Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh

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Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh Page 30

by M K Drake

  Joseph closes his eyes and recalls Sophia, her eyes, her smell, and her touch. For a moment, he smiles; he feels the calmness of silence all around him, quieting the pain. But then things begin to go dark; the light he sees begins to fade, until he sees nothing, and hears nothing.

  The Horseman hovers his hand close to the Amethyst, and using his powers tries to command the gem to release itself from Joseph. A light begins to shine brightly from Joseph’s chest, and the Horseman roars into the night sky, using all of his energy to pry Joseph’s soul from its attachment. With both hands he grabs the Amethyst of Al Hammad, and with one final effort, tears it away from Joseph’s chest.

  The Horseman falls backwards, spent of his energy as the Amethyst rolls across the desert sand.

  Atticus runs to his dad, who lies lifeless upon the barren landscape, his skin beginning to turn pale as his body begins to let go of his life force. “No! Dad! No! Not you, too, please. I love you! Dad! Daaaad!” Atticus tries to shake life into Joseph, tries to use his healing ability, beckoning Joyce to join him. She rushes over and together they combine their powers to try and eke out any sign, any spark of energy to reignite Joseph’s heart. But nothing works. His body turns as cold as ice, whilst his eyes fade to a deathly black, lifeless.

  Kazmagus steps to Atticus. “He is gone boy, allow him to rest in peace,” he says as he places a hand gently upon his shoulder.

  Atticus shrugs. “Leave me alone, all of you.”

  Joyce tries to interject, “Atticus...”

  “I said all of you!” Atticus grabs Joseph, holding him tightly; his tears fall uncontrollably. Atticus cannot even feel them, all he can feel is the emptiness in his own soul. First Sophia and now his father, how much more does he have to lose to this war?

  Ju Long wants to approach his friend, but knows deep down, the moment is not right. He looks around and begins to feel an unease. “Something is wrong,” he says to Khan; Elric is nearby, and overhears.

  “What is it Ju Long?” asks the old Majjai, returning to his human form as he does so.

  “If Shezmu has gone, and his portals are gone… Why is the sky still dark?”

  The Horseman climbs to his feet slowly, putting everyone on their guard. “Because the dark skies never really belonged to Shezmu. They belong to him!” The World Ender points to the sky as a loud, high-pitched shrill pierces the air.

  From the clouds a large wake can be seen as if something big has burst through the dark layer, the object gets closer, and faster as the noise gets louder and more piercing. Soon they can see exactly who has arrived, for the cloak and its owner’s Scythe are symbols recognisable to all.

  Death soars down on his pale horse, landing with such impact that everyone is thrown to the ground. Atticus loses his grip and rolls away from his father.

  Death dismounts from his steed and walks over to Joseph’s lifeless corpse, each step tainting the sand with darkness as the sand melts away, sizzling and popping beneath his feet. “I am here to claim my gem, and my soul!”

  The Horseman rises first. Holding the Amethyst of Al Hammad in his hand, he calls his own horse to him, and waits silently as it arrives. Vengeance climbs upon his steed, staring directly at Death. “Brother! I offer you a bargain!”

  “You are in no position to bargain, brother!” Death replies mockingly. “You tried to cause the boy’s death, breaking the rules of your agreement. Your punishment will be at my hands!”

  “Hold!” shouts Vengeance. “I offer you the Amethyst, charged with life force and souls, in return for just one life. That of the father. That of Joseph. Do this, and you will not see any resistance, you will see me come willingly.”

  “Imbecile! The cost to the timeline would be too great. His soul is already owed.”

  The Horseman flicks a discrete glance towards Kazmagus who understands what needs to be done. “Then you leave us with no choice brother. Forgive me.”

  Kazmagus sends a massive blow towards Death, sending the Horseman of the Apocalypse crashing into his horse.

  Vengeance follows up quickly, tapping into his newly-gained levels of power, striking Death in the gut and then using his sword to slice at his foe, sending him back towards Kazmagus who readies another punch.

  Before Death reaches the powerful Majjai, he holds his hands aloft and stays his momentum. Kazmagus attempts to send a fireball in Death’s direction, but with a single wave of his hand, the creator of the Amethyst dissolves the flame in mid-air.

  Death smiles with a macabre, skeletal grin, his laughter echoing into the darkness of the desert.

  The other Majjai, General Crawford and his Knights of Valhalla all try to storm towards their new foe, but in an instant everyone is halted.

  “Now Alvarez, we will only get this chance; open the collector!” whispers Scourge, skulking behind one of the sand dunes with his fellow demon.

  Alvarez, finding this hiding place after he feigned defeat against Mage Callan and Elric earlier, smiles as he does as Scourge asks. “Stupid Majjai, stupid Horseman. Razakel outsmarted you all!” He holds the device out, creating a massive vacuum aimed towards its targets.

  Before the Horseman and Kazmagus realise what is happening, they feel the essence absorbed from Razakel being ripped from their very being. They both scream into the air with pain as the vast levels of energy are pulled out. The force is so great that even Death is affected to relinquish his grasp on them.

  The pair fall to their knees as their bodies, even hotter than the desert air, begin to steam off as the very last ounce of Razakel leaves them.

  Alvarez and Scourge emerge from their hiding spot, cackling. Before anyone can react, Alvarez jumps onto the back of his fellow demon, flying into the air.

  Ju Long and Atticus attempt to fly up to pursue, but as they rise they are slammed back into the sand.

  “No! We have matters to attend to here,” Death mutters, as he continues to hold everyone under his power. No one can move, not even Vengeance or Kazmagus. “I’ll take that, thank you,” he says plucking the Amethyst from the Horseman’s hand. “You fool, Vengeance; we have always been watching, waiting. You crossed the line, you bring your own end.” Death walks over slowly towards Joseph’s body, and placing his hand upon Atticus’s father’s chest, he draws out his soul, consuming it in a blindingly bright white light.

  “No!” Atticus shouts. “Leave him alone!” He tries with all his might to break Death’s hold on him, using everything he has learnt, all of his strength. This vast power he is supposed to be in command of, if any time requires him to tap into it, it is now. He drowns out Death’s laughter, and begins to concentrate on his father, on his mother Sophia, and then on Joyce, his team, his friends, his new family. “You. Will. Stop!”

  Atticus’s words ring out into the desert, his eyes glow a bright white and he throws his arms outwards, launching a massive blast of energy around him, breaking Death’s hold on everyone.

  Atticus looks at the dark Horseman of the Apocalypse, draped in black cloth. “Now, it is our turn,” he says, launching a barrage of fireballs towards this new enemy. Death deflects them easily, but does not expect the next attack. Mage Avipaul charges towards him on his Rhinor, sending Death high into the air.

  Death’s horse joins the fray and charges down the Rhinor before taking to the sky and rescuing its master. Together they charge forward, as Death lets out a giant blast of purple fire from his scythe. It cuts through the sand, almost striking Professor Morgan, who is rescued just in time by Marcellus.

  The Fallen Angel sends his whip lashing into the air, which Death manages to catch, dragging Marcellus towards him, but is forced to let go as Ju Long is already in the sky in his dragon form, sending a jet of flame towards the dark Horseman.

  Vengeance and Kazmagus send blasts of their own energy towards Death, before jumping high into the sky.

  Kazmagus pounds his fists into Death with blow after blow hitting their target, but the dark taker of souls fights well, and counters almost ever
y move. Kazmagus finally connects with a swinging uppercut, shooting his opponent towards Vengeance who clenches both fists together and hammers Death back down to the ground below.

  Olof throws spears of ice, which push Death further back, the attack continues with Khan and Atticus sending simultaneous fireballs, striking their foe.

  Joyce creates a ball like shield around her and super speeds towards her target, knocking Death to the ground, trampling over him with her protective blue energy.

  One by one they each launch their fiercest combinations and powers until all the Majjai Six, the Mecha Knights, the Bhandari Clan, even General Crawford using his plasma rifle joins the barrage of blows against the soul-taker, blasting him into the atmosphere.

  Death is bombarded, wave upon wave of attacks befall him, so much so that the sky is darkened further by the smoke and ash from all of the fireballs and plasma blasts.

  The attacks against Death finally stop. He cannot be seen for the clouds around him, but he can be heard; he begins to laugh, quietly at first before becoming louder and louder, “Is that the best you can do? I mean, really. You are the protectors of this realm? Your souls are not even worth taking.” Death swings his scythe into a circular motion, whipping the dark smoke around him into a funnel of wind, concentrating it into a powerful blast which he launches downwards, catching everyone on ground within its wake. He swings them high into the air and slams those captured within it to the ground.

  Ju Long tries to attack, but Death does not even look at him – before the Dragonheart can get close, he is held by the powerful being’s invisible, vice-like grip.

  It is only when they are all silent that Death relents, floating down to walk amongst the unconscious bodies at his feet.

  Chapter 39


  Death sniffs the air, his bones scrape against each other as he moves amid the fallen. “It would be so easy to reap all of your souls. But there are rules; it is not your time yet. But one day you will all meet me, it is inevitable.”

  Vengeance stirs and slowly opens his eyes, he stands to his feet and calls to his brother. “Stop this madness now! I offer you a greater prize, if you return Joseph’s soul.”

  By now, everyone is waking, they rise slowly listening to the Horseman’s words before Death scoffs his own reply.

  “Bah! What could you offer that I just could not take? Brother.”

  Vengeance removes his cloak and drops it the ground, extending his arms to either side, and bowing his head forward. “I offer you mine, freely. My own blindness caused all of this. This Joseph is a man of great honour, and does not deserve to have his soul taken in such a manner.”

  Death screams aloud, his skeletal face showing moments of glee and temptation, his empty eye sockets bursting with fire. “Ha! This would indeed be a worthy addition, but it is not enough; even the soul of an Eternal would not be enough to appease Time.”

  Marcellus looks towards the colourless, lifeless body of his dear friend, and then to Atticus, who is still recovering from Death’s retaliation. He knows what he must do and steps next to Vengeance. “Then, how about two Eternal souls?”

  Death steps over to examine this new offering. “And who… are you?... Wait! The Fallen Angel! The thief? You, I owe you a great deal of torment! I was punished for taking your wings, punished severely.” Death strokes his chin with his bony hand, contemplating the offer presented to him, pacing between Joseph and his two offerings, finally returning to Marcellus and Vengeance. “Very well! Two Eternal souls for the price of one human soul. Ha! The bargain is sealed, and mine!”

  Death marches over to Joseph and kneels. He places his palm above the dead man’s chest, and in another burst of bright white light, blasts Joseph’s soul back into his body.

  Joseph chokes and splutters as colour quickly returns to his skin. “What… what happened?” He rises up and looks around for Atticus. “My boy! Are you ok?”

  Atticus doesn’t reply, he just runs, runs as fast as he can and embraces his father. “I thought I lost you, dad! I thought I lost you.”

  “You never will my son, you never will.”

  Death slams the base of his scythe into the sand, causing a small pressure wave of air to affect itself around him. “Enough of this pointless sentiment,” he says, and he walks over to Marcellus and Vengeance.

  Joseph looks over, confused at the situation. “What is happening, who is this guy?” he asks, pointing towards Death.

  Marcellus holds his hand up to Joseph, indicating to his friend to stay where he is. “It’s been an honour Joseph. I’d never had a brother before; I’m glad I was yours for a time.”

  Joseph tries to run forward but Olof stops him. “No, let go of me Olof, let go! Marcellus, what have you done? No!” He looks towards the being about to reap the two souls and begins to understand. “You! Are you him, the voice that was screaming in my head through the gem? You’re Death aren’t you? Well, coward, I took your worst and I still stand. And if you harm my friend, I will storm into your world and hunt you down.”

  Death turns, amused at this mortal who would defy him, “You are indeed strong in heart mortal. You tamed Vengeance, and you affect an Angel enough to offer himself as sacrifice for you. But the deal is done. Enjoy the life that I have returned to you.”

  Death takes another step towards Vengeance and Marcellus, hands aloft, clawing into their chests, but, as he begins to draw out their souls, the clouds erupt into a bright golden light. As they all look up, Death is visibly angered.

  “No! They are mine! Be gone from here!” Death shouts to the three mysterious figures riding down from the now clear blue sky.

  Conquest, War and Famine land beside their brother Death, their bodies glowing the same colour as their horses. Conquest breaks from the pack and wanders over to Atticus.

  “You are an interesting creature, Atticus,” says the bright white Horseman. “You, together with your father here, did something we could not. But be warned to tread your path carefully. I have seen much, and your road still has many pitfalls.”

  “Why are you here Conquest?” Death says, demanding an answer. “These souls are rightfully mine!”

  “Silence brother!” Conquest replies angrily, “You deal with demons to arrange the soul of a human to be channelled through your device? You work with evil? And you think you can lay claim to souls that do not belong to any of us? Father would be angry at your behaviour. These souls are free, but…” Conquest turns to Vengeance, “Only if they repent their wrongs and wish to come home.”

  Vengeance looks up to Conquest, sitting on his horse, smiling down towards him. “You will allow me to be with you again?”

  Conquest nods. “Yes, though not as a bringer of the End of Days, but as a beacon of hope, if you are willing to accept this new role?”

  Vengeance smiles. “I would do so gladly. I admit my wrongs, and accept your words of wisdom. My only regret is that my eyes were not willing to see before.”

  Conquest uses his sword to pick up Vengeance’s cloak, and hands it to him before addressing Marcellus. “And you, the Eternal who never returned, in order to keep the soul he loved safe. You are legend amongst the angels, do you wish to return?”

  “With all my heart.”

  Conquest begins to grin. “Really? Your heart, or someone else’s?”

  He points to behind Marcellus who turns around to see a bright white portal open up, and through it steps Meh-Jabeen. She walks over to Marcellus and hugs him tightly before kissing him. In that moment of connection, Marcellus’s wings sprout from his back, blasting away the purple taint from the blow that took them away. He extends his bright white wings fully as he continues to embrace the angel that has come to save him. “I missed you.”

  Meh-Jabeen smiles. “Me, too. But it is time to go.” she replies as she points to the portal behind them.

  Marcellus nods, but knows he has to speak to someone else first. He lets go of Meh-Jabeen and walks towards Joseph.

p; Joseph’s jaw is slightly agape. “Well, uhm, you’re looking good, Marcellus. Might need some flying practice, though, if it is anything like your driving.”

  Marcellus chuckles. “Oh, Joseph, you are an Eternal in the making, for certain. I am honoured to call you brother. I’ll try to come and say hi from time to time.”

  “You better!” Atticus replies instead of his dad, knowing that is exactly what he would have said anyway. “Thank you for everything.”

  Marcellus ruffles Atticus’s hair, somehow managing to make an even messier state of it than the battles they’ve just fought did. “You look after your dad now; make sure he doesn’t go chasing any more strange gems. I will do all I can to help from up there. There are still dangers to face.”

  Marcellus turns and looks to all of the Majjai and waves, then nods towards Elric, who returns the gesture, “I do not need words for you old man. For you already know them. But thank you.”

  Elric raises a hand and waves, smiling appreciatively. “We’ll meet again one day, my friend, one day.”

  Marcellus turns and takes Meh-Jabeen’s hand as they walk into the portal.

  Atticus looks towards Elric. “Why isn’t it closing?”

  Elric shrugs. “I have no idea on this one, my boy.”

  Conquest rides over to Joseph and stands in front of him. “For you, Joseph, we give you a gift of thanks.” Conquest then steps away, unblocking the view of the portal to reveal another figure standing at the entrance.

  It is Sophia.

  She smiles radiantly towards Joseph and Atticus, to whom she waves before returning her gaze to her husband. She holds her fingertips to her lips gently and blows a kiss. The kiss takes the form of a tiny glowing bubble of light that hovers over swiftly, and touches Joseph on his forehead.

  Joseph closes his eyes, finally smiling.

  Atticus holds his dad’s hand tightly, and can sense within him that his torment is over, that final kiss taking the sadness away. Joseph is finally at peace.

  Sophia waves once more before stepping back into the portal, which closes in an intense bright explosion of light that launches itself high into the daylight sky towards the heavens.


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