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Jet: An Enemies-to-Lovers Rockstar Romance (The Sinful Seven Series Book 2)

Page 21

by Connie Lafortune

  Zander holds up his hands, palms out. “I agree and I didn’t come here to pick a fight with my ex’s new boy toy. I just wanted to talk to Quinn. Now that I know she’s not here, I’ll make my leave. We can chat later.”

  Now I’m flanked by Trevor and Lucas after that idiotic remark. “I’d be more than glad to pass on a message since you won’t get within one hundred feet from where she’s standing. Understood? Concert or not, I’ll take you the fuck out right here and now.” Lucas groans and I laugh because this is exactly how I knew our first encounter was going to go down.

  And wouldn’t you know the girls choose this exact moment to walk in. Quinn’s face pales when she notices we have an unexpected guest. My heart swells when she ignores the enemy in the room and strolls in my direction. Very protectively, she laces her fingers through mine and gently kisses my lips.

  “This is a private party, Zander, and you’re not a welcomed guest. Please leave.” She stands tall with her head held high, but I can feel a slight tremble in her touch. She loathes him and that makes two of us.

  “That’s a shame, really, since we have so much catching up to do. You never answered my texts.” His what??? I want to look down at my girl but it’s exactly what the asshole wants. Two can play at this game.

  “Clearly she didn’t want to talk, otherwise she would have answered them. Besides, she was too busy with her new boy toy so there’s that, too.” Yeah, I just peed on his leg and it was a dick move, but I’m already tired of this conversation. Quinn tugs on my hand, so we start walking away. She’s had enough and so have I. The rest of the guys follow.

  “It’s all good, baby. I just wanted to know if you liked the pictures I sent you. It was right before our wedding. Good times.” I stop dead in my tracks and let go of her hand. Wedding? What wedding? I have my answer when she slowly turns around and I notice she’s biting her bottom lip. They were married? She never told me! He sent her the pictures, so why were they on my cart? Why did she insist on me sharing my truth when she hid hers from me?

  I need to get the fuck out of here. I can feel the darkness pulling me under and I don’t want to be here when it happens.

  Someone’s screaming but I don’t wait around to find out who it is. I keep on walking. Then I’m running and I keep going until I have no more air in my lungs and I can’t fucking breathe.


  All I remember is screaming his name over and over again as I tried catching up to him. I fell to my knees and swore to the gods above that I screwed up by not telling him about being married to the asshole before today.

  Two strong arms pick me up off the ground. I wish it were Jet, but it’s Lucas. He’s shushing me as I wail against his chest, but he doesn’t tell me it’s going to be okay because we both know it won’t be. It never will. He trusted me with all of his truths and I gave him nothing in return.

  “Willow, I’m bringing Quinn to your room. I think it might be a good idea if she bunks with you tonight.” That makes me cry even harder because Jet and I haven’t been apart in so long.

  “Quinn can stay in my room, give her to me. She’s better off without him.” Is that Zander or am I losing my mind?

  “Over my fucking dead body, now get the fuck out of my way. If you were smart, you’d show up for the concert and then pack your shit and move the fuck on. After what just happened, I’d wager a guess that the only reason you signed up for this event is because you were hoping to split them up. It’s just a bump in the road. Once they have a chance to talk, they’ll be back together because they love each other. Trevor, get this fucktard out of my face, NOW!”

  What time is it? I’m not sure if I passed out or if I’m in shock. I try opening my eyes but I’m blinded with a migraine. Oh no, I need my meds. Where are they?

  I hear whispering and I can feel a cool cloth pressed against my forehead. I’m either floating on a cloud or cocooned in a soft, fluffy bed. I want to move but the pain is excruciating. I need my meds.




  “I have your pills. Can you sit up?” Jet, is that you? I’m so sorry for not telling you my truth. Something touches my tongue before a cold liquid slides down my throat. My pill! Thank you. I swallow several times and then I’m propped up against a warm body. Jet, is that you?

  “Why didn’t someone call me? Fuck, I can’t believe she’s been suffering all this time.” Oh, he’s angry and I want to tell him to shush but nothing comes out.

  Sleep, I need to sleep.

  I’m going to be late for the concert!

  I wake up in a start and quickly close my eyes. It’s too bright and that alone sends waves of nausea running through me. I’m so screwed. I won’t be able to stand backstage. With or without my headset.

  Rolling to my side, I cover my face with my hand and try peeking through my fingers. Ouch. Better, but still hurts. What am I going to do?

  “Here, drink some water and I’ll give you another pill.” Jet’s still here? I try propping myself up against the headboard and I’m glad when he assists me. I betrayed him and when I think it was just a month ago he had the courage to tell me he loved me, I want to cry. He trusted me with his heart and I let him down because of my insecurity.

  The bottle of water is placed in my hand and I take a much-needed drink. Then his fingers nudge against my lips and I open them. Chills race along my spine as he places the pill on my tongue and I wash it down with the rest of the water. He doesn’t speak, he just goes through the motions.

  I don’t bother testing my voice, I just open my mouth and wing it. “I’m sorry,” squeaks out. Barely audible. I want to cry when I open my eyes and the room is empty.

  He left.

  I’m alone.

  When I was a little girl, I would stare at my bedroom door and will it to open. I’d fantasize about all of my celebrity crushes and all of my favorite boy bands walking through that door, and now all I want is for just one man to walk through that damn door. But the longer I stare at the door, the more my heart breaks because he’s not coming back. I know it.

  Several hours later, I force myself out of bed and walk into the bathroom. My heart skips a beat when I take a minute to really focus and realize I’m in my own room. Well, the one I shared with Jet. I start opening all of the cabinets and drawers to see if his stuff is still here. It’s gone. Everything.

  I’m left with two choices. I can get my shit together and do my fucking job, or I can wallow in self-pity that I brought on myself. I opt for the first choice.

  Turning on the shower as hot as I can stand it, I climb in and let the water soothe my aching heart. When I’m finished, I’ll grab something to eat and get ready for the last concert. I’ve done it before and I can do it again.

  Saying goodbye to everyone is going to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. So much harder than my divorce from the asshole who ruined everything. No, I take that back, he lit the match and I couldn’t put out the fire. If I had been honest from the beginning, no matter how much he fanned the flames, nothing would have happened.

  I only have myself to blame. I should have practiced what I preached and then I wouldn’t be in this mess.

  Jet, please forgive me.



  Last night I went on stage and performed to the best of my ability, but my heart wasn’t in it. That’s because I left it at Quinn’s feet after she stomped all over it. And she had the audacity to be a no-show. George filled in for her because she couldn’t face me after what she’d done.


  She was fucking married to Zander Stone, which is so much more than just being in a relationship, but she failed to mention that in any of our conversations. Why? Is she ashamed or embarrassed that she took the plunge and it didn’t work out? I have no idea and no matter how hard I try, I just can’t wrap my head around it!

  Thank fuck Lucas was there to stop me from killing the cocky bastard when Rebel Riot came b
ackstage to say goodbye to thank us for hosting the event. They were all oblivious when Zander walked right by me without shaking hands. It’s all good because that fucker would have tasted my fist. I wouldn’t have given two fucks about rearranging his face. That asshole didn’t even question why Quinn wasn’t there. His ego is so inflated he might have thought she didn’t go because she was still pining over him. I wanted to yell, “Hey asshole, it’s not all about you anymore.”

  Rebel Riot left right after their set, and all I can say is good riddance. I’m only grateful for the money our concert cashed in on for the homeless and that’s it. Now he can rot in hell for doing what he did.

  Earlier in the day, I cleared out my room so I could bunk with Trevor. When I found out Lucas took it upon himself to move Quinn into Willow’s room, I flipped my shit. Whether she was right or wrong in what she did, I wanted her to be comfortable. And when I found out the reason she missed the concert was because she had a migraine, I was livid.

  A fucking migraine!

  I immediately brought Quinn back to our room and gave her the meds. I even stayed there with her so I could take care of her. As soon as she was coherent, I closed the door and walked away. Happily-ever-afters only come true in romance novels and fairy tales. Not for men like me.

  Now I need to concentrate on the last performance and then I’m going to take the red eye home. Alone. I should have known that a loner like me has no room in their life for someone else. Things just never work out. I’m just waiting on the guys to get here so I can let them know.

  Opening the balcony doors, I step outside to gather my thoughts. They’re a jumbled mess right about now, and if one more person tries telling me things will work out, I’ll scream. I don’t bother turning around when I hear a knock. I guess it’s time to get this party started and get ready for the fallout.

  One by one my bandmates file in, but when Quinn steps through the door, I’m pissed. Yeah, I get she’s PR and all but can we have a fucking conversation without her for a change? Is that asking too much?

  “Thanks for inviting me to the meeting, but I can’t stay,” she says. “I just wanted to thank all of you for such an amazing experience and congratulate The Sinful Seven on a successful tour. After everything we’ve been through, I consider all of you my close friends. If you ever need me, I’m a call away. I’m going to miss you.” Her voice breaks and I know she’s on the verge of crying, but I don’t give two fucks. “Sorry, I’m already packed and George is taking over for me again tonight. My flight’s in three hours and I need to leave for the airport soon.”

  Lucas is pacing like a caged animal and I know he’s waiting for me to ask her to stay, but I don’t. And I won’t. Too much has changed since we agreed to put her on our payroll, and maybe it’s selfish of me and I should put the band’s needs ahead of my own, but I can’t be around her every day.

  I just can’t.

  All three girls are bawling and hugging it out, and I’m not blind so I can see how upset everyone is. Still don’t care. When Lucas grabs Quinn’s shoulders and asks her to stay on as our PR agent, I fucking growl like a wild animal. This is the second time he’s betrayed me. When will it ever end?

  Quinn clings to him like he’s her lifeline and that pisses me off! Why? I’m not sure, but when she glances over in my direction, she says, “Thank you for the generous offer, but it’s best if I move on.” I want to shout “Hell yeah!” but I refrain.

  Quinn gives everyone, with the exception of me, a kiss and hug goodbye and walks out the door. I press my hand to the center of my chest because it fucking hurts. Why does it hurt because she’s walking away and not me?

  “Jet, don’t just stand there. Go after her!” Willow screams at the top of her lungs.

  Lucas strides over and gets right in my space. “Haven’t you figured out a fucking thing yet? Zander sent you those pictures, not her, because he wanted to plant the seed of doubt in your mind and it fucking worked!” He presses his finger into my chest. “Zander crashed our party so he could rub it in your face that they were married. Google it, dude. There is no evidence anywhere of their marriage. Either he was lying and you fell hook, line, and sinker, or it was the best kept secret.”

  “You love each other, Jet,” Abby breaks in. “Please don’t make the same mistakes that Lucas and I made. Go after her before it’s too late.”

  Are they right? Did I just take Zander’s word for it? I did, and I never gave her a chance to explain. What if I’m letting the best thing that’s ever happened to me walk out the door? I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. Can I grab my girl and make it back in time for the concert? When my answer is “Who the fuck cares”, I know down to my core that Quinn means more to me than my music. I run out the damn door as everyone cheers behind me.


  Leaving before the last concert was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I pride myself on finishing a job to the best of my ability. But after Lucas asked me to stay on and Jet clearly wasn’t happy, I thought it best to leave and let them embrace their last concert. I was just excess baggage and I didn’t need to stick around. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m heartbroken, but I’m resilient and I’ll get through it. I always do.

  I decided to leave for the airport. I’ll be early, but I just couldn’t stick around that empty hotel room. And after such an emotional goodbye, I had to leave. Jet made it very clear he doesn’t want anything to do with me. It’s all my fault and I only have myself to blame. I wasn’t open and honest about my marriage to Zander, but I signed an NDA that neither of us would discuss it. Ever. I suppose I could sue the asshole, but the damage is done and I don’t care about the money. Besides, if it means I need to see him again, no amount of money is worth it.

  I’m surprised when the limo comes to a complete stop. Are we already at the airport? When the door opens and I get ready to slide out, I’m met with piercing blue eyes. Jet.

  “What are you doing here?” It’s not the question I really wanted to ask him, it just popped out.

  “Come with me.” He holds out his hand and I’m hesitant to take it. I’ve no idea why but when I realize he doesn’t look angry, I accept.

  Tears threaten to fall when I realize we’re going on a helicopter ride. We talked about going on one of their tours before going back home and he remembered. When his hand lands on the curve of my spine, I lose it. Either he’s going to push me out of the damn helicopter or he’s going to tell me he forgives me. I’m praying it’s the latter. An hour ago, I never thought I’d recover from losing Jet, but by him bringing me here, I know it’s not over.

  It’s just begun.

  Neither one of us speaks, as the pilot settles us in with our headsets for the real tour experience! I’m in the front with him and Jet is sprawled out in the back because of his long legs. I’m both nervous and excited that we’re actually doing this. My tears keep on flowing but this time they are happy ones.

  We fly over Universal Studios, the Hollywood sign, the California coastline, just to name a few sights, and then we land on freaking Malibu Mountain! It’s way more than I could have ever dreamed of. I’m still pinching myself that I’m here with Jet.

  “There’s some amazing views out over the bluff, why don’t you and Quinn go see for yourself?” Tony, our pilot, is so informative and funny. The best tour guide, ever.

  “Thanks. Come on, baby, let’s go check it out.” My heart’s pounding out of my chest as we walk down the pathway that overlooks Malibu Beach. It’s a breathtaking view.

  “You’re going to be late for the concert.” Yep, open mouth insert foot. He chuckles and takes me in his arms. Pressing my back to his chest. Where I never thought I’d be ever again.

  “I really don’t care, Quinn. That’s how I knew I could never, ever let you walk out of my life—because I’d choose you over music. Once I realized that, I was booking this tour and on my way to meet you. I admit, it wasn’t too hard since I knew Barry was driving you to the airport, but I in
tercepted you instead.”

  “Jet, I’m so sorry—”

  “We both made a mistake. You didn’t tell me you were married and I didn’t let you explain. I was so busy being angry because I told you my darkest secrets and you didn’t tell me yours. Then Lucas mentioned something that made sense. Zander sent me the pics, crashed our private party, and insisted on taking you back to his room when you passed out because of your migraine. It was a setup from the beginning and we made it too easy for him by doing the benefit concerts. It was the perfect opportunity for him to sabotage our relationship.”

  “But why, though? He doesn’t love me so it shouldn’t matter whether I’m with him or you.” A soft kiss to my neck and I’m putty in his arms.

  “All of the pictures he sent me were taken during our tour. Not before your wedding like he suggested. I didn’t notice it the first time around, but when I got them back I looked at them more closely. The love shining in your eyes was for me, not for him, and that pushed him over the fucking edge.”

  “Why didn’t I notice someone taking pictures of me? That’s kind of scary.”

  “It is, and it had to be someone we never would have suspected. Someone who had access to all areas. Care to take a wild guess?”

  Turning around in his arms I ask, “Brett?”

  “Bingo! My guess is he worked security for Rebel Riot at some point. One call from Zander and he defected. Proving that money talks and bullshit walks. He’s been fired and charges have been filed. Enough about them, let’s talk about you.”

  Oh, I do love the sound of that.

  “Lucas mentioned that we want you on payroll, and we do. I do. I can’t imagine what my life would be like if we went our separate ways. Truthfully, I don’t ever want to find out. If you decide not to take it, I’m going to be working on my frequent flyer miles since I’ll be jetting out as often as I can.”

  Is this really happening? Just a few hours ago, I was devastated and heading to the airport, now I’m here with Jet. This is surreal and so unexpected. “If it’s okay with everyone in the band then my answer is yes. I’d be thrilled and honored to work exclusively for The Sinful Seven. On one condition—you promise I can sleep with the sexiest bassist on earth.”


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