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Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh

Page 19

by M K Drake

  Olof looks up again anxiously. “I just need contact with the staff for a few moments, and the timing needs to be perfect – as once Safaya starts the process, the mould has to be in place or the whole thing fails.”

  # # #

  Atticus and Khan stand just outside Mage Callan’s office, and look each other in the eye before they begin. They need to obtain Mage Callan’s communication crystal at all costs. Olof helped the master Majjai design the security around the tomb and the manor. The crystal will be notified as soon as any intrusion is detected.

  Atticus knows Mage Callan keeps his crystal in his left inner jacket pocket, getting to it will require tricking Mage Callan into removing it, and there is only ever one time he does so: when training.

  Atticus knocks on the door. “Sir, are you there?”

  Mage Callan opens the door. “Shouldn’t you two be in class right now? Wandering the Majjai halls, especially with what just happened, is not wise.”

  Khan steps forward to play his part. “Forgive us, Sir, but I have a free period right now, and Atticus is still a little shaken from the events. I thought it best he stay with me.”

  Atticus does his best to look as solemnly shaken and downbeat as possible, hoping Mage Callan does not see through the façade.

  “Very well, and to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”

  “Well, I wanted to go through some combat combinations I learned recently with the League of Aria,” says Khan. “I had time for a visit just before Spring term began, and their techniques are most effective.”

  Mage Callan strokes his chin while raising an eyebrow; he looks both Khan and Atticus up and down, as if suspecting something, but not being able to work out what.

  Khan tries to allay any doubt by forcing a smile, but this is quite an unfamiliar motion for him, and Atticus prods him with his elbow before he starts to resemble a clown without makeup.

  Mage Callan looks again from one to the other before speaking. “Hmm, ok. Let us see this combination; we can use the training room around the corner.”

  Both Khan and Atticus breathe a sigh of relief as Mage Callan returns into his office to fetch his training gear.

  # # #

  “Who is it?” calls out Elric as Safaya knocks on the door to his chamber.

  “It’s me, Safaya, Master Elric,” she says gingerly whilst Ju Long phases out of view.

  The door opens wide giving Ju Long the chance he needs to enter without detection. Elric steps out and looks up and down the corridor before looking back at Safaya.

  “Were you not just talking to someone out here?” he asks her, before glancing up and down the hall again.

  “No sir, there were some other students who walked by just before I knocked, it may have been them you overheard,” Safaya is not used to lying, and she deeply hopes that Elric is not able to detect the slight quiver in her voice.

  “Indeed. Well, how can I help you? Do you not have class right now?”

  “I do, but, something is bothering me, and Khan is not being forthcoming with answers.”

  “Would you like to come in to discuss this?”

  “It helps if I walk and talk, can we go to the Majjai Library? There is perhaps something in there that can help.”

  Ju Long works quickly, he can sense that the replica will be needed fast, so he grabs the staff and phases through the rear wall.

  Olof is waiting as Ju Long dangles half way through, phasing the staff back into visibility.

  Olof grabs the staff, slides down his pillar of ice, and quickly replicates it using his command of ice. It is perfect, with every undulation and marking recreated with complete accuracy.

  “Neat trick,” whispers Joyce.

  Olof gives the real staff to Joyce, who does not hesitate, and uses her super speed to race to the Tomb of Kazmagus entrance as fast as she can. He then looks up and waves to Ju Long.

  Ju Long phases back in to the room and raises a thumb towards Safaya.

  She knows that she has to hide her effect of her powers, with the tell being her eyes, so quickly improvises, pretending to burst into tears. “Oh Master Elric,” she sobs, covering her face with her hands. “Why is Khan still so distant?”

  Elric holds her shoulders in a fatherly manner. “There, there, do not fret. I am sure he has his reasons. You do realise he still has his oath to protect you?”

  Safaya does not answer, she uses the moment to send the signal to the tree, using her command of the elements, to replicate the staff by wrapping its wood bark over the ice mold and then smoothing it out to be exactly the same, in both shape and weight of the original.

  The Norse Majjai then creates another pillar of ice to raise him up to where Ju Long has phased back through the wall and is waiting.

  Ju Long grabs the replica and quickly places it as silently as possible in the same place where he found the original, then phases back out of view and sneaks out of the office, past Elric and Safaya. He makes his way around a bend in the corridor, makes sure the coast is clear, and then returns to his visible state. “Next part of the plan,” he mutters under his breath before he starts to run back to Safaya and Elric. He smacks his feet hard against the floor so the sound of his running footsteps announce his presence without any surprise, feigning tiredness as he approaches his co-conspirator and their victim. “Safaya! There you are! We need to get back to class, Professor Sprocking is asking for you.”

  Elric looks at Ju Long inquisitively. “And he sent you to look for her, not Joyce?”

  Ju Long tries to think quickly, trying to not make it obvious, it would certainly make more sense to send a speedster as it would speed up the search, but Joyce has other powers too, and he uses that to form his response. “She was pre-occupied Sir, with another task. Showing some of the junior members of the class how her healing and shielding powers work,” he says, proudly, almost bordering on smugness at being able to think of something so quickly.

  “Very well,” replies Elric, before returning his attention to Safaya. “My door is always open if you need it. Please, come back and we’ll talk about this fully.”

  Safaya fakes a sob and a sniff. “Thank you Sir, I should go before the Professor sends someone to start looking for Ju Long, as well.”

  Elric smiles and sends Safaya and Ju Long away before returning back to his chamber.

  Safaya breathes a huge sigh of relief, as Elric’s office door closes behind them. “That was strangely exciting, as well as terrifying at the same time,” she whispers.

  “Yes. Now, we’d better hurry, we have to meet at the agreed place very soon. This crazy plan might actually work.”

  # # #

  “Impressive, Khan!” shouts Mage Callan, as he tries to counter his opponent’s new combination attack. “Very impressive indeed – and they have perfected this at the League camp, you say?”

  Khan glances at Atticus, who has positioned himself as close to Mage Callan’s coat as possible, before responding. “Yes, they have been working quite hard at new tactics and strategies to be able to fight harder when the time comes,” he says as he lunges again to try to keep the Majjai Master’s attention away from what Atticus is trying to do.

  Atticus moves quickly as Mage Callan and Khan get caught in a lock. With a counterweight already in place in the form of a heavy marble, Atticus swiftly substitutes the communications crystal with it and moves away from the coat as discreetly as possible.

  Mage Callan finishes his sparring session against Khan with a twirl and bows his head, which Khan dutifully replies to with his own respectful bow.

  “Well, you two better get sorted and ready for your next class, there is still much for me to work on with this Kazmagus fellow, as well as look at ways we could use to weaken the Horseman. And thank you. This was a pleasant distraction to clear the mind.”

  Atticus, glad that they appear to have succeeded in their part of the mission, waits patiently with Khan as Mage Callan leaves the training room, and as soon as they hear his
office door close, they dash towards the rendezvous point.

  # # #

  “What took you guys so long?” Joyce asks as the rest of the Majjai Six finally arrive at the entrance to the Tomb of Kazmagus.

  Safaya glances at Joyce almost mockingly. “All you had to do was run here, our tasks were much more difficult.”

  “I may only have had to run fast, but I had to avoid Professor Morgan, too. We need to be quick – he is lurking around the corridors near here.” Joyce hands the staff over to Olof. “You were closest when he did his thing with the door, how do you think we will unlock it?”

  Olof looks perplexed. “I have no idea, but I am open to suggestions.”

  “Farasi Bakhwar?” says Ju Long.

  The others look at him, all thinking that he may actually be right.

  “It would make sense, using the same word for the Majjai’s entrance in the Manor,” says Khan, who looks towards Atticus before giving the nod to Olof.

  The Norse Majjai stands in front of the large doors, says the words, “Farasi Bakhwar!” and taps the middle of the doorway.

  The Majjai Six all wait with baited breath, and for a moment nothing happens; then, as they begin to look at each other trying to decide what to try next the blue light protecting the entrance suddenly begins to fizz and hisses away.

  “Great,” says Atticus. “I guess now I need to open it.” He places his palm in the hand-shaped impression on the side of the doors, the same one he had used to open them the first time with Myrddin, just after the year of solitude, when they were seeking the cure for Joyce, who was bitten by the serpent demon, Herensugue. The moment flashes back to him, along with the feelings he had, the feeling that he would do anything to protect her. He knows he would try even harder now, but not just for Joyce, he would do his all to protect his team. This group who, without question, have followed him into this latest quest, even with the knowledge of how powerful Kazmagus is. He sighs as the doors swing open, with a warmth that even though he knows there is danger down here, with his friends, his fellow Majjai, he is as safe as can be. He glances round to the rest of the Majjai Six once more, before stepping inside, “You should all stay here, it is only me who should risk going inside; it is my own thirst for knowledge that has brought us here.”

  Khan scoffs. “Bah. That is silly talk. You are our brother Atticus, and we follow you as if we are taking the steps ourselves. Together we are one.”

  Ju Long puts a hand on Atticus’s shoulder. “You came for me; do you think you could ever keep me – or any of us – away when you need us? If you do, you are a bigger fool than me, brother.”

  Atticus smiles, knowing that he couldn’t order them to stay even if he wanted to, so turns, and enjoys the comfort of his companions’ company for the long walk down.

  Each step they take as they traverse down to the dungeon area is lit by the orange glow of flame torches, which appear to alight as the group go forward.

  Atticus, thinking that perhaps a group approach would not be wise, gestures to everyone to spread out as they reach the bottom, they all filter off into different areas of the dungeon, whilst still keeping a close eye upon their leader.

  Atticus steps towards the cell holding Kazmagus. The ancient Majjai’s stature is imposing even seated, his back to Atticus, it’s almost as if his aura of power glows around him, causing a slight haze around his frame.

  “I knew you would come.”

  Atticus, startled at the sudden utterance stands ready, hoping that there will be no attack this time. “I come for answers. Why would you see me destroyed?”

  “You are an abomination. An experiment. You should not exist,” Kazmagus responds, still sitting, facing away from Atticus.

  “Who am I?”

  “Who? Ha. You think your soul gives you humanity? You should be asking what you are.”

  “I do not understand.”

  “Hmmm. What do you believe Atticus? That you were born? That your life is part of the miracle that is bestowed upon natural birth?”

  “How else could I be?” Atticus asks, truly puzzled, he checks behind him and to the corners to see the other Majjai Six listening intently, but also ready if anything untoward happens.

  “Ah, you see, there is a question I cannot answer. And it is a good question. How, indeed.”

  “You must know something, otherwise why would you have reacted as you did earlier?”

  Kazmagus rises slowly, he turns to face Atticus and then looks around at the other Majjai, “Your friends, they are all Majjai. Except that one,” Kazmagus points towards Ju Long, “You ally with a demon?”

  “He is one of us,” Khan speaks out, but remains hidden in the shadow.

  Kazmagus laughs. “Ha! He is demon, but… wait, a demon with a soul. Tell me, dragon, who was your soul-giver?”

  Atticus looks towards Ju Long, indicating it is ok to approach.

  He takes a few steps forward. “I do not know his name, but he gave me mine.”

  “Heh,” smirks Kazmagus. “And what did he name you? Pet?”

  “Ju Long.”

  Kazmagus is silent, he looks towards Ju Long with intensity, peering deep within him, as if gazing through to the very soul in question. “Drakor? I’ve heard of fallen angels, but a fallen dragon... I knew your soul-giver. He was a friend of mine. You are… you should leave.”

  “Why?” asks Ju Long.

  “You cage the beast within you, it wishes to be free, even with the soul, you are dangerous – if you do not learn to accept who you are, the demon inside of you will take over completely. No matter how well you may believe you are containing things now.”

  “He is doing just fine,” Atticus intervenes, worried that Kazmagus is purposely distracting them, buying time for something.

  “Really, Atticus,” Kazmagus closes his eyes, and begins to make a deep, resonating humming sound, before suddenly opening them. His eyes are now glowing a bright blue.

  “Arrgghh!” Ju Long screams out, “Run! All of you! Get out!”

  “What are you doing to him?” Atticus screams towards Kazmagus, while spying from the corner of his eye the other Majjai Six attempting to calm and soothe Ju Long.

  “I’m merely distracting him, tickling the soul. Trust me, this is nothing. And if I can ignite the dragon with such minimal attempts… Draconus will do much worse.”

  Atticus slams his hands against the cell bars. “Stop it!”

  “Chosen One, I stopped many seconds ago. I am just going to take a seat and see what happens. Good luck.”

  Atticus turns, he can see the others trying to call out to Ju Long, who begins to transform, and in a flash morphs into Drakor, throwing the others back with great force.

  Atticus tries to cushion all of their falls with his telekinesis ability, and succeeds to a point, before being distracted by a blow from Drakor’s tail.

  Atticus is slammed into the cell bars, and falls down, dazed.

  Olof jumps and counters some blasts of fire from Drakor with ice, nullifying the attacks. He creates a ramp which he uses to throw himself high onto the dragon’s neck.

  Drakor shakes violently, trying to throw Olof to the ground. The Norse Majjai has none of it, grabbing Mjolnir from his hilt and bringing the great hammer down on the dragon’s head, hard enough to stun him.

  Khan follows up with a dash towards the beast and knocks him to the ground.

  Kazmagus smiles. “Hmm, the Saracen is impressive. This is actually quite entertaining.”

  Atticus, still slightly dazed, looks towards Joyce, making sure she is safe, before glowering at Kazmagus. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Believe it or not, Chosen One, I am actually trying to help you. The Majjai of this time, they moddle-coddle you. Teach you the safe way. This is how I trained Majjai in my day.”

  Atticus, confused, shakes his head and runs towards Drakor. “Ju Long! I know you can hear me! Snap out of it!”

  The dragon looks at Atticus, then the other Majjai Six, and
uses his mighty tail to whip all of them to the floor before standing and roaring into the air. He readies another attack, preparing the flame, when suddenly, he stops, sucking the flame inwards and shaking his great head. “No!”

  “Impressive,” says Kazmagus. “The old goat did it, found a way to meld his soul to a demon turned good.”

  “I should burn you in your cell, Kazmagus,” Drakor hisses.

  “Ha! I’ve never met a jester dressed in a suit of scales. This world is certainly different than when I left it. Be well Ju Long. You have proven your control to me. I will not interfere anymore. But heed my words, for they are true: If you wish for this symbiotic partnership to continue, you need to let the dragon out from time to time.”

  Ju Long regains control of himself and returns back to his human form, falling to the floor, sweating profusely. “Why the hell is fire so damn hot!” he quips before he realises he is quite naked and gestures towards Olof for his robe which he quickly covers himself with. “Must remember to phase out of my clothes next time!”

  With one final smile, Kazmagus returns to his seated pose, again turning his back on the other Majjai “We have visitors,” he says over his shoulder.

  Atticus, confused as to who could be here, turns to look behind him. The other Majjai Six follow his gaze – and then his terror – as they see Elric, Mage Callan, Professor Sprocking, and Professor Morgan staring angrily at them.

  Chapter 23

  The Hunt

  “What on earth were you all thinking?” bellows Elric “Each and every one of you could have been hurt, or worse!”

  The Majjai Six look to the ground, not daring to look their teachers in the eye. Ju Long whistles under his breath, looking from side to side before nudging Atticus to say something.

  He responds to the nudge with a light foot stamp as he whispers back to his friend. “I know, I know.”

  Atticus steps forward. “It is my fault. I came up with the idea. I just needed to know.”

  “Know what, Atticus?” shouts Mage Callan. “How to die? You were all warned not to come down here – and you all disobeyed.”


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