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Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh

Page 2

by M K Drake

  The commotion starts to trigger curtain twitches in the street, some doors start to open as curiosity gets the better of a few more inhabitants. General Crawford is prepared, “Stay indoors!” he screams, “Dangerous animal attack!”

  The bellow is followed by the sounds of doors and windows slamming shut, but not stopping the curtain twitches.

  Atticus turns to Ju Long, “Should we help them?”

  “We do not even know which side they are on, are they friend or foe?”

  Atticus shrugs, “I just know that Shadow Wolf will tear them apart. These guys are not using any Majjai powers. Their weapons look like modified human weapons.” Before Atticus can continue, Shadow Wolf recovers.

  General Crawford joins the fray, and skilfully grabs what looks like an electrified whip. He launches it towards Shadow Wolf and cuts the beast across its arm. Shadow Wolf roars again, but before General Crawford can ready another blow, the monster grabs one of the soldiers and throws him with immense power towards the General. The force sends the General crashing into the cage and knocks him unconscious. Shadow Wolf then launches attacks against the other troops, slicing through them, not caring if they are wounded or dead.

  Atticus cannot watch anymore, “That’s it, we have to help them!”

  Ju Long is unable to stop him, so follows Atticus into battle.

  Atticus launches a fireball towards Shadow Wolf, knocking the beast to the ground. Ju Long follows through with another.

  The beast, knowing that he cannot fight this battle on two fronts, returns to the shadows. Atticus is about to give chase but hears the groans of several of the fallen troops.

  “What’s going on out there?” a shout is heard from one of the houses. “Quick! Dora! Phone the police! And the Ambulance!”

  Ju Long beckons to Atticus, “We have to get out of here now!”

  “We need to help these guys, and we need answers.” Atticus points to General Crawford, “He seems to be their leader; let’s get him to Madame Healsey and Elric.”

  Ju Long nods in agreement. He turns the three of them invisible and they carry General Crawford into the air and make their journey back to Wysardian Manor.

  Chapter 2

  The Knight

  Atticus curses himself for not being able to help the other soldiers. Why did Ju Long hesitate to help? Atticus knows that the Majjai world needs to be kept secret, but at what cost? The value of every life is surely more important. He tries to shake off the feeling, but he can still hear the screams of those that died, shrieking through his head.

  It is not long before they reach the manor. Atticus and Ju Long move towards the inner courtyard. The manor is forever impressive, the four towers at each corner give the entire structure a sense of purpose, and in the centre of the courtyard a statue of a sword and shield stands almost as high as the towers. The shield is adorned with the school crest, a dragon breathing fire. They return to visibility and slowly hover to the ground, so as not to aggravate any of General Crawford’s possible injuries. Elric is already waiting for them.

  “What happened? There are reports on the news of some sort of animal attack on the Burrow’s street. Is this true Atticus? Ju Long?” asks Elric.

  Before Atticus can answer, Mage Callan and Professor Morgan rush outside with a stretcher. Their appearances suit the term ‘chalk and cheese’ perfectly. Where Mage Callan is clean shaven, slightly balding but incredibly well balanced in build and muscularity, Professor Morgan has much more facial hair and is far more portly, Atticus has deep down always thought he would make for a superb Santa Claus at a children’s party.

  Ju Long helps Atticus lay the General onto the stretcher. “We think his name is General Crawford. He and his men were fighting Shadow Wolf. We couldn’t save anyone else for fear of being exposed.”

  Atticus, still affected by the lives he couldn’t save, shakes his head. “Was that the right thing to do? Do we ignore those in trouble to protect our identity, our existence?”

  Elric straps General Crawford tightly to the stretcher before signalling to Mage Callan and Professor Sprocking to take him away. Atticus notices a tiny nod from Mage Callan to Elric, like an acknowledgement to give the ok for something. Atticus knows all too well that Elric is going to put a ‘for the greater good’ spin on the events. He is almost tired of all this hiding away, seeing it as a hindrance to their mission of keeping the world safe. Surely the world would rather have the knowledge that the Majjai exist than wait and be consumed by the demon realm.

  “Atticus,” Elric says softly as General Crawford is taken away by the others, “Mankind of this era is not ready for us. We have tried to engage many times in the past, but all attempts have ended in betrayal or tragedy. Even now, if what I suspect is true, then it appears the human world has discovered us again; but instead of talking to us, they have created weapons to capture or kill.”

  Atticus pauses. He thinks back and recalls the weaponry the soldiers were using. They were not standard guns, but definitely designed to capture and harm stronger opponents. The breeze distracts Atticus, swirling around as the unique dusk aroma of spring fills his nose. The slight dampness in the air from rain showers earlier in the day add some light humidity, some of it glistens on the shrubbery that never sheds its leaves around the Manor. Maybe, just maybe, Elric is right again. He looks at the man he sees as his guide within this Majjai world and tips his head in agreement, but does it ever so reluctantly.

  “Come now, Atticus, let us attend to this General Crawford.”

  Atticus follows as Elric makes his way slowly up the stone steps to the main doors of Wysardian Manor. The dust on the floor has gathered together into small clumps, brought together from the rain. As they enter the doorway, they both wipe their feet to ensure they do not mark the pristine marble floor of the inner halls. The polished stones reflect everything around them, even the doors closing behind Atticus as he scrubs his left foot on the doorway’s grated mat for a final time.

  Their steps echo through the empty hall, intertwined with one or two squeaks from the trainers that Elric is wearing. Atticus gawps, as he has never seen such casual attire on his companion. It adds slightly to the swagger of his walk, noticeable with Elric’s long silvery beard waving more than usual with each step as his walking stick helps ease his journey.

  Elric notices the stare, “My feet aren’t getting any younger dear boy, and Ju Long borrowed my normal shoes for some experiment. They came back with holes. I didn’t ask.”

  Atticus chuckles, Elric always knows how to lighten his heart. He appreciates this greatly, especially since Sophia’s death. Ju Long, too, is always there to help crack a smile. It makes his burden much easier to carry. Atticus only wishes he could do the same for his father. Joseph has suffered the most from the loss, blaming himself for not getting to Sophia in time, not protecting her as he always promised to do. Atticus senses his father’s pain every day, and worries a great deal about how it is changing him.

  Elric and Atticus soon reach the medical room. Madam Healsey has already begun preparing a potion of sorts to help heal the General. Her almost-regal-but-gothic presence is always alluring, and Atticus has noticed Professor Morgan spending much more time around the treatment rooms lately, always trying to get even one word in to catch the attention of Madam Healsey.

  Professor Sprocking arrives soon after Madam Healsey has applied the potion as a lotion on the General’s forehead. He pauses and takes a second look at the patient. “What is he doing here?” he says, pointing towards General Crawford.

  Ju Long responds first, “He was injured in a battle with Shadow Wolf.”

  Professor Sprocking lowers his hand, “I know this man, David Crawford. He used to study here in the non-Majjai classes. They called him ‘The Knight’.”

  “The Knight?” asks Atticus, “Why?”

  “He was always there to save the girls when they were in trouble, if they were ever harassed, in danger, or even if they needed chocolate. Mr Crawford here
was always on hand to be their rescuer. He turned his hand to helping out some of the boys, too; anyone he saw as being bullied. Good lad he was when he was here. Good student as well.”

  Elric strokes his beard, “Ah yes, I thought I recognised this fellow. He was also a curious one, spotted him a few times almost discovering a way through to the Majjai side of the school grounds. Looks like his curiosity has returned him home.”

  Before another word is uttered, Madam Healsey’s potion appears to start working. A light blue hue starts to glow from General Crawford’s skin. Atticus notices his hands twitching as the glow gets brighter. The light soon dissipates, and ever so slowly the General opens his eyes, squinting at first.

  “Hello there dear boy!” says Elric excitedly, “Wonderful to see you again. Now please, tell me, what do you remember?”

  General Crawford groans as he sits up, his feet swing to the floor from the treatment bed as he rests his palms on the mattress. “I’m not sure, there was the cage, then shadows, and then...!” The General jumps up and searches for his weapon. “Stay away from me!”

  Atticus and Ju Long step in front of Elric, but Elric moves them away slowly. “Listen dear boy. It is obvious you have seen and know much, but you do not know everything.” Elric beckons to the General to sit back down. “There are things not of this Earth that walk its very surface. Scalding the ground with hell fire. And it seems you were almost victim of one. We healed you. We are not the enemy.”

  “I know you. Don’t I?” asks General Crawford before looking to Professor Sprocking, “And you, I definitely know you. I always thought something odd was going on at this school, and now I’m certain of it.”

  Professor Sprocking slides over a chair, and beckons the General to have a seat.

  General Crawford relents from his stance, and moves slowly towards the wooden chair, he lowers onto it gently, still sore from his wounds. “Who are you people?”

  Atticus watches intently, this is the first time they have ever been exposed to the outside world this significantly. Secretly he hopes that this is possibly the first step towards some kind of exposure, some way to let the two worlds finally co-exist knowingly.

  Elric sits on the treatment bed now vacated by the General. “Who do you think we are?”

  “Magicians? Wizards? … Monsters?”

  “None of the above I’m afraid, or maybe all. We are Majjai, and we have, for a long, long time, been protectors of this world and this realm.”

  “Protectors? From what? From what we have seen, your protection brings us monsters. Dragons!”

  “How do you know of the Dragons?”

  “One of our satellites over the Persian Gulf picked up your battle. Thermal imagery showed us what was inside, normal imagery showed us a Dragon thrown out of some sort of distortion field.”

  Ju Long whispers to Atticus, “He must be talking about the cloak at the Battle of Aria.”

  Elric ushers a hand signalling Ju Long to be quiet, before returning his attention to General Crawford, “Yes, that Dragon is quite a threat, but this is nothing that you need to be too concerned about.”

  “Nothing to be concerned about?!?” splutters General Crawford, “We see destruction and monsters, beasts bursting out of shadows, seven foot tall wolf-like creatures with some sort of sonic weapon, giant worms eating through rock face all over the Middle East, and sea serpents running amok in the oceans – and you think this is nothing to be concerned about?”

  Ju Long raises his hand, “He’s got a point, you know.”

  The Professors and Elric look at Ju Long sternly, who gingerly lowers his hand back down to his side.

  Mage Callan steps forward to continue on, “Your world is not equipped to handle this yet. How many men did you lose?”

  General Crawford looks to the floor solemnly, “I do not know, I saw at least four killed or hurt badly.”

  “Only two of your contingent of fifteen survived the battle. Two!”

  Crawford remains quiet.

  “These monsters you chase, they cannot be stopped by your armies, your weapons. Yes, you may have injured Shadow Wolf, but you have no idea what you are truly up against.”

  The General looks towards Mage Callan and Elric, “Then show us.”

  Elric stands from the bed, “I wish we could, dear boy, I wish we could. But you are not ready.” Elric waves his left hand in front of General Crawford’s eyes, back and forth, slowly at first, then faster.

  The General’s eyes begin to close and his body slumps down.

  Mage Callan catches him before he drops to the floor and returns the General to the treatment bed. “We’ll need to take him back.”

  Elric approaches the sleeping ex-student and taps his forehead, instigating the extraction of a thought crystal. Elric then stores the crystal within his cloak before signalling to Atticus and Ju Long. “Take him to the closest hospital, but do so discretely. He’ll wake in a few days, which should give us enough time to get a start on figuring out fully what they know.”

  Atticus nods, but wonders about the thought crystal, “You made him forget didn’t you?”

  “We needed to know what they have discovered.”


  “No ‘buts’ Atticus, introducing humanity to this war will be too dangerous for them; they will die in their millions. Until they can fully trust us, we must keep them in the dark. Now, you and Ju Long, please, take the General to the closest medical establishment. We have healed him to a certain point, but his own doctors will need to take it from here.”

  Atticus, frustrated, walks with Ju Long to get the General to the closest hospital. The others leave the chamber leaving the two younger Majjai to start their journey.

  Ju Long can see the look of anguish on Atticus’s face. “Elric is right you know, humanity can’t know yet. Most of them would be fearful, and see us as the enemy, no matter how much good we do.”

  “I get that Ju Long, I really do. But what if we – just the Majjai – what if we are not strong enough?”

  “We’ll find a way, we always do. And if not, we can just blame Olof,” smirks Ju Long.

  Atticus chuckles, “One day he is going turn your head into a giant ice cube, you know that right?”

  “Yeah well, at least it would be something I could use to knock into his thick skull for once.”

  The two young heroes laugh as they float into the air, with Ju Long phasing them out of visibility as they leave the Manor.

  # # #

  “Over here!” shouts the nurse.

  One of the hospital orderlies rushes outside of the hospital accident and emergency department, “What is it?”

  “Look, he has similar injuries to those soldiers that were brought in earlier, but this one is still alive.”

  “How did he get here?”

  “No idea, someone shouted for help, I came and saw him here.”

  “Ok, I’ll go grab a stretcher and some help, keep him steady.”

  The nurse holds the General’s head steady, and cushions it with her cardigan. As she cradles his head back, she checks for any other injuries. She is distracted by a whirring sound coming from somewhere on the General’s jacket. She peers down and notices a button that is different to the others. As she looks closer, she ’realises it contains a lens, which is rotating as if trying to move in and out of focus. Before she can call the orderly back, she is startled by a voice that appears to be coming out of the button.

  “Thank you nurse, you are being monitored on camera ID 2642. Your patient is General David Crawford. Please tend to him and we will send a team immediately to help.”

  “Who are you?”

  “That’s classified. Please comply Nurse Deakins.”

  “H… How do you know my name?”

  Before the voice behind the camera can answer, the orderly returns with help, and General Crawford is quickly taken inside.

  Chapter 3

  The Mercenary

  The demon realm is filled wi
th violent activity. The horizon is a never-ending blaze of fire; it almost serves as its own prison wall. Not many demons venture beyond it, those that do are rarely seen again. Of the ones that return, they rarely speak of what they see. Some who are brave enough, speak of a name, a name for their world other than the realm of demons. They call it Skarvak, they call it home.

  Escape attempts have increased of late. Razakel is angry. Many demons died during the latest battle at Aria, and Razakel is experimenting with the lives of many more.

  Deep within his castle he tries, every day, to rebuild the teleportation pillar destroyed by Myrddin and Elric, but to no avail. His latest attempt has him using the blood of as many Screamers as possible to try to fuse the pillar back together. The Screamers try not to cower in fear, for they know that doing so will mean an even more painful death. One Screamer looks around the chamber, the walls of living flesh bound onto cold stone with giant chains almost give the impression that the walls are alive, that the castle itself is a living entity and they are standing in its heart.

  Razakel steps forward, his imposing red-skinned figure casts a vast shadow on his minions. He uses one of his claw-like nails to bore a hole into the restructured pillar. Then, without warning, he uses it again, with little more than a flick of his wrist severing the throats of all of the Screamers in the room. He grabs several at a time and pours their blood into the pillar. Without care he tosses the carcasses to the opposite side of the chamber. As he does so, the walls spring new life as its flesh pounces and consumes the bodies, before being reined back in by the chains set in the stone. They retract with such force that the snapping sound startles the multitude of smaller demons around the chamber. They are mainly there to aid with the upkeep of the castle, but today they are spending most of their time dodging the Screamer corpses.


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