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Jet: An Enemies-to-Lovers Rockstar Romance (The Sinful Seven Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Connie Lafortune

  A part of me always wondered if I was brave enough to confide in a woman, that there might be a slight chance I could break my binds and I’d be set free. And you’d think after exposing myself to thousands of screaming fans like I did last night that I’d be able to open up to the woman I love. Since she brought it up, maybe it’s best to put on my big-boy pants and get it over with. They say there’s no time like the present.

  “I was walking down the alley by the diner when three guys jumped me. One of them grabbed my guitar and the other one held me down with his foot. They were mean fuckers, and I knew in a split second that either I do what they wanted or I was dead. Some would have chosen death, me, I’d already been to hell and back. And those fuckers had my guitar!”

  “The dude lifted his foot off my chest, while the other two brought me to my knees. Then he dropped his pants. I was seconds away from being forced to give this guy a blowjob when I heard a crack, a scream, and then gunshots. The fuckers ran off while I fell to the ground covering my head. I admit, I was afraid of getting shot more than anything.”

  “It was the first time I heard Mack’s voice. “You okay, boy? Did they hurt you?” I couldn’t speak, because truth be told I had no clue if he was friend or foe. Until he picked me up, brushed me off, and handed me my precious guitar. That was the day I became acquainted with the Hungry Dog Diner and befriended Mack Blythe. It changed my life forever.”


  My heart swells with every little scar this incredible man rips open for me. He despises pity, and without realizing it, he seeks forgiveness for his stepdad’s abusive behavior. When in all actuality, he needs to forgive himself. What happened in the past wasn’t his fault. He was just a child! There’s no way I could have done what he did and venture out on my own. Regardless of the circumstances, I would have turned around and gone back home. Not Jet. His past made him strong and resilient.

  “I’m sorry, that was too much information. I warned you that you might look at me differently if I shared my truth.” What?

  “I’m in awe of you, Jet Turner.” Sitting up, I take his face in my hands. “In fact, I was just thinking how brave and determined you are. You ventured out on your own to get away from your stepdad. That took so much courage! There’s no way I would have been brave enough to do what you did.”

  “You’d be surprised what you’re capable of under the circumstances, baby. In my situation, I was safer on my own than I was staying in that house for a minute longer.”

  “How old were you when you moved in with Mack?”

  “Around fourteen and change, but I didn’t permanently live at the diner. It was Mack’s intention but I had too many friends on the street. I didn’t want to leave them vulnerable and all alone. My busking kept us fed on most days and when it didn’t, I made sure they had something to eat. We were safer together than alone, so how could I abandon them? It could have been any one of us that Mack saved that day. The way I look at it, better me than any of them. I used the room when I needed it and so did some of the others. As we got older, we drifted apart and moved on.”

  I can’t even right now. Bending down, I kiss his parted lips. I just need to taste his pain and wish I could take it all away.

  He’s so selfless.

  “Quinn, I did what I needed to do. No big deal.” He wipes away the tears that I can no longer hide. The thought of all the children still on the streets just makes me so terribly sad. That society allows this to happen makes it that much worse.

  “You make it sound so simple when I know it had to be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done.” Shaking his head, he brushes his lips with mine.

  “Staying in Connecticut after my mother died was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done. And if I had left at that time, I wouldn’t be so fucked up today. Let’s change the subject. Tell me about your family. Okay?”

  “Of course. You already know I have five brothers, so let me see. My parents have been married for almost forty years, and my mom will tell you that out of all of her children I was the most difficult. Don’t believe a word she says. I was a saint compared to her boys, but they’ll deny it as much as her. Claiming I’m high maintenance and that’s so not true. Look at me! I’m a train wreck. You can attest to that since we’ve been on the road together.”

  “Baby, you’re the furthest thing from a train wreck that I’ve ever seen. You’re gorgeous, whether you’re dressed to the nines or lounging around in sweats and a T-shirt. Your family’s just busting on you because they love you. It sounds like you have the perfect family, embrace it.” Yeah, now I feel like shit but I know I shouldn’t. I know Jet’s not jealous. Perhaps a bit envious. He has every right to be, but I’d wager even if he grew up in an amazing family, he’d still be the same wonderful man he is today.

  “Well, thank you for the compliment. Much appreciated. You might be biased since you’re fucking me and you need to tell me that or else.” He swoops in and starts tickling me, and then it’s game on!

  “Stop, stop, you can’t just pounce on me without a warning.” I’m laughing so hard that I swear I’m going to pee the bed, but he won’t let up. “Jet. . . Oh god!!” No fair since I can’t do the same to him.

  “I’ll stop if you promise me one thing. Quinn, you need to promise me.”

  At this point I’d promise him a million dollars or the moon if he’d stop. “Yes, anything! Gah, STOP!”

  He pins my hands to my side so I can’t retaliate, and now I’m crying since I was laughing so hard. I start squirming because I really need to pee, but he’s so damn serious that my heart begins pounding.

  Leaning his forehead against mine, he begs. “Promise me, no promises. Can you do that for me, baby? No promises.”

  Dear lord. I’m going to start crying for real this time. I can tell for whatever reason that this is important to him. Swallowing down the lump in my throat, I do what he asks. “I promise, no promises, Jet.” I bite the inside of my cheek to stop the floodgates from opening. “Now, I really need to go to the bathroom.

  “Thank you, Quinn.” A soft kiss to my trembling lips and he releases my hands. I bound out of bed faster than a fifty-yard dash. Once I’m safely inside the bathroom I let my tears free. I get that he’s afraid of commitment and he has trust issues after what he’s lived through, but the timing just sucked.

  No matter how hard I try with Jet, I always feel like I’m taking one step forward and three steps back.



  Tonight, we play to another sold out crowd. Adrenaline’s running high and I hate that it’s difficult to see the crowd with the overhead lights. I can’t help wondering if someone out there recognizes me. Or if Joseph is here. It’s doubtful, but it’s been niggling at me since we landed. My only hope is we’re playing miles away from where I lived, so I try to tamp down the anxiety pulsing through me. Tonight I need to be present, not in the past.

  We’re waiting to go on stage when I steal a last glance at Quinn. She’s all business, talking into her headset, and I know she’s worried that we’re in my home state. She didn’t mention it in so many words but she hinted at it. I’ve no doubt she’s talking to security and asking a million and one questions. Never resting until they answer each and every one. I should know, she tries to do the same with me. I used to resent it and get pissed off, now I know she does it because she really wants to know. Who knew I’d fall head-first for an older woman? She’d kill me if I said that out loud since we’re only two years apart. “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind it doesn’t matter.” A favorite quote of mine.

  Lucas bumps my shoulder since I’m deep in thought. “Hey man, you good?”

  “Yeah, I am. It might have something to do with a certain someone, ya know?” The bastard chuckles and I’m waiting for an “I told you so,” but it doesn’t come. Smart guy.

  “Quinn’s good people and she has our best interests at heart. Especially yours. Don’t fuck it up.” Now that’s the Luc
as I know and love.

  “Talking about me when my back is turned?” Quinn asks. I smile, like from ear to ear. This girl just gets me in the feels.

  “Damn, you caught us! I thought your ears would be ringing.” She stands on her tiptoes and plants a sexy wet one on my mouth. Tease!

  “Break a leg, you guys.” Yeah, she’s including all of us but she only has eyes for me. Not going to lie, it’s intense.

  I sneak in one more kiss when Jeff begins the countdown. “In, five, four, three, two, and go—”

  Taking our marks, we wait for Trevor to tap out a beat. When he does, Lucas screams, the lights come up, and we play Distraction just like every other concert. The crowd’s singing and dancing, and as always the girls try crowding the stage and breaching security.

  In the beginning, I loved the attention. There’s something about the fans screaming your name that makes you feel powerful. Now, not so much, and my only explanation is I have Quinn. Someone who believes in me and accepts who I am and where I came from. It’s the happiest I’ve been in a really long time. Something I never thought possible, but like everything else, it has an expiration date. I’m not going to dwell on that, I’m just going to enjoy the time we have together.

  One song bleeds into the next, and for hours we pour our hearts and souls into our music. Giving our fans everything they paid for and then some.

  When we sing the last song of the night, the crowd goes wild. They’re standing, stomping their feet, and singing the lyrics right along with us. It’s mind-blowing, intoxicating, and something none of us will ever take for granted as long as we live.

  After we sing the last note, Lucas screams, “Thanks for coming out to party with us tonight, you guys fucking rock!” We take our bows and run off-stage, only to run back out for a few encores.

  We’re exhausted by the time we’re backstage, yet our endorphins are kicking in for round two. I’m not sure if everyone else is going to the afterparty, but I know I’ll be passing since Quinn and I have a private one of our own.

  With several encores, I might add.


  I feel like a caged animal as I pace back and forth, waiting for the other shoe to drop. It’s stupid, I know, to always think of the worst-case scenario but I want to be prepared. Then I keep asking myself what are the chances that his stepdad would be here tonight? Yes, he might live in Connecticut but Jet wasn’t forthcoming with which city. It’s so frustrating that he still can’t fully open up to me, but my mantra as of late has been to take baby steps. Every day gets a bit easier for him and I’m confident it’s because I’m no longer pressuring him for answers. All good things in due time.

  Security is tight and I really shouldn’t be worried. Maybe I just need to let them do their job so I can do mine. I should be concentrating on everything that I need to get done over the next few months. Easier said than done, but it’s time I realize that some things are just out of my control. My time is better spent on the PR side of things.

  “Hey, you okay?” Abby always seems to know exactly when I need to be reassured.

  “Just a lot on my mind, you know? Kind of worried about the next few months, if I can pull it off.”

  “Girl, you got this! You’ve done amazing things with these guys and I know for a fact that Lucas is always singing your praises. They’re so lucky to have you.”

  “Aw, you’re so sweet, Abby. I’m going to miss all of you when this is over.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? Tell me you’re not leaving when the tour is over? What about you and Jet?” Oh, crap. I think I just put my foot in my mouth.

  “Nothing’s written in stone, but I usually move on to another band when it’s over. Caleb hasn’t mentioned anything different so I just assumed. Maybe I should have inquired before mentioning anything to anyone. Jet and I never talked about being exclusive so I’m not sure about that.” Okay, Quinn shut your mouth right the hell now.

  “I for one hope to hell you stick with us for good. If that’s what you want, of course. I can’t imagine starting over with someone new. Now I’m really freaking bummed.”

  “We still have four months to go, so no worries. In fact, I’ll get it straightened out as soon as possible so we all know going forward. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell the others. I don’t want them to worry about me leaving when they have to concentrate on the rest of the tour.”

  “Mum’s the word. There’s no sense in worrying everyone over something that might never happen.” She gives me a big hug and walks away. Waiting for Lucas to get off the stage.

  One more encore and the guys bound down the steps. Smiling, sweaty, and pumped up on adrenaline. Which is a very alluring combination. I don’t need to wait very long before a sexy rockstar saunters over and sweeps me off my feet. I want to protest, but when Jet’s mouth finds mine, I surrender and wrap my legs around him. With his long strides, we’re in his dressing room and he’s kicking the door closed.

  “Missed you, baby,” he whispers against my lips. “I’ve been dying to taste you all night long.” If he keeps talking like this, I’ll never be able to walk away.

  My hands are fisted in his slick hair as he nips at my jaw, my neck, and everything in between. My ass hits the hard surface of the dressing room table while his hard cock presses against the fabric of my jeans. Causing an intense friction that sends shivers up my spine. Making me wet and needy, ready to be penetrated.

  “Jet, before we get carried away, I need to meet with—”

  “The only meeting you’re having is with me and my cock. Got it? The rest of them can wait.” He groans when there’s a knock on the door.

  “Go away. I’m busy trying to get laid in here.” I smack him really hard on his arm and he chuckles.

  “Bro, open the damn door or pull up your pants, we’re coming in.” Bloody hell, Lucas is going to get a beating.

  Jet and I both groan as the door opens, but it still doesn’t stop him from ravaging my mouth. “Put me down, we can continue this later.”

  Jet looks like he’s in pain and he might be with the bulge he’s sporting in his jeans. He slowly slides me down his body and places me directly in front of him. Hiding his erection. These guys aren’t stupid so it’s like a flashing neon sign.

  Willow walks over to pick up something off the floor. “Here, this fell when you picked up Quinn.”

  Jet reaches out to take the envelope, then freezes.

  “What’s wrong? Jet?”

  “This has the same damn handwriting as the one that was delivered to my house.” Before I have a chance to take it from him, he rips it open. I don’t need to see what’s inside because the pain is written all over his face. His mom. “I’m going to kill that motherfucker!”

  Luckily, I still have my headset around my neck. Turning it back on, I scream. “Send in the head of security. I want to know who the hell had access to Jet’s dressing room. Find out, now. Someone was in here while we were backstage. I want answers, like yesterday.”

  A team rushes in almost immediately and Brett is front and center. “What’s wrong? I swear my men were guarding the perimeter and the only ones allowed in here are you and the band.”

  “Bull-fucking-shit, Brett,” Jet fumes. “An envelope was sitting on top of my table, and I can guarantee you it wasn’t there when I left to go onstage.”

  “Impossible! Is it a threat? A letter? What’s inside?” When he reaches over, Jet refuses to give it to him.

  “You need to give it to him, Jet. He’ll dust it for fingerprints. We need to know who’s terrorizing you.”


  “Wrath can’t be ignored, so I patiently wait for the time he gets what he truly deserves.”

  Jet Turner



  What am I supposed to do? All eyes are on me. If I refuse to give it to him, I’ll look like a fool for flying off the handle in the first place. Dread hits the pit of my stomach as I reluctantly hand it over. Now it’s just a
matter of time before everyone learns my truth and there’s no going back. I can feel it in my bones.

  Quinn wraps her arms around me as Brett slips on some gloves. “Too little too late since it’s already opened and my prints are all over it.” He looks furious, but there’s nothing I can do about it. When his gaze meets mine, he hesitates. My mind’s racing as he gently pulls it free. He won’t hand it to me, so he holds it up for everyone to see. Fucker!

  It’s a picture of me and my mom and I’m holding my guitar.

  All of my bandmates are in this room, but you can hear a fucking pin drop. That’s how quiet it is, with the exception of my irregular heartbeat.

  “Jet, do you know the people in this picture?” I nod, because I can’t speak. It feels like I have a hand around my throat, squeezing the fucking life out of me.

  “It’s a picture of Jet and his mom.” Quinn is just guessing, but she hit the nail on the head. I’m sure she would have never known if I hadn’t told her about the first picture I received from the asshole.

  “That fucking asshole!” Lucas is pissed, and he’d be the only one who would know. Not that he’s ever seen any pictures, but he’s listened to my stories and he knows my truth. His hand lands on my shoulder and he squeezes it.

  Blood brothers for life.

  I swear if I keep staring at that picture, I’m going to lose my shit. Quinn senses my mood and change of atmosphere. Thank fuck.

  “Guys, I really hate to ask you all to leave, but could we have a minute or two? Please.” The only one who knows my mother died is Lucas, so my friends don’t truly understand the magnitude of this picture. Or the feeling and emotions that are assaulting me. My mom gave me that guitar when I was ten years old and she died a year later.


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