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Sex Stories

Page 112

by Mary Jaine

  She paused to grin mischievously at Finn.

  "Finny, please, breathe, you're going a funny colour!"

  Finn could hardly believe his ears; it was the offer of a lifetime, but how do you take it in when you're offered everything on a silver platter? Lara sat up and wrapped a large beach towel around her nakedness.

  "What's the catch? No-one just hands over something like this without there being some kind of huge price to pay; I once read a story called 'The Monkey's Paw', about what happens when you really get what you wish for, so I get that there's never something for nothing. There has to be an absolutely huge razor-blade in a ball of candy-floss this big; what are you not telling us?"

  Evan smiled and raised his glass in salute at her.

  "Well done, basic caution, I like that. There is no catch, Lara. It's time for Sylvie, Robyn and me to go; we've had enough, we want our lives back now, the lives we would have been living if our father hadn't saddled us with such an impossible amount of money. We want to share with you, we want you to take over from us, and make this whatever you think it should be; if you try it and then decide that there should be no more 'Sisterfest', then that's your decision, but all this, the trust, everything, will remain yours anyway; call it a gift to the special people we've been looking for, and you'll at least know for certain that the time for 'Sisterfest' is over. You being here means we have a chance at a real life at last, and that means more to us than any mansions, or money, or luxury yachts, or Hollywood lifestyles."

  He means it, you know," came a soft voice, and Lara turned to see Sylvie walking toward them, her wet hair hanging down over her shoulder as she brushed and untangled it.

  "My family means more to me than all of this," she said, her face solemn, "and we'll make any deal, any offer, if it means we can walk away and never be a part of this again, if we can leave to start the family we all want. It was my idea to recruit someone from the guest-list of people who've attended these parties, but so far, no-one has fitted that image we had in our minds; no-one until today, that is."

  She reached out and gently ran her fingers through Lara's damp locks, gently combing and separating-out the worst of the tangles by hand, smiling softly at her as she did so, her eyes far away for a moment, before returning to the present.

  "We think you are both very special people, which is why we invited you to be part of this. I truly believe you and Finn could make this whole 'Sisterfest' concept into something very special and meaningful with time, and that's why we want to give it to you."

  Robyn curled her legs under her and smiled as Sylvie poured her another glass of champagne.

  "I'm not going to hide or sugar-coat anything; if you take this on, there is a lot of hard work ahead of you. 'Sisterfest' revolves around utmost secrecy, discretion, and the willingness to do whatever it takes to make sure no word of this leaks out; some very well-known people attend the parties, you'll see the guest lists if you decide to throw-in with us, and they expect their privacy to be protected and guarded well."

  She paused to watch it sink in.

  "This is one of the very few places in the world where they can do what they do, openly, and with no-one judging them; they treasure it as a refuge, and will expect you to keep their involvement strictly confidential. Any word or hint of what they do here would ruin them. They're literally putting their lives and careers in your hand, and that's a huge responsibility."

  She sipped from her glass, then continued.

  "Of course, there's also a lot of fun to be had! The parties happen on three main occasions: New Year, Valentine's, and Hallowe'en. Other than that, and unless you decide to host more, your time's usually your own; if you want to travel, the world will be your oyster, or you can live your normal lives and just host 'Sisterfest' from here as and when.

  Sylvie paused to grin at them.

  "The house and complex is extensive and very well maintained, and there are many other entertainments than these two pool areas. You've probably only seen about ten percent of the entire place; I should reserve my judgement before I made any snap decisions. As the new owners you will of course be at liberty to come and go as you please, or you could live here; there are worse places...!"

  Robyn sipped her champagne, and twinkled a smile at them.

  "The choice is yours; if you decide you want to be part of this, once we hand over to you, it's all yours, to do with as you see fit, your house, your complex, your rules. We will still be reachable; we're not just dumping this on you and buggering-off into the sunset! No, you'll be part of our family, a very special part, and we'll stay close, just no longer involved in any way; after all, we'll be too busy, we have babies to make!"

  Sylvie seated herself behind Lara and stroked her hair again, her lips quirking up at the corners as she began to gently brush out the tangles. Finn could see she wasn't finished speaking, so he said nothing, instead waiting for Sylvie to gather her thoughts.

  "We won't talk about this again today; it's a lot to take in, I know, and we're asking you to make an enormous change in your lives, a life-altering change for both of you, so let's leave this on the table for now, and we can pick it up again tomorrow. I'd much rather you gave us a considered yes or no than a knee-jerk "No", so let's leave it here. We have a formal dinner with more entertainment planned for tonight, and it's about time for afternoon tea, so shall we go back through to the main pool?"

  Lara glanced over at Evan and Robyn, who were engaged in a long, hot kiss, Evan's hand inside the front of her robe and cupping her breast. Finn followed the direction of her gaze, and flushed slightly in embarrassment, something Sylvie noted immediately. Her grin broadened.

  "Honestly, the pair of you are so sweet, I can completely understand why Robyn wants to eat you both up! You were both naked out in the main pool, why be embarrassed now?"

  Finn cleared his throat and grinned shamefacedly.

  "Sorry, I didn't mean to be a prude; I guess out there was different, everyone was naked, and it was like being at a nudist beach, not sexy or anything,, no-one was staring or anything. But here, now, it feels a little like I'm intruding on their privacy, can you understand what I mean?"

  Sylvie reached over to gently brush her fingers along his cheek, a smile on her face. She looked over at Robyn and Evan, who smiled and slowly nodded, as though confirming something, before huddling down together again, not kissing this time, just watching Finn and Lara closely. Sylvie brushed Lara's hair down one last time, and stood up, adjusting the towel she'd wrapped around herself earlier.

  "Don't worry, I understand completely. You believe that what happens between a man and a woman is their private business, not some kind of sideshow, and you and Lara could never do that, but you won't condemn others for doing it. Good for you; I don't want to pressure you, but an attitude like that is a definite plus around here! Let's go back through now; I'm hungry, and I think Evan and Bobbi would probably like a little privacy..."

  Lara slipped her shorts and tank-top back on, and buckled up her sandals, while Sylvie dropped her towel and followed suit, taking a pair of shorts and a polo shirt from a small closet against the back wall of the pool room, and slipping on a pair of blue and white deck shoes. All dressed, she took Lara by the hand and led them back to the doors to the main pool area. Finn looked back, to see Robyn drop her robe and begin unbuttoning Evan's shirt, straddling his lap as they kissed, then Lara pulled him through the door and back into the main pool.

  Finn was relieved to see the orgy had died down considerably, and everyone seemed to be back with their original partners, stretched-out on loungers or sitting and chatting amicably together in small groups on the artificial beach while the tropical girls circulated with trays of chilled drinks. The barbecue spits had disappeared, but now chilled trolleys appeared piled high with sandwiches, fruit cocktails, and cake stands laden with sponge cakes, cream gateaux and sweet pastries. Most of the guests had put at least some of their clothing back on, and now they congregated
near the trolleys, piling plates with sandwiches, slices of cake, and bowls of chilled fruits.

  Finn looked sideways at Lara, a glint in his eye she recognised.

  "You hungry, babe?" he grinned, his grin broadening as Lara shook her head.

  "Not really, but I would like to lie down..."

  Sylvie smiled and patted them both on the arm.

  "Off you go then, see you at dinner, the chimes will let you know when to get ready, and remember, it's black-tie, so boots and suits, kids!"

  Lara grinned and pulled Finn in the direction of the exit. Once they got back to their room, Finn wasted no time in pulling her close and kissing her while his hands roamed over her body, eventually settling on squeezing and moulding her firm buttocks as they kissed deeply.

  Lara broke their kiss to begin tugging down her shorts, but Finn stopped her, and slid his hands into the backs of her shorts to push them down himself. As he did so, he kissed and nibbled Lara's lips, pushing all the while at her shorts, until they were once again half-way down her thighs. Lara pulled her tank-top up and off, leaving her with just her shorts, half-way down her thighs as they were.

  "I remember this!" she murmured, squeezing his throbbing cock suggestively through his jeans as her eyes danced with glee. Finn sighed as he once more fondled her taut little bottom, making her gasp as his finger slid lightly over the puckered crease of her anus. Lara looked questioningly at him, but he shook his head.

  "Tonight, baby, after the dinner; right now..."

  With that, he put gentle pressure on her shoulders. Lara understood immediately, and knelt down to unbutton and unzip his jeans, while Finn tugged his polo shirt off and threw it to one side. Lara pulled his jeans and shorts down in one, holding his cock firmly as he stepped out of the puddle of his clothes, completely naked, with his thick, erect cock jutting out aggressively from his groin.

  Finn smiled happily as her lips enfolded the end of his rigid member, the sensation sending fingers of ice thrilling up and down his spine. Lara could feel his arousal in the solid, heavy feel of his cock, his balls pulled up tightly under the base of his cock, and his elevated pulse drumming in the bar of flesh she was sucking so determinedly.

  She slid her tongue gently over the hole in the tip of his penis, savouring the little gasp he gave as she did it, her tongue pleasuring him as her hand squeezed and pumped him, more gasps from him telling her just how much he was enjoying what she was doing.

  Suddenly, Finn pulled back, his aching cock falling from her lips as she looked up at him in surprise. Finn gave her his hand, pulling her up again.

  "Not like this, Sissy, properly..." he murmured, and Lara smiled, pumping her hand up and down on him once more as she led him to the bed. Once on the bed, Finn pulled her astraddle him, facing the end of the bed. As she leaned down to once more take his erect cock in her mouth, Finn slid her further up along his body, and pulled her fragrant, swollen pussy down against his eager mouth.

  Lara sighed as his tongue licked and lapped at her most secret places, savouring the taste of her excitement, drinking her tangy sweet juices. Lara's head bobbed as she worked him further and deeper into her throat, Finn revelling in the warm suction of her mouth even as he licked and sucked at her, eagerly lapping-up the juices trickling from her excited pussy.

  Her scent filled his head, and now Finn ate her almost aggressively, unable to get enough of her, her pheromones flooding his system and inflaming his brain until all he wanted was her. His probing tongue found the hard little bud of her clitoris, and as he gently dragged his tongue across it, Lara shuddered as the precursor to orgasm racked her body. Unable to stop himself, Finn pulled her clitoris between his lips and sucked, even as he jammed his thumb into her anus.

  Lara came in a succession of waves, groaning out loud and clamping her thighs on either side of his face, calling his name as her body threshed and shuddered. Finn gently held her clitoris between his lips as her pussy convulsed against his mouth and her anus clamped down tight around his intruding thumb. As she groaned, the vibration against the already sensitive head of his cock was too much, and Finn gasped out loud as he too climaxed, his last reserves of sperm spurting into his sister's mouth as he gave her everything he had.

  Lara continued to suck and squeeze his cock even as he spurted into her mouth, rolling the sensation on and on for him, extending his orgasm even as she quaked and shuddered with aftershocks as her own gigantic orgasm continued to echo and ricochet inside her.

  Lara slumped down on his thighs, completely spent, her heart beating so hard Finn could feel it in the long muscles of his thighs. Finn was almost wiped out; Lara's weight as she lay on him barely registered as the adrenaline high slowly ebbed, leaving a peaceful lassitude in its place.

  Finn realised he was falling asleep, and squeezed Lara's bottom, the delicious scenery of her vulva and anus still only a few inches from his face. He followed that with a quick lick of her pulsing labia, still dark and swollen from her arousal, hearing her giggle softly.

  "That's nice, baby, do that some more, I like it!" she murmured blurrily, wriggling languorously on him, sleep obviously not far from her either. Finn gently rolled her off him, and grabbing a handful of pillows, swapped ends to lie next to her, spooning her against him. Lara stretched and pulled a pillow under her head, at the same time pulling his arm around her so she could snuggle down against him.

  "Don't let me sleep too long, Finny, I want to play some more!" she yawned, turning it into a giggle as Finn slipped his hand around her waist and down to lightly cup and caress her labia and brush the flat of his hand against her clitoris, calming her and easing her into sleep.

  "Just a little while, Sissy, then we can play some more!" he promised, before hugging her closer to him and tugging the bed-covers over her.


  Sylvie was in a thoughtful mood as she sat at one of the loungers, absently nibbling a slice of cake. Everything about Finn and Lara ticked her own personal set of boxes, but she knew what was at stake; Ev and Bobbi would need to be 100% on the same page. Her lips quirked up at the corners as she remembered Finn's instinctive gesture, protective and possessive, when Ev had said he wanted to know them better; it was just so sweet, such a welcome, refreshing thing to see here, in this place, where hedonism and relentless sexual abandonment were the name of the game.

  She pushed her plate away and stood up. The family needed to talk, this was their future, and it was no time to be making mistakes.

  As she made her way back into the private pool, Finn and Lara's faces were uppermost in her mind. Upon entering, the sound of her brother and sister making love drifted across the pool room, making her smile at the rush of love she felt for both of them.

  To occupy herself while they took their pleasure of each other, she collected the wet towels and clothes scattered around while Ev and Bobbi, her brother and sister, but also her husband and wife in every way that counted, made love.

  "Syl, how long have you been here?" called Robyn, her voice blurry with the afterglow of orgasm.

  "Not too long, baby," she replied, smiling at Robyn's own smile.

  "Why didn't you say something hun? You know you're part of this too, as much as I am, or Ev, why didn't you come here and join us, baby?"

  Sylvie sat down next to her and smoothed her hair, kissing her lightly as Evan nibbled the tips of her fingers.

  "You need some time alone with our husband too, baby; what kind of a wife would I be if I came between my husband and our wife?"

  Robyn stretched and hugged Sylvie.

  "I like being your wife; don't ever leave me!"

  Sylvie grinned as she kissed the tip of her nose.

  "Don't worry, baby, I never will; I love you! I can't wait to get away from here, just you, Ev and me, our family, together forever. In fact, that's what I came to talk about."

  Robyn sat upright, pulling her robe tighter around her even as her brother put his arm around her.

  "What's on your mind, Syl?" he
asked, concern flitting across his face as Sylvie looked past him at the star-speckled ceiling, gathering her thoughts. Sylvie took both their hands as she started to speak.

  "Ev, Bobbi, I just want to go over this one last time, so we know we're all looking for the same thing. I know we set this whole weekend up just for this, but I have to be certain you're both completely on-side as well. Ev?"

  Evan settled himself and squeezed both their hands as he spoke.

  "We're so close now; when I saw Finn and Lara yesterday I knew; I felt sure they were the ones, more sure than anything I've ever felt; except about how I feel about my beautiful wives, of course! Talking to them just confirmed it in my mind, and I think they like what we're offering them; not the money, though; I got a feeling that didn't impress them that much, another point in their favour. Bobbi?"

  Robyn looked up at him, tears gathering in her eyes.

  "I think they're the ones too; like you, it's just a gut feeling, but a good one. Finn only wants Lara; I could feel it coming off him in waves, so he'll do whatever he needs to do to make sure they can stay together. I think we made the right choice, and I think they'll accept, in fact, I'm sure of it!"

  She looked up at her brother, her eyes darkening.

  "I just want to leave this, Ev. I want to go away and never think about this life ever again. I want to stand in a supermarket checkout queue and work out what to cook for dinner. I want to sit in the park and talk to the other mothers about pushchairs, and nappy-rash, and teething, and christening robes, and kindergarten, and food fads, all the things mothers do. I want to have my babies with you and Syl, and be a mum, and bring my babies up far away from all this, and nothing else!"

  Sylvie gathered her in as she cried, her own eyes brimming as Robyn echoed her own feelings so perfectly. She kissed Robyn gently and looked up at Evan.


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