the worst. There’s absolutely nothing we can do, and I can tell by the looks on all my brothers’ faces that it’s making us all nuts. I glance down at Nic and see that she’s eyeing my mom nervously, and I realize what an asshole I am.

  “I’m so sorry, Mom and Dad, I just realized that you haven’t met Nic yet.” I cringe and pull Nic to my side. “This is Nicole Dalton. Nic, these are my parents, Gail and Steven Montgomery.”

  “So nice to meet you,” Nic replies and shakes both of their hands.

  “Oh, no, it’s our pleasure.” Mom’s eyes are wide in surprise when they meet mine and then she smiles broadly at Nic before looking up to me with a million questions in her eyes. I know I’ll be getting the third degree later.

  “This fucking blows.” Will sighs and rubs his hands over his face.

  “I want to see my girl,” Mom whispers and brushes a tear from her eye.

  I rub my hand up and down Mom’s back, soothing her, and glance over to see Nic with her lips resting on Livie’s head. She’s whispering to her and rocking her back and forth, and I suddenly feel like I’ve been punched in the face.

  I see the whole package when I look at this woman. Marriage and babies and houses and bills. Fights and laughter.


  “Any news?” Stacy’s mom asks an hour later as she hurries out of the elevator and hugs Mom close.

  “Not yet,” I reply.

  “Well, keep us updated. I’m going to take Liv with me. I want to get back quickly to make sure the other kids haven’t killed the adults and taken over the world.”

  “Thank you,” I reply. “She’ll probably sleep for a while. She tuckered herself out with all those tears.”

  Nic gingerly hands the baby over to the other woman, runs her hand over Liv’s dark curls and smiles as they walk away.

  “You baked Brynna and Caleb’s cake,” Mom says to Nic, making conversation.

  “I did.” Nic nods. “I own Succulent Sweets in the city.”

  “How lovely,” Mom replies and loops her arm through Nic’s, dragging her away to have a chat.

  Nic glances back at me over her shoulder, and I just smile and shrug.

  “Your mom will be gentle,” Dad assures me and then claps me on the shoulder. “She’s a looker, that one.”

  “She is,” I agree.

  “Owns a business, so she’s smart, too.”

  “Very smart.”

  “Must be special. You don’t typically bring girls around.”

  I nod and then look my dad in the eye. “She’s the one, Dad.”

  He firms his lips and watches me for a moment, glances over to where Nic and Mom are chatting with Jules, Meg and Sam. Finally, he turns his gaze back to me and nods. “I look forward to getting to know her.”

  “You’ll love her.”

  He nods again and then we all turn our attention to Luke, who is walking toward us. His face is pale, his eyes look scared, and his hair is messier than usual.

  “What’s going on?” Mom asks, dashing to his side.

  Luke wraps his arm around Mom’s shoulders and kisses her head.

  “She’s going to be okay. The baby is fine, too.”

  We all breathe a huge sigh of relief.

  “But they’re keeping her for a while.”

  “Why?” Meg demands.

  “She has kidney stones, which is where the bleeding was coming from when she went to the bathroom,” Luke replies. “The ‘growing pains’ she says she’s been having have actually been kidney pain.” He shakes his head and swears under his breath. “I knew I should have made her go to the doctor.”

  “You couldn’t have known,” Mom assures him and pats his chest.

  “So if it’s just stones, why can’t she go home?” Mark asks with a frown.

  “They want her to pass it here, and monitor the baby until she’s out of the woods.”

  “I’ll stay, too,” Jules volunteers.

  “You’ll come home after you look in on her,” Nate corrects her. “You’re pregnant, too.”

  “She’s my best friend.”

  Nate pulls Jules back into his arms and whispers in her ear. Finally, she smiles and leans away, nodding up at him. “Okay. You’re right.”

  “So, everyone can see her,” Luke continues, “but maybe a few at a time, because that room isn’t very big.”

  Mom, Dad, Luke’s dad, Neil, and Jules go in first, leaving Luke with us.

  “Scared the fuck out of me,” he whispers and hugs Meg to him. “When she said she was bleeding, I panicked. My life doesn’t work without her in it.” He swallows and shakes his head, then plows his fingers through his hair.

  “Scared the fuck out of all of us,” I reply.

  “Did you get to see the baby?” Meg asks.

  “Yeah, they did an ultrasound,” Luke replies and grins. “His little heart is strong, and he’s kicking away. The doc said he’s healthy. But there’s still a chance she could have him early, so she has to take it easy.”

  “Having babies early is not the end of the world,” Brynna reminds him and hugs him tight. “Mine were early, and look at them now. But our girl is strong, and both she and the baby are going to be just fine.”

  “Thank you,” Luke replies, his voice hoarse. “Thanks, everyone. It’s always moments like this that our family amazes me.”

  “Don’t get mushy, bro.” Mark smirks. “I’m going to go in next and kiss my sister-in-law.”

  “Don’t get your lips anywhere near my wife,” Luke growls at his brother, and we all laugh.

  “Just a little peck,” Mark continues with an easy smile.

  “I’ll fucking punch you.”

  “No, you won’t,” Mark replies and saunters toward Nat’s room with a swagger in his step.

  I glance down at Nic and frown when I see her face has gone pale, and she’s frowning. “What’s wrong?” I whisper into her ear.

  She shakes her head and smiles up at me, the fakest damn smile I’ve ever seen. “Nothing. I’m just worried about Nat and the baby. I’m glad she’ll be okay.”

  “How are you feeling?” I ask.

  “I’m fine.” She waves me off.

  I will get to the bottom of this soon.

  “I’m sorry we ruined your engagement party,” Luke says to Meg with a rueful smile.

  “Nah, don’t be. I didn’t really want one anyway, and Jules got her new shoes…”

a new dress,” Nate adds with a chuckle.

  “So we all win,” Meg finishes, making us all laugh.

  I glance around the room and sigh, relieved that everyone is safe and healthy. Leo is holding Sam in his lap, whispering in her ear soothingly as she leans on him. Will, Meg, Isaac and Stacy all make their way into Nat’s room, anxious to see Natalie for themselves. Nate and Dominic are chatting with Luke, and I have the woman of my dreams by my side.

  Speaking of, I’m ready to check with Nat myself so I can get my girl home and take advantage of her in that hot dress.

  “Why don’t we just go out to dinner together after we’ve all seen Nat before we all head home?” Will asks.

  So much for taking Nic right home.

  I glance down at her, and she just nods with a half smile.

  “We’re in,” I confirm.

  Finally, it’s our turn to see Natalie, and I guide her into my arms, holding her tightly to me for a long minute. Nat takes a deep breath, clinging to my shirt and then pulls away.

  “Scared me,” I murmur down to her.

  “Me, too,” she replies with a smile. “I’m sorry.”

  I shake my head and back away so Nic can get close.

  “Matt was right. Things are never boring with this family,” Nic says with a wink. “But maybe from now on, we’ll keep things less exciting.”

  “I’m in favor of that,” Natalie agrees with a smile. She rubs her hand over her belly and gazes over at her husband, who has also joined us.

  “I think a bunch of us are going to go get dinner. Do you want one of us to bring you guys back anything?” Nic asks, and I smile at her.

  “No, thanks,” Luke replies. “Nat has to eat what they give her, and I’ll grab something from the cafeteria. The food’s not too bad.”

  “Yuck,” Nic replies, sticking her tongue out.

  “Bring him back a burger,” Nat adds and shakes her head at Luke. “No cafeteria food, baby.”

  “We can do that,” I reply. “Call me if you need me.”

  “I will.”

  “I love you, sweet girl.” I kiss her cheek and push her hair back behind her ear. “Take care of them,” I say to Luke and wave as we leave Nat’s room and join the others, ready to go out for dinner.

  Chapter Sixteen



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