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Sex Stories

Page 120

by Mary Jaine


  I fell asleep in the arms of my lover, my sweet, handsome brother, and dreamed of our lives together, of the things we'd done, and seen, and where our paths had led us, and then the focus shifted, and I saw, clear as day, where we were going, the lives we were going to lead, the family and loved ones we'd gather around us over the years. It was the most beautiful dream I'd ever had, and what made it all the more special was that I knew that Rowan, my Roly-poly, was going to make it all happen for us, because this was what he wanted too; I could actually feel his dream melding so seamlessly with mine that they were now one and the same.

  When I woke, it was to feel his big cock nestled between the cheeks of my bum, hard and urgent. As I moved against him, I felt more than heard his gasping intake of breath, and when he began touching and caressing me, all my desires flowered into one pressing, urgent need: to have him inside me, filling me with his flesh and his seed. When he finally prepared to enter me, he hesitated; I could see the concern in his eyes, and his final question, but I already had the answer; I wanted this more than anything in the world. So I looked into his eyes and nodded, beckoning him on, into me, and letting him know that this was for real, that it was what I wanted, and that I was his for the taking, right there and then, and forever after.

  When he pushed himself into me, I literally saw stars; there was a little pain, but not much. My gymnastics with my plastic plaything had readied me for this, but he was larger, thicker, softer, harder, a myriad of things all at once, and so much more beautiful than any plastic object; he was the real thing, my lover, and when he filled me like nothing ever had before, his cock jammed into me to the hilt, the overload of sensation, coupled with my emotional state, pushed me over the edge into a screaming, sobbing welter of indescribable pleasure such as I'd never dreamed possible.

  I couldn't help but push back against him, feeling my engorged clitoris rubbing so wonderfully against his own pubic thatch. When he withdrew and powered back into me, I nearly fainted from the shock of sensation that jarred through me all over again. I couldn't keep this up, I didn't know how much I could take, I only knew it wouldn't take much, not with what I was feeling, and when he kissed me while simultaneously ramming himself endlessly into me, I lost all control, my orgasm rearing up and crashing through me like a tidal-wave of pleasure, leaving me unable to even scream in the catharsis of release.

  Rowan, so intimately connected to me, gasped as I tightened around him, his body rigid and his muscles locked as I pulsed and quivered through that gigantic climax. I could feel him swell and throb inside me, the white heat of his spunk spurting deep inside me, rocking me on and on as he filled me with himself.

  The moment of pure ecstasy passed but my eyes stayed locked shut as ripples and tremors shivered through me and my nipples burned, engorged and throbbing as my body surfed through the waves of pleasure engulfing me. Rowan stayed locked in place above me. His beautiful eyes were the first thing I saw when I opened mine.

  "Hello sweetness!" he smiled, his eyes soft and blurry in the afterglow surrounding and warming me and when I smiled back he kissed me. When he did that, two tears spilled from my eyes, because now I was absolutely sure, all the way down to the deepest, most hidden parts of me, that he really was mine, and we were together for real. His look of concern warmed me even more as he rolled us over so now I was lying prone on him, his thick cock still buried in me, still hard and hot. This time I smiled when he wiped the tears away with his thumbs, his hands big and soft and so incredibly gentle.

  "Don't cry Nim, whatever I did, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, please, don't cry..." he murmured, looking so worried I couldn't help but grin.

  "It's okay, Ro, it's all okay, I promise! I'm fine, baby, really, I'm just so happy, you made my first time so wonderful, I just love you to bits..."

  He looked puzzled as he tried to put me being happy with me crying in the same box and I had to smile all over again; it didn't matter how many girls he'd had before me, and I knew it wasn't a very big number, or how worldly he thought he was, he still had that basic, almost child-like innocence that had always made him so attractive. He looked so adorable being so puzzled I just had to kiss him, and he responded just as warmly, his hands sliding around my waist and coming to rest on my bottom, which he then began to squeeze rhythmically, kneading and massaging my cheeks and pulling my anus open when he separated the cheeks.

  When he did that, I knew what I wanted him to do to me, but not yet; right now we had unfinished business...

  I think a lifetime of reading my expression suddenly clicked in him, because my darling Roly-poly grinned at me and left off squeezing and fondling my bum and instead eased me closer so we were almost lip-to-lip, then smiled and winked at me.

  "That's your 'cake' face, Nim; someone wants cake, don't they?" he grinned, so I kissed him anyway and rolled off him.

  "I need a shower, Ro, so do you. I'll do your back if you'll do mine, deal? And no touchie-feelie, I'm hungry, we'll do that later!" I promised him. Rowan's face lit up, and so we spent a very enjoyable fifteen minutes or so soaping, lathering, shampooing and rinsing each other off. I know Roly was feeling something, if that thing of his was to be believed, but then, after running my hands all over his lovely lean bod I was feeling a certain...need...myself.

  But we'd agreed; foodies, then nookie, so I pulled on one of his university tee-shirts, which came down to mid-thigh, so I was dressed modestly enough to go wandering the halls, and Roly plumped for a pair of shorts and a tee. With his hair still damp and dark, and, for once, sleeked back from his forehead, he looked casual, relaxed, completely at ease, and totally delicious; seeing him like that, I almost gave up on the cake, not with him looking so desirable. However, there are some appetites that need immediate attention, unfortunately...

  I led him from the room and down to the pantries all we girls had been shown earlier. There were several pantries, all of them long and well-lit, with a line of refrigerators, wine coolers filled with soft drinks, and racks of fresh fruit along one wall, and in the middle of the room those lightweight bistro- type metal tables and matching chairs you sometimes see on the pavement outside restaurants in the summer, with bread-baskets and butter-dishes on each one.

  It was also completely deserted, which I thought was odd, but welcome; I wasn't ready to face any of the others just yet, not after that scene earlier, so Roly sat me down while he filled plates with cold meats, lobster salad, smoked salmon, sliced pork pie (my favourite), dressed crab, crayfish tails in mayonnaise, another of my favourites, bowls of fresh fruit salad, and not forgetting some slices of cake; he had remembered my one vice, what a sweet boy!

  While we ate, we talked about what we did next; it was a little strange, sitting there in that brightly lit, deserted room, surrounded by some of the best food I'd ever seen, in a house that was God only knew where, eating ravenously after the best sex in the world, with my brother, no less, but it was a good kind of strange, not weird, just...different. Rowan was his usual attentive self, but now there was a difference; now, instead of bantering, there were long, searching glances, meaningful pauses and silences that spoke volumes, and always, his hands on me, holding me, lightly caressing me, even the act of wiping a spot of mayonnaise from my chin a caress rather than a simple gesture.

  The food was delicious, it filled the void, and sitting there in that large, silent room, just Roly and me, it should have felt odd, or intimidating, just the two of us eating alone in that big silent space, but because he was there with me, the emptiness didn't matter; instead, because he was there with me, it felt intimate and cosy, a special place for just the two of us. Rowan was the only thing in my world right then, and I couldn't take my eyes off him; his eyes as they darted around my face, his lips, remembering how they'd felt when he kissed me, his hair, for once smooth and sleek instead of his usual unkempt mop, and always his hands dancing gently over me, touching, holding, caressing, reassuring, and all the while I knew that from now on this wa
s how it was always going to be between us.

  Gradually I became aware that we'd drifted closer; now, instead of sitting side-by-side we were pressed together, our low-voiced conversation punctuated by his touches and caresses, to be replaced with kisses as his lips brushed my lips, my cheek, my ears, my hair, even my eyelids, soft, fleeting, and tender. Somehow my hand had fallen in his lap, and I could feel that growing bulge there, ready to go wherever I wanted to take it. He seemed quite content to remain where we were, hugging and kissing like two lovers on a park bench, but now it became more serious, and much more urgent, when his hand cupped my breast, and his thumb massaged my nipple, bringing it immediately to life.

  As we kissed, I could feel that bulge in his shorts pulsing, waiting for me, and when I squeezed him he groaned gently and pulled me even closer.

  "Not here, baby, not like this..." he muttered, then groaned again when I squeezed him even more firmly; now I knew what I wanted; I wanted him, here, now...

  "Really, Nim? Are you sure?" he whispered, but now I wanted him so badly it didn't matter where we were; besides, the whole place fairly rang with emptiness; for all I knew everyone else had gone out to the movies and we were completely alone, and anyway, it didn't much matter to me where we did this, as long as we did it right there, at that instant!

  Roly grinned as I fumbled with the front of his shorts, trying to unhook the buttons and clips, but he solved that for me by just lifting his hips and pushing them down. He was naked underneath and his lovely thick cock once more reared up, hard and shiny, the head already pushing through his foreskin, slick and glossy with his fluids.

  I had planned on sucking him first, bringing him to the edge until he didn't know where he was, but when I stared at that beautiful rod of hot, thick flesh, and scented the rich, male musk of his excitement, all that went out of my head.

  Now that I knew what that thing felt like in me, I wanted it again, and without another thought as to where we were, I slid astride him, kissing him frenziedly as he groped and squeezed my bottom, pulling the cheeks apart even as I aimed him, then slowly, wonderfully, slid him back into me, feeling myself split and stretched once more as he filled me completely.

  "Oh God, Roly, that's so good, yes, do that, do that..." I chanted over and over as I rode him, while his lips and tongue caressed and teased my nipples and his hands held my waist and pushed into me when I pushed down against him. I grabbed the seat-back to give myself even more purchase and Rowan responded by sliding his hands up my back to hold my shoulders, pulling himself up against me as I bore down on him.

  I don't know how long we fucked like that. It was a long, timeless moment stretched out infinitely, where only the two of us existed, and our gasps and groans as we fucked each other like crazed beings, pounding away at each other endlessly. I never knew it was possible to be fucked so hard and to feel so good, my darling Roly was showing me what a world of pleasure lay out there, and I felt myself rising higher and higher as we ground and hammered at each other until:

  "Oooohhh God, fuck, oooh fuck!" he gasped, his whole body tensing, his muscles suddenly rigid, like he was carved from warm marble, and I actually felt his cock pulse as the spunk rose in him and blasted deep into me, bathing my cervix in delicious heat, HIS heat, from his body. At that, my mind dissolved as my own orgasm bulleted through me, slamming into me like an express train, a huge upwelling of the deepest pleasure, almost lethal in its intensity. I shook and screamed, unable to stop myself as the most intense waves of pleasure I had ever experienced roared and surged in me, over and over, until I thought my heart was about to burst.

  Finally, the awful, incredible, awesome intensity passed, leaving me weak and shaken, trembling in reaction, still impaled on my darling brother, his arms holding me against him. My heart was hammering like crazy; even my teeth were buzzing in their sockets and my throat was raw and ragged from the power of my release. Darling Rowan held me tight as I quaked and trembled with the aftershocks whirling through me, and my stomach ached from such a violent, shattering orgasm.

  "You're okay, you're okay, I've got you, it's alright Nim, you're okay, relax, baby, that's it, that's it..."

  I heard him murmuring as if from a long way away, soft, calming, soothing, like I was a small child again and he was making it alright, as he'd always done, and once again I felt that huge, burning surge of love for him; as long as my Roly had me, I was safe!

  I slumped against him, suddenly tired beyond belief; now I knew what they meant by 'dog-tired'; I felt like I'd run a marathon pulling a car behind me. My muscles were actually quivering with exhaustion, and so, with his hands on the small of my back and on the back of my head, gently but firmly holding me to him like a small child, I literally passed-out, past caring where we were, or that I was still impaled on him.

  * * *

  Sisterfest Ch. 04: Rejected Sister 02

  * * *

  Part 7: Rowan

  I was tired, God, was I tired, but at the same I'd never felt so good in my entire life; whatever had just happened between Nimmie and me, it was the start of something we'd never let go of, of that I had no doubt; now I knew, and somehow I knew she knew, that we were in this for the long run, no matter what. Sitting there, alone with my darling, beautiful sister impaled on me, sweetly asleep after her exertions, was, for me, sheer heaven, and I could have stayed like that forever, because I had her now, she was mine, now and forever.

  However, the realities intruded; my legs were going to sleep with being pressed by her weight into the frame of that light metal chair, and supposing someone else decided they wanted a snack and found us like that? So I kissed and blew in her ear, smiling when she smiled and murmured in her sleep, persisting until her eyes fluttered open.

  "Roly...? Mmm, you feel nice..." she whispered with a smile, her eyes still soft with sleep and exhaustion, but then widening as she realised I was still buried deep inside her. She bit her lip and squeezed me with her pussy muscles, grinning mischievously at my soft groan at the feel of her clasping me so tightly again. My cock was still swollen, what with being wedged inside her, but now it was really sensitive and the feeling as she rhythmically squeezed and relaxed around me was literally indescribable. I squeezed her bottom and pinched her gently to make her stop so I could say something, but she ambushed me with a long, hot, very arousing kiss as soon as I opened my mouth.

  "Quit that, you, I'm trying to say something!" I murmured when she broke our kiss and squeezed me again instead, so she pouted adorably, pooching-out her bottom lip, the whole number, and gazed into my eyes instead, which I found even more distracting.

  "If you're going to keep on doing that, we should go back to our room," I said, "Who knows when someone will just come wandering in here; do you really want to be caught like this?"

  Nimmie grinned naughtily as she tapped the tip of my nose with her little pink forefinger.

  "Earth to Roly, are you receiving me? Roly, think about where you are, sweetie; everyone here, every guy here, right now, what are they doing? They're fucking the living daylights out of their little sisters, that's what they're doing! If anyone comes in here anytime soon, they're not even going to notice us; they're going to be too busy nursing their big stiffies and sore balls and thinking about their hottie sisters all naked and panting for more, believe me!"

  I shook my head, trying not to let this delicious girl distract me.

  "You're a bad girl, Puss-Cake, did you know that?" I frowned at her in mock disapproval, yet was unable to stop myself from grinning at her cheeky, pixie expression as she dimpled at the compliment.

  "I still think it's a really good idea, Nim; right now, with what I'm thinking of doing to you, we should probably be somewhere a little more private..."

  Just as she opened her mouth to object, a voice right behind me snapped my head around.

  "He's right you know, Naomi; you really should go back to your room; just imagine how you'd feel if a gang of ravenous people charged in here right now
and found you like that!"

  It was the girl Robyn, and she had a smug, cheeky grin equal to Nimmie's expression earlier.

  "Hello kids, I see you worked it out!" she drawled, swaying closer to us.

  As she did, I couldn't help but notice that underneath the short, gauzy shift she wore, she was stark naked, every lithe curve and pert feature as visible and obvious as if she'd been completely nude. She smiled again as she drew closer, her long, coppery hair flowing free down her back, and flirtatiously combed her fingers through my hair before grinning as she winked at us.

  As she did that, she leaned down to whisper "well done, Rowan, I knew you'd come through!" With that, she pecked me on the cheek and took Nim's hand.

  "And I knew you'd convince him, Nimmie!" she smiled, cupping Nim's chin for a second before distractedly pushing her hair back from her shoulders and gazing into Nim's eyes.

  "You are so pretty, Naomi, if I thought for one second..." she paused to sigh theatrically and give Nimmie a slow, suggestive wink, before licking her lips lasciviously as she smiled wickedly.

  "I meant what I said, though; I think you're done here, so now you need to take it somewhere more private. Don't bother with the mixer later. The others will understand. What's more important is that you two finish working out what you want and where you go; oh, and have a little naughty fun, too, that's an order! The next chime you'll hear will be the 30-minute breakfast call. Please do come. You'll like it, I promise; it will be fun, just the thing both of you need; I think you need to take all of this a little less seriously! Off you go now, I'll clear-up in here, and I'll see you at breakfast. Wear something suitable for a day at the beach, darlings, and just follow Nimmie's bracelet. Now go. Shoo, shoo!"

  I grinned at being shooed away like a small child, but took the hint, sliding Nim off my lap so I could pull my shorts back up without giving Robyn too much of a free show, while Nim pulled her tee, which was currently bunched under her armpits, back down into something approaching decent. Robyn was busily clearing away the glasses, plates, and debris of our meal, and I felt a pang of guilt at leaving her to clean up our mess. She just smiled at me and pointed at the door.


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