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Jet: An Enemies-to-Lovers Rockstar Romance (The Sinful Seven Series Book 2)

Page 18

by Connie Lafortune

  Our next song is one of our ballads, so it’s soft and melodic. That’s when the whole front row starts screaming, “Jet Turner is a poser!” as they hold their phones up and take a ton of pictures. By the time security reaches them, the song is over and so am I, but the show must go on.

  To say I’m relieved after the last encore would be an understatement. Until I’m the last one to walk backstage and I’m pushed from behind and fall to my knees, scraping my hands in the process. I’m dazed and confused as I turn around and see a few guys with raised fists.

  A few kicks and punches to the side of my head and everything goes black.


  He’s broken and I don’t know how to fix him. His pain’s not only evident by the bruises on his body, but etched in his soul as well. I can feel it in the way he’s curled in on himself, hiding and withdrawn. I hate seeing him like this, but I’m terrified to talk about what happened. If I do, he’ll shut down and I don’t know if I’ll get him back. I’m afraid there are too many shattered pieces and I’m not sure if he can be put back together.

  Lucas was desperate to talk to him and I refused. It’s the first time I ever separated the two friends but I felt it necessary tonight. As painful as this is for Jet, he needs to process everything that happened. It’s the only way he’s going to come to terms with it.

  Right now, he’s sitting on the floor with his head in his hands. Refusing to acknowledge that I’m even in the room. He was adamant about me staying with Willow tonight, but I flat-out refused. No fucking way I was leaving him alone. No can do.

  Kneeling down in front of him, I sit back on my heels. I want to touch him but I don’t think that’s what he needs right now. So, I’m going to reach down deep inside of me and hope I can reach him with my words.

  “All of us think you did an amazing job in the way you handled everything tonight, but it’s not good to keep it all inside. You need to let it all out. Tell me everything you’re feeling. Throw things, punch the walls, do whatever you need to do. Material things aren’t important but you are.”

  Jet starts rocking back and forth, trying to relieve the tension bottled up inside. My heart aches at the thought of him being alone when he was younger. I tried, I really did, but I want to comfort him. It’s embedded in my soul to reach out and hold him.

  He freezes instantly. No more rocking, just breathing in short shallow gasps.

  “Sometimes we need to confide in someone. To get it off our chest. You’d be surprised how better you’d feel if you did. I felt tons lighter when I told you about Zander. I’ve told you time and time again, no matter what you tell me, I’ll still love you. Yes, Jet, I’m irrevocably in love with you.” His hands fall limply by his sides and he peers up at me through his messy hair.

  Very quietly, almost inaudibly, he says, “No one’s told me they loved me except my mom.” Oh my god! This man is twenty-six years old, and he’s only ever heard those words from the woman who gave birth to him.

  “Some people can’t voice how they’re feeling, but we both know that Lucas, Abby, Willow and Trevor love you so very much. And I’m sure Mack does, too. Now you can include me in the mix because I told you before that you’re worth fighting for. You’re an extraordinary man, Jet Turner.”

  “I’m nothing and no one, Quinn. You deserve a man who can give you all of him. I’ll never be that man for you. I’m sorry—”

  My fingers press against his lips because I don’t want him to finish that sentence. Nothing he will say can convince me otherwise. He kisses them before speaking. “I need to tell you something before I lose my nerve. Please don’t hate me.” I crawl inside his lap and he stiffens, but I refuse to let him go. No matter what he has to say, “Quinn, I can’t when you’re this close.”

  “I’m holding you and loving you so all of my strength will transfer over to you. I’m not leaving, so get used to it.” He sighs but gives in when his arms wrap around me and whispers in my ear, “You’re too damn stubborn for your own good.”

  Maybe, but if I don’t hold him I’m afraid he’ll run.

  “Tonight, when the crowd started chanting Jethro, I wanted the stage to open up and swallow me whole. I’ve been Jet Turner for the better half of my life and I can’t relate to that name anymore. It’s not who I am and never want to be. Ever again. It was the happiest and darkest times of my life. Joseph is being portrayed as my long-lost stepdad when in all actuality he’s the devil in disguise. Adults are supposed to protect their children, not abuse them. Quinn, I can’t—”

  “Yes, you can. Together we can conquer the beast once and for all. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” If he can feel my tears drenching his shirt, he doesn’t acknowledge or complain. And if this conversation is heading in the direction I think it is, I’m not going to be well.

  A ragged sigh, and he continues. “My guitar, the one my mom gave me, was the most important possession I owned, and he used it to his advantage. That, and the fact that I needed my hands and my fingers to play. Not only did he threaten to smash my guitar into smithereens, he told me he’d break each and every one of my fingers if I told anyone. I, oh god—” Sobs wrack his tall frame as he relives the memories from his past. I’m desperate to take away his pain. He doesn’t need to finish, I already know where this story is headed and I feel nauseous that a small boy had to endure the fate he was so cruelly dealt.

  “You’re so damn brave, Jet. Then and now, and I love you even more for trusting me with your secrets. I love you so damn much, baby. Together we’ll get through this and I promise you that I’ll be standing beside you no matter what.”

  The evil fucker is a pedophile! He should rot in jail for what he’s done to Jet. The thought of him continuing with his sick and twisted ways is enough to make me lose my shit, but I won’t. I’m going to be strong for this vulnerable man who has had to relive all of this on a stage where he’s supposed to feel free and alive. Damn those idiotic fans for taking that all away from him.

  “I don’t deserve you, Quinn. I’m broken and I don’t think I’ll ever be whole again. You need to let me go and be with someone who deserves you.”

  “That’s never going to happen. You’re stuck with me so you better get used to it. All there is to it. Now’s your chance to get it all out. I’ve told you before I’m a good listener.”

  “I know and thank you, but I’m exhausted and my confession is over for the night. I’ve told you more than I intended.” He places a soft kiss to my crown and I continue holding him tight. “How about pouring us a few shots while I go take a quick shower?” It’s not lost on me that he didn’t give me an invitation and I get it after everything he’s been through. Tonight and in life.

  I don’t take my eyes off of him for a second as he strides into the bathroom and shuts the door. The click of the lock is like a knife to my heart, but when his screams turn into sobs, I slide down the bathroom door, clutching my chest, and join him in his anguish.



  After what happened at the concert last night, our lawyers called an impromptu meeting. I’m not surprised, I knew it was inevitable. I’m pressing charges against my assailants and although physically I’ll heal, my psyche took a beating. As much as I love my fucking music, I’m not sure I’d be able to endure that night after night. I have no idea how we can stop the hecklers and the haters, but they assured us they have a plan.

  As far as Quinn goes, she’s the real deal. If it weren’t for her calming demeanor and gentle touch, I don’t know what would have happened. I owe her everything. She listened and let me talk. When I couldn’t go on, she read between the lines. Which made all the difference in the world. Sometimes saying it out loud makes it too real. There’s so much more that I could tell her but I can’t. Not now.

  Maybe someday.

  Quinn’s making a few calls before we leave so I thought I’d jot down some lyrics to a song that’s been playing out in my head. Some would spend time writing in their journal, for me
I write lyrics. I’m sure if I made some sense out of them, I could turn it into a song. Who knows, maybe it will be something for our new album. I like the thought of all of us coming up with our own songs, collecting them into a new album. If I could give this album a name, I’d call it Rebirth.

  Quinn pokes her head in. “You ready to go?” I’d like to tell her no, but it’s something that needs to be done.

  “Yep, let’s get this show on the road. When we get back, I’m all yours.” She looks stressed and I feel like it’s all my fault.

  “Promise?” she asks as she slips her thumbs in my belt loops and pulls me close.

  “Absolutely. There’s no place else I’d rather be.” I mean every word.

  Lucas pulls me aside before we jump into the car. “You hanging in there, bro?”

  “Yeah, I’m ready to take the fucker down.”

  “Good, he deserves all the pain that you’ve had to deal with all these years. I tried to talk to you last night but the boss refused. Just wanted to remind you that I’m always here for you. We all are.”

  “I know and that’s what’s gotten me through some tough times. Quinn was amazing last night. I even told her about what Joseph did to me. I’m still a long way away from telling her everything.”

  “It’s the first step in the right direction. I’m proud of you, bro, really! I know how hard it is for you to get close to someone.” The conversation ends as we’re ushered into the car and speeding off to the lawyer’s office.

  I’ve no idea what awaits but I’m glad that everyone is here and on the same page. I lucked out when I was introduced to all of them. My lifeline.

  Quinn threads her fingers through mine when we step inside the elevator. Once again, giving me all her strength like she did last night. I care so much about her and I’m hoping that someday I’ll be able to tell her that I love her, too.

  Sarah is at the receptionist desk when we enter. “Good morning, everyone. Blake would like to speak to Jet privately. He’ll call all of you in once he‘s ready. Jet, right this way.”

  There’s a lot of sputtering going on behind my back and I get that they’re angry for having to wait. All but one, because Quinn hasn’t let go of my hand the whole time. I’ve no doubt she’ll insist on being with me. She’s def a keeper.

  “Jet, come on in. Ms. Taylor?”

  “As The Sinful Seven’s PR agent, I must insist on being in here with him. And, as his girlfriend, I’m also here for moral support.” She squeezes my hand and then glances over and winks. Such a sassy girl.

  “Since this is a personal matter for my client, I need his permission for you to be present. Jet, do you authorize Ms. Taylor to be present during these negotiations?”

  “I do, and if there’s something that’s too personal, I wouldn’t tell either of you.” Lawyer or no lawyer, I draw the line.

  “Fair enough, but you do realize in order for us to get to the bottom of all of this, you’re honesty is of the utmost importance.” I nod in understanding and then he pulls out a thick file.

  Holy shit, my life isn’t that long!

  “I took the liberty of searching for everything I could possibly find on Jethro Lawless. A missing persons report was filed on March 8, 2011 by Joseph Lawless. A BOLO, Be On The Lookout, was issued by law enforcement and then the FBI was called in since the first forty-eight hours is critical. Your room was secured and searched for any evidence as to your whereabouts. Joseph was questioned by both, asked to write a detailed description of you along with any pictures he could find. The point I’m trying to make here is Mr. Lawless did everything a concerned parent could possibly do to find their missing child. And all the evidence proves he continued this search up until the day he found you going into the photoshoot.”

  “Just because he did what was necessary doesn’t make him the good guy! Maybe, just maybe, he was afraid the kid would talk and reveal all of his dirty secrets. Maybe he wanted to find his kid to shut him up!” I didn’t realize I had gotten out of my chair and now I’m standing in front of his desk with my hands fisted against the slick wood.

  The lawyer sits back in his chair with his arms folded across his chest, studying me. I’m fucking angry and he knows it.

  “Perhaps, but the question is, how can we prove he was the bad guy?” Point taken. We can’t, since it would be his word against mine. “Also, how would a thirteen-year-old runaway go about getting a new identity?”

  “So what? Do we pay him off and hope he doesn’t keep coming back for more?” At this point, I’m defeated so I go back and sit down. Quinn’s there to hold my hand. This time, I don’t feel her strength, only weakness.


  Mr. Miller was grueling, but I get that he needed to be a bit of an asshole in order to smooth over what Jet destroyed when he punched his stepfather. And it wasn’t lost on me when Jet avoided the question about how he could obtain a new identity at such a young age. I have a theory and, if I’m correct, I’d say it has to do with a certain selfless man who helps feed the homeless. Mack is my first and only guess. They have a bond that can never be broken. I also know that Jet would never, ever tell his lawyer if it was under any circumstances. He’d go down with assault charges first if it ever came down to it.

  All of the other band members were called in individually after Jet gave his statement. Of course, each and every one took Jet’s side.

  I wanted to cancel the next few shows but Jet flat-out refused. I’m scared since Brett fired the guys who were supposed to be guarding the band. Yeah, they fucked up big time and Jet could have been seriously hurt if not killed. This tour has turned into a shit show thanks to Joseph Lawless and I’m sure that was his intention all along. Stir up the pot and fade into the sunset. Well, not going to happen since I will personally take him down if I have to.

  After the incident, Caleb stepped up to the plate and hired his own security team. Brett and his team now work for them and he’s not too happy. If I had my way, I would have fired them all! Being that the tour’s in full swing, it would have been difficult to get so many on board at the last minute. In this business, we learn to adapt, but at what cost?

  I shudder to think.

  Tonight is our last night in Boston and I know after what happened, everyone’s on edge. We were all reassured that there will not be a repeat of last night. Hecklers, angry crowds, there is now a zero-tolerance policy on that kind of shit. They will be thrown out, no questions asked. We can’t control what they say but we can end it before it escalates out of control. I’m confident that after what happened last night, it won’t ever happen again.

  My brave man has been hiding in his room all day. Not sulking or licking his wounds like he has every right to. He’s writing in his notebook, where Lucas told me he jots down lyrics for his songs. Abby and Willow tease him that it’s a diary, but Jet insists on it being his song pad. I’ve been tempted to sneak a peek ever since I found out what’s inside but I’d never betray his trust. Girl here, with five brothers who have read my diary on more than one occasion. Embarrassing.

  My heart skips a beat when he stalks out of the bedroom and is tuned into me. I fight the tears that threaten to fall when I’m reminded about what happened when I see his handsome face. The bruises are purple and turning yellow after just one day. Thankfully, he covered his face when he realized what was happening. If his eyes had been swollen shut it would have been the end of the tour. “Baby, what time are we leaving?” He captures my lips before I can answer. It can wait.

  “In an hour. We decided to stay there after sound check and just relax after we’ve eaten. Just make sure to bring everything you need.”

  “I only need to grab some clean clothes and I’m good. Should I bring some boxing gloves with me tonight?” He’s joking, I think, but it still breaks my heart.

  “No one is going to touch you tonight or any other night, or I will kick their fucking ass.” I wrap my arms around his waist and press my ear to his chest so I can hear his heartbeat. I
know he’s nervous but he’ll never verbalize it. Instead he’ll crack jokes.

  “I was kidding, baby. Don’t get all teary eyed on me or I’ll be forced to throw you on the bed and have my way with you.”

  I tilt my head and get lost in his baby blues. “Promise?”

  “Without a doubt, and I’ll prove it when we come home tonight. Tomorrow’s a travel day, remember?” He looks so damn sexy when he waggles his brows trying to seduce me. Hands down, it works every time.

  “I do, and that means we can sleep in a bit longer since our flight isn’t until two.” Oh, the look on his face is priceless.

  “Sleeping is so overrated. I’m sure something else will come up in the meantime.” Oh, he’s good, this guy. And yes, I’m crazy about him.

  His lips collide with mine. I swallow down his groans as he tries to destroy my mouth with his tongue. His five o’clock shadow scratches my tender cheeks as he grips my head firmly in place. I’m panting with a pulsating ache between my thighs when the door flies open and I hear, “Get a fucking room for fuck’s sake.” Lucas!

  “We have one, asshole, and the door’s closed for a reason. Knock next time!”

  “True that. Sorry, I was hoping we could leave soon so we can practice that new song for tonight.” New song? Jet didn’t mention anything about changing up the set.

  And, apparently, I’m not supposed to know since he’s looking at Lucas like he’s going to die. “When did you plan on filling me in on this little change? Or maybe you were going to surprise me, hmm?”

  “Okay, don’t be pissed. In light of what happened last night, the band and I thought it would be great to kick off the night with something different. To set the record straight, so to speak. I’m opening the show.” He’s fucking joking, right?

  “Bad idea because of what happened yesterday. Whatever you have up your sleeve could backfire in all of your faces, and if that happens, it could ruin the rest of the tour. Did you all think about that?” I’m angry and this time it has nothing to do with them not checking with me first.


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