Use Somebody
Page 24
Her soft sigh drew his attention and he looked down to watch her, getting off on the sight as much as the sensation. Julia’s hand had left his balls and gone beneath her skirt. He couldn’t see it, but the way her arm moved told her she was stroking herself. The sight of it and the thought of her touching herself while she got him off zipped a lightning bolt of desire through him. He couldn’t hold back.
Julia’s mouth slowed. Her lips closed over him but her tongue kept up its work inside her mouth, flicking and licking along his shaft and the head. She pulled away, then dipped her head again to flutter her tongue over his balls. Graham’s hoarse shout was loud enough to be heard in the hall, but he didn’t care. Couldn’t. Not with her kiss on the tender seam of his balls and stroking his cock, not when her hand was moving faster under her skirt and her breath had started coming faster.
“I’m going to…” A groan interrupted his warning. He looked down at her through a red haze of desire, his climax rising in him as inexorably as a tsunami.
She looked up at him with heavy lidded eyes, her mouth wet. Julia’s smile eased over her face like slowly melting butter. She leaned in to lick his balls again as her hand moved on his shaft, then up and over his cock head. She cupped it, giving him something to fuck into, and that was finally too much.
Orgasm ripped out of him as his hips pushed his cock into her waiting grip. Heat spat from his prick, jetting into her palm. The scent of it, that evidence of his ejaculation, sent another burst from him. Graham fell back against the door as he came into Julia’s hand, her tongue pressed to the frantically beating throb in his balls.
When he could breathe again he looked down at her. She’d sat back a little, but her smile hadn’t dimmed. She got to her feet and grabbed his tie to yank him close enough for her mouth to reach his.
Their teeth clashed. Their tongues lashed. She devoured him and took his breath as his cock softened in her fist.
“Now,” Julia said against his lips, “it’s your turn.”
Chapter 5
Her doubts and fears seemed so ridiculous now that she’d pushed him against a door and sucked and stroked him until he shot all over her hand. Why had she been so afraid? Because he might balk at her being in charge? She reached to the left and snagged a hand-towel from the rack just outside the bathroom and wiped her hands while he watched. Julia kissed him again and waited for him to react to what she’d just said.
Graham broke the kiss to stare into her eyes. “Anything you want.”
“That’s the right answer,” she murmured and gave his tie another tug.
Something almost like recognition but not quite flickered in his eyes. Graham slanted his mouth over hers, kissing her slowly and thoroughly, and Julia let him take the lead. His hands came up to cradle her head, his fingers tangling in the hair at the back of her neck. They were both breathing hard when he broke the kiss.
“Mmm?” She smiled, waiting. Hoping. Refusing to fear this would sour.
Graham opened his mouth to speak, then closed it. Julia let go of the tie and stepped out of his arms. “Graham,” she said after a minute in which her heart beat faster and refused to slow. “Would it be easier for you if I told you what I wanted you to do?”
He licked his lips before he answered. “Is that what you want?”
“It’s what I like, yes.” She tossed the towel onto the bathroom floor and eyed him as she unbuttoned her shirt. It hung open, showing the satin of her bra and the stripe of her belly above her skirt. Then she shrugged out of it and tossed it aside.
Graham processed this for a moment. Most any man would’ve looked silly with his pants around his ankles and his shirt barely covering his prick, but Graham didn’t seem to know he was supposed to look silly. He looked damned sexy, instead, especially when he stepped out of the pants altogether and then loosened his tie, pulling it from his collar. He tossed it on the floor, then opened his buttons and took off his shirt, too.
“I want to do what you like,” he said after a pause.
Naked, he moved toward her and sank to his knees. He didn’t have to look up as far as she had from the same position. He was not the first man she’d ever had in front of her that way, but he was the first ever to do it on his own accord, without an order.
It left her weak.
Sharp-toothed fear bit at her insides again, and she took breath after trembling breath to quell it. This didn’t have to be more than it was, an interlude in a hotel room that would give them both something to remember. This didn’t have to be more.
Just over her right shoulder and next to the bathroom door was the metal shelf and hanger rack. She’d hung nothing on the hangers, and they rattled when she shoved them aside. The metal was cold on both her palms as she gripped the bar. She held it tight.
“Touch me.” Her voice snagged and ripped the silence.
Graham pushed up her skirt. His thumbs ran along the inside of her thighs. He stopped just below the lace of her panties. When he leaned in, his eyes closed, to breathe her in, Julia blessed the bar to which she clung. She might have fallen without it.
Graham nudged her skirt higher with his face and held it there with his hands, which came to rest on her hips. He pressed his mouth to her, his breath hot through her panties. It didn’t take much to see this was going to be complicated, but before she could direct him, Graham figured it out.
He kissed her pussy gently as he reached behind to undo her zipper. He left her body only long enough to let the skirt fall to the ground and help her step out of it. She wore no stockings, just her panties and flats.
He looked up at her again. “I want to taste you.”
Julia smiled. “Well, here I am.”
Grinning, Graham hooked his fingers into her panties and eased them aside. Julia tensed, her grip on the bar tightening. His breath kissed her first. Then, his mouth.
Oh, God, it was heaven when his lips found her heat. When his tongue stroked the seam of her cunt and opened her, Julia cried out. When he found her clit, already swollen, her hips bucked forward. The hangers rattled, but she didn’t let go.
Graham licked her just once or twice before sliding a hand under her thigh and lifting her leg over his shoulder. Both hands clutched her ass, then, and held her still while he feasted on her clit. His fingers parted her buttocks, one slipping down her crack to find the often-ignored heat of her anus.
Fuck, oh, fuck. No man had ever gone on his knees for her without being prompted and none had ever touched her there without being told she wanted it. Graham didn’t probe or push, just gave her the perfect amount of gentle pressure as his tongue lapped and stroked her from the front.
“Good,” she managed to say. “Oh, fuck, Graham, that’s good.”
He shifted, hitching her leg further over his shoulder. His tongue fucked its way inside her, deep as it would go, then out again and up to circle her clit. Her hands, sweating, slipped on the bar. The leg on which she stood trembled, her thigh muscles jumping. Her hips rocked as she fucked his face.
She’d gone down on him for just this reason, so there’d be no distraction for him when he ate her pussy. Now Julia had time to regret it, because her cunt clutched on nothing, aching to be filled. She wanted him to fuck her hard, against the wall or on the floor.
Later, she thought as his lips nibbled and teased her, and she smiled.
He took his hand from her hip and angled it, surprising her when he pushed a finger inside her.
“Yes!” She risked letting go with one hand so she could fist the other in his hair. His groan might have been of pain, but she didn’t think so.
His tongue kept up the steady circling on her clit as he stroked his finger in and out. She wasn’t going to last much longer. The triple threat of his tongue on her clit, finger inside her and another pressing her in the back was too much. The hangers rattled harder as Julia shook.
Her eyes wanted to close, but she forced them to stay open. She wanted to see him when
she came. She watched Graham’s face as his mouth worked, his eyes closed, lost in his concentration on her cunt.
“Graham,” she said hoarsely, wanting him to be looking at her when she came. Needing it.
His eyes opened and his head tilted, though his mouth never left her body. He looked at her. Julia shuddered into orgasm on his smile.
Graham licked his mouth and bent his head to kiss the inside of her thigh. Julia let go of the bar with one hand as she moved her leg off his shoulder. She touched his hair, then threaded it into her fist.
At the tug, he looked up. She thought he might speak, but Graham only turned his face to kiss her thigh again before he got to his feet and gathered her into his arms. Julia let out a sigh at the relief of pressure from her palms. She’d been clutching the bar so hard her fingers had gone a little numb.
Graham took her hands and rubbed them between his. “Are you okay?”
“I need to sit down.” Julia gestured at the padded chair by the desk, and in a moment Graham had led her there and eased her into it. Her knees, still weak, bent, and she sank gratefully onto the seat.
There was only one chair, and after a second’s hesitation, he crouched next to her to rub her hands a bit more. “Is that better?”
His concern touched her, and she nodded before pulling her hands gently from his grip. “Yes. Fine.”
They stared at each other until she laughed and reached to stroke his cheek. Graham, laughing too, turned his face to press his lips to the inside of her palm. His eyes closed as he leaned into her touch, and Julia caught her breath at the sight.
“You’d think in a hotel this nice there would be more than one chair,” she said.
Graham opened his eyes and winked. “Who needs two chairs with a bed that size?”
“Good point.” She leaned to take his face in her hands and held him, their mouths half an inch apart, before she kissed him. “But right now, you’re on the floor.”
“Right now,” Graham whispered against her mouth, “I’m right wherever you want me.”
Chapter 6
Whirling ghosts of steam danced between them as the shower pumped out hot water on Graham’s back and shoulders. Julia, hair tied on top of her head, soaped up a washcloth and rubbed it over his chest. She dabbed a glob of suds on each nipple and swiped a grin of bubbles on his belly before the water sluiced away the smiley face. She laughed.
Graham, unable to resist, kissed her.
Julia’s laugh cut off in mid-giggle, quickly turning to a sigh as her lips parted beneath his. She pulled away after only a second. “Turn around. Let me get your back.”
“I’m still enjoying what you’re doing to my front.”
She laughed again, but the steely glint in her eye flashed. “You’ll like what I do to your back, too. I promise.”
He kissed her again, just because he thought it might please her, but turned obediently after that. This entire night had become like something out of A Thousand and One Horny Fantasies. He wasn’t complaining.
“Put your hands on the wall.”
He did, grinning and ducking his head so the water splashed down his back instead of in his face.
“Tell me something,” Julia said after a minute or two in which she’d done nothing but rub the soapy cloth over his shoulders.
“Anything you want,” Graham said.
“Do you trust me?”
The words reminded him of the first time they’d met, and every muscle in his body tensed. He looked over his shoulder, but Julia’s face had gone serious again and she wasn’t looking at him. She swiped more suds over his back, and Graham turned his face back to the spray.
“Absolutely,” he said.
Her hand drifted lower, over his ass. His cock stirred, thinking of round two. The taste and sound of her arousal as he licked her and of knowing he was doing it to her had filled his cock despite the blowjob she’d given him. He was going from semi-erect to full-on steel rod, now.
At the touch of her mouth on his back, Graham smiled. Eyes closed, he lifted his face to the water. When her mouth moved further down the line of his spine and her tongue teased the top of his ass, though, he drew in a breath and moved to turn.
“Trust me,” Julia said.
He stayed put, but both hands went up to the wall as he leaned forward a little to keep his face out of the direct spray. Water pounded the back of his neck and shoulders, the heat making tension hard to form. But not impossible. When Julia’s tongue eased along his crack, Graham’s muscles tightened again.
Her low laughter sent a shudder through him. His cock twitched and filled, stretching until the head tapped his belly. His hands skidded a little on the shower wall as his fingers curled.
Julia ran her hands over his butt and down to his thighs, then up again, her nails scratching. He felt the heat of her skin against his calves and gulped back a groan. She was…fuck, she was on her knees again. This time, behind him. Her mouth skimmed his ass and her teeth found the hyper-sensitive spot just below the curve of his cheeks.
Graham closed his eyes.
Julia teased his flesh with lips and teeth and tongue. She pushed his feet wider apart and in the next moment her mouth suckled his balls, one, then the other. Graham’s cry was too low to be heard over the sound of rushing water, but he felt it rumble, raw and powerful in his throat.
Her nose nudged him. At the touch of her tongue stroking and probing Graham couldn’t stop his hips from jerking forward. He felt rather than heard her sultry laugh against him, and the intimacy of it, the strangeness, shot fiery desire through his cock.
In the hours he’d spent thinking of her over the past year, Graham had imagined many things. The scent of her hair. The softness of her breasts. The taste of her pussy, and how it would clench down on him when he fucked her.
He’d never once imagined her tongue in his ass and her hand jerking him at the same time.
“Oh, fuck…” he muttered, pushing into her fist.
If he hadn’t come once already, he was sure he’d have spent by now. Her tongue swirled and dipped along his body, finding places no woman had ever touched. Hell, places he’d never known he wanted to be touched.
“Mmm. You’re so hard.” She lightly bit the back of his thigh as her palm twisted on the head of his prick.
Graham couldn’t answer. Not coherently, anyway. Water sluiced over his face as he tipped it upward, eyes still closed. He opened his mouth, not to drink, but to fill it with something since he didn’t have her mouth or body to kiss.
Pressing her body against his, Julia got up. She put her arms around his waist and laid her cheek against his back. His cock throbbed and leaped as she ran her hands over his belly but refused to touch it again. Water sluiced over them both and she pushed at his hips until he turned to face her.
“I’d like you to fuck me, now,” she said.
Graham spat out the mouthful of water, hoping he’d have a voice to use. “Here?”
Julia shook her head. “No. On the bed.”
And with another of those low laughs that went straight to his dick, she got out of the shower without waiting to see if he would follow.
Chapter 7
Graham wouldn’t know she was shaking, but she was. Julia stripped off the bed’s comforter and pillows, leaving the bed vast and empty and ready for them to fill it. Her hands smoothed along the sheets as she centered herself on the mattress.
She pressed her face to the cool sheets and closed her eyes. She knew he was there by the sound of his voice and the subtle scent of soap and water. She knew the picture she made, her ass in the air, inviting him. He’d be able to see her cunt from this angle. She hadn’t dried off after the shower, and her pussy would gleam not from water but from her own arousal.
She wanted him to see her that way. Open. Waiting.
“Condoms are in the makeup bag on the table.” Her voice was hoarse but not hesitant. She slid a hand between her legs to circle a fingertip on her clit. Slowly, softly
, just teasing herself until he filled her.
This was how she liked it best. Knowing he would do as she told him and do it because he wanted to. Julia had never gone for whips and chains. Leashes, in her mind, were for dogs. She didn’t fuck dogs. She fucked men. Hard, strong men who weren’t afraid that pleasing her made them soft.
She heard the crinkle of plastic and his low grunt. She smiled into the sheets and pushed her ass higher. Her clit pulsed under her fingers and she eased off. She didn’t want to make herself come just yet. She wanted him inside her when she did.
The bed dipped as he got behind her. His hands found their now-familiar place on her hips, and Julia bit her lower lip as she waited for him to push inside her. The condoms she’d brought were lubricated, though her cunt was wet enough to take him all the way without extra lube needed.
Graham’s cock nudged her, and he took a hand away to guide himself inside. They both groaned as he did. Julia arched to take all of him in, as deep as she could. She bit her lower lip again as he did, that lovely thick cock stretching her almost but not quite painfully. It had been too long since she’d had a man inside her instead of her fingers.
“Yes, that’s it,” she urged. “Fuck me. Harder.”
He moved, but too slowly. Testing her, perhaps, uncertain she could handle him. Julia pushed back against him, feeling her ass slap his belly.
Graham’s hand tightened on her hip as he thrust. Still slow at first, then just as she’d asked. Hard and harder.
Julia lost herself in the pleasure. “Touch me.”
His hand moved around to stroke her clit, each thrust moving her cunt on his fingers until she could only clench her hands in the sheets and ride his cock as he fucked her. She’d already come hard on his tongue earlier. Her orgasm was slower to build this time, but Julia knew her body. This one was going to take the top of her head off.