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The Mage’s Revenge (Crescent Moon Academy Book 2)

Page 13

by CY Jones

  “It is, young master. I’ve done as you asked and have been keeping a close eye on your father. Lately, he has been taking many trips to Lord Morganstein’s manor in England, having secret meetings. I tried to get past Morganstein’s wards, but could not, so I’m not sure what they’ve been meeting about. It seems his magic is not exaggerated. I have never encountered such powerful wards before.”

  “I’m not surprised. He’s such the conundrum,” I reply. I hate unknown factors and Angelica’s father is a blaring one.

  “I was able to find out that your father is planning on visiting the school with news about your mother, and from the other Gouchie you have following Lord Morganstein, he is also on the way here with all three members from the Council. I told Layla I would report this to you for her while I was here so she can continue to follow Morganstein.”

  “Good job, Pharaoh. I already knew after what Angelica did, her father would make his way up here. It was inevitable, but what does my father want? News about my mother? I wouldn’t be surprised that he killed her after what she did, but why come all the way here to tell me in person? What is he up to now? And what was said in these secret meetings with Morganstein? “Keep following my father and learn what you can. I rather not fall prey to any of his nasty traps.”

  “As you wish, Master,” he says before dipping his head and holding his fist to his heart. Then he’s off in an explosion of feathers and I lean forward against the wall and watch him fly away until he disappears in the horizon.

  I’m concerned for my mother now. She may not have been the ‘world's greatest mom’, but she did risk her life to save me. I can’t imagine the news my father has to tell me is good if he’s coming all the way here to tell me. Not much time has passed since he tried to kill me. For him, coming here is a dangerous gamble. He knows I still have my Champion, and I have every right to take retribution against him. Father isn’t a stupid man. He’s not rash nor does he do anything without first thinking it through, so what does he want? What does Morganstein and the Council want besides the obvious shit Angelica stirred?

  “Are you going to tell her that her father is on the way here?” Milo says behind me.

  “I should have known you were out here lurking around,” I growl, turning. Allies or not, I’ll never leave my back turned to Milo.

  “So are you?” he repeats calmly.

  “There’s no point in upsetting her until they actually get here. She’s still healing and already upset over hearing her grandfather could be in danger because of her actions. Besides, there’s still the possibility he’s not even coming here to see her specifically. As long as she stays in my room, they won’t run into one another.”

  “You can’t possibly believe that,” he says in a condescending voice.

  “Maybe I do, maybe I don’t,” I shrug.

  “And to think you gave me shit about leaving her alone in my room. You didn’t even hesitate to shelter and offer her aid after we brought her back from Crimson Blood.”

  I ignore the latter part of his statement and concentrate on the former. “You know why I did it. Besides, she’s still weak. It took a lot out of her just to sit up.” And to cum on my fingers, but I don’t mention that. “What trouble can she possibly cause bedridden?”

  “You’ve changed,” he states, amused.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m still the same person I’ve always been. Maybe it’s you who has changed.”

  “The Zion I know would never shelter a female. No less leave them there unattended. Hell, the old you would have said she got what she deserved and went about his business without batting an eye, not by her side playing nursemaid. Did you even tell her what the healer said? I’m sure you didn’t. Your cold face of indifference doesn’t fool me. As much as you try to hide it, I know you’re still bothered by the news like the rest of us.”

  “I’ll tell her when she’s ready and not before,” I growl, pissed. What's his purpose for bringing this up now? Is he purposely trying to piss me off? Goad me into doing what? “I won’t be the one to overload her with information before she even has the chance to recover. If you really care about her like you say you do, you wouldn’t want to either.”

  Suddenly, his face changes to one of rage and an intent to kill blossoms in the air. “Don’t ever doubt my feelings for her,” he growls, closing the distance between us so close, I could practically taste his fury.

  “Then it’s best you heed your own advice and don’t doubt mine either,” I growl back, refusing to back down. I may have been unsure about how I felt about the little trouble maker when she first got here. I thought it was just simple lust that first sparked my interest toward her. She’s always been a conundrum I couldn’t figure out, but now, I know better. What I feel is not so flimsy or whimsical. What I’m feeling now is as real as I have ever been or could be.

  We stare each other down for another beat, both of our power flaring wildly around us before he finally steps back. “I don’t know your intentions, but if you’re prepared to love her, then you need to also have the mindset to let her go.”

  “Let-her-go?” I repeat slowly. “What the hell does that mean?” I growl, growing even more pissed. Milo certainly is an expert at setting me off today.

  “I mean just what I said. She’s not one of your colorful little birds nor some magical creature to be caged and coveted. She’s uniquely her and cannot be tamed.”

  “I never said I wanted to tame her. Why spout such nonsense at me? Don’t you think I already know she’ll rebel against me at every turn if I even attempt to tell her what to do? I don’t want a bot. The perfect female trained from birth to do as I say. How boring. To me, how Angelica is now is perfect.”

  “I want to believe your words, but I can’t help but to think that it’s the challenge that you’re attracted to and not the actual girl. As soon as she starts to bore you, you’ll quit protecting her and discard her like day-old trash.”

  “You don’t know anything about me,” I say, getting right back into his face, clenching my fists tightly at my sides. If it’s a fight he wants, then bring it on. It’s not in my personality to back down. I shouldn’t have to justify my feelings to him anyhow. I don’t even know the full extent of my feelings so how could he?

  I don’t know how long we watch each other before he finally steps back, giving me the space to cool my head. “She wouldn’t want us to fight,” he comments, looking away and disappearing in a cloud of dark feathers.

  I must have been holding my breath because I let it out as I unclench my fists. I don’t know why we have so much animosity toward each other. It’s not like I want to kill him. At least, I don’t think I do. Despite what just happened, I laugh, letting out a long sigh of frustration as well as relief before I turn toward the door and go back to my angel. My cock is bigger than his. There’s no need to measure.

  Thanks to my spell, Angelica was still out of it when I returned. The others would probably be pissed at me for doing something they’d consider underhanded, but I truly am only looking out for her. Besides, what I did is no different than when her grandfather put her in a magical coma after she fought Quinn. She needs her rest to heal. Just sitting up in bed took a lot out of her. She strikes me as the type who can’t stay still, even if it’s for her own benefit. “Sabre, watch over the girl. I have an insect to catch and squash,” I tell my Champion as I leave back out.

  I’m surprised I’m still holding it together after finding out Violet had the nerve to spell my door. I don’t know what hold my father has over her, but clearly, the stupid twit has no braincells if she thought crossing me was a good idea. Between my father and I, I am not the lesser evil.

  I wonder what’s with the sudden change in her strategy. Her actions are almost desperate. She had the upper hand. Whatever her family has on my father was enough to secure an alliance through marriage. I have always been upfront with her. That even though I hated my father with every fiber of my being, I swore t
o her I would never treat her like my father does my mom. At first, I may have felt something for her. Growing up, we were childhood friends who knew, once we graduated from the academy, we would be mated. But those feelings, as slight as they were, left the second she ditched me for the academy in London, England right after my father killed my sister. I needed her then, to lean on, to get me through my grief, and she left, claiming she was not ready to be anyone’s mate. And honoring her wishes, I let her go. She wasn’t there for me. The only people who were, were my brothers, my allies.

  Now, here she is, back from the dark, acting like everything is supposed to go back to the way it was before my sister died and she left. Even if I never met Angelica, I still wouldn’t accept Violet back into my life. She showed me her true colors. I couldn’t care less what happens to my father. Whatever her family has on him, they can’t hold that over my head any longer. I refuse to use my life to pay for his sins, and as soon as he gets here, I’ll let him know.

  I guess Vi has some sense about her because after a couple hours of searching, I could not locate her. I let enough people know to relay the message that I’m looking for her so she’s probably in hiding. Apparently, she has enough brain cells to know her little trick didn’t work, and I’m not seeking her out for a social visit. If she knows what’s good for her, she’ll stay in hiding until my father gets here, thinking he’ll save her from my wrath. His presence will only delay it. She will get what’s coming to her. Now more than ever, I wish I killed her that day we fought.

  Once I’m back in my room, I take a long hot shower. Just thinking about Angelica naked in my bed has me palming my cock in my fist and stroking myself in a steady rhythm as I fantasize and pretend it’s her hand wrapped around my shaft and her bringing me to my climax. When I’m close, it’s her moan of pleasure I heard just a few hours ago that pushes me over the edge, and I cum in my hand and on the porcelain shower tiles.

  It has been awhile since I’ve been with anyone. Morgana was the last female I fucked, then there was the little goodie-two-shoes mage that sucked me off, but that doesn’t count. Thanks to Oliver’s Champion, Caster, and her transformation spell, it was Angelica who was on her knees before me and her throat I was really fucking. I get hard again just thinking about it, and I have to rub out another one. I hope my angel gets well soon because I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to hold back. I’m used to being in total control, and this overwhelming need to fuck her and make her mine is maddening.

  Somewhat satisfied, I dry myself off and walk on quiet feet to my bed. My angel looks so peaceful when she’s asleep and angelic, just like her name, but I know the truth. She’s a force to be reckoned with as well as hotheaded, reckless, and impulsive. Traits I never thought I’d find appealing in a mate. In fact, from anyone else I would be annoyed by them, but not her. I think I’ve come to understand her better, which is why I should have known she’d do something stupid after our fight. I don’t regret what I said to her or how I said it. I’m not the type to sugarcoat things, especially when someone is acting like a brat. When we win this war, we will discuss what’s best to do with the source of power as a group. Unlike the others, I’m not entitled to fork everything over just because we’re fucking. I’m just as ambitious as she is and have my own goals for the future. And trust me. When all this is over, and we get to that point, I would have already had her in every way I dreamed of. “You should get some rest, Master. It sounds like tomorrow will be a long day. Don’t worry about the girl, Archer and I will watch over things.”

  She’s right. I should sleep, but I can’t help feeling restless. Crimson Blood is a problem now. Not knowing what they’re going to do is driving me crazy. Then there’s my father’s upcoming visit, Angelica’s father, and the Council. Like some prophet, I see nothing but impending doom, and it’s not like all our ducks are in a row.

  Because of what the healer revealed, Kirito and I are butting heads again. Then there’s the fact that we’re down a Champion. Quinn’s Berserker managed to kill his assassin when Quinn lured him out into a field with a message Kirito assumed came from Angelica. Quinn wasn’t under Lord Morganstein’s influence then, and it was really him who wanted Kirito dead because he fucked Angelica. Angelica, the little siren, has so many of us vying for her attention, even her brother who has been harboring feelings for her since he found out they weren’t really blood related. Not like that matters in the mage community. We’re not like humans. Relationships amongst siblings are common to keep the bloodlines pure. Sister or not, he would have still gone after Kirito.

  We’re all on edge, which is why Milo is acting so overprotective. And then there’s Angelica. She’s not fully healed yet, but when she is, there’s no telling what she’ll do next. Ever since Quinn’s death, she hasn’t been in the right state of mind. Becoming even more impulsive. More reckless which is a scary thing. Who knows what the Council will do to punish her grandfather or what she’ll do to defend him.

  “You are quite the trouble maker,” I mumble more to myself since she can’t hear me. Shutting off my busy mind, I pull her beside me and snuggle into her soft body. She smells amazing, and I can feel myself growing hard against her, but I clamp down on my hormones and deny myself. I refuse to be ruled by my dick. Our time will come, and when it does, it will be epic.

  In my new normal, the next couple of days go by in a blur. In the mornings, I leave Angelica alone in my room in her Champion’s care. She still hasn’t woken from my spell, which means her body is still too weak to fight it off. I’m sure when she does wake, she’ll have words for me, and I find that I’m actually looking forward to it.

  Vi ditched all the classes we have together and made sure I didn’t run into her in the halls. She can keep playing this little cat and mouse game if she likes, but it won’t be long before she’s caught in my trap. At least she’s not sniffing around me anymore, begging for attention, making it easier for her to spy on me for my father. Her constant chatter and clinginess was getting bothersome. Her being terrified of me and keeping her distance is actually a good thing.

  Our fight already forgotten, I’m playing pool in the game room with Milo when my father finally decides to send for me. My Gouchie reported to me immediately when he arrived, but it wasn’t until late in the evening when he finally decided to call on me, sending two of his muscled flunkies to come fetch me. I could easily dispatch them, but I leave willingly, without starting anything. Already, I can tell I’m not going to like what my father has to say to me if he’s going through such precautions to collect me. Before leaving, both Milo and Kirito give me a silent head nod full of steel, letting me know they have my back. Despite our issues, if I need them, I know they wouldn’t hesitate to help me, but with my Champion beside me, I doubt their help will be necessary. My father may be ambitious, but he’s not crazy. He knows after his last attempt to kill me, I’ll be guarded around him and an ambush won’t work on me a second time.

  Not taking any chances, I have Sabre materialize next to me before I enter the office my father is currently using. The two guards say nothing to Sabre or even balk at her sudden appearance, nor do they step in and try to stop her from coming with me. Father must have informed them of who and what she is beforehand.

  I knock on the door once, not bothering to wait to be invited in. Since he summoned me here, he already knows who it is. Besides, it’s not like this is his office. Right now, he’s in my territory. Like the last time I saw him at home, he’s sitting behind the desk like he’s king of the castle, seemingly unbothered. But his eyes give him away as he watches me walk forward with a predatory gaze, seeking weaknesses he won’t find. Not only do I have an ironclad shield wrapped around my mind, I also had Sabre shielding my person. Our last visit taught me nothing is too careful when dealing with a man like my father.

  “As much as it’s a pleasure to see your lovely Champion again, don’t you think her presence is a little much? This is a friendly visit after all,” Father says in
a bored tone, almost fuckoffish.

  “Our last encounter was also a friendly visit, and I remember all too well how that went,” I clap back.

  The asshole just smiles like he's thinking back on a fond memory, and I clench my teeth as my anger rises. He would get off on trying to kill his kid.

  “Don’t look at me like that, son. You can’t fault me for trying. You opened up the perfect opportunity, and you know how much I hate wasting them.”

  “Tell me, Father. Exactly what did you stand to gain from killing your only heir?”

  “Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You know how it is, son. If I would have succeeded in killing you then you wouldn’t have been worthy of being called my heir. I’m glad we were able to come to an understanding since you’re still alive. I wish I could say the same for your mother, but unfortunately, the little tramp met an unfortunate end and is no longer with us.”

  “Unfortunate end,” I laugh coldly. “So you did kill her. What kind of male are you to prey on a female weaker than you?”

  “She got what she deserved,” he answers instead, flat out ignoring my question.

  I don’t know if he got his own hands dirty and did the deed himself or had someone else kill her, but it was done illegally, but seeing that he’s not locked up waiting on judgement from the Council, he’s already gotten away with it somehow. Being friends with Morganstein has certainly made him untouchable.

  Beside me, I can feel Saber’s anger and a strong reverence of hate just as violent as mine. She may not have known my mother, but she was there when Mother held off my father long enough for her to save me. The first unselfish deed my mother ever did in her life won her Saber’s respect as well as her downfall.


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