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Whiskey Throttle (Crash &Burn Book 2)

Page 2

by C. Davis

  “I never meant to hurt you. You were a good friend.”

  “Friend,” I hissed. “Just a fucking friend. A friend who you wanted to take your virginity.”

  “I’m sorry, Lance. If I could take it back…”

  I shook my head and whispered. “Have a good night and have a good fucking life with my brother. Don’t come crying to me when he breaks your heart again.”

  “I’m sorry.” I hear her say as I’m walking away.

  It hurts like hell to walk away, but it’s for the best. I’ve been in love with Aubree since day one. And it’s all my fault I let her get away from me.

  Chapter 3


  “Goddamn you, Lance.” I kicked the rock, “Fucking dick.”

  “Damn,” I hear Trevor chuckle, “What did that rock do to you?”

  I feel my face heat up when I hear my crush’s voice. I’ve loved him since grade school, but he never saw it. He wouldn’t either. I turn around and force a smile. “Trevor.”

  He steps forward and throws me a smile. “Hey, Cami. Someone giving you a hard time?”

  “No,” I lied.

  “Need me to beat someone up?” he asks.

  “No,” I reply, “It’s nothing I can’t handle. What are you doing here?”

  “Just clearing my head. Why are you here?”

  “Just thinking.”

  Thinking of all the ways to murder Lance.

  He smiles again, placing a hand on my shoulder. He leans in closer and for a minute I think he’s going to kiss me. He strokes the side of my head with his other hand and whispers. “What are you thinking about?”

  “N-nothing.” I stuttered.

  “Really? So it’s not because of what just happened with Lance Spelling a few moments ago?”

  “No,” I hissed, “Absolutely not.”

  “Lance ain’t that bad. I think you two look cute together.”

  I scrunched my nose in disgust “Eww!”

  “So, you saw Oliver around?”

  I shook my head.

  To my disappointment, he pulls away and pats me on the shoulder. “Can you do me a favor?”

  I nod because I’m afraid I’ll stutter again.

  “Tell him I need to talk to him. It’s important.”

  “I-I’ll tell him.”


  He chuckled, “You’re so cute when you stutter.”

  And there goes my dignity. Right out the fucking window.

  “You should let me give you a ride back into town.”

  “I’m okay,” I whisper.

  “Okay. I don’t think Oliver would want his sister roaming the woods alone.”

  “You should go. I’m just going to…”

  “Alright, sweetie. I’ll leave you alone to think or whatever it is that you’re doing out here.”

  Trevor disappeared into the night and I let a breath out I didn’t know I was holding.

  “Fuck,” Lance chuckles, “That shit was brutal.”

  “Fuck off, Spelling.”

  “I already did, Martinez.”

  “Go away,” I tell him through clenched teeth. “I’m not in the fucking mood.”

  “Oooh, such a filthy mouth.” He teases.

  “I swear to God if you don’t leave me alone, I’ll knock you out and leave you here for the wolves to eat.”


  I spin around and storm towards him, shoving him against the tree. If it hurt him, he didn’t show it. He only curls his lip and smirks. “Kinky. I always knew you were a naughty girl. You gonna take me to your bed and cuff me to your bed too?”

  I blow out a harsh breath and hiss, “Leave. Me. Alone.”

  “Can’t. Don’t you remember the bet?”

  “What’s wrong? Can’t bear to see Murdoch with Aubree anymore?”

  I know it’s a low blow, but he asked for it.

  “You’re a real bitch, you know that right?”

  “I know and you’re a real dick.”

  “Maybe just a little. So, about that drink?”

  “Are you seriously trying to get laid after just getting off?”

  “Come on, I’ll buy you one of those fruity little drinks.”

  I took a step forward and rolled my eyes. “I don’t drink those pussy drinks. I’m a whiskey girl.”

  “Yeah?” he asked.

  “Fine, one drink.”


  “Yes. How thick are you?”

  “Oh,” he smirked, “I’m plenty thick if you know what I mean.”

  “And there he is, the man who thinks he’s a sex god.”

  I knew it was too good to be true. Just when he was a little bit tolerable, he shows his ass.

  Lance climbs on his motorcycle and hands me a helmet. “Hop on, Senorita.”

  He rolled the bike backward and started it up. It roared to life as I put on the helmet and slid behind him. He leaned his head back and smirked, “Ready to feel some power between your legs, Martinez?”

  “Just fucking drive. I’m ready for my drink.” I said as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

  Lance drives to the next town and pulls up to a bar. The neon sign flashes Vincent’s as he pulls up to the curb. I slide off the bike and take off the helmet, setting it on the back of the bike. Lance winks and says, “Didn’t think you wanted to be seen together. So, I brought you somewhere we won’t run into anyone we know.”

  “How thoughtful,” I reply dryly.

  Lance and I enter the bar and I’m a little impressed. It seems like a good, clean place. Lance pulls me by the wrist and leans down to whisper in my ear. “This is where I go to get away from everything. When I want to hide from the world, I come here. Now you can too.”

  Something inside me ignites. I’m not sure if it’s because how close Lance is or if it’s because I haven’t been laid in a while. But it’s something. Lance led me to the bar and nods to the man behind the counter. “A bottle of Jack Daniels and two shot glasses.”

  “Lance,” the older man grins, “Haven’t seen you in a while.”

  “I’ve been around,” Lance replies.

  The man glances at me and then back to Lance. “And who is this beautiful woman? I haven’t seen you bring anyone around before.”

  Lance poured a shot into each glass and slid one over to me. “Take a shot, sweetheart. Let’s see if you can handle it like you claim to.”

  I pick up the glass and knock the shot back, slamming it back down on the counter. I glance to Lance, raising an eyebrow. “You were saying, fuck boy?”

  “Holy shit,” the man whistled, “I like you, darling.”

  “Yeah, let’s see how you do after another one,” Lance said, filling my glass back up.

  I knocked another shot back.

  “Your turn,” I smirked.

  Lance picks up his glass and downs it, never taking his eyes off me. It’s like he’s challenging me. This is the way it goes between us. He poured another shot and downs it, throwing me a smirk. “Try and keep up, yeah?”

  “I can drink circles around you.”

  “Is that a bet, Martinez?”

  “It is. Unless you’re too chicken to follow through.”

  “You’re on. The loser has to kiss someone.”

  “No fucking way!” I hissed.

  “Now who’s the chicken?”

  “Fine. The loser has to kiss someone of the winner’s choice.”

  “You’re on. Just don’t get too mad when I kick your ass.”

  “So, who is this woman and why haven’t you mentioned her before?”

  “Because we’re enemies. I hate him and he hates me.” I answered for Lance.

  The man holds out his hand and grins, “Hi, I’m Vincent. Nice to meet you. What did you say your name was?”

  “I didn’t. I’m Camila and this fucker beside me is about to get his ass kicked by a girl.”

  “This I have to see.”

  About three-quarters of the bottle, I’m still
standing, but Lance looks like he’s about to crash at any moment. Or so I thought. Lance grabs the bottle and pours two more shots. “You aren’t giving up yet, are ya?”

  “Hell no, Spelling. You ready to give up?”

  “Never, bitch. You?”

  “Never, fuck boy. Be prepared to kiss my ass when I win.”

  He leans over and whispers in my ear, “Be ready to get on your knees and kiss my dick when you lose.”

  I down my shot and shoot him a glare. “Your turn.”

  Chapter 4


  Vincent shot me a glance as I poured Camila and myself another shot. He’s saying, what the hell are you doing? Or maybe he’s asking why I haven’t snatched Camila up. It’s simple. I hate her. She hates me. We’re like oil and water. We just don’t mix. Although, my dick disagrees. Besides, I’ve already had her and lost her.

  “Shit man, if you don’t like each other, why are you here together?”

  “To forget.”

  Camila leaned over the counter and reached for Vincent, “It was good to meet you, but we need to get going.”

  “No can do. I can’t let you two leave in this state. Why don’t you take the back room? It only has one bed and a couch, but it should work. Who knows? You might even spend one night and have angry sex together. Get all that anger out of your system.”

  I narrowed my eyes at Vincent and scoffed, “Yeah right, this one ain’t gonna spread her legs for anyone. Come on, Camila, let’s get your drunk ass to bed.”

  Camila giggled and leaned her head on my shoulder as I gripped her by the waist. Fuck. Now I’m hard again. Nothing seems to be going my way. She was only supposed to have one drink. And then it happened. We made a bet who could outdrink who. I lead her to the back and widened my eyes when she shoved me against the wall. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine. My tongue slipped into her mouth and she moaned. Fucking moans and makes me grip her hips. I slid my hands around her to palm her ass.

  “Fuck, Lance. I hate you.” She muttered against my lips.

  “Good. Because I hate you too. I don’t need to like someone to fuck them.”

  She slid her hand under my shirt and scraped her nails down my chest. “Just one night, Camila.”

  “One night and then we go back to hating each other,” Camila muttered against my mouth.

  I pulled away from her mouth and looked into her eyes. “Agreed. Bed. Now.”

  Camila shimmied out of her shorts and pulled her shirt over her head. I did the same with my shirt and popped the button of my jeans. Camila slipped out of her sports bra and slid her panties down. She falls back onto the bed.

  I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a condom before letting my pants drop. I slid out of my boxers and ripped the packet with my teeth. Rolling the condom on, I slid between Camila’s thighs with one thing on my mind. Needing to be inside her. I might regret this in the morning. No. I know I’ll regret it in the morning, but that doesn’t matter right now. Right now, the only thing that matters is we’re both trying to forget. I needed to forget about Aubree. She needed to forget about the fact she’s in love with Trevor.

  Just one night, Lance.

  Then, go back to hating her.

  “Hurry up and fuck me, Lance.”


  Screw Murdoch.

  If only I'd taken Aubree the night, she came to me, it might be me she was with. Only I didn't. And I'm not with her. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't hesitate. I would pop her cherry and make her mine.

  “Fuck!” I yelled.

  “What are you doing here? This is private property.”

  I turned to see Camila standing in the yard of an abandoned house. She crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes at me. “Oh, it's just you.”

  “Just me?” I raise a brow and smirk, "If I remember correctly, I wasn't just me last week. Oh yeah, I recall my name was goddammit, fuck me harder.”

  Camilla Martinez, my rival. The woman who got under my skin. Also known as the woman I recently fucked in the local bar.

  She took a step forward and narrowed her eyes into slits. “If you're here for round two, forget it. I hate you.”

  I took a step forward and stood just an inch from her. My eyes darkened as I leaned in closer. “Trust me, if I came here for seconds, you'd know it. I would have already fucked you. Not everything is about you, darling.”

  “What makes you think I'd let you, Spelling?”

  “Back to last names again, are we? What happened to Lance?”

  “If you don't get off this property, that's exactly what the police will ask themselves. Whatever did happen to that bloody bastard?”

  I gave her a toothy grin, “Ooh, knife play. You're one of those kinky bitches, ain't ya?”

  This is how it’s been between us for years. We push each other. Shove the other to the edge. Until one of us snaps. Then enter the sexual tension. So much built up, yet nothing happens. Until one day it did. Mind-blowing angry sex between two people that hated each other. That's what happened last week. And I fully intend on doing it again. Anything to get my mind off Aubree... the one woman I could never have.

  “Go. Away.” She hissed.

  “Fucking. Make. Me.”

  “How does it feel?”


  “To know the woman that you're in love with is probably getting fucked by your brother?”

  Two can play at this game.

  Did the truth hurt?

  Fuck yeah.

  “You wanna play? Fine by me. How does it feel to know Aubree's brother is probably doing the same thing with your brother?”

  Her nose flared and her eyes held nothing but loathing for me. I don't blame her. That was a low blow, even for me. But she did start it. Camila was in love with a man who batted for the other team. To top that off, her crush was with her brother's boyfriend. That's something I could relate to. It hurts like hell to watch the woman I love with Murdoch.

  “Fuck off! I'm coming back in ten minutes and your ass better be gone. Or else...”

  Yeah, I'll be here.

  Just waiting for the bomb to drop.

  Not like I have anywhere to be.

  Chapter 5


  Last week was a mistake. I should’ve never slept with Lance. Now the fucker thinks he can just come back for more. I only did it because I was drunk. I never intended to drink that much, but I couldn’t let him beat me at his own game. I was stupid. I thought I had him. I did have him beat. Or so I thought. He pulled one over on me and took advantage of the situation.

  I looked out the window and saw him standing in the same spot where I left him. He lit his cigarette and tipped his head with a stupid smirk as he met my glare.

  You wanna play, asshole?

  Fine, I’ll play your game.

  “Fuck you,” I mouth to him.

  Lance’s grin widened only adding more fire to my anger. I clenched my fists.


  He’s just about to piss me off. And that’s not good. When it comes to him, I have no patience. He just gets under my skin and makes me want to knock him out and bury him in the ground. I hate him. No. Hate isn’t the right word. More like I despise his very existence. I glanced around the room and see a bat leaning in the corner. I grinned to myself and make my way across the room. I picked it up and threw it over my shoulder.

  “Get ready, Lance. You have no idea who the fuck you’re dealing with.” I whispered to myself.

  I stepped out on the front porch and held the bat with both hands, aiming it at Lance. He widened his eyes and took a few steps back. I walked off the porch and make my way over to him. He swallowed hard and threw his cigarette to the ground.

  Shoving the end of the bat into his chest, he groans. “Fuck, Camila. Put the damn bat down before you hurt yourself.”

  “The only one getting hurt is you. Leave before I make you.”

  He grabbed the middle of the bat and s
mirks. “Oooh, kinky,”


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