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Taking His Mate

Page 26

by Delta James

  Griffin grinned as the man started to urinate on himself out of fear.

  “I’ll do him one better,” said Griffin softly. “You give us everything we need to shut this guy down and we’ll let your fate be decided by the Council after you offer evidence against him.”

  “And you won’t let DeMedici kill me either?”

  “That will depend on how quickly you tell us everything you know,” said Marco.

  “A small pack up in the Netherlands. They can’t sustain themselves and want to remedy that. In addition, their leader had applied to the Ruling Council in America to be able to be considered for one of those women in that rogue pack. He was turned down because he wasn’t in America. He’s wanted one of those women for a mate for the longest time. All but one were shifter born. He financed our raid on them. We were to get five of them, he was to get three, but we had to take the one that was turned.”

  Griffin took out a zip tie and bound the informant’s hands.

  “You aren’t really going to let him live?”

  “That’s the deal I made—to let the Ruling Council decide. Unlike this group of hyenas and the ones up in the Netherlands, we honor our word.”

  “True enough,” said Marco, clearly disappointed.

  They headed back down the stairs with their prisoner in tow. When they emerged, the only wolves left alive were those they had brought with them and the one lone prisoner. It had been over quickly and quietly. The buildings with the bodies and any evidence of what had transpired in them destroyed.

  They combined their teams that remained and split them again. A small contingency would take the prisoner back to Marco’s villa. The rest would head for the Netherlands to see if they couldn’t completely destroy the wolves who had perpetrated this evil.

  As they walked toward the helicopter, Marco said, “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that mutt getting to live.”

  “Who said he was going to live?” asked Griffin.

  “You did.”

  “No, I said his fate would be decided by the Ruling Council. You don’t really think when this whole thing sees the light of day and they can’t deny it that they aren’t going to execute him, do you?”

  Marco stopped and watched his friend continue to the plane.

  “Sometimes, my Welsh friend, I forget that you are too clever by half. Should we wait and tell the women when we’re finished?”

  “Yes, no need to worry them. Think they will have behaved?”

  The two men stopped, looked at each other, and then burst out laughing before getting in the helicopter. They entered Dutch air space under the radar and as the first rays of the sun started to creep over the horizon.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Calon Onest, Wales

  As the clock struck the witching hour, a panel of stone turned inward. Skylar poked her head in.

  “You ladies ready to rock and roll?”

  Maddie returned her smile. “I think it should just be you, Catherine, and me. Anna really needs to stay in case they need her.”

  “Maddie, I can do this.”

  “But if something goes wrong with either of the planned attacks, they’ll need you more. Besides, you’re the only one who will know how to get to us.”

  Anna smiled sadly. “I suppose you’re right but I wanted to get this bastard.”

  Skylar said softly, “Anna, the fact that we know he exists and where to find him is because of you. Just because you aren’t there for the kill doesn’t mean you aren’t a part of what we do tonight.”

  Anna handed over a cell phone with the information downloaded into it. “Leave your cell phones here. Otherwise they’ll be onto you in nothing flat.”

  Maddie hugged her. “I knew there was a reason we wanted you with us. But you do realize Josh is probably not going to make the distinction that you didn’t actually go.”

  “I know. But they wouldn’t listen and we need to bring this guy down. Is Bianca going?”

  “No, and she’s not any happier about it than you are. But she told me this morning, she might be pregnant. I’m not willing to let her risk that. And Dylan is going to be pissed enough as it is. Well, let’s go grab the last of the three musketeers and do this.”

  Maddie followed Skylar back through the hidden panel and down the spiraling stairs to Catherine’s rooms. The staircase was dark and very narrow. Its very lack of width made it easier to navigate as it was difficult to make a misstep unless you were trying to go too fast.

  They popped open the panel into Catherine’s rooms. They startled one of her women.

  “Is Catherine ready to go?”

  Catherine strode into the room, kissed her daughter, and handed her over to the woman. “Damn straight, Catherine is ready. Let’s go. You ladies need to stay here and the less you know the better. If anyone asks, you cooperate. Do not get yourselves into trouble with your own mates or with Marco. If he gets here before we’re back or he finds out, I may never be allowed out of the villa again.”

  They went back through the wall and down the staircase. Before popping open the hidden door to the outside, Maddie texted Anna to cut in to the security feed and make them invisible. She dropped her cell phone into the dirt. The three mates to the alphas at Calon Onest, Bae Diogel, and the DeMedici packs quietly ran off into the night. Once they were well away from the main dwellings, they stopped to catch their breath.

  “Maddie, have you ever shifted?” asked Skylar.

  “No. Griffin had started to teach me how to go quiet inside. Then all of this happened and we kind of stopped. Would we be better as wolves?”

  Catherine nodded. “We’d make better time with less fatigue. See if you can. If not, we’ll continue on as we are.”

  Maddie closed her eyes and began to empty her mind of any extemporaneous material. Griffin had said that when her mind was clear and she was in focused, peaceful place, she would feel the consciousness of the wolf coming forward. Her joints began to ache and she could feel her physical self flowing into a different form. She looked around and saw Skylar and Catherine. She was certain Skylar was the red wolf, while Catherine was a tawny-colored gray wolf. She’d have to ask them what she looked like.

  Skylar took off in the lead. She knew where they were going and how to get there. The first thing was to get off the estate, then out of the Calon Onest community, then to a small airport not too distant from Calon Onest to engage a private plane and across the channel to the Netherlands.

  They were able to make good time. They were fairly sure they were airborne before the escape had been discovered at Calon Onest. It was hoped they could reach their destination before their target was aware of all he had lost.

  * * *

  As the plane taking the male strike team descended, Griffin placed a call to Anna at Calon Onest.


  Griffin was surprised to hear Ioan’s voice.


  “Yes. It seems we’ve had a little change in plans.”

  “Please tell me it’s just that Maddie has joined Catherine and Skylar in the tower.”

  “At one point,” Ioan said thoughtfully, “that was the case. However, one of my men noticed that when he went to get Anna that the rooms seemed unnaturally still. Upon further investigation, he discovered that your Maddie was missing. He raised the alarm and we discovered that Catherine, Skylar, and Maddie had combined their penchant for misbehaving with a need to prove they could not be contained. Your Anna is not inclined to tell us where they’ve got off to. I’ve had the grounds searched and they are nowhere to be found.”

  Griffin took a deep breath. “Put Anna on the phone.”

  As Griffin waited for Ioan to get Anna, he turned to Marco and brought him up to speed.

  “Madonna, my ass. When I get my hands on my mate, she will not sit down for at least a week. I’m going to assume she left Abriana at Calon Onest?”

  “Ioan said the three of them, but I’ll check,” said Griffin.

sp; “Alpha?” said Anna quietly.

  “Yes, Alpha,” said Griffin. “Am I safe to assume that the baby is still with Catherine’s women?”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  “Marco, your daughter is safe. Now, Anna, you tell me where they’ve gone.”

  “They didn’t say, Alpha.”

  “Anna, I don’t have time to play games with you. You are a member of my pack. If you don’t tell me where our mates have gone, I will instruct Ioan to take a strap to your backside until you feel you can.”

  “Alpha, they told me not to tell.”

  “Anna, the first thing Josh is going to do when he sees you is punish you for lying to your alpha. They may not have told you, but you damn sure know. They would have needed your help to get out. Now will he be adding to the stripes across your bottom or will he start afresh?”


  “Anna! I don’t have time for this. Where are they?” Griffin growled.

  Anna explained that she had given them the same information as she had the two strike forces.

  “Shit,” swore Griffin. In answer to Marco’s questioning look, he said, “They’re headed for Van Meeter’s place.” Griffin took a deep breath. “Have you heard from the other strike force? Gautier and the other Americans?”

  “Yes, Alpha. They are in route. Gautier sent a small group to stand with Josh if they try to overrun our home…”

  Griffin smiled at her use of the term ‘our home.’

  “Josh doesn’t think they’ll see any action, but made sure he had guys with construction experience and has been working on getting things ready.”

  “Well, he’ll have to take a break from that to see to your punishment, won’t he?”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  Griffin smiled again as she now sounded truly contrite.

  “You are to call Josh and tell him what you’ve done and tell him I will expect him to deal with you. You keep in close touch with Gautier and keep us appraised. We’re moving against Van Meeter. Put Ioan back on the phone.”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  “Griffin? Do you know where they’ve gone?”

  “As luck would have it, we’re already in route to the same place. We’re going to see if we can’t intercept them before they get themselves into too much trouble. When it’s done, I’ll bring Skylar and Maddie back with me to Calon Onest. Marco will take his mate home…”

  “Where he will welt her pretty backside to await our daughter and the rest of our women and children’s return,” said Marco, interrupting.

  Griffin smiled and continued, “You might give Dylan a call and let him know I’ll see his mate safely back to Calon Onest.”

  “If I know Dylan,” said Ioan, “he’ll be here waiting for her. I’m assuming both Skylar and Maddie can look forward to a welting as well.”

  “I can’t speak for Dylan, but Maddie will have a further lesson in the consequences of disobeying me and risking her fool neck.”

  Ioan and Griffin spoke a few more minutes, before Griffin ended the call.

  “I think we need to revise our plan, spread out, and intercept our ladies.”

  “I agree.”

  Nick joined them. “We’re going to have to revise our plan. The bastards look like they know their plans have gone awry. It looks like they’re trying to get out of there. If we’re going to stop them, we need to go now.”

  Marco and Griffin nodded.

  Griffin said to Nick, “Get two of our men and leave them behind the main force. Tell them to keep moving and to see if they can’t find our naughty mates and your alpha’s as well. Take one man with you and block their drive. If they get past us, we’re going to need you to get them stopped.”

  The men moved out and split into their three groups. The sun was coming up and the day becoming brighter. The ability to move with any stealth was rapidly being lost.

  * * *

  “Well, bless their pointed little heads,” said Skylar.

  Maddie and Catherine joined her on the rise of the hill. They were in the perfect position to see the covert movements of a small band of men breaking apart—some headed toward the farmhouse and some toward the drive.

  Maddie watched as Catherine experienced the same kind of shiver that she felt running over her.

  Skylar smiled.

  “Griffin and Marco are down there,” she explained to Maddie.

  “Can they feel our presence?”

  Before Skylar could answer, both Marco and Griffin stopped and glanced toward the hill. Confirming their mates were there, Maddie could see Griffin direct one of the men with him toward them.

  “In case you missed it,” said Catherine, “the answer would be yes.”

  “Should we head down to them?”

  Skylar snorted. “Oh, no, that man headed toward us is about to tell us that one we’re all in a lot of trouble and two that we are in no way, shape, or form to leave this ridge.”

  “And are we going to listen to that?” asked Maddie.

  “Yes, unless a reason not to comes up. They know what they’re doing. If they’re moving on this pack, they are prepared. If we interfere, we could get our people hurt.”

  “And I for one am going to be in enough trouble with Marco. I think I’ll just cool my jets unless he needs me.”

  Catherine smiled as she recognized the man closing on them. He came to a halt in front of them and took a deep breath.

  “Madonna, the alpha has said you are to stay,” he looked at Maddie and Skylar, “as are you all.”

  “So, Giovanni, just how pissed is my mate?”

  “Do you remember several years ago when you were forbidden to go skiing on New Year’s Eve and went anyway?”

  “That pissed, huh? I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “I’m afraid so. I fear your ride back to the villa will not be a pleasant one.”

  Maddie smiled. The man looked genuinely concerned for Catherine.

  “What are they doing?” she asked.

  “The main force is moving against the one who bankrolled this whole thing and the smaller group is blocking the way of any who might get past us.”

  The four stood on the hill and watched the pitched, but brief battle below. A few men were able to get out of the main house and made a run down the drive to get away. One headed away from the farmhouse and away from their position.

  Giovanni spoke quietly. “You ladies will stay here until one of us that you know comes for you. I’m going after that mongrel.”

  Giovanni smoothly transitioned to a wolf and ran at a diagonal intercept path. They watched the few men who had headed down the drive get stopped in their tracks.

  “That’s Nick, our beta,” said Skylar. “I’d recognize that silhouette and the way he moves anywhere.”

  “Interesting, they don’t seem to be disposing of them,” said Catherine.

  “Probably want to haul them before the Ruling Council to have them deal with them.”

  “Oh, look,” said Maddie. “Giovanni is about to get the one he went after. These guys are really good.”

  “Experienced,” said Skylar. “We have more than a few men in our pack who are black ops or Special Forces.”

  “As do we,” said Catherine. “I suspect you will find that your Griffin will attract the same. Many wolves are drawn to the more dangerous areas of military service.”

  “Who is that?” said Maddie, pointing to a lone figure who seemed to appear out of nowhere.

  All three women watched him as he made his way away from the farmhouse in the opposite direction of the man Giovanni was after and away from the driveway. In fact, he seemed to be heading right toward them. All three women moved behind a grouping of tall shrubs. Madeline watched as both Skylar and Catherine seamlessly flowed into their wolf selves.

  Maddie had to close her eyes, focus on her breathing, and push all thought from her conscious mind. As she’d been told, this time she felt the wolf waiting at the edge of her consciousness to come forward. This ti
me, the physical change was a bit easier and far less painful.

  The three she-wolves hunkered down as the man continued up the hill. Just before he passed them, Skylar sprang forward onto his back, dropping him to his knees. Maddie was shocked at how quickly the man assumed his wolf form and how large he was. He quickly regained his feet and knocked Skylar to the ground, stunning her. He whirled and attacked Catherine, lunging at her and trying for her throat.

  Without thinking Maddie jumped into the fray and landed in the middle of the large wolf’s back, sinking her teeth into the scruff of his neck. He howled in response. He tried to reach around over his shoulder and grab her by the foreleg. Maddie hung on for dear life.

  She heard Catherine’s low growl as she too joined the fray. While Catherine distracted him, Maddie released him and then attacked again. This time her bite was deeper and her hold on him stronger. She saw Catherine attack his flank and drive him to the ground.

  Skylar had managed to shake off the effects the attack had on her initially and came at the wolf again. Maddie shook his scruff and she closed her jaws more firmly on him. He bellowed in pain from her hold and from the bites Catherine and Skylar were inflicting. Slowly he went to the ground and yielded.

  The three she-wolves had him surrounded and were circling him with great care—snarling, growling, and showing their teeth.

  Marco and Griffin crested the hill with a handful of their men close on their heels.

  “That’s enough, ladies,” Griffin said. “It’s over, Van Meeter. You may as well shift…”

  “Or not,” said Marco amiably. “I can’t remember the last time my Catherine ripped someone’s throat out.” Marco shrugged out of his coat and placed himself between Catherine and everyone else. “Tesoro, you will shift back and put this on.”

  She did as he requested and received a hard swat to her behind. No one could see anything, but the sound of a man’s hand being applied to a woman’s naked backside was known to all as was her yelp in response.

  Griffin walked over and picked up Skylar’s and Maddie’s clothing. He took it behind the shrubbery, saying, “You two need to shift as well.”


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