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Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh

Page 12

by M K Drake

  Colin punches some buttons on the keyboard bringing up a console overlaid onto the monitor screen with the text ‘Audio enhancer.’ He rewinds and forwards the video several times until some words can be heard through the static.

  “…zzzt…Burrow’s…zzzt…..animal attack….zzzt…. Atticus….Long…”

  “That’s all I can get, maybe there is more later in the video?” Colin resumes playback and they can see General Crawford being placed onto a stretcher of some sort, when the face of a teenage boy comes in to view.

  “Freeze that, facial recognition now!” Demands the General.

  Pavel activates the facial recognition program, a square grid focuses on the boy’s facial features, the grid flashes segments on and off as it cycles, analysing the data. After a few moments a large red light begins to flash from the ceiling and a siren blares out. Our trio are forced to cover their ears before a synthesised voice bellows:

  “Atticus Jones! Level Six classified object! Access denied. Invoking Mecha Knight Authority profile 283. Invoking. Invoking. Standby!”

  The monitor sizzles before shutting down, and all the lights in the room go out, followed by some screams from the bio-lab behind them. They hear some glass shatter to the floor before the emergency lights come on.

  “Quickly!” shouts the General, “Check the video data!”

  Colin frantically searches for the file but it is gone, erased. “Completely wiped, but how? How did they get in?”

  General Crawford does not want to lose everything and desperately scrambles to think of some way to save what they have. “The backups, protect the backups quickly!”

  Colin yanks the hard drive from the server next to the desk, and quickly inserts it into a standalone machine off the grid, he searches anxiously again, “All gone here, too. But only I knew the location, this is not possible!”

  Pavel takes the opportunity to have a dig at his colleague, “See, this is what happens when you leave Colin in charge of the backups.”

  General Crawford throws him a stern look. “Not the right time!” He looks back towards Colin. “So we have nothing?”

  “I’m afraid so, even the memory cache is wiped. What was that? What is a ‘Mecha Knight authority profile’? And what the hell is a ‘Level Six’? I thought there was nothing higher than a Level Five.”

  The General paces around the room, checking on the lab assistants in the bio analysis section to make sure they are ok, before turning back to Colin and Pavel. “I do not know. But I am damn well going to find out. I think it is about time we give this Wysardian Manor a visit.”

  A Majjai History, Vol 2 Chapter 14: Majjai and Man:

  The mortal world and the Majjai world have had a very speckled relationship. During the golden era, prior to the Dark Ages and as far back as the time of Kazmagus, the relationship was constructive.

  Man aided the Majjai and fought side by side with them against the demon threat; but, unfortunately, through fear and a lack of understanding of the Majjai ways, many brothers and sisters were persecuted and executed.

  Over time, the world of man became so blinded by ignorance and hate that they even killed their fellow mortals with barely a shred of evidence other than the often jaundiced witness statement of another member of the public.

  The Majjai had no choice but to go into hiding and attempt to erase knowledge of their existence. The world of man flourished and made huge advances in technology. Help from the Majjai world was often disguised, but was still given, despite the persecution.

  There are some scholars that believe we should never again mingle or re-join the world of man, but stay forever separated. There are others who wish to re-unite the worlds, believing that it may be the only way humanity as a whole can survive against the demon threat and the ever present existence of Razakel.

  Chapter 13


  Elric holds his hand and staff high, indicating to everyone else in the room to stay back. Atticus is standing with his eyes glowing wildly, fluctuating between white, red, and blue; his hair stands high, rising and falling in time with his breathing, as if his entire body is charging and discharging with electricity. Tiny sparks of lighting flow down his arms dissipating at his fingertips as he looks directly at Professor Sprocking, who is still holding the Sword of Al-Amir.

  “I am Kazmagus, how dare you steal from me!” Atticus speaks in a voice that does not appear to be his, it is deep, raw, and intimidating. “Give me back the sword or suffer the consequences.”

  Elric steps slowly towards Atticus and tries to calm him. “Please, Atti…” he checks himself and remembers that Atticus just referred to himself as Kazmagus, so decides to try a different tack. “I am sorry, Kazmagus, do you know where you are?”

  Atticus does not answer, he merely looks at Elric with a look of dispassion before returning his gaze towards Professor Sprocking. “I will not warn you again.”

  The Professor looks towards Elric for any signal of what to do, but the old master’s attention is focused entirely on Atticus, and he tries again to get through to him.

  “Kazmagus, please, if you will just sit, we can explain where you are.”

  Atticus looks back at Elric with a motionless stare. “You were warned.”

  The young Majjai Six leader appears to send some form of charge through his body, sparking the ground. He clenches his fists together and as he does so a powerful energy wave of white fires out from his midriff all around him. The blast knocks everyone in the room to the ground. With everyone dazed, Atticus casually walks over to the motionless body of Professor Sprocking, and picks up the Sword of Al Amir, which he places on his hilt, next to the Sword of Ages, only then noticing it. “Ah! My old sword, wonderful!”

  Elric manages to force his eyes open and watches Atticus exit the room. The Swords of Power are both glowing wildly, almost as if they are speaking with one another using patterns of light; then in a whoosh of sound, Atticus super speeds away. Elric launches a tracking light in the hope of trying to find out where the young Majjai is going before succumbing to attack and closing his eyes.

  # # #

  Professor Morgan bursts into the room, huffing and panting. “I heard all the commotion, what happened? Where is Atticus?” When no-one answers he scans the room rapidly, trying to assess the situation. He sees Madame Healsey laying on the floor, unconscious, and rushes over to her. Holding her in his arms he looks around for anything he can use to help revive her before remembering he has a bottle of smelling salts in his inside pocket. He pulls it out, and opens the bottle, and uses it to wake the Manor’s nurse. She splutters and coughs, but quickly comes to and hugs Professor Morgan tightly.

  “Thank you. It was Atticus, he…, he changed.”

  Professor Morgan helps her up and sits her onto a chair. He then takes the smelling salts to everyone else in the room, waking them one by one. He is about to take the salts to Kazmagus before Elric stops him.

  “No! We do not know what will happen to Atticus; it appears the contact between them has swapped their life forces from one into the other.”

  Professor Sprocking looks puzzlingly towards Elric. “But how is that even possible? The only way would be genetic convergence, and Kazmagus is separated from Atticus by eons.”

  Joyce is checks to make sure everyone is ok, using her healing ability to heal a small cut on Safaya’s forehead. She then turns to Elric and Professor Morgan. “That was not Atticus, it was him,” she flicks a gaze towards Kazmagus. “If there is anything left of Atticus within him, there is only one place he will go… home.”

  Elric nods in agreement. “Khan, Olof, Ju Long, get to his house as quickly as possible. I will warn Joseph. There is no telling what Atticus will do if he is provoked during this possession. Tread carefully, and remember, try not to harm him.”

  The trio nod, with Ju Long climbing out of the window, soaring high into the air and turning invisible as he does so. Olof looks towards Khan, “Ice surfing my friend?”

  Khan nods in reply.

  Olof jumps out of the same window, followed by Khan. The Norse Majjai blasts a sheet of ice downwards creating a sloping path beneath himself and Khan. They glide along it as it shoots downwards, building up immense speed before Olof sends the path upwards, launching both of them high into the air and off in to the distance.

  After Safaya’s wound is healed, she heads to the window, watching as Khan and Olof repeat the pattern, using the cover of the hillside to disguise their journey.

  # # #

  Joseph is busy reading another book on Majjai mythology; he turns each page after absorbing as much information from it as possible. The cover of the book is old and worn, with the spine frayed at the top and the bottom. This book is much older than anything Atticus has used. Joseph ponders for a moment, praising his new source of information. This lady that visits, they have a common interest: to protect the ones they love. For Joseph, that is easy to determine. Atticus is all he has left, and what is a father if not protector to his family. He understands there may be grave consequences on this path he has decided to take, but the value in it outweighs the cost. If it means saving his son from harm, then it is worth the sacrifice. He silently chastises Marcellus for not helping in this journey, refusing each time they speak, saying that Sophia would not want this, and that Atticus is strong enough to take care of himself, but a father will never accept that. A father will never accept they are helpless to protect their own, and will honour that duty through pain of death if needed.

  Joseph is interrupted from his train of thought by the shrill of the telephone, he closes the book, careful not to damage it any further and steps in to the hallway to pick up the handset, “Hello? Joseph speaking.”

  He can hear Elric on the other side. “Joseph, something has happened.”

  For a moment, the fear of hearing the most terrible of news fills Joseph’s veins. No! he thinks to himself, Don’t you dare tell me my boy is…’

  “It’s Atticus, he is possibly coming to you, my tracking light pointed him in your direction before we lost him.”

  Joseph breathes a deep sigh of relief, the fear is released from his body, but now another concern arises, why the warning? “What has happened?”

  “We’re not completely sure, but Atticus is… not himself, we fear he has someone…, something else trying to take control of him. Be careful, Joseph. I have sent Ju Long, Khan, and Olof to help, they should be there soon.”

  “Ok, thank you, Marcellus was already on his way here, what should I do if Atticus turns up?”

  Before Elric can answer, the phone goes dead. Joseph checks the receiver but it looks fine. He puts the handset back into its cradle and turns around.

  In front of him stands Atticus, with the two Swords of Power. His eyes are glowing, cycling through the colours of white, blue, and red, and his arms sparking with energy.

  Joseph holds his hand out slowly. “Atticus, my boy. Are you ok?”

  “Why do you people of this world keep addressing me as ‘Atticus’? I am Kazmagus.”

  Joseph recognises this name, he has read about Kazmagus in the books and remembers Atticus and Marcellus talking about him. Elric was wise to warn him, but Joseph wishes he had had a bit more time, “Because, that is the name of the person whose body you are using. Atticus! Are you there, my boy?”

  “Stop! This vessel, its instinct, it brought me here. This is a place of safety. You…, you are Joseph?”

  Joseph nods. “Yes, I am Joseph.”

  “You are safety. You are father. This language, it is different. I am yet to fully grasp this tongue, but the vessel is well–versed.” Atticus moves from the hallway into the living room and spots the book that Joseph was reading earlier. “This, where did you get this?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Joseph says, following Atticus into the room. “I wish to increase my knowledge.”

  “But you are not Majjai, you do not command the atoms or the nucleus of the very matter, of the dark matter that binds us. The waves of energy that flow throughout the universe. How can you understand?”

  “Because I’m connected to you.”

  “Through blood?”

  “No, not quite. We found the baby Atticus many years ago.”


  Joseph decides to sit down, he knows this story may take some time. “My wife, Sophia, and I took Atticus in as one of our own. Marcellus was with…”

  “Marcellus? I have heard this name, inside The Void – the imprisoned Gjinn spoke of him.”

  “Well, that I do not know about; what I do know is that we took this baby as our own for he was alone.”

  Atticus looks directly at Joseph, the energy static that has been flowing through his arms subsides, and he sits calmly next to his father. “You took a child not of your blood and called it your own? You are truly a man of honour. You are deserving of Majjai power.”

  “I’m just a man, and a father. To tell you the truth, if I do have any power at all, it is due to Atticus. He is my strength. And I love him dearly, with all of my heart.”

  “I feel something, too, but I do not know what it is. There is a connection, but I do not understand it, not yet.”

  “Well, you need to find a way to understand it, but you will not be able to do it from here. Trust the Majjai of this time, and please give me back my boy. Elric will help you,” Joseph puts a hand on Atticus’s shoulder. “If they do not, I will.”

  “Joseph, man of honour, father. You are trustworthy. This vessel wants to come home now. Please, tell him to bring back my sword.” Atticus’s body slumps forward.

  Joseph acts quickly and catches his son, he holds him in his arms tightly. “Atticus, my dear boy, are you ok?” But Atticus does not reply. Joseph stands, and lifts Atticus, trying to coax some sign of life, some form of response. He hugs Atticus tightly again, as a tear falls slowly from his cheek.


  Joseph doesn’t let go, he merely sheds another tear and keeps hugging his son.

  Atticus responds and hugs his dad back.

  # # #

  Ju Long is the first to arrive, he phases through the front door and runs into the lounge, he sees Joseph and Atticus together and relaxes. “Atticus, is that you? Everything ok?”

  Joseph turns around and nods to Ju Long, who receives the message loud and clear. He goes to leave father and son in peace. As he opens the door, Khan and Olof arrive through the front gate. “Guys, you’re too late. Far too slow. I’ve fixed everything, nothing to see here.”

  Olof looks perplexed, “Atticus, he is ok?”

  “Of course.”

  “But how?” asks Khan.

  Ju Long smiles. “A true Majjai never reveals his secrets.”

  Olof is about to clout Ju Long around the back of his head when his communications crystal vibrates within his coat. He pulls it out and Elric appears.

  “Is Atticus ok?”

  “Yes, according to Ju Long,” replies Olof.

  “Good, then that makes sense.”

  Khan wonders what Elric means, but suspects it is news that the events here have most certainly affected things at the Manor. “What makes sense?”

  Elric launches a foreboding gaze towards the trio, “It looks like our friend here is waking up.”

  The Majjai Journals:

  Ju Long worries me more every day. We may finally know of his secret, the burden must have been immense, but the knowledge he now has after everything has been revealed must be extremely taxing on him. He hides it well.

  He is as true a brother to me as one of blood, and I would give my life for him accordingly. Although dying my hair pink was perhaps testing of that appreciation of him.

  He gives heart to the team, for through his humour, he brings us together, finding light in the darkest of moments.

  There are other concerns, too. Kalle sent me a message – there are strange things happening with the gods of lore, and not just in the Norse world. Razakel appears to be making at
tempts at alliances everywhere. If these come to fruition, then times will become very dark indeed, and even Ju Long’s humour may not be enough.

  One thing worries me more in particular, something Kalle mentioned is haunting me, that they detected a message from within the Norse factions simply stating, ‘Meet me at the Tavern’. If it is the Tavern I am thinking about, it appears they are trying to form an alliance the other way; I can only think of one Norse god that would dare such an act. I pray I am wrong.

  Olof Gilmar

  Chapter 14

  Empty Parts

  Marcellus reaches the gate of Atticus’s home. He spots Olof, Khan, and Ju Long some distance away, heading towards Wysardian Manor. “Well, there goes the oddest Musketeer Motley Crew,” he says to himself as he unlatches the iron bar locking the garden gate.

  His urgency is less now, as he just received word from Elric that the emergency at the Jones household is now over. He wonders how the transference of consciousness happened in the first place. And also the arrival of Kazmagus bears more worry for all.

  Like the others, he has heard much of Kazmagus, mostly rumour. Even in his past life – one which he is glad that only a very small number know about – discussion of Kazmagus was taboo. It was unknown which side he served, good or evil. Yes, Kazmagus fought demons and protected the realm of Earth, but there also a dark side to his existence as he saw no boundaries when researching the powers of the gifted Majjai. Was he fighting for a just cause or was it simply for self-betterment of his own abilities? No one really knew.

  The clang of the gate closing behind him shakes Marcellus from his thoughts; these new concerns can wait, for he fears another confrontation with Joseph is about to present itself. He is concerned with Joseph’s venture into researching the Majjai ways. He knows his friend’s motivation, no matter how much Joseph denies it, is revenge.

  Marcellus believes Joseph’s excuses – that he is doing this to protect Atticus and understand his son’s new world – is a façade. Joseph’s distraction is apparent in the maintenance of the garden, it is overgrown in some places, and the condition of the rest is rudimentary at best. True, it was Sophia who tended to it most days, but Joseph appears to have forgotten how much she loved the green of the front yard and merely pays some boy scouts to give the hedges a trim and the lawn a mow once a month.


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