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Taking His Mate

Page 16

by Delta James

  “No, but it’s not right and I…”

  Maddie’s tirade was cut off with a deep passionate kiss from Griffin.

  “Shh,” he said into her mouth. “Behave yourself.”

  “I’m not your mate yet,” she seethed under her breath.

  It was infuriating that he could so effectively silence her and make her want nothing more than to please him with just a single kiss.

  “Quite so,” said Griffin, eager to change the subject. “Which brings me to an interesting question… I would like to claim my fated mate, but I’m not sure to whom I should declare. Jean-Michel is our host and my Maddie his guest. Oliver, though, saved her last year from being turned without her consent.”

  “Interesting,” said Oliver. “As Maddie did not request my protection as her alpha, I would think that as we are here at your beautiful home, Jean-Michel, and you did bring her under your protection, you might have the better claim for dominion.”

  “Would the three of you stop trying to egg Skylar on,” said Dylan in an exasperated but amused tone.

  Maddie searched the faces of Griffin, Jean-Michel, and Oliver and found Dylan was correct. They were all very amused and were trying to get a rise out of Skylar.

  Skylar growled quietly, which only caused all four men to laugh.

  “You know, Sky,” said Maddie sweetly. “I could always just say no.”

  That caused all four men to laugh even harder and for Skylar to growl more loudly.

  “Not your best idea,” Skylar said to Maddie. “If you do, he can force you to run… no, wait, you aren’t wolf yet. He can’t force jack. So tell him no, Maddie, hoist him up on his own petard.”

  “Do not listen to my beloved Skylar or indulge her desire to have a temper tantrum. He can’t force you to run, but there are other ways to force the issue.”

  Dylan leaned over and sought to mollify his mate’s bad mood with a kiss.

  “Besides, you’d break his heart if you didn’t acquiesce,” said Jean-Michel.

  “Fine,” said Maddie, smiling. “I’ll go along and be a good girl… but only if my friends can leave their rooms and join us.”

  Skylar giggled. “Well played, Maddie. You’re going to fit right in.”

  Oliver scowled at her while both Dylan and Jean-Michel laughed.

  “I will speak to JD about Megan being allowed out of her room and I will go get Darby.”

  Jean-Michel got up and left them to do just that.

  A few moments later Roz, Megan, and Darby joined them.

  Roz gave her a high-five. “Atta girl, Maddie. I knew you were one of us.” She snuggled into Oliver’s lap and kissed him. “I’m sorry.” Oliver smiled in response.

  Darby joined Jean-Michel, who pulled her onto his lap, causing Darby to wince ever so slightly.

  JD, Megan, Geoff, and Summer rounded out the group seated at one of the large round breakfast tables.

  Maddie smiled broadly, happy to feel as though she was truly accepted into this remarkable group of women.

  “Then as we all are here, I, Griffin Owen claim you, Madeline Stone as my one true and fated mate.”

  “I’m not sure what to say,” she said, looking at Skylar and Darby. “I guess maybe I, Madeline Stone accept you, Griffin Owen as my one true and fated mate…”

  “And alpha,” added Roz quietly.

  “And alpha,” said Maddie.

  Griffin drew her to him and kissed her with deep emotion.

  The entire room with the vast majority of Jean-Michel’s pack burst into applause.

  Darby made to leave Jean-Michel, who drew her back.

  “You are forgiven, sweetheart.”

  She arched her eyebrow at him. “That’s so generous of you,” she said, her voice dripping with sweet sarcasm. “I was going to get Claudine to bring us a small cake I had her prepare for this announcement.”

  Jean-Michel laughed.

  Maddie looked at Griffin. “That’s it?”

  “Afraid so. But the ties that bind are stronger than those of humans.”

  A wolf Maddie had yet to meet joined them and introduced himself as Greg. He asked to speak privately to the newly paired couple.

  “Roz shared with me that you’ve decided to go through the change?”

  Maddie nodded.

  Greg turned to Griffin. “Are you wanting to initiate the change when you mark her?”

  “I would prefer to mark my mate when she is my equal as a wolf. Oliver said you’ve done this before.”

  “I have and I don’t foresee any difficulties. Jean-Michel said I could set up anywhere and so I’d like to set up in your room and get started this afternoon. Have you two discussed how you want to do this?”

  “Not really,” said Griffin. “I know a bite from me would initiate it…”

  “It can also be started with a simple injection or setting up the IV beforehand and introducing the virus that way. Some have made a ritual marking on each of the palms of their hand and then clasped hands and had cloth wrapped around symbolically binding themselves to one another.”

  Maddie laughed nervously. “I suppose I should tell you that I hate needles.”

  Griffin laughed. “You’ll let a massive virus overwrite your DNA changing your species but you’re afraid of a shot?”

  Greg grinned as well. “You’re very healthy, Maddie. Most likely the change will knock you out and you’ll be unconscious for most of it. I can wait to put the IV in until after you are out.”

  “Maybe we could do the hand thing down here with everyone celebrating with us?” she asked quietly.

  “Whatever you want, sweetheart. You are the one undertaking the risk. I will be with you. How long?”

  “Depends on her body,” said Greg. “There is an element of wanting to do it that seems to speed the process, but anywhere from a few days to a week or more. Each individual is different. I will be with her most of the time. But when I need a break, I’ll want someone left with her. You won’t be alone, Maddie. I rather suspect I’ll have difficulty getting this one to leave your side.”

  “No,” she said, shaking her head. “He has things to do and is an essential part of the gathering. That has to come first.”

  “You, my love,” said Griffin gently, “will always come first.” He held up his hand to ward off her protest. “I will do what I need to for the gathering knowing that Greg will summon me if I am needed. And any time I am not needed down here, I will be at your side no doubt being a major pain in the ass to Greg.”

  * * *

  As the cake and champagne were brought in, Jean-Michel offered Griffin the loan of his scimitar-shaped dagger that had been in his family for several centuries. Once everyone had gathered, Griffin cut Maddie’s palm. She recoiled a bit from the pain, but the kiss he bestowed on the mark seemed to soothe her. He sliced his own palm and accepted the gift of a scarf Skylar had been wearing. Oliver wrapped the scarf around their hands, tying them together. It had taken on a very solemn and sacred air.

  “Well, that’s one way to get tied to your mate, but you and I discussed a far more pleasurable one yesterday,” quipped Roz, lightening the mood.

  The women who had once been Bae Diogel all burst into laughter as did Maddie, largely because most of the men had spit their drinks.

  “Rozalyn,” hissed Oliver, who was trying to be angry but fighting hard not to laugh at his mate.

  “What?” she said with mock innocence. “Would you rather be tied to me like that or like you were last night and well into this morning?”

  Oliver shook his head. “You are a naughty minx.”

  “I know, but I’m your naughty minx and you love me just the way I am.”

  “I do indeed,” he said, drawing her into his arms and kissing her.

  Cake and champagne were served and everyone went out of their way to offer the new couple their congratulations. Skylar and Dylan came to once again extend their well wishes.

  Dylan handed Griffin a piece of paper, saying, “You
brought something of great value to me from Wales. I thought Sky and I would extend a welcome to you and your lady to America.”

  Griffin unfolded the document and glanced at Skylar. She nodded and smiled.

  “What is it?” asked Maddie, reaching for it. Griffin surrendered it to her and she let out a small gasp. “It’s too much.”

  “Maddie’s right. I can afford to buy the property from you.”

  “I had never planned to sell it because of what it represented to me,” Skylar said, taking a deep breath before continuing. “Dylan, because he loves me, was willing to let me keep it. It was my idea to gift it to the two of you. I only wish now I hadn’t torched the house.”

  Dylan chuckled. “Redheaded temper tantrums have never served you well.” Dylan leaned down to kiss her tenderly. “But it was a brilliant way to cover and block anyone pursuing you from the leeward side.”

  “I do not have temper tantrums,” said Skylar, smiling.

  Dylan chuckled again and said to Griffin, “Something she usually tells me as she stomps her foot before she gets sent to the corner.”

  “By the way, Oliver said something to Roz about one of the states south of you wanting to move a lighthouse. You might be able to make a bid on it and have it moved up to the island. He thought it might have an attached cottage. That could give you a good start.”

  “I’ll follow up with Oliver.” Griffin leaned over and kissed Skylar on her cheek. “Thank you. I promise we won’t let you down.”

  “That, mon ami, was never in question,” stated Jean-Michel as he joined them.

  The morning went by quickly and the remaining alphas of various packs began to arrive. Griffin was reassured by both the number and quality of the packs that were willing to form a coalition to provide for the safety and security of the entire Eastern Seaboard.

  While Griffin actively engaged in conversations about what needed to be decided at this gathering and Maddie was introduced to and welcomed by the other former members of Bae Diogel and the other ladies in attendance, Griffin kept a close eye on her.

  Maddie was laughing with Roz when she shivered as suddenly she felt awash by a cold wave moving through her body. Griffin quietly guided her to one of the loveseats and sat down with her.

  They enjoyed the good wishes of all those gathered there. Maddie felt alternating waves of heat and cold running through her system. Griffin sat close and spoke soothingly into her ear. She assumed the language was Welsh but didn’t know any of the words. Nonetheless she was comforted by them and him.

  * * *

  Griffin could feel the moment she lost consciousness and swept her up in his arms to take her to their bed.

  “If and when you need me, I will be with Maddie.”

  “You take care of your lady and may she have as peaceful a transition as is possible.”

  Griffin started up the stairs. When he heard those below howl in unity and sending them their strength, good wishes, and prayers, he was deeply grateful. He would have to remember to tell her that their friends had been with them.

  He entered their room and laid her down gently on the bed. Greg went to work on her left side, hooking up monitors and inserting an IV.

  Griffin stretched out on her right side.

  “She’ll be fine, Griffin. She’s strong, healthy, and she wants this. She didn’t strike me as the shrinking violet type. I’ll bet she’s up and around in no time.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Maddie drifted through time and space. She could feel Griffin’s presence not only in the present beside her physical body, but all around her. She caught glimpses of lives they had spent together before.

  She was there when Griffin, as the younger son of King Owen of Wales, had reached America long before Columbus. She was with him as his mate, Cristen—a beautiful human who made the change to wolf with stunning success. Maddie felt her enormous grief when her beloved Rhiryd died and understood her choice to live a simple life as a wolf and then to join her husband when it was her time.

  Maddie saw scenarios from various lifetimes, sometimes horrific images, but through them all she and Griffin were together—living and loving side by side. They were a young couple, he was home from the coal mine covered in coal dust. She remembered bathing him, hearing him sigh in pleasure as she sponged the dirt from him and allowed him to soak tired, aching muscles in the steamy water in front of the fire.

  Sometimes she’d started her life as human and some as shifter, but always there was Griffin and always in the end she shared his life as a wolf. The thought flitted through her mind that they had indeed always been together and that he had loved her deeply in each and every lifetime.

  * * *

  Griffin sat by Maddie’s side with Greg helping to keep watch. He held her hand and spoke soothingly to her in his native tongue when she became fretful or seemed to be in pain. Each time he did, Maddie would respond by calming and settling again.

  Griffin only left her side when absolutely necessary. When needed, he would go down to the meeting room and participate fully. He had a unique point of view based on the fact that he had actually been witness to some of the practices that were becoming commonplace, his covert ops background and experience and the network of wolves he had been able to cobble together that would be able to supply them with additional information.

  In one of the meetings downstairs Anna from Calon Gwyllt pack had been introduced. Her expertise in electronics was going to be crucial in the coming fight. Not only would she be able to set up an electronic surveillance and early warning system all along the coast, but would be able to supply their network of informants with a reliable, safe way to get information to them to lessen the idea that they would be caught unawares.

  Griffin asked Oliver about the lighthouse and cottage that needed to be moved. Oliver gave him the information he had. Griffin folded the papers and was putting them in his pocket as he headed up the stairs to return to Maddie.


  Griffin turned and saw it was Anna’s mate. “Josh, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. Look, I know you don’t know me, but I’ve done a lot of construction work including moving a house once. I heard about the lighthouse and the cottage. If you’d like, I can make some preliminary calls for you and find out if it’s feasible.”

  Griffin trotted back down the stairs, withdrawing the papers. “I’d appreciate that, Josh. Right now, I need to focus on what might be coming and supporting my mate.”

  Josh smiled. “I totally understand and I’m so glad you’re going to be here with the rest of us. I’m kind of a third wheel as it’s Anna’s expertise they need so I’m happy to be of assistance.”

  Griffin shook his hand and gave him the paperwork. “I’m going to need to be able to move fairly quickly. If it sounds feasible, come see me. Maybe I can get things rolling and have good news for Maddie when she wakes.”

  “I saw the way she looked at you. Like my Anna looks at me. She’d be happy to pitch a tent on the beach. You focus on your lady, I’ll get the info and share it with you.”

  “Thanks, Josh. I appreciate that.”

  * * *

  The weekend was coming to a close. Griffin worried that Maddie still seemed far, far away. Greg tried to reassure him that she seemed to be doing very well and that he felt that for the most part she had passed through the most dangerous phase.

  That evening when he came upstairs, Griffin found Roz sitting with Maddie.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude. I just knew you were tied up and I wanted her to see a friendly face if she opened her eyes.” She glanced over at Greg. “And if she wakes up in a less than aren’t-alpha-males-wonderful mood, I want to make sure that Dr. Jekyll over there doesn’t slip her something to put her back under.”

  Greg laughed. “You were being difficult and upsetting yourself.”

  “And why did it take me so much longer. I was talking to Mason Daniels’ mate, Dani. She said her friend Alicia came through
the change in just a couple of days and it took Liza less than a week. Why did it take me more than two weeks?”

  “As I said, you were being difficult,” teased Greg.

  Griffin asked, “Is it what you said about wanting this?”

  Greg nodded. “Yes, wanting to make the change keeps your body from fighting it. For Roz, the entire thing was traumatic—turned against her will, in surroundings she didn’t instinctively know with no one to offer support. Once Liza was up and around, at least you started to rest more easily.”

  “Any idea when she might start coming around?”

  Greg watched the monitor. “I would think in the next day or two.”

  Roz stood and crossed to Griffin, putting her hand on his forearm. “For all the shit I give Greg? Your Maddie couldn’t be in better hands. Oliver said we’ll stay until she is safely out of the woods.”

  “Thank you, Roz. And tell Oliver I appreciate the info about the lighthouse. Anna’s mate has offered to run down the info for me.”

  “He’s a good man,” she said before she exited the room.

  Greg smiled. Griffin said, “You like her.”

  “Very much,” said Greg. “She and her sister Liza have been such incredible additions to our pack. Not only did they settle our alpha and beta, but they both have really loving natures and really do see to the welfare of the pack.” He laughed. “And bring just enough naughtiness and mischief to make life interesting.”

  “Well, I’m in their debt for bringing you here to help my Maddie.”

  “I think I’m here to help you more than Maddie. She’s strong and knew her own mind. You on the other hand would have been a mess.”

  “You mean I’m hiding it well enough that you can’t tell?”

  Greg laughed. “Oh, I think the other alphas can tell. I just know that they understand. All of you are so used to being in charge and being able to force things by sheer force of will, and this… this you have no control over.”

  Griffin pulled his hands down his face. “But you do think she’s out of danger?”


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