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Jet: An Enemies-to-Lovers Rockstar Romance (The Sinful Seven Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Connie Lafortune

  “I hope you don’t mind, but Willow invited me and I jumped at the chance. I can’t wait to see where you guys jammed all these years.” Oh, I bet she would.

  Willow avoids me at all costs as I grab my guitar, slip it over my shoulder, and check the tuning. Not that it needs it, but it gives me something to do with my hands. God knows I want to choke the little shit for not mentioning that Quinn would be here.

  “This is spectacular. Seriously, Trevor, you guys could have recorded your own albums down here with this setup.” No one dares mention that Lucas was opposed to the idea. He had his reasons.

  “A little less conversation. Let’s practice.” Yep, I’m an asshole, but I didn’t come here to play catch up. I want to jam and hopefully get rid of this toxic tension that has been hanging in the air since Quinn invaded our private sanctuary.

  Just because I’m feeling rebellious, I break out with, Another One Bites the Dust, by Queen. Quinn’s eyes are as round as saucers as Trevor joins in and Willow sings. Yeah, we got some mad skills and can play cover songs probably just as good as the originals. And I don’t think there’s a person on the face of the earth that isn’t familiar with this song, so there’s that too.

  After I’m done fucking around, we start with our playlist from our last concert. Love these guys because we do all of this without speaking. It’s just our nature since we’ve been doing it for so damn long.

  We keep at it for hours and I’m now covered in sweat. Without thinking, I reach over my shoulder and pull my shirt over my head. It hits the sofa, right on the side of Quinn. Oops, my bad. Damn, I should have wiped myself down before tossing it. I can feel Quinn’s stare burning a hole in my chest. I’m guessing she likes my ink and she’s trying to decipher it from far away.

  Not going to happen.

  In fact, I can guarantee you that she’ll never get close enough.


  I reach for the water bottle on the table beside me and take a long drink. Trying to quench the fire burning inside of me ever since Jet took off his shirt. Oh my stars, the ink on this man is insane. In a very good way.

  I’m hankering to walk over there and read the script that covers every inch of his body. Only to spin him around and see the written word on his back. I’m afraid if I do, I’d drool. No lie. He’s tall, lean, and so damn delicious that I just want to reach out and touch him.

  Damn, that was so unprofessional.

  Maybe I find him alluring because he’s so quiet and mysterious. And we all know what they say about the quiet ones, right? I bet he’d be great in bed. Yes, I just went there. In all honesty, I haven’t been laid in six months and this man lights my fuse.

  It’s not the first time I’ve seen him without his shirt on, but for some reason his tats seem more pronounced when he’s playing guitar and it’s really hot! Okay, I’ll stop now but if you could see what I do, you’d be drooling. I swear.

  “We’ve been at this for hours,” Willow says. “I don’t know about all of you, but I’m a starving Marvin.” Willow is so damn perfect and cute. I just love her to pieces.

  “Let’s break and go raid the fridge,” Trevor answers. “I’m sure Mom has tons of leftovers just waiting for us.”

  “I’m down for it. I can’t remember the last time I had a decent meal.” Everyone goes silent after Jet makes this announcement. He senses it, so he quickly recovers the mood.

  “Guys, did you forget I’m working at the diner? I was fucking joking, but I want real food instead of burgers and fries. Don’t tell Mack but Mrs. C’s cooking is out of this world.”

  I’ve yet to meet the mysterious Mrs. C, but I’ve heard so many good things about her. It’s so sad that such a good woman spends her day going through chemo and radiation treatments. It’s always the good ones who have so much to bear.

  Trevor’s the first one up the stairs and Willow follows. I hold back but am shocked when Jet places his hand against the small of my back and allows me to go in front of him. Is he checking out my ass? I highly doubt it because it’s a known fact he doesn’t like me very much.

  Laughter hits us as we open the door and watch Trevor pull a massive amount of food out of the fridge while Willow dots kisses all over this tiny woman in the center of the kitchen. The elusive Mrs. C, I presume.

  “Mom this is Quinn, our PR agent and the glue that keeps us together. Quinn, this is my mom, and the best cook in the world.” Trevor’s introduction leaves little to the imagination.

  “It’s wonderful to finally meet you, Mrs. Collins. I lost count how many times they wanted to hire you to go on the road as our personal chef.” Truth, the food at some of the venues was atrocious.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, Quinn. Please, all of my friends call me Mrs. C. Thank you for taking care of my brood while they’re on the road. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy feat keeping everyone in line, especially my Lucas.” She slowly walks over, takes my hands, and kisses my cheek. She’s so sweet and frail, standing around five feet.

  “Did I hear someone mention my name?” Lucas, in all his magnificent glory, swoops in and sweeps Mrs. C off her feet. She’s laughing and crying since her ‘brood’ is together again. It melts my heart. A smiling Abby is close behind.

  “I thought you were on vacation for ten days,” Mrs. C says to Abby. “What happened to change your mind?” I’m blinded when Abby holds up her hand and she’s sporting a dazzling engagement ring.

  “We’re engaged, and I couldn’t wait to get home to show all of you!” Everyone’s talking all at once and it’s difficult to hear over the buzz.

  Jet’s the first one to congratulate the bride by picking up Abby, swinging her around and planting a kiss right on her lips. With a roar, Lucas separates the two and laughter ensues. I’m standing off to the sidelines feeling like the fifth wheel when Lucas realizes I’m here, struts over and picks me up, and swings me around too. “Congratulations. Now put me down, you idiot.” He grabs his chest like he’s offended.

  I fight my way through the bodies so I can properly congratulate Abby. She’s smiling from ear to ear as she holds out her hand to show me. “Girl, he did good! It’s beautiful and huge!” I pull her in for a hug and she holds me tight. Abby is The Sinful Seven’s business manager, but just a few months back she was a barista at Java Joe’s. When the coffee joint was sold by her asshole brother, Lucas swooped in and saved the day.

  “I want to hear all about Aruba, and how he proposed,” Mrs. C says. “I can’t believe you guys cut your vacation short to come back home.” If I was in paradise, I don’t think I’d ever want to come home.

  “Lucas wanted to clear the air with Jet after what happened. It’s been eating away at him for days, so I’m the one who suggested we leave. Besides, I couldn’t wait to show everyone my ring. I might be a bit biased but I think it’s gorgeous.” All the girls gather around Abby and we all ooh and ah over the brilliant bauble. He really did good this time around.

  “We were just getting ready to chow. I’ll grab more chairs and plates. Hope you guys are hungry after the plane ride.” Trevor takes it upon himself to play host and I jump right in to help him. I’d rather stay busy and out of everyone’s way.

  Once the table is set, we all sit down to have a celebratory meal together. I’m thankful that Willow invited me here today, otherwise I would have missed out on this happy occasion. A part of me realizes that I shouldn’t be here, but another part of me feels like I belong. Not sure why, but I’m going to cherish this moment since I know it’s fleeting. In a little over thirteen weeks, I’ll most likely be heading somewhere else. Working with a new band and getting to know everyone all over again. So, for now, I’m going to enjoy every moment until it disappears.


  Who was that guy who wanted his solitude a week ago? Yeah, that would be me. I never thought I’d be the one to admit it’s great to have the gang together again. Working at the diner and brainstorming with Quinn was the highlight of my vacation, but now that everyone’s
back, we can jam.

  One of the first things we did after eating last night was clear the air. Lucas explained his reasoning behind setting me up with Quinn, and I get it, I do. But I also reminded him that I don’t warm up to people the way he does. It takes me longer, if ever, to feel comfortable with someone. We made each other a promise to stay out of each other’s business from now on, and I’m thinking he agreed readily since I had tons to say about his engagement. Too soon is what I wanted to preach, but I know he doesn’t want to hear it. Besides, it’s not my place. Whether friend or foe, no one’s going to change his mind on this one.

  Don’t get me wrong, I like Abby. And I’m thankful she chose him since he’s had his share of women in the past. If anyone can tame him, she can.

  Last night we stayed at Trevor’s just like in the old days. Funny, it does seem like years ago when in truth it was only a few months ago. Quinn left after the engagement festivities and I was relieved when no one asked her to stay. Yeah, I’m an asshole, but even after all these months I don’t feel comfortable when she’s around. Maybe it’s because she’s constantly staring at me. I feel like she can see right through me and read me better than any book out there, and it makes me uncomfortable. Always has and always will.

  So, for today, we’re going to kick back and chill and just play catch up.

  Lucas and Abby are stretched out on the leather sofa, while the rest of us are sitting on the floor in a semi-circle. Listening to all the funny shit that went down in Aruba with these two. All you need to do is visualize high tide, hot sand, and rough seas while they’re naked. Yep, spells disaster. They’re damn lucky they didn’t drown.

  “I swear Abby’s still finding sand in all her girlie—” Lucas stops short as a quick smack lands across his shoulder from Abby and we have a good laugh. “On a more serious note, Jet, fill us in about this benefit concert you and Quinn are trying to put together.”

  “We’ve been brainstorming a ton of ideas, and I think we have it all figured out. As soon as we get the greenlight from Caleb, we’ll contact as many bands as possible to join. Then, if every band sets up a campaign page and sells online tickets, they can reach tons of their fans and die-hard concert goers. We could also sell T-shirts with a special logo on it for the benefit. I’m sure one of us can come up with a cool slogan and add the band names with dates. I don’t know, but I have a million thoughts running through my brain to the point where I can’t shut it off.”

  Abby’s so excited, she sits up and leans her elbows on her knees. “With careful planning, this has the potential to be an amazing fundraiser for a very worthy cause. I’m sure we’d have tons of bands wanting to donate their time.”

  “Exactly,” I respond, “and I don’t care if they’re big or small, if they’re willing to give up their time, I’m more than happy to let them join. Hey, we all had to start somewhere. This could be the big break they need to be seen and heard.”

  Questions are coming in left and right, and it’s hard for me to keep up with all of them. “Okay, Quinn and I don’t have all the answers. One of the biggies is what venue would be able to pull this off. Another thing for us to figure out is how long can we keep this gig going. A day, a weekend? How would that play out?”

  All of a sudden Trevor gets an epiphany. “Hey, speaking of Quinn, why isn’t she here today?”

  “Right? I’ll call her and see if she’s busy. If not I’ll ask her to come on over.”

  I quickly stop Willow from making that call. “I’d rather you didn’t. It’s our vacation and all we have is a few more days before going back on tour. Seriously, Quinn is just an organizer and I’d like to keep it real just for a little longer.”

  “Bro,” Lucas says, “it’s time we had another chat. Alone. Follow me.” Is he fucking serious? Lucas stands over me, and for a split second I feel like I’m back in that trailer and it’s hard to breathe. “Jet, it’s me. Lucas.”

  When my vision clears and I notice him squatting down in front of me, I feel unhinged. Shaking it off, I push him away and stand of my own accord. On wobbly legs, I rush out the front door. My long legs carry me forward as Lucas calls out my name.

  “Jet, I’m sorry. Wait up, please. I wasn’t thinking.” Damn straight he wasn’t.

  Bending over, with my hands plastered against my thighs, I try to shake off the fog from my brain. I haven’t had a flashback like that in years. Lucas knows not to touch me, so he just stands in my peripheral with his hands in his pockets.

  “Do you want me to grab a pint or a bottle of Jack? Tell me what you need.”

  “For everyone to leave me the fuck alone! I’m so damn tired of everyone pushing Quinn down my throat. I can’t tell you why she rubs me the wrong way. I wish I could, but the last thing I need is for my friends to play matchmaker. Or to force me to do something I’m not comfortable doing. Yes, we collaborated and I stopped over at her house and she stopped over at mine, but it was because I fucked up big time and I’m not going into that right now. Please, I just can’t right now.” I storm off in the opposite direction and I’m well aware that my car is parked in Trevor’s driveway. Right now, I really don’t care.

  He doesn’t try to stop me and that’s a good thing since I don’t want to be stopped. I’m feeling like I’ll lose my mind at any minute, and if I do, I don’t want my friends to witness me falling apart.

  So, I keep on walking. And walking. Until a familiar sight greets me.

  My solace, my home.

  My sanctuary.


  Since I haven’t heard from Caleb yet, I decided to go for a walk to burn off some pent-up energy. My mind wanted to visit a plush green park with children playing, laughing, and having fun with their families. Sadly, my feet had a mind of their own when I found myself walking down the alley beside the diner. The exact one that Jet mentioned that night. Now, I can’t erase the tragedy that unfolded before me. Children of all ages hiding in cardboard boxes, wearing tattered clothing. Innocent faces that bartered for money, doing anything that would get them a hot meal to fill their empty bellies. I spent every last dime I had on me, granting them what they begged me for. I wanted to take them home to bathe them and let them sleep in a warm house so they felt safe. Even if it was for a few hours. Someplace where they wouldn’t need to hustle or try to steal for themselves.

  Deep down inside, I’d known this was happening. But, like everyone else, I guess I turned a blind eye. Always thinking that someone would take care of them. I was so damn wrong. Most of the people passing by that alley avoided looking down there at all costs. Pretending it doesn’t exist. All of these kids are falling through the cracks. As adults, it should be our mission to make sure that they’re being taken care of. I can’t and I won’t just look the other way or forget that I’ve seen this any longer.

  As soon as I got home, I did the unthinkable. I called Caleb. “Since your first call wasn’t an emergency, is it safe to assume this one could be?” he asked.

  “I took a walk down the alley between Fifth and Ninth on Main. Homeless children line the walls, living in cardboard boxes, begging for food, selling their bodies, Caleb. Anything so they can eat—”

  “Quinn, I’m well aware of that spot and it’s not happening just in the city of New York. It’s worldwide, and unfortunately one concert isn’t going to fix the problem.”

  I’m sobbing like a baby because my gut’s telling me that he’s already made up his mind. I can’t even right now. “Caleb, I’m begging you.”

  “Contrary to what you think, I’m on your side. I want to help but I’ve already spoken to a few of my colleagues and they think it’s a waste of time and money. The best advice I’m going to give you is don’t ever go there again. You can’t save everyone; it will just drive you mad. Quinn, I promise I’ll get back to you sometime tomorrow with an answer.”

  I’m devastated when the line goes dead. Really, what did I expect? That he’d rush right over here, open his wallet, and feed everyone?

  Desolation hits me right in the center of my chest. What do those poor children do when they’re feeling this way? How can they find comfort when there’s none? I can always call family or friends, but what would they do? I don’t know how to turn all of this around and I feel so small and helpless. All of the planning that Jet and I did seems so trivial compared to how monumental something of this magnitude truly is. One insignificant concert such as this would be like putting a Band-Aid on a festering wound. It just wouldn’t be enough. Will anything ever be enough?

  There’s so much anxiety building inside of me that I feel volatile, like I’m going to blow at a moment’s notice. I need to do something. What, exactly, I have no idea. But something.

  I don’t waste my time getting inside my car, because, truthfully, I don’t want to be confined inside of a small space. Right now I need the vastness and the open air, so I walk. I’ve no idea where I’m going, but I just put one foot in front of the other and keep going. When I’m tired and can’t go any further, I’ll stop. Call an Uber and then go home. Until then, I’m on the move.

  I pass the Hungry Dog Diner and contemplate stopping in for a burger, but decide against it. It’s best if I keep on walking just in case Jet’s working. He’s sure to accuse me of stalking him again if I do. I walk by several quaint shops and bars and enter a side of town that looks familiar. This is the street where Trevor lives. Do I stop in, or keep on walking? I should cross the street or go back the same way I came. I don’t want any of them to think I’m so desperate that I want to hang out with them while I’m on vacation. Vacation. What a joke.

  Crossing the street, I head back and stop short when someone calls out my name. “Quinn? Quinn, wait up.” I turn to find Willow running towards me. Damn, I wasn’t quick enough. “Do you need a ride? Hey, where’s your car?”

  “Hey, Willow. Funny thing, I was taking a walk and didn’t realize I had walked this far out. I’m heading back now.”


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