Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh

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Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh Page 31

by M K Drake

  Death reluctantly returns to his steed, still carrying his Amethyst; without a word he takes to the sky, not glancing back for even a moment.

  “He’ll come around,” says Conquest as he indicates to Famine and War to leave; he turns to Vengeance who is climbing back onto his steed. “It’s time to go, brother, are you ready?”

  “Not quite.” Vengeance rides over to Atticus and draws a crystal from inside his cloak which he gives to the young Majjai. “I placed a protection on the scrolls as soon as they were in my possession, as I suspected the demons’ treachery. If they ever break it, this crystal will alert you of their location. Keep it with you always, for it will only tell you once. I thank you again, Atticus, Joseph. May we meet again on more pleasant terms. Goodbye.”

  Atticus watches as Vengeance follows the other Horsemen into the sky. They take mere moments to soar out of view, disappearing with small twinkle high into the atmosphere.

  It is only then that Atticus is able to view the battlefield around them, seeing for the first time the many bodies and many injured. Joyce speeds around as much as she can, healing all who can be healed.

  Joseph, still smiling, looks at Atticus purely, “Go, help her.”

  Without the need of a second thought, Atticus runs out and aids in the healing.

  The Mecha Knights teleport the Bhandari Clan deceased and their own to be buried with dignity.

  When their tasks are complete, they all gather together, before teleporting back to Wysardian Manor.

  Chapter 40


  Atticus stands on top of the north eastern tower of Wysardian Manor. Some hours have now passed since their return home, and although they survived this encounter, the young Majjai Six leader still feels like they lost. Marcellus is no longer with them, the Scrolls of the Pharaoh are in the possession of the demons, and they were all humbled in the battle against Death. In fact, if Kazmagus and the Horseman had not battled on their side, the outcome would have been much more tragic.

  Atticus looks out to the Majjai training fields; the Mecha Knights have already left, except for Pali and Mage Kayban, but there is just enough light left in the day to allow him to see some members of the Bhandari Clan who remained, tending to the Rhinors in the field. Mage Avipaul told him the real reason these creatures had not been transported to the third realm: they would not leave. They’d formed a kinship with the ancient generation of the Bhandari clan, and stayed, regardless of the dangers facing magical creatures. Their boisterous nature made it easy for the keepers of the third realm to accept this decision. The Bhandari keep them hidden and fed within the confines of the jungle, safe and sound.

  He smiles slightly as he remembers Ju Long mentioning that he might like to keep one as a pet, until Olof reminded him of their dorm’s ‘no animals’ rule. His smile grows as he takes comfort in the knowledge that no matter how bad things get, this group of friends he has found will always be by his side. Maybe, just maybe, together they might win this thing.

  “Hello Atticus,” General Crawford says, startling Atticus. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to catch you unawares, lad. This is quite a nice spot. Gives you a great view, and it’s quiet enough to give you time to think. How are you feeling?”

  Atticus is appreciative of the company, and the care of someone else who is relatively new to this world. “Frustrated. We lost, Razakel has the upper hand now. If he learns to open those scrolls, then we are all doomed.”

  The General sighs, exhaling into the darkening air of the early evening, “Do you know how many times I’ve lost a fight?”

  Atticus shakes his head.

  “Too many, especially when I was growing up; but then, a wise man once told me something I’ll never forget… Sometimes, it’s ok to lose, sometimes you have to lose… in order to learn how to win. So you take this loss, and you take it well, as all leaders have to.”

  Atticus grins as he steps away from the wall facing the exterior of the Manor. “It’s a nice way to put things, I guess. I think we as a team have learnt much, things have happened so quickly these last few weeks. Who gave you that advice?”

  Atticus watches as he notices a tinge of sadness arrive on General Crawford’s face; he looks out into the distance for a moment, as if remembering something from a long time ago. “It was my father, Atticus,” he sighs. “One of the greatest men I will ever know. But you know what? You, and Joseph – from what I’ve seen from you both so far – you’d rank quite high on that list of great men. I know a leader when I see one, and you will be a great one.”

  “I doubt myself far too much…”

  “And that is one of the reasons you will succeed; you do not take decisions lightly, and you never should. Now come, I hear Kazmagus has gathered his belongings and is preparing to leave. He would like to talk to you beforehand.”

  Atticus nods and follows the General through the door back to the lower levels of the Manor. He wonders why Kazmagus is leaving, this Manor is his home as much as it is the Majjai’s, and the ancient Majjai is incredibly powerful, and would be a great asset in the time ahead.

  As Atticus enters he can see Elric waiting for them. He walks over and greets Atticus and the General.

  “Good, you found him then?” says Elric.

  General Crawford nods, “Yes, did you get anywhere in trying to persuade our friend to stay?”

  Atticus spies Elric’s face turn more sullen, as he shakes his head indicating no. He looks over to where Kazmagus is standing, in jovial conversation with Mage Callan and Professor Morgan, who seems to have finally accepted the ancient Majjai as friend rather than foe. Not too far from where Atticus is standing, he can see Ju Long and Olof in discussion about something, but it is not long before Pali approaches.

  Olof winks towards Atticus and walks away, leaving Ju Long standing alone.

  “Bro, you going to just leave me hanging like that? Come on man?” Ju Long turns as Olof walks away, but stops abruptly when he sees Pali almost right in front of his nose. “Erm, Hi?”

  Pali laughs. “Well, I don’t know if you’re saying ‘hi,’ or asking permission to say ‘hi’? Or…”

  “Dinner? I’d like to take you out to dinner,” spurts Ju Long.

  Atticus chuckles a little as Olof comes over beside him. He has never really seen Ju Long flustered before, his friend is usually so full of confidence, but Pali seems to have him rather unnerved.

  “Well,” Pali continues as she puts one hand on Ju Long’s shoulder. “I’ve not really had a chance to thank you for saving my life earlier.”

  Ju Long bops his head a little, trying to imitate a mafia gangster from an eighties movie. “Well, you know, it’s just what I do. I’m like…”

  Pali stops Ju Long in his tracks by placing a soft tender kiss on his cheek. “Thank you,” she says. “And dinner would be really nice.” She gives him one more quick kiss and then walks back to Safaya and Joyce, who start to giggle as she gets closer.

  Ju Long on the other hand is completely still, arm out, mouth agape.

  “Let’s leave him like that for a while shall we?” Olof jests to Atticus who laughs and agrees wholeheartedly.

  The pair are so distracted that they do not see Kazmagus approach. “I still do not know what to make of you, Atticus. I cannot see you entirely, and that concerns me. But… you have proven yourself to be worthy of my Swords of Power. Yield their combined power well.”

  Atticus nods. “Thank you. Is there no way we can persuade you to stay? The scrolls are still lost.”

  Kazmagus smiles. “I wish I could. But, I am just as lost as the scrolls in this time. There is so much to comprehend here. I need to re-learn my skills; the Horsemen we encountered today should never have been able to best me so easily. I need to walk this realm again, feel it, absorb it; but know this: should you truly need me, I will be there.”

  “To help fight Razakel?” asks Atticus.

  “Ha!” Kazmagus laughs, almost reacting as if the very question was ridiculous. “Ra
zakel… he is your fight, boy. But what I do know, is that he will not be your last… if you win, that is.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “There is a song being sung in the Flames of Skarvak. It is getting louder, you only need to listen, and eventually you will understand,” Kazmagus turns and addresses everyone in the room. “My friends. I thank you for your patience with me, and I apologise for my behaviour in those early days. It has been an honour to fight by your side. I will be proud to do so again one day, but for now, I must leave you,” he glances toward Professor Sprocking, who is still wielding the Sword of Al Amir. “When you meet that dragon again, do not miss. Because he will not give you another chance. I will fashion a new blade for my journey.”

  “Draconus will be slain, I guarantee it, and thank you,” Professor Sprocking bows his head in gratitude, grasping the hilt of the sword tightly.

  “And what of the third Sword of Power?” asks Elric, trying to eke out as much information as possible while he can.

  “Study the scrolls in the tomb. You must find the Staff of Mages, then all will become clear; that has to be your main focus now. The sword is closer than you think, I can feel it; you just need to think a little bigger.” Kazmagus now turns his attention to Joseph, placing his hands on Atticus’s father’s shoulders. “And you, man of honour. Do not mourn what you have lost. Embrace what you have, your love for your son is a greater power than all of demon-kind and all of Majjai-kind put together, this is what he needs from you. Nothing else.”

  Joseph smiles understandingly, glancing quickly towards Atticus. “Yes, I get that now. And thank you for all of your help. You must come round for tea one day.”

  “Indeed, as long as you cook those, what are they again? Yes, chicken steaks!” Kazmagus walks to the middle of the room and raises his hands. “Goodbye… for now,” he says, and clapping his hands together he creates a mini whirlwind surrounding him. It flashes in a bright blue light then as quickly as it arrived, it is gone, along with the ancient Majjai.

  As quiet returns to the room, Atticus can see Professor Morgan begin to blush a bright red; he is about to rush over to check that he is ok, worried that maybe he is still carrying an injury from the battle, until he spots where he is gazing – at Madame Healsey entering the room with a tray of cupcakes.

  Atticus takes a step towards the new treats, knowing he really needs to get there before the girls and, more importantly, Olof and Ju Long, both of which would be able to deplete the world’s entire cake reserve in moments. Before he can make too much progress he feels an arm on his shoulder, he turns to see Joseph.

  “Hold on there, Atticus,” he says, trying to slow his son down. “You know, I understand why you ended things there,” he glances towards Joyce, who is busy with Pali and Safaya choosing which cake to try first. “But I also see the regret about that decision in you every day. I would give almost anything to just have been able to spend a few more moments with your mother, time is so important. You don’t really realize that until you have no more left. Don’t lose any more.”

  Atticus hugs his dad, as a small tear runs down his face. “Thank you,” he says as he quickens his pace to try and get to Joyce, and the cakes.

  “Red Velvet, or Chocolate Fudge?” Joyce is trying to decide between her two favourite flavours.

  “Hurry up will you!” scoffs Safaya, eager to try one herself. “Or I will take them both.”

  Joyce settles on the Red Velvet before she turns and bumps into Atticus, almost dropping the cake on the floor when.

  “I love that flavour, too.”

  Joyce grins. “I know you do Pancake Man; here,” she breaks the cupcake in half and hands a portion to Atticus.

  The pair consume the cake quickly, closing their eyes as the rich icing tantalises their taste buds.

  “Joyce,” says Atticus, after he swallows his last bite. “I’ve been thinking…”

  Joyce puts her forefinger over Atticus’s lips. “Shhh! I know,” she puts both her arms around him and hugs him tightly, placing her head on his shoulders.

  Atticus smiles, knowing he doesn’t really need to say any words; as he returns the embrace, he realizes he actually never really did.

  General Crawford steps over to Elric, bypassing the cake queue, “Well, what now old man? Do you have a plan to get the Scrolls back?”

  Elric sighs as he shuffles his walking stick from side to side, trying to rest his ever-aging body more evenly, “Unfortunately I do not. The Scrolls’ falling into demon hands was unexpected. We underestimated them this time; they used us for their own means.”

  “Ok, so what can we do now?” asks the General.

  Elric looks to his fellow Majjai in the room, to his friends, and then to Atticus, “The only thing we can do. We prepare, and we wait. And hope that the crystal provided by the Horseman will work.”

  Atticus moves away from Joyce as she goes back for another piece of cake. As he observes the room, he makes a promise to himself; he will not allow anyone here to die. He will defeat Razakel and keep this realm safe. He will find out about these Flames of Skarvak, and douse them. But he knows he cannot do this alone, and he knows the others cannot do this without him. Today he realises, he is their commander, and no-one should dare cross them, or him, the leader of The Majjai Six.


  The tinkle of the bell against the winds reverberates around these Nordic hills. It is a place that remains cold, even during the warmest days of summer. As the gusts knock over the sign marking the entrance to this ancient pub, a cloaked figure can be seen skulking towards it.

  This being treads softly, holding several items within its garments, trying to balance them as it opens the door. The smell of ale hits the being’s nostrils as the warm air from the inside of this tavern escapes through the opening. Inside the golden hue of torches light the being’s way, flickering against the other strange creatures, short and tall, creating dancing shadows all around.

  The being finally spots the table he has been instructed to sit at; slowly but surely it finally reaches it and deems it safe to now remove the hood away from his head.

  “Ah! There you are, Alvarez. I must say, your looks… they have not improved.”

  The demon is startled by the voice, hidden in the shadow beneath the old converted fireplace where the table is placed. “You? Why have you summoned me here?”

  “You need a way back do you not? To give these things to your master?”

  “Yes, but what business does a Norse god have with us? What is your interest?” asks Alvarez.

  “I want you to do something for me and I will give you a medallion, similar to the ones you used before.”

  “You have more?”

  The being in the shadows chuckles. “One. But to earn it, I want you to bring me the seer staff.”

  “What would you want with such a device?” Alvarez is confused, but glad that he may have an opportunity to finally get home.

  “I want a glimpse into Time Infinite; the rest…, is none of your business.”

  Alvarez ponders the option put to him, but it does not take him long to decide. “We have a deal, but I will need reinforcements, can you arrange that?”


  “Wonderful, I shall inform Lord Razakel of your offer. Contact me in five days. I need to find solitude and keep these items safe.” Alvarez stands again to leave. “But do not dare cross me, I know of your mischief. Lord Razakel would destroy you without a second thought.”

  “Ha! We shall see. I will speak with you in five days.”

  Alvarez leaves quickly and exits the tavern, going to where Scourge is waiting for him. “Come Scourge, we must locate Shadow Wolf, there is much to do.”

  Scourge growls before taking off, all under the watchful eye of their host inside.

  After a few moments the figure in the shadows takes his leave and heads towards the exit.

  The barkeep spots him and shouts out. “Loki! You owe a debt to this tab. Even y
ou must pay your way.”

  Loki turns and smiles. “As you wish…” Then he raises his hand and clenches his fist, sending a wave of energy outwards, destroying the tavern completely leaving only streaks of ash darting into the distance. “Consider the debt paid,” he says, as he laughs out into the cold dark sky.




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